path: root/Tools/Python/buildgen/
diff options
authorjwang36 <jwang36@6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524>2007-01-22 09:59:07 +0000
committerjwang36 <jwang36@6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524>2007-01-22 09:59:07 +0000
commit2897231803d9d506f7cb7c68eeb59dcc4805084d (patch)
treeb0037ca2ff28fcb45f143987bb1168e937f0b237 /Tools/Python/buildgen/
parent41ac48e930170db72a0c764b7b81c7a81c1f4ba7 (diff)
Python script for generating build files for platform and modules, which uses the enhanced written by Bruce.
The functionalities include: - parse all packages(.spd) and modules(.msa) - parse active platform(.fpd). You must set active platform in target.txt otherwise nothing will be parsed. - parse tools_def.txt and target.txt - generate Ant build files for active platform and its modules. The generated build file is re-designed and can be called separately once generated. - multi-thread build The functionalities which haven't been implemented include: - AutoGen. No AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c will be generated. If you want run the build file, you have to run the "build" command in advance to generate the AutoGen.h/.c files and remove the any other intermediate files. - generate FFS and FV files. Only compiling will be done by the generated build file. Usage: - type "python ${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Python/buildgen/" in shell to generate build file - goto "${WORKSPACE}/Build/${platform}/${target}_${toolchaintag}/", type "ant" to run the build file git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Python/buildgen/')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Python/buildgen/ b/Tools/Python/buildgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8514e4c8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Python/buildgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+"""Generate build file for given platform"""
+import os, sys, copy
+import xml.dom.minidom, pprint
+import FrameworkElement
+from SurfaceAreaElement import *
+from XmlRoutines import *
+from AntTasks import *
+from sets import Set
+class BuildFile:
+ def __init__(self, workspace, platform, toolchain, target):
+ if workspace == None or workspace == "":
+ raise Exception("No workspace, no build")
+ if platform == None or platform == "":
+ raise Exception("No platform, no build")
+ if toolchain == None or toolchain == "":
+ raise Exception("No toolchain, no build")
+ if target == None or target == "":
+ raise Exception("No target, no build")
+ self.Workspace = workspace
+ self.Platform = platform
+ self.Toolchain = toolchain
+ self.Target = target
+ self.Path = ""
+ def Generate(self):
+ """Generate the build file"""
+ pass
+# generating build.xml for platform
+class AntPlatformBuildFile(BuildFile):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, platform, toolchain, target):
+ BuildFile.__init__(self, workspace, platform, toolchain, target)
+ # Form the build file path, hard-coded at present. It should be specified by a configuration file
+ self.Path = os.path.join(self.Workspace.Path, self.Platform.OutputPath, target + "_" + toolchain, "build.xml")
+ print ""
+ # Generate a common build option property file in the format of Java's property file
+ self.DefaultBuildOptions()
+ # new a build file object
+ self.BuildXml = AntBuildFile(name="platform", basedir=".", default="all")
+ # generate the top level properties, tasks, etc.
+ self.Header()
+ # generate "prebuild" target
+ self.PreBuild()
+ # generate "libraries" target for building library modules
+ self.Libraries()
+ # generate "modules" target for building non-library modules
+ self.Modules()
+ # generate "fvs" target for building firmware volume. (not supported yet)
+ # generate "fds" target for building FlashDevice. (not supported yet)
+ # generate "postbuild" target
+ self.PostBuild()
+ def Generate(self):
+ print "Generating platform build file ...", self.Path
+ self.BuildXml.Create(self.Path)
+ def Header(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ # import external tasks
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="GenBuild.tasks")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="frameworktasks.tasks")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml")
+ # platform wide properties
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("WORKSPACE wide attributes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", environment="env")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="WORKSPACE_DIR", value="${env.WORKSPACE}")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="CONFIG_DIR", value="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/Tools/Conf")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Common build attributes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="THREAD_COUNT", value=self.Workspace.ThreadCount)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="SINGLE_MODULE_BUILD", value="no")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_BUILD_TARGET", value="platform_module_build")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="TOOLCHAIN", value=self.Toolchain)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="TARGET", value=self.Target)
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Platform attributes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM", value=self.Platform.Name)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_GUID", value=self.Platform.GuidValue)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_VERSION", value=self.Platform.Version)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR", value=self.Platform.Dir)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_DIR", value="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/${PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR}")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR", value=self.Platform.OutputPath)
