path: root/ReferenceCode/Haswell/Txt/TxtInit/Dxe/x64/TxtDxeBsp.asm
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1 files changed, 712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ReferenceCode/Haswell/Txt/TxtInit/Dxe/x64/TxtDxeBsp.asm b/ReferenceCode/Haswell/Txt/TxtInit/Dxe/x64/TxtDxeBsp.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00f9c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReferenceCode/Haswell/Txt/TxtInit/Dxe/x64/TxtDxeBsp.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+; This file contains an 'Intel Peripheral Driver' and uniquely
+; identified as "Intel Reference Module" and is
+; licensed for Intel CPUs and chipsets under the terms of your
+; license agreement with Intel or your vendor. This file may
+; be modified by the user, subject to additional terms of the
+; license agreement
+; Copyright (c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved
+; This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished
+; under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance
+; with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such
+; license, no part of this software or documentation may be
+; reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
+; form or by any means without the express written consent of
+; Intel Corporation.
+; Module Name:
+; TxtDxeBsp.asm
+; Abstract:
+; This file contains code to launch BIOS ACM functions in DXE phase
+ .xlist
+ include
+ include
+ .list
+; Procedure: LaunchBiosAcm
+; Input: AcmBase - Base address of LT BIOS ACM
+; Function - function number to execute
+; Output: None
+; Registers: None are preserved
+; Description: Setup GETSEC environment (protected mode, mtrrs, etc) and
+; invoke GETSEC:ENTERACCS with requested BIOS ACM entry point.
+LaunchBiosAcm PROC FRAME
+ MAKE_LOCAL SavedMiscEnablesRax:QWORD
+ MAKE_LOCAL SavedMiscEnablesRdx:QWORD
+ ;
+ ; Save input parameters
+ ;
+ mov AcmBase, rcx
+ mov Funct, rdx
+ sgdt BIOS_GDT ; save gdtr
+ ;
+ ; Save the general purpose register state
+ ;
+ pushf
+ cli
+ PUSHA_64
+ ;
+ ; Tell where we are
+ ;
+ in ax, 80h
+ mov ah, BYTE PTR Funct
+ out 80h, ax
+ ;
+ ; Save segment registers.
+ ;
+ mov ax, ds
+ mov SavedDS, rax
+ mov ax, es
+ mov SavedES, rax
+ mov ax, gs
+ mov SavedGS, rax
+ mov ax, fs
+ mov SavedFS, rax
+ ; Save cr4
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr4
+ mov SavedCR4, rax
+ ;
+ ;
+ mov rcx, IA32_MISC_ENABLE_MSR
+ rdmsr
+ mov SavedMiscEnablesRax, rax
+ mov SavedMiscEnablesRdx, rdx
+; Section: Save variable MTRRs
+; Description: All variable MTRRs are saved in local variables.
+; They will be restored after runnong of BIOS ACM
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_CAP
+ rdmsr
+ and rax, 0FFh
+ shl rax, 1
+ mov MTRR_COUNT, rax
+ mov rcx, rax
+ lea rbx, MtrrTab
+ add rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ rdmsr
+ mov [rbx+0], rax
+ mov [rbx+8], rdx
+ sub rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ add rbx, 10h
+ loop SaveNextMtrr
+ ;
+ ;
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE
+ rdmsr
+ mov MtrrTypeRax, rax
+ mov MtrrTypeRdx, rdx
+; Section: Program MTRRs
+; Description: Variable MTRRs are programmed to cache ACM as WB
+ ;
+ ; Enable SMXE, SSE and debug extensions
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr4
+ or rax, CR4_OSFXSR + CR4_DE + CR4_SMXE
+ mov cr4, rax
+ ;
+ ; Disable cache
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr0 ; set CR0:CD and CR0:NE, clear CR0:NW
+ or rax, CR0_CD_MASK OR CR0_NE_MASK
+ and rax, NOT CR0_NW_MASK
+ mov cr0, rax
+ wbinvd
+ ;
+ ; Disable MTRRs, set Default Type to UC
+ ;
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE
+ xor rax, rax
+ xor rdx, rdx
+ wrmsr
+ ;
+ ; Clear all of the Variable MTRRs
+ ;
+ mov rcx, MTRR_COUNT
+ add rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ wrmsr
+ sub rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ loop ClearNextMttr
+ ;
+ ; Determine size of AC module
+ ;
+ mov rsi, AcmBase
+ xor rax, rax
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR [rsi+ACM_HEADER.AcmSize]
+ shl rax, 2 ; bytes (ACM header has size in dwords)
+ ;
+ ; Round up to page size
+ ;
+ add rax, 0FFFh ;
+ and rax, 0FFFFF000h ; Aligned to a page (4KB)
+ ;
+ ; Program MTRRs to cover BIOS ACM
+ ;
+ sub rcx, rcx
+ mov NEXT_MTRR_INDEX, rcx ; Start from MTRR0
+ ;
+ ; Save remaining size to cache
+ ;
+ mov ACM_SIZE_TO_CACHE, rax ; Size of ACM that must be cached
+ mov ACM_BASE_TO_CACHE, rsi ; Base ACM address
+ ;
+ ; Get remaining size to cache
+ ;
+ mov rax, ACM_SIZE_TO_CACHE
+ and rax, rax
+ jz done ; If no left size - we are done
+ ;
+ ; Determine next size to cache.
