TOKEN Name = "AMIUSB_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Main switch to enable AMI USB support in Project" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes Master = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_DRIVER_MAJOR_VER" Value = "8" Help = "USB driver major version" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Lock = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_DRIVER_MINOR_VER" Value = "10" Help = "USB driver minor version" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Lock = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_DRIVER_BUILD_VER" Value = "36" Help = "USB driver build version" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Lock = Yes End TOKEN Name = "UHCI_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Enable/Disable UHCI controller(s)." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "OHCI_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Enable/Disable OHCI controller(s)" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "EHCI_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Enable/Disable EHCI controller(s)" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "XHCI_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Enable/Disable xHCI controller(s)" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_HOTPLUG_FDD" Value = "0" Help = "Includes the support for USB hot plug floppy drive." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_HOTPLUG_HDD" Value = "0" Help = "Includes the support for USB hot plug hard drive." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_HOTPLUG_CDROM" Value = "0" Help = "Includes the support for USB hot plug CD-ROM drive." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "HIDE_USB_SUPPORT_SETUP_QUESTION" Value = "1" Help = "This setup item is for debug only. Switch to Hide/Un-hide USB Support setup question." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_LEGACY_PLATFORM_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Includes the USB Legacy options and keypress monitor implementation." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes Token = "KEYMONFILTER_SUPPORT" "!=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "KBC_EMULATION_8MSTD_OVERRIDE" Value = "25" Help = "This token is designed to work around the problems for the projects that have the actual KBC hardware enabled and at the same time enable KBC emulation.\For these projects there is a high probability of racing conditions between IRQ1 handler and USB keyboard SMI handler. It was found the problem could be solved by 'slowing down' the 8ms TD schedule.\By default 8ms is changed to 25ms. This change may depend on the execution time of SMI dispatcher (number of SMI handlers, size of SMI code, cachability of SMM area, etc.)." TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Range = "8..64" End TOKEN Name = "KEY_REPEAT_DELAY" Value = "2" Help = "This value is for the offset of the aTypematicRateDelayTable. aTypematicRateDelayTable is based on 8ms periodic interrupt. If the periodic interrupt is more than 8ms , modify this token for the proper delay between KeyRepeat action. To calculate the delay between Key repeat action PeriodicTime Interrupt Interval * aTypematicRateDelayTable[KEY_REPEAT_DELAY]" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Range = "0..3" End TOKEN Name = "KEY_REPEAT_INITIAL_DELAY" Value = "6" Help = "This value is for the offset of the aTypematicRateDelayTable. aTypematicRateDelayTable is based on 8ms periodic interrupt. If the periodic interrupt is more than 8ms , modify this token for the proper initial delay for KeyRepeat action.To calculate the initial delay for the Key repeat action PeriodicTime Interrupt Interval * aTypematicRateDelayTable[KEY_REPEAT_INITIAL_DELAY]" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Range = "4..7" End TOKEN Name = "USB_KEYREPEAT_INTERVAL" Value = "0" Help = "0-Use default key repeat interval 8ms. 1-Use key repeat interval 16ms." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_EHCI_HANDOFF_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Switch to enable EHCI hand-off" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "XHCI_EVENT_SERVICE_MODE" Value = "0" Help = "This token controlls xHCI event service mode.\0 - Use periodic timer SMI.\1 - Use xHCI hardware SMI.\2 - Both periodic timer SMI and se xHCI hardware SMI." TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes Range = "0..2" End TOKEN Name = "USB_XHCI_EXT_HW_SMI_PINS" Value = "255" Help = "List of xHCI GPI bit offset in the following format: GPI0, GPI1,...,GPIN.\Use 0xFF (255) to ignore the settings." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes Range = "0..31" Token = "XHCI_EVENT_SERVICE_MODE" "!=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "USB_S5_WAKEUP_SUPPORT" Value = "0" Help = "Support USB S5 wakeup function." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_DIFFERENTIATE_IDENTICAL_DEVICE_NAME" Value = "0" Help = "If enabled the USB Device name string is prefixed with U1-,U2-... for each USB device to differentiate the Devices with same Device name Strings." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_BAD_DEVICES" Help = "List the non-compliant USB devices, please refer to the gUsbBadDeviceTable in usbport.c." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "HIDE_USB_HISPEED_SUPPORT_SETUP_QUESTION" Value = "1" Help = "Switch to Hide/Un-hide USB HiSpeed Support setup question." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "DEFAULT_USB_EMUL6064_OPTION" Value = "1" Help = "Default value of the I/O port 60h/64h emulation support option" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_RUNTIME_DRIVER_IN_SMM" Value = "1" TokenType = Boolean TargetMAK = Yes TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "EXTERNAL_USB_CONTROLLER_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Support external USB controllers." