TOKEN Name = "PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION" Value = "0" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION" Value = "01" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "AMI_ROM" Value = "$(PROJECT_TAG)$(PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION)$(PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION).rom" Help = "File name of the BIOS rom image" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "valid file name" End TOKEN Name = "PROJECT_TAG" Value = "0AMI_" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "Board_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Main switch to enable Board support in Project" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes Master = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FLASH_SIZE" Value = "0x100000" Help = "Size of the Flash Device in bytes" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FV_MAIN_BASE" Value = "0xFFF20000" Help = "Base Address of the FV_MAIN" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 4G - FLASH_SIZE To: 4G" End TOKEN Name = "FV_MAIN_BLOCKS" Value = "12" Help = "Number of Blocks occupied by the FV_MAIN" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 1 To :FLASH_SIZE/FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE-1" End TOKEN Name = "NVRAM_SIZE" Value = "$(FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE) * $(NVRAM_BLOCKS)" Help = "Size of NVRAM area" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 1 To: FLASH_SIZE - FV_MAIN_BLOCKS*FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE" End TOKEN Name = "NVRAM_ADDRESS" Value = "0xFFF00000" Help = "Starting address of the NVRAM flash area" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 4G - FLASH_SIZE To: 4G" End TOKEN Name = "NVRAM_BACKUP_ADDRESS" Value = "0xFFF10000" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Token = "FAULT_TOLERANT_NVRAM_UPDATE" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "NVRAM_BLOCKS" Value = "1" Help = "Number of Blocks occupied by the NVRAM" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 1 To :FLASH_SIZE/FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE-1" End TOKEN Name = "FV_BB_BASE" Value = "0xFFFE0000" Help = "Base Address of the FV_BB" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 4G - FLASH_SIZE To: 4G" End TOKEN Name = "FV_BB_BLOCKS" Value = "2" Help = "Number of Blocks occupied by the FV_BB" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Range = "From: 1 To :FLASH_SIZE/FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE-1" End TOKEN Name = "S4_WAKE_FROM_RTC_SUPPORTED" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "REMOTE_POWER_ON_SUPPORTED" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "PROJECT_BUILD_NUMBER_IN_TITLE_SUPPORTED" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES" Value = "$(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)" Help = "Space separated list of names of the language that the firmware can support.\Each name is in $() format.\ is either one of the names defined in Core/Languages.mak or SDL token name\NOTE: the language names must be separated by a single space." TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes End TOKEN Name = "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE" Value = "$(ENGLISH)" Help = "Name of the default system language in $() format.\ is one of the names defined in Core/Languages.mak.\" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes End TOKEN Name = "DEFAULT_BOOT_TIMEOUT" Value = "1" Help = "Number of seconds that the firmware will wait before initiating the original default boot selection. \A value of 0 indicates that the default boot selection is to be initiated immediately on boot. \A value of 65535(0xFFFF) indicates that firmware will wait for user input before booting. \This means the default boot selection is not automatically started by the firmware." TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Range = "0-65535" End TOKEN Name = "DEFAULT_QUIET_BOOT" Value = "0" Help = "Default value of the Quiet Boot option" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "Recovery_Time_Delay" Value = "15" Help = "Loop count to calculate the delay for Atapi Recovery" TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "ON_BOARD_LAN" Value = "1" Help = "Main Token to enable ANY (Tekoa, Ekron, ICH7 Internal...)ON BOARD LAN ChipSupport in Project." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "ROM_IMAGE_SIZE" Value = "$(FLASH_SIZE)" Help = "Size of the final ROM image file.\By default defined as $(FLASH_SIZE)." TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FLASH_BASE" Value = "0xffffffff - $(FLASH_SIZE) + 1" Help = "Flash part base address" TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes End TOKEN Name = "SUPPORT_ZERO_BOOT_TIMEOUT" Value = "0" Help = "Enables or disables possibility to set boot timeout to 0" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End PATH Name = "BOARD_DIR" End MODULE Help = "Includes Board.mak to Project" File = "Board.mak" End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\Oem.sdb" Parent = "SETUP_SDBS" Priority = 10 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BOARD_DIR)\" Parent = "SETUP_DEFINITIONS" Priority = 10 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "ReportFV2Pei," Parent = "PeiCoreInitialize" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "InitBoardStrings," Parent = "SetupStringInit" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\OemDxe.ffs" Parent = "FV_MAIN" Help = "OEM DXE component" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\OemPei.ffs" Parent = "FV_BB" Help = "OEM PEI component" Disable = Yes InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "IsRecovery" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "NoConfigChanges" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "IsMfgMode" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "IsResetConfigMode" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "IsDefaultConfigMode" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "IsCtrlHomePressed," Parent = "IsRecovery" Help = "Ctr+Home detection" Token = "KBC_SUPPORT" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "ReportFV2PeiAfterMem," Parent = "PeiCoreMemoryInstalled" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "ProcessFvBeforePublishing" Help = "Called before publishing FV" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "ProcessNestedFvBeforePublishing" Help = "Called before publishing Nested FV" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "ProcessDxeFvInDxeIpl" Help = "Called for the DXE accessible FV's from the ReportFvDxeIpl" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\RomLayout.ffs" Parent = "FV_BB" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End