+ ; We start from bottom up. Use the following algorythm:
+ ; 1. Get our own alignment. Max size we can cache equals to our alignment
+ ; 2. Determine what is bigger - alignment or remaining size to cache.
+ ; If aligment is bigger - cache it.
+ ; Adjust remaing size to cache and base address
+ ; Loop to 1.
+ ; If remaining size to cache is bigger
+ ; Determine the biggest 2^N part of it and cache it.
+ ; Adjust remaing size to cache and base address
+ ; Loop to 1.
+ ; 3. End when there is no left size to cache or no left MTRRs
+ ;
+ mov rsi, ACM_BASE_TO_CACHE
+ bsf rcx, rsi ; Get index of lowest bit set in base address
+ ;
+ ; Convert index into size to be cached by next MTRR
+ ;
+ mov rdx, 1h
+ shl rdx, cl ; Alignment is in rdx
+ cmp rdx, rax ; What is bigger, alignment or remaining size?
+ jbe gotSize ; JIf aligment is less
+ ;
+ ; Remaining size is bigger. Get the biggest part of it, 2^N in size
+ ;
+ bsr rcx, rax ; Get index of highest set bit
+ ;
+ ; Convert index into size to be cached by next MTRR
+ ;
+ mov rdx, 1
+ shl rdx, cl ; Size to cache
+ mov rax, rdx
+ mov NEXT_MTRR_SIZE, rax ; Save
+ ;
+ ; Compute MTRR mask value: Mask = NOT (Size - 1)
+ ;
+ dec rax ; eax - size to cache less one byte
+ not rax ; eax contains low 32 bits of mask
+ or rax, MTRR_VALID ; Set valid bit
+ ;
+ ; Program mask register
+ ;
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK0 ; setup variable mtrr
+ mov rbx, NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
+ add rcx, rbx
+ mov rdx, 0Fh
+ wrmsr
+ ;
+ ; Program base register
+ ;
+ sub rdx, rdx
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 ; setup variable mtrr
+ add rcx, rbx ; ebx is still NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
+ mov rax, ACM_BASE_TO_CACHE
+ or rax, WB ; set type to write back
+ wrmsr
+ ;
+ ; Advance and loop
+ ; Reduce remaining size to cache
+ ;
+ mov rbx, ACM_SIZE_TO_CACHE
+ mov rax, NEXT_MTRR_SIZE
+ sub rbx, rax
+ mov ACM_SIZE_TO_CACHE, rbx
+ ;
+ ; Increment MTRR index
+ ;
+ mov rbx, NEXT_MTRR_INDEX
+ add rbx, 2
+ mov NEXT_MTRR_INDEX, rbx
+ ;
+ ; Increment base address to cache
+ ;
+ mov rbx, ACM_BASE_TO_CACHE
+ mov rax, NEXT_MTRR_SIZE
+ add rbx, rax
+ mov ACM_BASE_TO_CACHE, rbx
+ jmp nextMtrr
+ ;
+ ; Enable Variable MTRRs
+ ;
+ xor rdx, rdx
+ mov rax, MTRR_ENABLE
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE
+ wrmsr
+ ;
+ ; Enable cache
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr0
+ and rax, NOT CR0_CD_MASK
+ mov cr0, rax
+ ;
+ ; Clean all MCi_STATUS MSR registers
+ ; SCLEAN will generate GPF otherwise
+ ;
+ mov rcx, MCG_CAP
+ rdmsr
+ movzx rbx, al ; ebx = MCR bank count
+ xor rax, rax ; Write 0 into all MCi_STATUS registers
+ xor rdx, rdx
+ mov rcx, MC0_STATUS
+ wrmsr
+ dec rbx
+ jz @F
+ add rcx, 4 ; ecx = number of MSRs per bank
+ jmp McaErrorCleanLoopStart
+; Section: Find Compatible Segment Descriptor in GDT
+; Description: GDT is scanned until code descriptor with L bit = 0 is found
+ lea rax, BIOS_GDT
+ add rax, 2 ; Point to base
+ mov rax, [rax] ; Get base of GDT
+ mov rbx, rax ; Save GDT base
+ movzx rcx, cx
+ inc rcx ; rcx - total size of GDT in bytes
+ add rcx, rax ; rcx - end of GDT
+ cmp QWORD PTR [rax], 0 ; Reserved?
