;********************************************************************** ;********************************************************************** ;** ** ;** (C)Copyright 1985-2014, American Megatrends, Inc. ** ;** ** ;** All Rights Reserved. ** ;** ** ;** 5555 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 ** ;** ** ;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 ** ;** ** ;********************************************************************** ;********************************************************************** ;********************************************************************** ; $Header: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/Legacy Serial Redirection/SredirBootFail.asm 3 6/16/14 7:40a Divyac $ ; ; $Revision: 3 $ ; ; $Date: 6/16/14 7:40a $ ;********************************************************************** ; Revision History ; ---------------- ; $Log: /Alaska/SOURCE/Modules/Legacy Serial Redirection/SredirBootFail.asm $ ; ; 3 6/16/14 7:40a Divyac ; [TAG] EIP172120 ; [Category] Bug Fix ; [Severity] Important ; [Symptom] Redirection After BIOS POST feature is not working. ; [RootCause] The flag Indicating whether redirection can happen or not ; is not updated. ; 1)The way of Defining signatures and Comparing Signatures are ; different. ; 2)The variables defined in CSM16 files( SreDirBin_Base_Segadd, ; SreDirBin_Base_Offadd, Flag ) are accessed wrongly. ; ; [Solution] a) The pointer used to check for signatures must be ; UINT32* or we should define signatures byte by byte (db ; '$','S','B','F', db '$','S','B','C'). so changed the way of defining ; Signatures in CSM16 files from dd '$SBF' to db '$','S','B','F'. ; b) Variables should be accessed using OFFSET Keyword. ; [Files] SerialBootCall.asm, SerialBootFail.asm ; ; 2 5/29/13 8:54a Srikantakumarp ; [TAG] EIP122394 ; [Category] Bug Fix ; [Severity] Normal ; [Symptom] 0xE0000~0xEFFFF was overwrite by Legacy Serial Redirection ; module. ; [RootCause] LegacySerialRedirection driver assumed that ; SerialBootcall.asm will be the first entry in CsmOem16Functions which ; was wrong. ; [Solution] Added a Signature check code for SerialBootCall.asm and ; SredirBootFail.asm before it writes to the memory location ; 0xE0000~0xEFFFF. ; [Files] LegacySredir.c, SerialBootCall.asm, SredirBootFail.asm ; ; 1 2/27/12 5:58a Jittenkumarp ; [TAG] EIP81401 ; [Category] New Feature ; [Description] Select Redirection After BIOS POST as BootLoader in ; serial redirection, the behaviour is made same as Core8. ; [Files] LegacySredir.c, LegacySredir.mak, LegacySredir.sdl, ; LegacySredir_Setup.c, LegacySredir.h ,SerialBootCall.asm, ; SredirBootFail.asm,GRAPHREDIR.ASM, INT10REDIR.ASM, OR_MOD.EQU, ; SREDIR.ASM ; ;********************************************************************** ; ; ; Name: SredirBootFail.asm ; ; Description: Call Back function registered for CSM16_OEM_ON_BOOT_FAIL ; ; ;********************************************************************** ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILES ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include token.equ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNS USED ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .586p OEM16_CSEG SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' USE16 ASSUME cs:OEM16_CSEG, ds:OEM16_CSEG ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC EnableLegcaySredirModuleStart EnableLegcaySredirModuleStart LABEL BYTE jmp SHORT EnableLegcaySredirCsm16Api db '$','S','B','F' SreDirBin_Base_Segadd dw 0000h ;SreDirBin Segement Address SreDirBin_Base_Offadd dw 0000h ;SreDirbin offset Address Flag dw 0000h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IMPORTANT: Do not put any OEM/CHIPSET code above this, the above code and ; and data are at fixed locations. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LEGACYSREDIR_CSM16_API_Start ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This routine is implementation of the CSM16 API #6. ; Input: BX - SreDirBin Segment add ; BX - SreDirBin Offset add ; AX - Flag offset value ; ; Output: None ; ; Register Usage: Do not destroy any register ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnableLegcaySredirCsm16Api PROC FAR PUBLIC ; Adjust current IP so that the data offsets are valid call $+3 ; Push curent IP pop bx ; Get current IP in BX shr bx, 4 mov ax, cs ; Always x000h add ax, bx ; New CS push ax push newOffset-EnableLegcaySredirModuleStart retf ; Execute from new CS:IP newOffset: push bx push si push ax push es push 0 pop es mov si, offset SreDirBin_Base_Segadd mov bx, word ptr cs:[si] mov es, bx mov si, offset SreDirBin_Base_Offadd mov bx, word ptr cs:[si] mov si, offset Flag mov ax, word ptr cs:[si] mov si, ax add si, bx mov al, 00h mov byte ptr es:[si], al pop es pop ax pop si pop bx retf EnableLegcaySredirCsm16Api ENDP OEM16_CSEG ENDS END ;********************************************************************** ;********************************************************************** ;** ** ;** (C)Copyright 1985-2014, American Megatrends, Inc. ** ;** ** ;** All Rights Reserved. ** ;** ** ;** 5555 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30093 ** ;** ** ;** Phone: (770)-246-8600 ** ;** ** ;********************************************************************** ;**********************************************************************