path: root/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655994f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EDK/MiniSetup/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+//** **//
+//** (C)Copyright 2011, American Megatrends, Inc. **//
+//** **//
+//** All Rights Reserved. **//
+//** **//
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **//
+//** **//
+//** Phone (770)-246-8600 **//
+//** **//
+// $Archive: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c $
+// $Author: Arunsb $
+// $Revision: 3 $
+// $Date: 10/18/12 5:53a $
+// Revision History
+// ----------------
+// $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/AMITSE2_0/AMITSE/TseAdvanced/pnguncmp.c $
+// 3 10/18/12 5:53a Arunsb
+// Updated for 2.16.1235 QA submission
+// 2 10/10/12 12:35p Arunsb
+// Synched the source for v2.16.1232, backup with Aptio
+// 2 6/20/11 1:19p Rajashakerg
+// [TAG] EIP60910
+// [Description] Updated with respect to the review comments.
+// 1 6/13/11 12:21p Rajashakerg
+// EIP:60910 -PNG image support in TSE.
+// Name: pnguncmp.c
+// Description: This file contains code for pcx image handling
+#include "png.h"
+#define codeLengthLen 19
+typedef struct _PngHuffmanTree
+ unsigned dat;
+ struct _PngHuffmanTree *zero, *one;
+void MakeFixedHuffmanCode(unsigned *hLength, unsigned *hCode);
+void MakeDynamicHuffmanCode(unsigned hLength[288], unsigned hCode[288], unsigned nLng, unsigned lng[]);
+EFI_STATUS DecodeDynamicHuffmanCode
+ (unsigned int *hLit, unsigned int *hDist, unsigned int*hCLen,
+ unsigned int **hLengthLiteral, unsigned int **hCodeLiteral,
+ unsigned int **hLengthDist, unsigned int **hCodeDist,
+ unsigned int *hLengthBuf, unsigned int *hCodeBuf,
+ const unsigned char dat[], unsigned int *bytePtr, unsigned int *bitPtr);
+PngHuffmanTree *MakeHuffmanTree(unsigned n, unsigned *hLength, unsigned *hCode);
+void DeleteHuffmanTree(PngHuffmanTree *node);
+unsigned GetCopyLength(unsigned value, unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr);
+unsigned GetBackwardDistance(unsigned distCode, unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr);
+// Name: GetNextBit()
+// Description: To get the Next Bit
+// Input: const unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr
+// Output: unsigned int
+unsigned int GetNextBit(const unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr)
+ unsigned a;
+ unsigned b;
+ a = dat[*bytePtr] & *bitPtr;
+ *bitPtr <<= 1;
+ if(*bitPtr >= 256)
+ {
+ *bitPtr = 1;
+ (*bytePtr)++;
+ }
+ b = (a != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ return b;
+// Name: GetNextMultiBit()
+// Description: To get the Next multiple Bits.
+// Input: const unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr, unsigned n
+// Output: unsigned int
+unsigned int GetNextMultiBit(const unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr, unsigned n)
+ unsigned value,mask,i;
+ value = 0;
+ mask = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ if(GetNextBit(dat,bytePtr,bitPtr))
+ {
+ value |= mask;
+ }
+ mask <<= 1;
+ }
+ return value;
+// Name: MakeFixedHuffmanCode()
+// Description: To make the fixed huffman code
+// Input: unsigned hLength[288],unsigned hCode[288]
+// Output: none
+void MakeFixedHuffmanCode(unsigned *hLength, unsigned *hCode)
+ unsigned i;
+ for(i = 0; i <= 143; i++)
+ {
+ hLength[i] = 8;
+ hCode[i] = 0x30+i;
+ }
+ for(i = 144; i <= 255; i++)
+ {
+ hLength[i] = 9;
+ hCode[i] = 0x190 + (i-144);
+ }
+ for(i = 256; i <= 279; i++)
+ {
+ hLength[i] = 7;
+ hCode[i] = i - 256;
+ }
+ for(i=280; i<=287; i++)
+ {
+ hLength[i] = 8;
+ hCode[i] = 0xc0 + (i-280);
+ }
+// Name: MakeDynamicHuffmanCode()
+// Description: To make the Dynamic Huffman Code
+// Input: unsigned hLength[],unsigned hCode[],unsigned nLng,unsigned lng[]
+// Output: none
+void MakeDynamicHuffmanCode(unsigned hLength[], unsigned hCode[], unsigned nLng, unsigned lng[])
