TOKEN Name = "FWpub" Value = "$(FWKey_DIR)\.pubkey" Help = "Root of trust Key for signed BIOS verification.\Public portion of the Key is inserted as ffs file inside BIOS RTU (FV_BB)\RSA Key formatted as PKCS#1v2.1 ASN.1 or X.509 DER file." TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT" "=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "FWpriv" Value = "$(FWKey_DIR)\.prikey" Help = "A Signer Certificate Key in the FwCapsule Hdr.\Used as upgrade(new) key in 2-key signing model\RSA Key formatted as PKCS#1v2.1 ASN.1 or X.509 DER file." TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT" "=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "FWrootKey" Value = "$(FWpriv)" Help = "A Root Certificate key in the FwCapsule Hdr.\Used as back-up(old) key in a dual-key signing model(only for FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT=0)" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT" "=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "FWpub" Value = "$(FWKey_DIR)\FW_pubKey.cer" Help = "X.509 Certificate with Public key" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "FWpriv" Value = "$(FWKey_DIR)\FW_priKey.pfx" Help = "File name(.pfx) of Pkcs#12 key container with the private key used for signing of FwCapsule package" TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWCAPSULE_CERT_FORMAT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "FW_PFX_Password" Value = " " Help = "Specifies the optional password to unlock PFX - PKCS#12 Private Key container file." TokenType = Expression TargetMAK = Yes End TOKEN Name = "FWKEY_FILE_SIZE" Value = "256" Help = "Default Key file size for RSA2048 Key. Don't change the value." Lock = yes TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWKEY_FILE_FORMAT" "=" "0" End TOKEN Name = "FWKEY_FILE_SIZE" Value = "32" Help = "Default Key file size for SHA256 Hash. Don't change the value." Lock = yes TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWKEY_FILE_FORMAT" "=" "1" End TOKEN Name = "FWKEY_FILE_SIZE" Value = "1536" Help = "Default key buffer size (1.5k) for x509 DER formatted Public key." TokenType = Integer TargetMAK = Yes Token = "FWKEY_FILE_FORMAT" "=" "2" End PATH Name = "FWKey_DIR" Help = "Path to default Platform FW Signing Key.\User may change this path to point to another location of FW Key." End MODULE File = "FWKey.mak" Token = "CREATE_FWCAPSULE" "!=" "0" End ELINK Name = "$(BUILD_DIR)\FWkey.ffs" Parent = "FV_BB" Help = "Include Key FFS inside BIOS RTU (FV_BB)" Token = "CREATE_FWCAPSULE" "!=" "0" InvokeOrder = AfterParent End