+ je ApplicationDescriptor
+ jz nextDescriptor ; JIf system descriptor
+ ;
+ ; Application descriptor found
+ ;
+ test BYTE PTR [rax].SEG_DESCRIPTOR.AR0_7, 8 ; Bit 3 of sType - code segment if set
+ jz nextDescriptor ; JIf data descriptor
+ ;
+ ; Code descriptor is found
+ ;
+ test byte ptr [rax].SEG_DESCRIPTOR.LAR16_23, MASK L
+ jnz nextDescriptor
+ ;
+ ; Compatibility mode code descriptor is found
+ ;
+ sub rax, rbx ; rax is compatibility segment selector
+ jmp CompatibilityModeJump
+ cmp rax, rcx
+ jb @F
+ jmp $ ; Nothing found - impossible situation
+ jz @F
+ ;
+ ; Application descriptor - 8 bytes
+ ;
+ add rax, 8
+ jmp loopStart
+ add rax, 16
+ jmp loopStart
+; Section: Jump to compatibility mode
+; Description: Found selector and known label offset
+; are used to transfer control to compatibility mode.
+; NOTE!
+; Code programmed from this point on till the return to long mode
+; looks differently than code actually executed by CPU
+; This is because assembler is in x64 mode whereas CPU is not.
+; Whereever differences are present between written and executed code,
+; actual instructions are shown in comments.
+; Example1: Programmed: mov rax, cr4
+; Executed: mov eax, cr4
+; Assembler fails to assemble "mov eax, cr4" since CR4 is
+; 64 bits wide in x64 mode. Generated opcodes are nevertheless
+; correct.
+; Example2: Programmed: mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbx+0]
+; Executed: mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx+0]
+; Default addressing in x64 mode is 64 bit. If ebx were coded
+; in this example, assembler would generate unneeded REX prefix.
+; By programming rbx this prefix is not generated and
+; opcode corresponds to ebx addressing in compatibility mode
+ ;
+ ; Save Long mode and Compatibility mode selectors and offsets before transition
+ ;
+ mov CompModeSel, rax ; Save Compatibility Mode selector
+ mov rcx, OFFSET ProtectedMode2
+ mov CompModeOff, rcx
+ mov cx, cs
+ movzx rcx, cx
+ mov LongModeSel, rcx
+ mov rcx, OFFSET LongMode2
+ mov LongModeOff, rcx
+ shl rax, 32
+ mov rcx, OFFSET CompatibilityMode
+ or rax, rcx
+ push rax
+ retf
+; Section: Jump to protected mode
+; Description: Compatibility mode is disabled since BIOS ACM must run
+; in protected 32 bit mode.
+ ;
+ ; Disable paging
+ ;
+ mov rcx, cr0
+ and ecx, DWORD PTR (NOT BIT31)
+ mov cr0, rcx
+ ;
+ ; Clear EFER.LME
+ ;
+ mov ecx, IA32_EFER_MSR
+ rdmsr
+ and eax, NOT LME
+ wrmsr
+ jmp ProtectedMode
+; Section: Launch BIOS ACM
+; Description: Prepare and execute GETSEC[ENTERACCS]
+ ;
+ ; Save return values in MMX registers
+ ;
+ mov ax, ss
+ movzx eax,ax
+% _movd SAVED_SS, eax
+% _movd SAVED_EBP, ebp
+% _movd SAVED_ESP, esp
+ lea eax, BIOS_GDT
+% _movd SAVED_GDT, eax
+ mov rax, cr3 ; mov eax, cr3 - in 32 bit mode
+ mov DWORD PTR SavedCR3, eax
+ ;
+ ;
+ mov esi, DWORD PTR Funct ; esi = ACM function
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR AcmBase
+ mov ebx, eax ; ebx = AcmBase
+ mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbx+ACM_HEADER.AcmSize] ; mov DWORD PTR [ebx+ACM_HEADER.AcmSize] - in 32 bit mode
+ ; ecx = size of ACM in dwords
+ shl ecx, 2 ; ecx = size of ACM in bytes
+ xor edx, edx
+ xor edi, edi
+ mov eax, ENTERACCS ; eax = ENTERACCS
+;for debugging only
+; mov ax, 055AAh
+; out 80h, ax
+;; jmp $
+; Section: Restore protected mode environment
+; Description: Since BIOS ACM changes GDT,
+; BIOS GDT, stack and and CS selector are restored.
