path: root/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32fdc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+//** **//
+//** (C)Copyright 2010, American Megatrends, Inc. **//
+//** **//
+//** All Rights Reserved. **//
+//** **//
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **//
+//** **//
+//** Phone (770)-246-8600 **//
+//** **//
+// $Archive: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c $
+// $Author: Premkumara $
+// $Revision: 8 $
+// $Date: 8/28/14 8:42a $
+// Revision History
+// ----------------
+// $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/bootflowLib.c $
+// 8 8/28/14 8:42a Premkumara
+// [TAG] EIP142551
+// [Category] Bug Fix
+// [Severity] Minor
+// [Symptom] Mouse Movement is not initialized to Full Screen Resolution
+// in case of quiet boot mode with high resolution OEM Logo.
+// [Root Cause] Mouse Initialization was not across the full screen incase
+// of High Resolution Quiet Boot Logo.
+// [Solution] Initialised the Mouse with the Resolution Set in case of
+// Quiet Boot logo so that Mouse will move acroos the Whole screen
+// [Files] Mouse.c, BootFlowLib.c, PostMgmt.c, PostMgmtExt.c,
+// Notify.c, MinisetupExt.c
+// 7 10/18/12 5:53a Arunsb
+// Updated for 2.16.1235 QA submission
+// 9 10/10/12 12:35p Arunsb
+// Synched the source for v2.16.1232, backup with Aptio
+// 6 3/26/10 5:06p Madhans
+// EIP 36704 : Fix for Making sure to make the Variable to NULL after it
+// is Freed up.
+// 5 2/19/10 1:02p Madhans
+// Updated for TSE 2.01. Refer Changelog.log for File change history.
+// 6 2/19/10 8:12a Mallikarjunanv
+// updated year in copyright message
+// 5 1/29/10 4:37p Madhans
+// To not to depend on ConsoleControl and ConOut.
+// 4 10/12/09 4:11p Madhans
+// //EIP 28577 : Fix to avoid "Checker: SIGN_EXTENSION"
+// 3 7/08/09 3:35p Madhans
+// In Aptio use the Text mode as is it in post screen
+// 2 6/12/09 7:43p Presannar
+// Initial implementation of coding standards for AMITSE2.0
+// 1 6/04/09 8:05p Madhans
+// 1 4/28/09 11:16p Madhans
+// Tse 2.0 Code complete Checkin.
+// 1 4/28/09 10:27p Madhans
+// Tse 2.0 Code complete Checkin.
+// 2 1/07/08 10:34a Arunkumars
+// Stand alone application support for x64 and nt32
+// 1 7/09/07 1:29p Arunkumars
+// - Added elink hooks for Logo, Password management and Control Keys
+// customizations
+#include "minisetup.h"
+BOOLEAN IsMouseSupported(VOID);
+BOOLEAN IsSoftKbdSupported(VOID);
+static MSGBOX_DATA *_gBootFlowMsg = NULL;
+VOID _BootFlowCancelTimer( EFI_EVENT Event, VOID *Context )
+ if ( _gBootFlowMsg != NULL )
+ gMsgBox.Destroy( _gBootFlowMsg, TRUE );
+ _gBootFlowMsg = NULL;
+ TimerStopTimer( &Event );
+VOID _BootFlowShowMessageBox( BOOT_FLOW *bootFlowPtr )
+ if ( gConsoleControl != NULL )
+ gConsoleControl->SetMode( gConsoleControl, EfiConsoleControlScreenText );
+ if (gST->ConOut == NULL) // Headless system/NoVideo in BIOS
+ return;
+ gST->ConOut->Reset( gST->ConOut, FALSE );
+#if !APTIO_4_00
+ SetDesiredTextMode();
+ // In Aptio use the Text mode as is it in post screen
+ if(EFI_ERROR(gST->ConOut->QueryMode( gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &gMaxCols, &gMaxRows )))
+ {
+ gMaxRows = StyleGetStdMaxRows();
+ gMaxCols = StyleGetStdMaxCols();
+ }
+ if(IsMouseSupported()&& IsSoftKbdSupported())//Initializing the mouse at post when mouse and softkbd present
+ MouseInit();
+ MemSet( &msgBox, sizeof(msgBox), 0 );
+ msgBox.Text = bootFlowPtr->MessageBoxToken;
+ MemSet( &dummy, sizeof(dummy), 0 );
+ dummy.ControlHandle = INVALID_HANDLE;
+ dummy.ControlPtr = (VOID*)(UINTN)&msgBox;
+ dummy.ControlFlags.ControlVisible = TRUE;
+ gMsgBox.Create( &_gBootFlowMsg );
+ if ( _gBootFlowMsg == NULL )
+ return;
+ gMsgBox.Initialize( _gBootFlowMsg, &dummy );
+ gMsgBox.SetType( _gBootFlowMsg, MSGBOX_TYPE_NULL );
+ gMsgBox.Draw( _gBootFlowMsg );
+ if ( bootFlowPtr->MessageBoxTimeout != 0 )
+ {
+ EFI_EVENT Event;
+ //EIP 28577 : Fix to avoid "Checker: SIGN_EXTENSION"
+ TimerCreateTimer( &Event, _BootFlowCancelTimer, NULL,
+ TimerRelative, MultU64x32( (UINT64)TIMER_ONE_SECOND, (UINT32) bootFlowPtr->MessageBoxTimeout ), EFI_TPL_CALLBACK );
+ }
+VOID _BootFlowSetActivePage( BOOT_FLOW *bootFlowPtr )
+ PAGE_INFO *pageInfo;
+ UINT32 i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < gPages->PageCount; i++ )
+ {
+ pageInfo = (PAGE_INFO *)((UINTN)gSetupPkg + gPages->PageList[i]);
+ if (
+ ( bootFlowPtr->PageClass == gPageIdInfo[pageInfo->PageIdIndex].PageClass ) &&
+ ( bootFlowPtr->PageSubClass == gPageIdInfo[pageInfo->PageIdIndex].PageSubClass ) &&
+ ( bootFlowPtr->PageFormID == pageInfo->PageFormID )
+ )
+ {
+ gEnterSetup = TRUE;
+ gStartPage = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+VOID _BootFlowSetActiveControl( BOOT_FLOW *bootFlowPtr )
+ // select the control from the currently active page
+//** **
+//** (C)Copyright 1985-2010, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+//** **
+//** All Rights Reserved. **
+//** **
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **
+//** **
+//** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+//** **