+ unsigned i, maxLng, code, *bl_count, *next_code, bits, n;
+ for(i = 0; i < nLng; i++)
+ {
+ hLength[i] = lng[i];
+ hCode[i] = 0;
+ }
+ maxLng = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < nLng; i++)
+ {
+ if(maxLng < lng[i])
+ {
+ maxLng = lng[i];
+ }
+ }
+ bl_count = (unsigned int *) EfiLibAllocateZeroPool((maxLng+1)*sizeof(unsigned));
+ if (!bl_count) {
+ return;
+ }
+ next_code = (unsigned int *) EfiLibAllocateZeroPool((maxLng+1)*sizeof(unsigned));
+ if (!next_code) {
+ MemFreePointer(&bl_count);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < maxLng+1; i++)
+ {
+ bl_count[i] = 0;
+ next_code[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nLng; i++)
+ {
+ bl_count[lng[i]]++;
+ }
+ code = 0;
+ bl_count[0] = 0;
+ for (bits = 1; bits <= maxLng; bits++)
+ {
+ code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
+ next_code[bits] = code;
+ }
+ for (n = 0; n < nLng; n++)
+ {
+ unsigned len;
+ len = lng[n];
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ hCode[n] = next_code[len]++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bl_count != NULL)
+ {
+ MemFreePointer(&bl_count);
+ }
+ if (next_code != NULL)
+ {
+ MemFreePointer(&next_code);
+ }
+// Name: DecodeDynamicHuffmanCode()
+// Description: Decodeing the Dynamic Huffman Code
+// Input: unsigned int &hLit,unsigned int &hDist,unsigned int &hCLen,
+// unsigned int *&hLengthLiteral,unsigned int *&hCodeLiteral,
+// unsigned int *&hLengthDist,unsigned int *&hCodeDist,
+// unsigned int hLengthBuf[322],unsigned int hCodeBuf[322],
+// const unsigned char dat[],unsigned int &bytePtr,unsigned int &bitPtr
+// Output: int
+EFI_STATUS DecodeDynamicHuffmanCode
+ (unsigned int *hLit, unsigned int *hDist, unsigned int *hCLen,
+ unsigned int **hLengthLiteral, unsigned int **hCodeLiteral,
+ unsigned int **hLengthDist, unsigned int **hCodeDist,
+ unsigned int *hLengthBuf, unsigned int *hCodeBuf,
+ const unsigned char dat[], unsigned int *bytePtr, unsigned int *bitPtr)
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int nExtr=0;
+ PngHuffmanTree *lengthTree, *lengthTreePtr;
+ unsigned value, copyLength;
+ unsigned codeLengthOrder[codeLengthLen] =
+ {
+ 16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15
+ };
+ unsigned codeLengthCode[codeLengthLen];
+ unsigned hLengthCode[codeLengthLen],hCodeCode[codeLengthLen];
+ *hLit = 0;
+ *hDist = 0;
+ *hCLen = 0;
+ *hLit = GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 5);
+ *hDist = GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 5);
+ *hCLen = GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < codeLengthLen; i++)
+ {
+ codeLengthCode[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < *hCLen+4; i++)
+ {
+ codeLengthCode[codeLengthOrder[i]] = GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 3);
+ }
+ MakeDynamicHuffmanCode(hLengthCode, hCodeCode, codeLengthLen, codeLengthCode);
+ *hLengthLiteral = hLengthBuf;
+ *hCodeLiteral = hCodeBuf;
+ *hLengthDist = hLengthBuf + *hLit + 257;
+ *hCodeDist = hCodeBuf+ *hLit + 257;
+ lengthTree = MakeHuffmanTree(codeLengthLen, hLengthCode, hCodeCode);
+ if (lengthTree == NULL) {
+ return EFI_ABORTED;
+ }
+ lengthTreePtr = lengthTree;
+ while (nExtr < *hLit + 257 + *hDist +1)
+ {
+ if (GetNextBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr))
+ {
+ if(lengthTreePtr->one){
+ lengthTreePtr = lengthTreePtr->one;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(lengthTreePtr->zero){
+ lengthTreePtr = lengthTreePtr->zero;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lengthTreePtr->zero == NULL && lengthTreePtr->one == NULL)
+ {
+ value = lengthTreePtr->dat;
+ if (value <= 15)
+ {
+ hLengthBuf[nExtr++] = value;
+ }
+ else if (value == 16)
+ {
+ copyLength = 3 + GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 2);
+ while (copyLength > 0)
+ {
+ hLengthBuf[nExtr] = hLengthBuf[nExtr-1];