+ ;
+ ; Reload the GDTR. Upon return CPU is loaded with selector from ACM GDT
+ ; The following instruction works simply because whatever CS selector is
+ ; currently, it is flat selector.
+ ;
+% _movd eax, SAVED_GDT
+ lgdt FWORD ptr [rax] ; lgdt FWORD ptr [eax] - in 32 bit mode
+ ;
+ ; Restore the stack
+ ;
+% _movd eax, SAVED_EBP
+ mov ebp, eax ; restore ebp
+% _movd eax, SAVED_ESP
+ mov esp, eax ; restore esp
+% _movd eax, SAVED_SS
+ mov ss, ax ; restore ss
+ ;
+ ; Reload cs register
+ ;
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR CompModeSel
+ push rax ; push eax - in 32 bit mode
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR CompModeOff
+ push rax ; push eax - in 32 bit mode
+ retf ; will jump to Protected label below
+; Section: Restore MTRRs
+; Description: BIOS MTRR values are restored.
+ ;
+ ; Disable paging
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr0
+ and eax, DWORD PTR (NOT CR0_PG_MASK)
+ mov cr0, rax
+ mov rcx, MTRR_COUNT
+ lea ebx, MtrrTab
+ add ecx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbx+0] ; mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx+0] - in 32 bit mode
+ mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbx+8] ; mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx+8] - in 32 bit mode
+ wrmsr
+ sub ecx, IA32_MTRR_PHYSBASE0 - 1
+ add ebx, 10h
+ loop RestoreNextMtrr
+ mov rcx, IA32_MTRR_DEF_TYPE
+ mov rdx, MtrrTypeRdx
+ mov rax, MtrrTypeRax
+ wrmsr
+; Section: Switch to compatibility mode
+; Description: Compatibility mode i srestored by enabling of paging -
+; this is done by restoring CR4 contenxt, and setting of LME bit.
+ ;
+ ; Enable PAE in CR4
+ ;
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR SavedCR4
+ or eax, CR4_PAE
+ mov cr4, rax
+ ;
+ ; Reload CR3
+ ;
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR SavedCR3
+ mov cr3, rax
+ ;
+ ; Set EFER.LME to re-enable ia32-e
+ ;
+ mov ecx, IA32_EFER_MSR
+ rdmsr
+ or eax, LME
+ wrmsr
+ ;
+ ; Enable paging
+ ;
+ mov rax, cr0
+ or eax, CR0_PG_MASK
+ mov cr0, rax
+ jmp CompatibilityMode2
+ wbinvd ; Flush and invalidate the cache
+ ;
+ ; Now we're in Compatibility mode - restore segment registers.
+ ;
+ mov rax, SavedDS
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov rax, SavedES
+ mov es, ax
+ mov rax, SavedGS
+ mov gs, ax
+ mov rax, SavedFS
+ mov fs, ax
+ ;
+ ; Reastore IA32_MISC_ENABLES MSR
+ ;
+ mov rcx, IA32_MISC_ENABLE_MSR
+ mov rdx, SavedMiscEnablesRdx
+ mov rax, SavedMiscEnablesRax
+ wrmsr
+; Section: Switch to long mode
+; Description: Previously saved selector and offset are used to return
+; CPU to long mode.
+ ;
+ ; Reload cs register
+ ;
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR LongModeSel
+ push rax ; push eax - in 32 bit mode
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR LongModeOff
+ push rax ; push eax - in 32 bit mode
+ retf
+; Section: Resore registers, stack and exit.
+; Description: Previously saved registers are restored. Stack is restored
+; by execution leave instruction and control is returned to
+; caller.
+; NOTE!
+; This section ends differences between programmed and
+; executed code.
+ ;
+ ; Now we're in Long Mode
+ ; Restore control registers
+ ;
+ mov rax, SavedCR4
+ mov cr4, rax
+ POPA_64
+ popf
+ leave
+ ret 0
+LaunchBiosAcm ENDP