//********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** //** ** //** (C)Copyright 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc. ** //** ** //** All Rights Reserved. ** //** ** //** 6145-F Northbelt Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30071 ** //** ** //** Phone: (770)-246-8600 ** //** ** //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** // $Archive: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/Template/FixedBootOrder Demo/Board/em/FixedBootOrder/FixedBootOrderStyle.c $ // // $Author: Easonchen $ // // $Revision: 3 $ // // $Date: 8/12/13 4:33a $ // //*****************************************************************// //*****************************************************************// // Revision History // ---------------- // $Log: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/Template/FixedBootOrder Demo/Board/em/FixedBootOrder/FixedBootOrderStyle.c $ // // 3 8/12/13 4:33a Easonchen // [TAG] N/A // [Category] Improvement // [Description] CppCheck error fix. // [Files] FixedBootOrderStyle.c // // 2 2/21/13 1:19a Easonchen // [TAG] N/A // [Description] Add Null pointer check // [Files] FixedBootOrderStyle.c // // 1 6/28/12 11:42a Easonchen // Make a new FixedBootOrder module by utilizing BDS // functionality. // // //*****************************************************************// //********************************************************************** // // // Name: FixedBootOrderStyle.c // // Description: Replace TSE funtion Popupsel.Draw PopupSel.HandleAction // Frame.HandleAction // // //********************************************************************** #include "minisetup.h" #include "build\autoid.h" #include #include #define VARIABLE_ID_SETUP 0 UINT16 LegacyBootItemCount=1; UINT16 UefiBootItemCount=1; UINT16 DualBootItemCount=1; extern NVRAM_VARIABLE *gVariableList; VOID _PopupSelGetSelection( POPUPSEL_DATA *popupSel ); EFI_STATUS _FrameHandleKey( FRAME_DATA *frame, AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA Key ); EFI_STATUS _FrameScroll( FRAME_DATA *frame, BOOLEAN bScrollUp ); EFI_STATUS CheckFixedBootOrder( CONTROL_DATA *control, FRAME_DATA *frame, AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA key ) // (EIP19998+) { POPUPSEL_DATA *popupsel=NULL; CONTROL_ACTION Action; UINT16 StartKey, EndKey; popupsel = (POPUPSEL_DATA*)control; //Get mapping Action = MapControlKeysHook(key); if( Action == ControlActionDecreament || Action == ControlActionIncreament ) { if( popupsel->CallBackKey >= LegacyBootItemKey && popupsel->CallBackKey < LegacyBootItemKey+LegacyBootItemCount ) { StartKey=LegacyBootItemKey; EndKey=(LegacyBootItemKey+LegacyBootItemCount)-1; } else if( popupsel->CallBackKey >= UefiBootItemKey && popupsel->CallBackKey < UefiBootItemKey+UefiBootItemCount ) { StartKey=UefiBootItemKey; EndKey=(UefiBootItemKey+UefiBootItemCount)-1; } #if FBO_DUAL_MODE else if( popupsel->CallBackKey >= DualBootItemKey && popupsel->CallBackKey < DualBootItemKey+DualBootItemCount ) { StartKey=DualBootItemKey; EndKey=(DualBootItemKey+DualBootItemCount)-1; TRACE((-1,"CheckFixedBootOrder DUAL..