+ nExtr++;
+ copyLength--;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == 17)
+ {
+ copyLength = 3 + GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 3);
+ while (copyLength > 0)
+ {
+ hLengthBuf[nExtr++] = 0;
+ copyLength--;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value == 18)
+ {
+ copyLength = 11 + GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, 7);
+ while (copyLength > 0)
+ {
+ hLengthBuf[nExtr++] = 0;
+ copyLength--;
+ }
+ }
+ lengthTreePtr = lengthTree;
+ }
+ }
+ MakeDynamicHuffmanCode(*hLengthLiteral, *hCodeLiteral, *hLit+257, *hLengthLiteral);
+ MakeDynamicHuffmanCode(*hLengthDist, *hCodeDist, *hDist+1, *hLengthDist);
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(lengthTree);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+// Name: MakeHuffmanTree()
+// Description: To create the huffman tree
+// Input: unsigned n,unsigned hLength[],unsigned hCode[]
+// Output: PngHuffmanTree
+PngHuffmanTree *MakeHuffmanTree(unsigned n, unsigned *hLength, unsigned *hCode)
+ unsigned i, j, mask;
+ PngHuffmanTree *root, *ptr;
+ root = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(sizeof(PngHuffmanTree));
+ if (root == NULL) {
+ return (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ if (hLength[i] > 0)
+ {
+ ptr = root;
+ mask = (1<<(hLength[i]-1));
+ for (j = 0; j < hLength[i]; j++)
+ {
+ if (hCode[i] & mask)
+ {
+ if (ptr->one == NULL)
+ {
+ ptr->one = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(sizeof(PngHuffmanTree));
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->one;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ptr->zero == NULL)
+ {
+ ptr->zero = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(sizeof(PngHuffmanTree));
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->zero;
+ }
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ ptr->dat = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return root;
+// Name: DeleteHuffmanTree()
+// Description: Deleting the created Trees
+// Input: PngHuffmanTree *node
+// Output: String size
+void DeleteHuffmanTree(PngHuffmanTree *node)
+ if (node != NULL)
+ {
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(node->zero); //Delete the Huffman tree
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(node->one);
+ MemFreePointer( &node);
+ }
+// Name: GetCopyLength()
+// Description: To Get the correct Copy Length
+// Input: unsigned value,unsigned char dat[],unsigned &bytePtr,unsigned &bitPtr
+// Output: unsigned int
+unsigned GetCopyLength(unsigned value, unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr)
+ unsigned copyLength;
+ unsigned base,offset,extBits;
+ if (value <= 264)
+ {
+ copyLength = 3 + (value - 257);
+ }
+ else if (value >= 285)
+ {
+ copyLength = 258;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extBits = 1 + (value-265) / 4;
+ base = (8 << ((value-265) / 4)) + 3;
+ offset = ((value-265) & 3) * (2 << ((value - 265) / 4));
+ copyLength = GetNextMultiBit(dat, bytePtr, bitPtr, extBits);
+ copyLength += base+offset;
+ }
+ return copyLength;
+// Name: GetBackwardDistance()
+// Description: To get the Backward Distance
+// Input: unsigned distCode,unsigned char dat[],unsigned &bytePtr,unsigned &bitPtr
+// Output: unsigned int
+unsigned GetBackwardDistance
+ (unsigned distCode, unsigned char dat[], unsigned *bytePtr, unsigned *bitPtr)
+ unsigned backDist;
+ unsigned base, offset, extBits;
+ if (distCode <= 3)
+ {
+ backDist = distCode + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base = (4 << ((distCode - 4) / 2)) + 1;
+ offset = (distCode&1) * (2 << ((distCode - 4) / 2));
+ extBits = (distCode - 2) / 2;
+ backDist = GetNextMultiBit(dat,bytePtr,bitPtr,extBits);
+ backDist += base + offset;
+ }
+ return backDist;
+// Name: Uncompress()
+// Description: Used to Uncompress the Image data and to convert the RGB format.
