TOKEN Name = ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Master = Yes Help = "Main switch to enable Acoustic Management support in Project" End PATH Name = "ACOUSTIC_DIR" End MODULE Help = "Includes Aoustic.mak to Project" File = "Acoustic.mak" End TOKEN Name = "INDIVIDUAL_ACOUSTIC_SUPPORT" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "ACOUSTIC_DEVICE_COUNT" Value = "6" TokenType = Integer TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Help = "Default number of devices that may have Acoustic support. If you need to add more than 6 devices and AcousticSetup.c file also needs to be changed" End TOKEN Name = "IDE_CONTROLLER_LOCATION" Value = "{0, 0x1F, 2}" TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes Help = "Bus, Device and Function of the First IDE (SATA) controller." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "NUMBER_OF_PORTS_ON_FIRST_CONTROLLER" Value = "4" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Help = "Number of Ports on First IDE (SATA) controller." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "SECOND_CONTROLLER_LOCATION" Value = "{0, 0x1F, 5}" TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes Help = "Location of second IDE (SATA) controller (if any)." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "NUMBER_OF_PORTS_ON_SECOND_CONTROLLER" Value = "2" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Help = "Number of Ports on second IDE (SATA) controller (if any)." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "SECOND_CONTROLLER_COUNTS_BY_DEVICE" Value = "0" TokenType = BOOLEAN TargetH = Yes Help = "ON - Second controller increments the device no. only for ports after 0. OFF - Second controller increments like first controller." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT" Value = "0" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Help = "Keep this Token always OFF." Lock = Yes Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "LOCAL_ACOUSTIC_SETUP" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Help = "ON - Setup questions are in this module./OFF - Setup questions are with SATA Driver." Token = "ACOUSTIC_MANAGEMENT_DRIVER_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "InitAcousticStrings," Parent = "SetupStringInit" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Token = "LOCAL_ACOUSTIC_SETUP" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\Acoustic.sdb" Parent = "SETUP_SDBS" Token = "LOCAL_ACOUSTIC_SETUP" "=" "1" Priority = 30 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(ACOUSTIC_DIR)\" Parent = "SETUP_DEFINITIONS" Token = "LOCAL_ACOUSTIC_SETUP" "=" "1" Priority = 30 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\Acoustic.ffs" Parent = "FV_MAIN" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End