\n")); } #endif } switch (Action) { case ControlActionDecreament: if (popupsel->CallBackKey == StartKey) break; _FrameScroll( frame, TRUE); break; case ControlActionIncreament: if (popupsel->CallBackKey == EndKey) break; _FrameScroll( frame, FALSE); break; default: return EFI_ABORTED; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS OemBootOrderPopupSelDraw( POPUPSEL_DATA *popupSel ) { CHAR16 *text=NULL,*text1=NULL; UINTN i,Len=0; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT16 Index = 0; UINT16 *OptionList=NULL; UINT64 *ValueList=NULL; SETUP_DATA *pSetup; UINT8 ColorNSel = popupSel->NSelFGColor; UINT8 ColorLabel = (popupSel->ControlFocus) ? popupSel->LabelFGColor : popupSel->NSelLabelFGColor ; pSetup = (SETUP_DATA*)gVariableList[VARIABLE_ID_SETUP].Buffer; if( !pSetup->BootMode ) //LEGACY BOOT ITEM { if (!((popupSel->CallBackKey >= LegacyBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < LegacyBootItemKey+LegacyBootItemCount ))) { return PopupSelDraw(popupSel); } } else if( pSetup->BootMode == 1 ) //UEFI BOOT ITEM { if (!((popupSel->CallBackKey >= UefiBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < UefiBootItemKey+UefiBootItemCount ))) { return PopupSelDraw(popupSel); } } #if FBO_DUAL_MODE else if( pSetup->BootMode == 2 ) //DUAL BOOT ITEM { if (!((popupSel->CallBackKey >= DualBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < DualBootItemKey+DualBootItemCount ))) { return PopupSelDraw(popupSel); } } #endif if( popupSel->ListBoxCtrl != NULL) { gListBox.Draw( popupSel->ListBoxCtrl ); } else { // check conditional ptr if necessary if( popupSel->ControlData.ControlConditionalPtr != 0x0) { switch( CheckControlCondition( &popupSel->ControlData ) ) { case COND_NONE: break; case COND_GRAYOUT: Status = EFI_WARN_WRITE_FAILURE; ColorNSel = ColorLabel = CONTROL_GRAYOUT_COLOR; break; default: return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; break; } } // If not Special if(TseLiteIsSpecialOptionList((CONTROL_DATA *)popupSel) != TRUE) { Status = UefiGetOneOfOptions(&popupSel->ControlData,&popupSel->PopupSelHandle, &OptionList, &ValueList, &popupSel->ItemCount,NULL,NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) return Status; for( Index = 0; Index < popupSel->ItemCount; Index++ ) { popupSel->PtrTokens[Index].Option = OptionList[Index]; popupSel->PtrTokens[Index].Value = ValueList[Index]; } MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&(OptionList)); MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&(ValueList)); } _PopupSelGetSelection( popupSel ); text1 = HiiGetString( popupSel->ControlData.ControlHandle, popupSel->Title ); if ( text1 != NULL ) { #if FIXED_BOOT_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME_IN_SETUP // Adjust fixed boot order position // if (((popupSel->CallBackKey&0x0F) >= 1) && ((popupSel->CallBackKey&0x0F) <= FBO_Device_Count)) // { if (popupSel->LabelMargin != SET_BOOT_OPTION_TEXT_POSITION) { popupSel->LabelMargin = SET_BOOT_OPTION_TEXT_POSITION; popupSel->Left = popupSel->Left + SET_BOOT_OPTION_NUMBER_POSITION; // if (popupSel->Left + TestPrintLength(text1) > popupSel->LabelMargin) // popupSel->LabelMargin = (UINT16)(popupSel->Left + TestPrintLength(text1)); popupSel->Width = popupSel->Width - SET_BOOT_OPTION_NUMBER_POSITION; } // Len = TestPrintLength( text1 ) / (NG_SIZE); // } #endif #if TSE_MULTILINE_CONTROLS if(popupSel->Height>1) { DrawMultiLineStringWithAttribute( (UINTN)popupSel->Left, (UINTN) popupSel->Top, (UINTN)(popupSel->LabelMargin - popupSel->Left),(UINTN) popupSel->Height, text1, popupSel->BGColor | ColorLabel ); } else #endif { // boundary overflow check if((TestPrintLength( text1) / (NG_SIZE))> (UINTN)(popupSel->LabelMargin - popupSel->Left )) text1[HiiFindStrPrintBoundary(text1 ,(UINTN)(popupSel->LabelMargin - popupSel->Left ))] = L'\0'; DrawStringWithAttribute( popupSel->Left , popupSel->Top, (CHAR16*)text1, popupSel->BGColor | ColorLabel ); } MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&text1 ); } /*EfiStrCpy(text, L"["); DrawStringWithAttribute( popupSel->Left + popupSel->LabelMargin , popupSel->Top, (CHAR16*)text, (UINT8)( (popupSel->ControlFocus) ? popupSel->SelBGColor | popupSel->SelFGColor : popupSel->BGColor | ColorNSel )); */ text1 = HiiGetString( popupSel->PopupSelHandle, popupSel->PtrTokens[popupSel->Sel].Option); if(!text1) text1 = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool(2); #if FIXED_BOOT_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME_IN_SETUP popupSel->LabelMargin = SET_BOOT_OPTION_TEXT_POSITION; #endif //MemSet( text, sizeof(text), 0 ); Len = TestPrintLength( text1 ) / (NG_SIZE); // XXX: may be broken for wide character languages !!! if ( Len /*StringDisplayLen( text1 )*/ > /*19*/(UINTN)(popupSel->Width - popupSel->LabelMargin -2)/*gControlRightAreaWidth*/ ) EfiStrCpy(&text1[HiiFindStrPrintBoundary(text1 ,(UINTN)(popupSel->Width - popupSel->LabelMargin /*gControlRightAreaWidth*/-5/*16*/))],L"..." ); text = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool( (Len+3)*2 ); #if FIXED_BOOT_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME_IN_SETUP SPrint( text,(UINTN)( (Len+3)*2 )/*(popupSel->Width - popupSel->Left - popupSel->LabelMargin +2)*/, L"%s", text1 ); #else SPrint( text,(UINTN)( (Len+3)*2 )/*(popupSel->Width - popupSel->Left - popupSel->LabelMargin +2)*/, L"[%s]", text1 ); #endif MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&text1 ); DrawStringWithAttribute( popupSel->Left + popupSel->LabelMargin , popupSel->Top, (CHAR16*)text, (UINT8)( (popupSel->ControlFocus) ? popupSel->SelBGColor | popupSel->SelFGColor : popupSel->BGColor | ColorNSel )); i=TestPrintLength(text) / (NG_SIZE); MemFreePointer( (VOID **)&text ); /*EfiStrCpy(text, L"]"); DrawStringWithAttribute( popupSel->Left + popupSel->LabelMargin +i +1, popupSel->Top, (CHAR16*)text, (UINT8)( (popupSel->ControlFocus) ? popupSel->SelBGColor | popupSel->SelFGColor : popupSel->BGColor | ColorNSel )); */ // erase extra spaces if neccessary for(;(UINT16)(popupSel->Left + popupSel->LabelMargin + i) <= (popupSel->Width-1);i++) DrawStringWithAttribute( popupSel->Left + popupSel->LabelMargin +i, popupSel->Top, L" ", popupSel->BGColor | ColorNSel ); FlushLines( popupSel->Top, popupSel->Top+popupSel->Height ); } return Status; } EFI_STATUS OemBootOrderFrameHandleAction( FRAME_DATA *frame, ACTION_DATA *action ) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; CONTROL_DATA **control; if ( frame->ControlCount == 0 ) return Status; if(frame->CurrentControl == FRAME_NONE_FOCUSED) control = NULL; else control = &frame->ControlList[frame->CurrentControl]; if( control != NULL ) { SETUP_DATA *pSetup; POPUPSEL_DATA *popupsel=NULL; popupsel = (POPUPSEL_DATA*)(*control); pSetup = (SETUP_DATA*)gVariableList[VARIABLE_ID_SETUP].Buffer; if( pSetup->BootMode == 0 ) { if (!((popupsel->CallBackKey >= LegacyBootItemKey) && (popupsel->CallBackKey < LegacyBootItemKey+LegacyBootItemCount))) { return FrameHandleAction(frame, action); } } else if( pSetup->BootMode == 1 ) { if (!((popupsel->CallBackKey >= UefiBootItemKey) && (popupsel->CallBackKey < UefiBootItemKey+UefiBootItemCount))) { return FrameHandleAction(frame, action); } } #if FBO_DUAL_MODE else if( pSetup->BootMode == 2 ) { if (!