+// Input: unsigned length,unsigned char dat[]
+// Output: int
+EFI_STATUS Uncompress(unsigned length, unsigned char dat[])
+ unsigned windowUsed;
+ unsigned char *windowBuf;
+ unsigned nByteExtracted;
+ PngHuffmanTree *codeTree, *codeTreePtr;
+ PngHuffmanTree *distTree, *distTreePtr;
+ unsigned bytePtr, bitPtr;
+ unsigned char cmf, flg;
+ unsigned cm, cInfo, windowSize;
+ unsigned fDict;
+ unsigned *hLengthBuf = (unsigned *)NULL;
+ unsigned *hCodeBuf = (unsigned *)NULL;
+ unsigned *hLength = (unsigned *)NULL;
+ unsigned *hCode = (unsigned *)NULL;
+ unsigned value;
+ unsigned copyLength,distCode,backDist;
+ int i=0;
+ windowBuf = (unsigned char *)NULL;
+ codeTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ distTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ bytePtr = 0;
+ bitPtr = 1;
+ nByteExtracted = 0;
+ cmf = dat[bytePtr++];
+ flg = dat[bytePtr++];
+ cm = cmf&0x0f;
+ if (cm != 8)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ cInfo = (cmf&0xf0)>>4;
+ windowSize = 1 << (cInfo + 8);
+ windowBuf = (unsigned char *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(windowSize);
+ windowUsed = 0;
+ fDict = (flg&32) >> 5;
+ if (fDict != 0)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ while (1)
+ {
+ unsigned bFinal,bType;
+ bFinal = GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr);
+ bType = GetNextMultiBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr, 2);
+ if (bytePtr >= length)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ if (bType == 0) // No Compression
+ {
+ unsigned len;
+ if (bitPtr != 1) //Skip the current byte.
+ {
+ bitPtr = 1;
+ bytePtr++;
+ }
+ if (bytePtr >= length)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ len = dat[bytePtr] + dat[bytePtr + 1] * 256;
+ bytePtr += 4; //Skip bytes for length(2 bytes) and 1's complement of length(2 bytes).
+ for( i=0; i<(int)len; i++) //Feed the image data that is not compressed to output buffer.
+ {
+ Output(dat[bytePtr+i]);
+ }
+ bytePtr += len;
+ }
+ else if (bType == 1 || bType == 2)
+ {
+ codeTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ if (bType == 1)
+ {
+ hLength = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(288 * sizeof(unsigned)); //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ hCode = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(288 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ if (!hLength || !hCode) {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ MakeFixedHuffmanCode(hLength, hCode);
+ codeTree = MakeHuffmanTree(288, hLength, hCode);
+ distTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ if (hLength) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hLength);
+ }
+ if (hCode) {
+ MemFreePointer( &hCode);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned hLit, hDist, hCLen;
+ unsigned *hLengthLiteral, *hCodeLiteral;
+ unsigned *hLengthDist, *hCodeDist;
+ hLengthBuf = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned)); //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ hCodeBuf = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ /*Changes
+ hLengthLiteral = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ hCodeLiteral = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ hLengthDist = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ hCodeDist = (unsigned *)EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(322 * sizeof(unsigned));
+ */
+ if (!hLengthBuf || !hCodeBuf) {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ if (DecodeDynamicHuffmanCode
+ (&hLit, &hDist, &hCLen,
+ &hLengthLiteral, &hCodeLiteral, &hLengthDist, &hCodeDist, hLengthBuf, hCodeBuf,
+ dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr)) {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ codeTree = MakeHuffmanTree(hLit+257, hLengthLiteral, hCodeLiteral);
+ if (codeTree == NULL) {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ distTree = MakeHuffmanTree(hDist+1, hLengthDist, hCodeDist);