+ # user configurable build path for platform
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Common path definition for platform build")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", file="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/Tools/Python/buildgen/platform_build_path.txt")
+ # common build tasks in the form of Ant macro
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Task Macros for Compiling, Assembling, Linking, etc.")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("import", file="${CONFIG_DIR}/BuildMacro.xml")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("echo", message="${PLATFORM}-${PLATFORM_VERSION} (${PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR})", level="info")
+ # define the targets execution sequence
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Default target")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="all", depends="prebuild, libraries, modules, postbuild")
+ def PreBuild(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: prebuild ")
+ # prebuild is defined by user in the fpd file through <UserExtionsion> element,
+ # which has attribute "identifier=0" or "identifier=prebuild"
+ prebuildTasks = []
+ if self.Platform.UserExtensions.has_key("0"):
+ prebuildTasks = self.Platform.UserExtensions["0"]
+ elif self.Platform.UserExtensions.has_key("postbuild"):
+ prebuildTasks = self.Platform.UserExtensions["prebuild"]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", prebuildTasks, name="prebuild")
+ def Libraries(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: libraries ")
+ librariesTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="libraries")
+ parallelBuild = librariesTarget.SubTask("parallel", threadCount="${THREAD_COUNT}")
+ libraryNumber = 0
+ for arch in self.Platform.Libraries:
+ libraryNumber += len(self.Platform.Libraries[arch])
+ libraryIndex = 0
+ for arch in self.Platform.Libraries:
+ for lib in self.Platform.Libraries[arch]:
+ libraryIndex += 1
+ print "Generating library build files ... %d%%\r" % int((float(libraryIndex) / float(libraryNumber)) * 100),
+ buildFile = AntModuleBuildFile(self.Workspace, self.Platform, lib, self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch)
+ buildFile.Generate()
+ buildDir = os.path.join("${TARGET_DIR}", arch, lib.Module.Package.SubPath(lib.Module.Dir),
+ lib.Module.FileBaseName)
+ parallelBuild.SubTask("ant", dir=buildDir,
+ #antfile="build.xml",
+ inheritAll="true",
+ target="${MODULE_BUILD_TARGET}")
+ print ""
+ def Modules(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: modules ")
+ modulesTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="modules")
+ parallelBuild = modulesTarget.SubTask("parallel", threadCount="${THREAD_COUNT}")
+ moduleNumber = 0
+ for arch in self.Platform.Modules:
+ moduleNumber += len(self.Platform.Modules[arch])
+ moduleIndex = 0
+ for arch in self.Platform.Modules:
+ for module in self.Platform.Modules[arch]:
+ moduleIndex += 1
+ print "Generating module build files ... %d%%\r" % int((float(moduleIndex) / float(moduleNumber)) * 100),
+ buildDir = os.path.join("${TARGET_DIR}", arch, module.Module.Package.SubPath(module.Module.Dir),
+ module.Module.FileBaseName)
+ parallelBuild.SubTask("ant", dir=buildDir,
+ #antfile="build.xml",
+ inheritAll="true",
+ target="${MODULE_BUILD_TARGET}")
+ buildFile = AntModuleBuildFile(self.Workspace, self.Platform, module, self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch)
+ buildFile.Generate()
+ print ""
+ def Fvs(self):
+ pass
+ def Fds(self):
+ pass
+ def PostBuild(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: postbuild ")
+ # postbuild is defined by user in the fpd file through <UserExtionsion> element,
+ # which has attribute "identifier=1" or "identifier=postbuild"
+ postbuildTasks = []
+ if self.Platform.UserExtensions.has_key("1"):
+ postbuildTasks = self.Platform.UserExtensions["1"]
+ elif self.Platform.UserExtensions.has_key("postbuild"):
+ postbuildTasks = self.Platform.UserExtensions["postbuild"]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", postbuildTasks, name="postbuild")
+ def Clean(self):
+ pass
+ def CleanAll(self):
+ pass
+ def UserExtensions(self):
+ pass
+ def DefaultBuildOptions(self):
+ """Generate ${ARCH}_build.opt which contains the default build&tool definitions"""
+ tools = self.Workspace.ToolConfig.ToolCodes
+ for arch in self.Workspace.ActiveArchs:
+ optFileDir = os.path.join(self.Workspace.Path, self.Platform.OutputPath,
+ self.Target + "_" + self.Toolchain)
+ optFileName = arch + "_build.opt"
+ if not os.path.exists(optFileDir): os.makedirs(optFileDir)
+ f = open(os.path.join(optFileDir, optFileName), "w")
+ for tool in tools:
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch, tool, "FLAGS")
+ flag = self.Workspace.ToolConfig[key]
+ f.write("DEFAULT_%s_FLAGS=%s\n" % (tool, flag))
+ f.write("\n")
+ for tool in tools:
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch, tool, "FLAGS")
+ if key in self.Platform.BuildOptions:
+ flag = self.Platform.BuildOptions[key]
+ else:
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch, tool, "FAMILY")
+ family = self.Workspace.ToolConfig[key]
+ key = (family, self.Target, arch, tool, "FLAGS")
+ if key in self.Platform.BuildOptions:
+ flag = self.Platform.BuildOptions[key]
+ else:
+ flag = ""
+ f.write("PLATFORM_%s_FLAGS=%s\n" % (tool, flag))
+ f.write("\n")
+ for tool in tools:
+ for attr in self.Workspace.ToolConfig.Attributes:
+ if attr == "FLAGS": continue
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, arch, tool, attr)
+ value = self.Workspace.ToolConfig[key]
+ if attr == "NAME":
+ f.write("%s=%s\n" % (tool, value))
+ else:
+ f.write("%s_%s=%s\n" % (tool, attr, value))
+ (tool, tool, tool, tool, tool))
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+class AntModuleBuildFile(BuildFile):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, platform, module, toolchain, target, arch):