((popupsel->CallBackKey >= DualBootItemKey) && (popupsel->CallBackKey < DualBootItemKey+DualBootItemCount))) { return FrameHandleAction(frame, action); } } #endif } switch ( action->Input.Type ) { case ACTION_TYPE_MOUSE: Status = MouseFrameHandleAction(frame,action,control); break; case ACTION_TYPE_KEY: if ( control != NULL ) { Status = (*control)->Methods->HandleAction( *control, action ); CheckFixedBootOrder( *control, frame, action->Input.Data.AmiKey ); //(EIP10461+)(EIP19998)+) } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) Status = StyleFrameHandleKey( frame, action->Input.Data.AmiKey.Key ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) Status = _FrameHandleKey( frame, action->Input.Data.AmiKey ); break; case ACTION_TYPE_TIMER: { UINT32 i; control = frame->ControlList; for ( i = 0; i < frame->ControlCount; i++, control++ ) { EFI_STATUS TempStatus = (*control)->Methods->HandleAction( *control, action ); if ( Status != EFI_SUCCESS ) Status = TempStatus; } // To kill the timer action. Pass it to all the controls and frame. // gAction.ClearAction( action ); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) Status = StyleFrameHandleTimer( frame, action); break; default: break; } return Status; } EFI_STATUS OemPopupSelHandleAction( POPUPSEL_DATA *popupSel, ACTION_DATA *Data) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; AMI_EFI_KEY_DATA key=Data->Input.Data.AmiKey; // Disable enter key in FixedBootOrder item if ((popupSel->CallBackKey >= LegacyBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < LegacyBootItemKey+LegacyBootItemCount)) { if (Data->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY) if (MapControlKeysHook(key) == ControlActionSelect) return Status; } else if ((popupSel->CallBackKey >= UefiBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < UefiBootItemKey+UefiBootItemCount)) { if (Data->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY) if (MapControlKeysHook(key) == ControlActionSelect) return Status; } #if FBO_DUAL_MODE else if ((popupSel->CallBackKey >= DualBootItemKey) && (popupSel->CallBackKey < DualBootItemKey+DualBootItemCount)) { if (Data->Input.Type == ACTION_TYPE_KEY) if (MapControlKeysHook(key) == ControlActionSelect) return Status; } #endif Status = PopupSelHandleAction(popupSel, Data); return Status; } UINT16 GetDevMapDataCount(FBODevMap *pFBODevMap); //at file FixedBootOrderTSE.c VOID FixedBootOrderStyleProcessEnterSetup(VOID) { EFI_GUID FixedBootOrderGuid = FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_GUID; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FIXED_BOOT_ORDER_PROTOCOL *pFBO=NULL; gFrame.HandleAction = OemBootOrderFrameHandleAction; gPopupSel.Draw = OemBootOrderPopupSelDraw; gPopupSel.HandleAction = OemPopupSelHandleAction; Status = pBS->LocateProtocol( &FixedBootOrderGuid, NULL, &pFBO ); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) return; LegacyBootItemCount = GetDevMapDataCount(pFBO->GetLegacyDevMap()); UefiBootItemCount = GetDevMapDataCount(pFBO->GetUefiDevMap()); #if FBO_DUAL_MODE DualBootItemCount = GetDevMapDataCount(pFBO->GetDualDevMap()); #endif } //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** //** ** //** (C)Copyright 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc. ** //** ** //** All Rights Reserved. ** //** ** //** 6145-F Northbelt Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30071 ** //** ** //** Phone: (770)-246-8600 ** //** ** //********************************************************************** //**********************************************************************