+ if (distTree == NULL) {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (hLengthLiteral) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hLengthLiteral);
+ }
+ if (hCodeLiteral) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hCodeLiteral);
+ }
+ if (hLengthDist) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hLengthDist);
+ }
+ if (hCodeDist) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hCodeDist);
+ }
+ */
+ if (hLengthBuf) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hLengthBuf);
+ }
+ if (hCodeBuf) {
+ MemFreePointer( &hCodeBuf);
+ }
+ }
+ codeTreePtr = codeTree;
+ if (codeTree != NULL)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr))
+ {
+ codeTreePtr = codeTreePtr->one;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ codeTreePtr = codeTreePtr->zero;
+ }
+ if (codeTreePtr == NULL)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ if (codeTreePtr->zero == NULL && codeTreePtr->one == NULL)
+ {
+ value = codeTreePtr->dat;
+ if (value < 256)
+ {
+ windowBuf[windowUsed++] = (unsigned char)value;
+ windowUsed &= (windowSize - 1);
+ if (Output((unsigned char)value))
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ nByteExtracted++;
+ }
+ else if (value == 256)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (value <= 285)
+ {
+ copyLength = GetCopyLength(value, dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr);
+ if (bType == 1)
+ {
+ distCode = 16 * GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr); // 5 bits fixed
+ distCode += 8 * GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr); // Reversed order
+ distCode += 4 * GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr);
+ distCode += 2 * GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr);
+ distCode += GetNextBit(dat, &bytePtr, &bitPtr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ distTreePtr = distTree;
+ while (distTreePtr->zero != NULL || distTreePtr->one != NULL)
+ {
+ if (GetNextBit(dat,&bytePtr,&bitPtr))
+ {
+ if (distTreePtr->one) //Fix for Fortify issue - Null Dereference
+ distTreePtr = distTreePtr->one;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (distTreePtr->zero) //Fix for Fortify issue - Null Dereference
+ distTreePtr = distTreePtr->zero;
+ }
+ }
+ distCode = distTreePtr->dat;
+ }
+ backDist = GetBackwardDistance(distCode,dat,&bytePtr,&bitPtr);
+ for(i=0; i < (int)copyLength; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned char dat;
+ dat = windowBuf[(windowUsed-backDist)&(windowSize-1)];
+ if (Output(dat))
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ nByteExtracted++;
+ windowBuf[windowUsed++] = dat;
+ windowUsed &= (windowSize-1);
+ }
+ }
+ codeTreePtr = codeTree;
+ }
+ if (length <= bytePtr)
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(codeTree);
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(distTree);
+ codeTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ distTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto ERREND;
+ }
+ if (bFinal != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ MemFreePointer( &windowBuf);
+ windowBuf = (unsigned char *)NULL;
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ if (windowBuf != NULL)
+ {
+ MemFreePointer( &windowBuf);
+ }
+ if (codeTree != NULL)
+ {
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(codeTree);
+ codeTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (distTree != NULL)
+ {
+ DeleteHuffmanTree(distTree);
+ distTree = (PngHuffmanTree *)NULL;
+ }
+ if (hLength) { //Prefast issue fix - Exceeds stack size issue
+ MemFreePointer( &hLength);
+ }
+ if (hCode) {
+ MemFreePointer( &hCode);
+ }
+ if (hLengthBuf) {
+ MemFreePointer( &hLengthBuf);
+ }
+ if (hCodeBuf) {
+ MemFreePointer( &hCodeBuf);
+ }
+ return EFI_ABORTED;
+//** **
+//** (C)Copyright 1985-2011, American Megatrends, Inc. **
+//** **
+//** All Rights Reserved. **
+//** **
+//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **
+//** **
+//** Phone: (770)-246-8600 **
+//** **
+ \ No newline at end of file