/** @file Provides an interface to call function to send HECI message. @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. This file contains a 'Sample Driver' and is licensed as such under the terms of your license agreement with Intel or your vendor. This file may be modified by the user, subject to the additional terms of the license agreement **/ #if !defined(EDK_RELEASE_VERSION) || (EDK_RELEASE_VERSION < 0x00020000) #include "EdkIIGlueDxe.h" #endif #include "MdesStatusCodeDxe.h" #include "MeLib.h" #include "MePlatformPolicy\MePlatformPolicy.h" EFI_GUID gMdesStatusCodeProtocolGuid = MDES_STATUS_CODE_PROTOCOL_GUID; /** This function is called in case of status code appears. Provides an interface to call function to send HECI message. @param[in] Type Indicates the type of status code being reported. @param[in] Value Describes the current status of a hardware or software entity. This included information about the class and subclass that is used to classify the entity as well as an operation. @param[in] Instance The enumeration of a hardware or software entity within the system. Valid instance numbers start with 1. @param[in] CallerId This optional parameter may be used to identify the caller. This parameter allows the status code driver to apply different rules to different callers. @param[in] Data This optional parameter may be used to pass additional data. @retval EFI_STATUS HECI sent with success. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MdesReportStatusCodeHandler ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE Type, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN UINT32 Instance, IN EFI_GUID *CallerId OPTIONAL, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_DATA *Data OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = HeciSendMdesStatusCode (Type, Value, Instance, CallerId, Data); return Status; } MDES_STATUS_CODE_PROTOCOL MdesStatusCodeProtocolInstance = {MdesReportStatusCodeHandler}; /** Installs MdesStatusCodeProtocolInstance protocol. @param[in] ImageHandle Image handle of this driver. @param[in] SystemTable Global system service table. @retval EFI_STATUS Driver instaled with siccess. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MdesStatusCodeDrvEntryPoint ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MDES_BIOS_FLAGS Flags; UINT32 BiosEventFilters; DXE_ME_POLICY_PROTOCOL *MePlatformPolicy; /// /// Get the ME platform policy. /// Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gDxePlatformMePolicyGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &MePlatformPolicy); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if(MePlatformPolicy->MeConfig.MdesForBiosState == TRUE) { /// /// Check if Mdes is enabled in FW /// Status = HeciGetMdesConfig(&Flags, &BiosEventFilters); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (1) { /// /// Install Mdes protocol to be consumed by platform library for ReportStatusCode core driver. /// Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &ImageHandle, &gMdesStatusCodeProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &MdesStatusCodeProtocolInstance ); } { PLATFORM_DEBUG_CAP Data; UINT8 Result; Data.Data = 3; Status = HeciPlatformDebugCapabilityMsg(Data, &Result); } } return Status; }