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_OHCI_HANDOFF_SUPPORT" Value = "0" Help = "Switch to enable OHCI hand-off workaround" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_CONTROLLERS_WITH_RMH" Help = "List of USB controllers that have integrated USB 2.0 Rate Matching Hubs (RMH) in the following format: {vid1, did1}, {vid2, did2}" TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "HIDE_USB_XHCI_LEGACY_SUPPORT_SETUP_QUESTION" Value = "1" Help = "This setup item is for debug only. Switch to Hide/Un-hide USB XHCI Legacy Support setup question." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_SETUP_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS" Value = "0" Help = "Set Runtime attribute for the setup variables used by USB driver." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_CONTROLLERS_INITIAL_DELAY_LIST" Help = "List of USB controllers which need to delay for stabilization in the following format: {vid1, did1, delay time1(ms)}, {vid2, did2, delay time2(ms)}" TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "DEFAULT_XHCI_HANDOFF_OPTION" Value = "1" Help = "Default value of the XHCI Hand-off option." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "USB_STORAGE_DEVICE_RMB_CHECK" Value = "1" Help = "RMB bit returned by inquiry command indicate whether device media is removable.\Off: Always set mass storage devices RemovableMedia.\On: Check RMB status from inquiry data. \" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End PATH Name = "USBPORTING_DIR" End PATH Name = "UHCD_DIR" Path = "core\em\usb" End PATH Name = "USBRT_DIR" Path = "core\em\usb\rt" Help = "AMI USB runtime files source directory" End PATH Name = "USB_SETUP_DIR" Path = "core\em\usb\setup" End PATH Name = "USB_SB_DIR" Path = "chipset\sb\usb" End MODULE Help = "Includes uhcd.mak into project" Path = "$(UHCD_DIR)" File = "uhcd.mak" End MODULE Help = "Includes usbrt.mak into project" Path = "$(USBRT_DIR)" File = "usbrt.mak" End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\usb.sdb" Parent = "SETUP_SDBS" Priority = 30 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(USB_SETUP_DIR)\" Parent = "SETUP_DEFINITIONS" Priority = 30 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\uhcd.ffs" Parent = "FV_MAIN" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\usbrt.ffs" Parent = "FV_MAIN" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "InitUSBStrings," Parent = "SetupStringInit" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "UsbAcpiEnableCallBack," Parent = "AcpiEnableCallbackList" Token = "USB_RUNTIME_DRIVER_IN_SMM" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USB_DEV_DELAYED_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "USB_DEV_EFI_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "USBHIDFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DELAYED_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBMassFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DELAYED_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_MASS" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBCCIDFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DELAYED_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_CCID" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBHubFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_HUB" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "BusFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBHIDFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBMassFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_MASS" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "USBCCIDFillDriverEntries," Parent = "USB_DEV_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_CCID" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "UsbBusInit," Parent = "USB_DEV_EFI_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "UsbHidInit," Parent = "USB_DEV_EFI_DRIVER_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "UsbMassInit," Parent = "USB_DEV_EFI_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_MASS" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "UsbCCIDInit," Parent = "USB_DEV_EFI_DRIVER_LIST" Token = "USB_DEV_CCID" "=" "1" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "CheckKeyBoardBufferForSpecialChars" Help = "This is a list of OEM KBD routines that consumes KBD buffer to handle some input chanracters differently. \The child eLink can be in following format:Functionname(DEV_INFO fpDevInfo, UINT8 *fpBuffer)" InvokeOrder = ReplaceParent End ELINK Name = "ITEM_CALLBACK(ADVANCED_FORM_SET_CLASS, 0, USB_DEVICES_ENABLED_REFRESH_KEY, UpdateUSBStrings)," Parent = "SetupItemCallbacks" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{ 0xEC87D643, 0xEBA4, 0x4BB5, 0xA1, 0xE5, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x36, 0xB2, 0x0D, 0xA9 }, {'U','s','b','M','a','s','s','D','e','v','N','u','m'}}," Parent = "AMITSE_DYNAMICPARSING_HANDLE_SUPPRESS_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{ 0xEC87D643, 0xEBA4, 0x4BB5, 0xA1, 0xE5, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x36, 0xB2, 0x0D, 0xA9 }, {'U','s','b','M','a','s','s','D','e','v','V','a','l','i','d'}}," Parent = "AMITSE_DYNAMICPARSING_HANDLE_SUPPRESS_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{ 0xEC87D643, 0xEBA4, 0x4BB5, 0xA1, 0xE5, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x36, 0xB2, 0x0D, 0xA9 }, {'U','s','b','S','u','p','p','o','r','t'}}," Parent = "AMITSE_DYNAMICPARSING_HANDLE_SUPPRESS_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End