#//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//** **// #//** (C)Copyright 2009, American Megatrends, Inc. **// #//** **// #//** All Rights Reserved. **// #//** **// #//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **// #//** **// #//** Phone (770)-246-8600 **// #//** **// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// # $Header: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/AMIDebugRx/binaries/LIBS/DbgrX64Lib/DbgrX64Lib.mak 3 4/20/11 8:59a Sudhirv $ # # $Revision: 3 $ # # $Date: 4/20/11 8:59a $ #********************************************************************** # Revision History # ---------------- # $Log: /Alaska/BIN/Modules/AMIDebugRx/binaries/LIBS/DbgrX64Lib/DbgrX64Lib.mak $ # # 3 4/20/11 8:59a Sudhirv # [TAG] EIP58619 # [Category] Defect # [Severity] Major # [Symptom] Statuscode 16 and 17 have build errors with USBRedirection # [RootCause] StatuscodeRuntimeBin added after Statuscode_15 was having # build errors in accessing Dbgrx64 lib functions. # [Solution] StatusCodeRuntimeBin build support with DbgrX64Lib.lib # [Files] DbgrX64Lib.mak # # 2 7/17/09 7:15p Madhans # DebugRx 1.30.0022 # # 2 7/13/09 2:44p Sudhirv # Updated with Coding Standards # # 1 7/07/09 4:46p Sudhirv # Restructure Binaries Created # # 1 5/01/09 7:48p Madhans # AMIDebug Rx Module. Intial Checkin. # # 1 4/29/09 7:51a Sudhirv # AMI Debug Rx module created # # 2 6/13/07 3:38p Madhans # Copyright Year updated. # # 1 1/22/07 4:14p Madhans # 1.04.0002 Binary Version. # # 2 1/05/07 1:05p Ashrafj # Latest version 1.04.0001 Beta # Known issues from previous 1.04.000 Beta release has been fixed. # # 1 12/26/06 7:09p Ashrafj # Support added to support the Aptio 4.5 x64 EFI BIOS (use latest # Host.zip). # PEI Debugger in FV_MAIN (use new PEIDEBUGFIXUP). # Support added for StatusCode redirection without Debug feature enabled # (not working if DXE only and x64 is enabled). # Plus, some new SDL tokens defined to support the Aptio 4.5 build # process in Debug or non-debug mode. # All the components of Debugger eModule in source form. # #********************************************************************** # # # Name: DbgrX64Lib.mak # # Description: Common library to support the porting of Debugger to # support EFIx64 # # #********************************************************************** !IF "$(PROCESSOR)"=="x64" PeiDbgDbgrx64Bin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib PeiDbgXportx64Bin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib PeiDbgDxeCpuLibBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib #AMIDebuggerBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib IsaSerialDbgBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib PeiDbgStatusCodeLibBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib AMITransportBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib CORE_DXEBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib #EIP 58619 - Building issue between UsbRedirection and StatusCode modules (16-17) on HuronRiver project StatusCodeRuntimeBin : $(DbgrX64_DIR)\DbgrX64Lib.lib !ENDIF #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//** **// #//** (C)Copyright 2009, American Megatrends, Inc. **// #//** **// #//** All Rights Reserved. **// #//** **// #//** 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy, Building 200,Norcross, Georgia 30093 **// #//** **// #//** Phone (770)-246-8600 **// #//** **// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************// #//*****************************************************************//