TOKEN Name = "TSE_STYLE_EZPORTPLUS_BIN_SUPPORT" Value = "0" Help = "Main switch to enable EzportPlus Style in TSE" TokenType = Boolean TargetEQU = Yes TargetMAK = Yes Master = Yes End TOKEN Name = "STYLE_COLOR_GRAYOUT" Value = "EFI_DARKGRAY" Help = " Item grayout colour " TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes Range = "0x0-0x0f" End TOKEN Name = "FIRST_PAGE_ID_INDEX" Value = "1" Help = "" TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "SETUP_STYLE_BIN_EZPORTPLUS" Value = "1" Help = "Condition to support EzportPlus Style Sources" TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "TSE_PRN_SCRN_KEY_SCAN" Value = "SCAN_F12" Help = "Set to one of the defined constants from EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT protocol. On pressing this key AMITSE_PRINT_SCREEN_PRESS_GUID event will be generated." TokenType = Expression TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "TSE_ANSI_ESC_CODE_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Tse advanced Esc colour support" TokenType = Integer TargetH = Yes End TOKEN Name = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" Value = "1" Help = "Set one to enable the hot click support for full screen. The x,y coordinates for corresponding hot click ELINKS are done for a sample case(style). If customer needs his own style or not needs full screen then values in the ELINKS should be customized based on thier needs." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End ELINK Name = "{{SCAN_F4, 0},0, EzportPlusHandleSaveExitKey, 0 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End TOKEN Name = "SETUP_UPDATE_BOOT_ORDER_CURSOR" Value = "1" Help = "When the boot order is changed, the cursor moves with the selection. Else, the cursor remains in the same location as the current question." TokenType = Boolean TargetH = Yes End ELINK Name = "{{SCAN_F2, 0 },0,EzportPlusHandlePrevValuesKey, 1 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{SCAN_F3, 0 },0,EzportPlusHandleOptimalKey, 1 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{SCAN_F1, 0 },0,EzportPlusHandleHelpKey, 1 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{SCAN_ESC,0},0, EzportPlusHandleEscKey, 0 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "{{TSE_PRN_SCRN_KEY_SCAN,0},0, EzportPlusHandlePrnScrnKey, 0 }," Parent = "HOTKEY_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Token = "TSE_PRN_SCRN_EVENT_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 1, 3, 1 + 64, 3+25, EzportPlusMainFrameHandlewithMouse, 0 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 100*31 mode" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 67, 5, 67 + 32, 5 + 23, EzportPlusHelpFrameHandlewithMouse, 1 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 100*31 mode" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 0, 29, 0 + 100, 29 + 2, EzportPlusNavFrameHandlewithMouse, 1 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 100*31 mode" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 0, 0, 0, 0, EzportPlusMainFrameHandlewithMouse, 0 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 80*25 mode. Not supported customization needed" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 0, 0, 0, 0, EzportPlusHelpFrameHandlewithMouse, 1 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 80*25 mode. Not supported customization needed" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End ELINK Name = "{ 0, 0, 0, 0, EzportPlusNavFrameHandlewithMouse, 1 }," Parent = "HOTCLICK_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent Help = "Dont change the HOTCLICK_LIST order, for 80*25 mode. Not supported customization needed" Token = "HOTCLICK_FULLSCREEN_SUPPORT" "=" "1" End PATH Name = "TSE_STYLE_DIR" End MODULE Help = "Includes EzportPlusBin.mak to Project" File = "EzportPlusBin.mak" End ELINK Name = "$(TSE_STYLE_DIR)\TSEStyleEzportPlus$(ARCH).lib" Parent = "MINISETUPLIB" Priority = 30 InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "-i $(TSE_STYLE_DIR)" Parent = "TSE_UNI_INCLUDE_PATH" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(TSE_STYLE_DIR)\StyleTokens.c" Parent = "TSE_STRING_CONSUMERS_LIST" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\EzportPlusBin.sdb" Parent = "TSE_SDBS" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End