/*++ This file contains an 'Intel Peripheral Driver' and uniquely identified as "Intel Reference Module" and is licensed for Intel CPUs and chipsets under the terms of your license agreement with Intel or your vendor. This file may be modified by the user, subject to additional terms of the license agreement --*/ /*++ Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. Module Name: HeciHpet.h Abstract: Definitions for HECI driver --*/ #ifndef _HECI_HPET_H #define _HECI_HPET_H #include "EdkIIGlueDxe.h" #include "MeAccess.h" #include "HeciRegs.h" #include "Pci22.h" #define HECI_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE EFI_SIGNATURE_32 ('H', 'e', 'c', 'i') #define HECI_ROUND_UP_BUFFER_LENGTH(Length) ((UINT32) ((((Length) + 3) / 4) * 4)) // // Driver Produced Protocol Prototypes // #include EFI_PROTOCOL_PRODUCER (HeciSmm) VOID SaveHpet ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Store the value of High Performance Timer Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ ; VOID RestoreHpet ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Restore the value of High Performance Timer Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ ; VOID StartTimer ( OUT UINT32 *Start, OUT UINT32 *End, IN UINT32 Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Used for calculating timeouts Arguments: Start - Snapshot of the HPET timer End - Calculated time when timeout period will be done Time - Timeout period in microseconds Returns: VOID --*/ ; EFI_STATUS Timeout ( IN UINT32 Start, IN UINT32 End ) /*++ Routine Description: Used to determine if a timeout has occured. Arguments: Start - Snapshot of the HPET timer when the timeout period started. End - Calculated time when timeout period will be done. Returns: EFI_STATUS --*/ ; VOID EnableHpet ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Enable Hpet function. Arguments: None. Returns: None. --*/ ; VOID IoDelay ( UINT32 delayTime ) /*++ Routine Description: Delay for at least the request number of microseconds Arguments: delayTime - Number of microseconds to delay. Returns: None. --*/ ; VOID SmmStall ( IN UINTN Microseconds ) /*++ Routine Description: Delay for at least the request number of microseconds. Timer used is DMA refresh timer, which has 15us granularity. You can call with any number of microseconds, but this implementation cannot support 1us granularity. Arguments: Microseconds - Number of microseconds to delay. Returns: None --*/ ; #endif // _HECI_HPET_H