TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Main switch to enable module support in Project" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Master = Yes End TOKEN Name = "BOOT_OPTION_GET_BBS_ENTRY_DEVICE_TYPE_FUNCTION" Value = "FBO_GetBbsEntryDeviceType" Help = "Name of the function of type GET_BBS_ENTRY_DEVICE_TYPE.\The function is used to convert device type stored in the BBS table to a legacy device type that will be stored in the NVRAM.\The default implementation(GetBbsEntryDeviceTypeDefault) provides support for BBS_USB_DEVICE_TYPE_SUPPORT and BBS_NETWORK_DEVICE_TYPE_SUPPORT SDL tokens." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes Token = "CSM_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "INITIAL_LEGCAY_HII_ITEM_FUNCTION" Value = "InitialLegacyHiiItemDefault" Help = "Name of the function of FBO_INITIAL_HII_ITEM.\The function is initial legacy boot option hii database item." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "INITIAL_UEFI_HII_ITEM_FUNCTION" Value = "InitialUefiHiiItemDefault" Help = "Name of the function of FBO_INITIAL_HII_ITEM.\The function is initial uefi boot option hii database item." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "INITIAL_LEGCAY_GROUP_FUNCTION" Value = "InitLegacyGroupDefault" Help = "Name of the function of FBO_INITIAL_GROUP.\The function is initial legacy boot option device name." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "INITIAL_UEFI_GROUP_FUNCTION" Value = "InitUefiGroupDefault" Help = "Name of the function of FBO_INITIAL_GROUP.\The function is initial uefi boot option device name." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USBKEY_RANGE_SIZE" Value = "32000" Help = "USB key memory size define.\Exsample:\32000 is 32G.\64000 is 64G." TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "SETUP_RUNTIME_IFR_PROCESSING" Value = "1" Help = "Processes IFR data that are added to hii at runtime. This will cause an increased FW footprint and remove AMIBCP compatibility for those new pages." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_SWAP_POLICY" Value = "0" Help = "0 = Swap option which is duplicated after boot priority is changed in TSE\1 = Swap nearby option (moving up and down)" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME_IN_SETUP" Value = "1" Help = "ON - Display device name in boot priority.\OFF - Just display type." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_INCLUDE_DISABLED_OPTION" Value = "1" Help = "ON - Include Disabled to each boot priority control. NOTE: System will be reset after priorities got changed.\OFF - No Disabled option" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetH = Yes Token = "FIXED_BOOT_SWAP_POLICY" "=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "EDK_1_05_RETRIEVE_DATA" Value = "0" Help = "Modified code to return BrowserCallback String according to either EDK browser or spec. Please be careful when to change this to 0, May cause Addon Card to not to work." TokenType = Boolean TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Token = "EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION" ">=" "0x2000A" End TOKEN Name = "TSE_SAVE_DISABLED_BBS_DEVICEPATH" Value = "0" Help = "1 => Saves the DevicePaths of Disabled BBS devices to NVRAM Variable. \Depends on that varaible to keep device disbaled in next boot. \0 => Doesn't save the Disabled BBS devicepath." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "TSE_LOAD_OPTION_HIDDEN" Value = "1" Help = "1 => Hide LOAD_OPTION_HIDDEN Boot option. 0 => Shows all boot options." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes Token = "EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION" ">" "0x20000" End TOKEN Name = "USE_BCP_DEFAULT_PRIORITIES" Value = "0" Help = "1 => Use file .sd BcpDefaultPriorities[] set default boot sequence." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FBO_USE_BOOT_OPTION_NUMBER_UNI" Value = "0" Help = "1 => Use Boot Option number unicode string with .UNI file." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FBO_DUAL_MODE" Value = "0" Help = "1 = Legacy/Uefi mix display." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FBO_WTG_PRIORITY_UPDATE" Value = "1" Help = "1 = Update Priorities when User set Windows To Go to 1st Priority in Windows To Go Startup." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes Token = "RestoreSpecialBootOptions_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_SUBMENU_MAX_NUM" Value = "16" Help = "All SubMenu Total boot options." TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_GROUP_MAX_NUM" Value = "16" Help = "Maximum number of groups." TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_TOTAL_DEVICES_MAX_NUM" Value = "$(FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_SUBMENU_MAX_NUM)*$(FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_GROUP_MAX_NUM)" Help = "Maximum number of devices." TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End PATH Name = "FixedBootOrder_DIR" End MODULE Help = "Includes FixedBootOrder.mak to Project" File = "FixedBootOrder.mak" End ELINK Name = "FBO_Init," Parent = "ReadBootOptions," InvokeOrder = BeforeParent End ELINK Name = "FixedBootOrderStringInit," Parent = "SetupStringInit" Help = "Install form callback for each control" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FixedBootOrderSaveChange," Parent = "SavedConfigChangesHook," Help = "Save Changed boot order" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FixedBootOrderLoadedConfigDefaults," Parent = "LoadedConfigDefaultsHook," Help = "Loaded boot order Defaults" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FBO_Protocol_install," Parent = "MinisetupDriverEntryHook," InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FBO_UpdateBootListPriority," Parent = "SaveLegacyDevOrder," InvokeOrder = BeforeParent End ELINK Name = "FboSyncBootOptionsFromDevOrder," Parent = "CreateBootOptionsForNewBootDevices," InvokeOrder = BeforeParent Priority = 1 End ELINK Name = "FBO_AdjustPriority," Parent = "ReadBootOptions," InvokeOrder = AfterParent Token = "FBO_WTG_PRIORITY_UPDATE" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "FBO_SetDefaultUEFIDevOrder," Parent = "SaveBootOptions," InvokeOrder = BeforeParent End ELINK Name = "FixedBootOrderSetupEnter," Parent = "ProcessEnterSetupHook," InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FixedBootOrderToBoot," Parent = "ProcessProceedToBootHook," InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\SetupStrTokens.h" Parent = "FIXEDBOOTORDER_STRTOKENS_INCLUDE_FILES" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "FIXEDBOOTORDER_STRTOKENS_INCLUDE_FILES" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "AdjustLegacyBootOptionPriorities," Parent = "UpdateBootOptionVariables," Token = "CSM_SUPPORT" "=" "1" Token = "GROUP_BOOT_OPTIONS_BY_TAG" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Disable = Yes End