+ BuildFile.__init__(self, workspace, platform, toolchain, target)
+ self.Module = module
+ self.Arch = arch
+ self.Path = os.path.join(self.Workspace.Path, self.Platform.OutputPath,
+ target + "_" + toolchain, arch, self.Module.Module.Package.Dir,
+ self.Module.Module.Dir, self.Module.Module.FileBaseName, "build.xml")
+ self.BuildXml = AntBuildFile(self.Module.Module.Name)
+ self.SourceFiles = self.GetSourceFiles()
+ self.Header()
+ self.PreBuild()
+ self.Libraries()
+ self.Sourcefiles()
+ self.Sections()
+ self.Ffs()
+ self.PostBuild()
+ def Generate(self):
+ # print self.Path,"\r",
+ self.BuildXml.Create(self.Path)
+ def Header(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="frameworktasks.tasks")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="cpptasks.tasks")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="cpptasks.types")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("taskdef", resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TODO ")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", environment="env")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="WORKSPACE_DIR", value="${env.WORKSPACE}")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Common build attributes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="SINGLE_MODULE_BUILD", value="yes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_BUILD_TARGET", value="single_module_build")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_PREBUILD", value="yes")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_POSTBUILD", value="no")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TODO ")
+ ifTask = _topLevel.SubTask("if")
+ ifTask.SubTask("istrue", value="${SINGLE_MODULE_BUILD}")
+ thenTask = ifTask.SubTask("then")
+ platformBuildFile = os.path.join("${WORKSPACE_DIR}", self.Platform.OutputPath,
+ self.Target + "_" + self.Toolchain, "build.xml")
+ thenTask.SubTask("import", file=platformBuildFile)
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="ARCH", value=self.Arch)
+ module = self.Module.Module
+ package = module.Package
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PACKAGE", value=package.Name)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PACKAGE_GUID", value=package.GuidValue)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PACKAGE_VERSION", value=package.Version)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PACKAGE_RELATIVE_DIR", value=package.Dir)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="PACKAGE_DIR", value=os.path.join("${WORKSPACE_DIR}","${PACKAGE_RELATIVE_DIR}"))
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE", value=module.Name)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_GUID", value=module.GuidValue)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_VERSION", value=module.Version)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_TYPE", value=module.Type)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME", value=module.FileBaseName)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR", value=module.Dir)
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_DIR", value=os.path.join("${PACKAGE_DIR}", "${MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR}"))
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="BASE_NAME", value=module.BaseName)
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", file="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/Tools/Python/buildgen/module_build_path.txt")
+ self._BuildOption()
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="ENTRYPOINT", value="_ModuleEntryPoint")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="SOURCE_FILES", value="\n ".join(self._GetSourceFileList()))
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="LIBS", value="\n ".join(self._GetLibList()))
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", file="${PLATFORM_BUILD_DIR}/%s_build.opt" % self.Arch)
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.SubTask("echo", message="${MODULE}-${MODULE_VERSION} [${ARCH}] from package ${PACKAGE}-${PACKAGE_VERSION} (${MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR})", level="info")
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment("Default target")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="all", depends="single_module_build")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="platform_module_build", depends="prebuild, sourcefiles, sections, output, postbuild")
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="single_module_build", depends="prebuild, libraries, sourcefiles, sections, output, postbuild")
+ def _BuildOption(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ baseModule = self.Module.Module
+ tools = self.Workspace.ToolConfig.ToolCodes
+ for tool in tools:
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, self.Arch, tool, "FLAGS")
+ flag = ""
+ if key in baseModule.BuildOptions:
+ flag = baseModule.BuildOptions[key]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="DEFAULT_MODULE_%s_FLAGS" % tool, value=flag)
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ for tool in tools:
+ key = (self.Toolchain, self.Target, self.Arch, tool, "FLAGS")
+ flag = ""
+ if key in self.Module.BuildOptions:
+ flag = self.Module.BuildOptions[key]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("property", name="MODULE_%s_FLAGS" % tool, value=flag)
+ def PreBuild(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: prebuild ")
+ prebuildTasks = []
+ module = self.Module.Module
+ if module.UserExtensions.has_key("0"):
+ prebuildTasks = module.UserExtensions["0"]
+ elif module.UserExtensions.has_key("postbuild"):
+ prebuildTasks = module.UserExtensions["prebuild"]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", prebuildTasks, name="prebuild")
+ def Libraries(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: libraries ")
+ librariesTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="libraries")
+ parallelBuild = librariesTarget.SubTask("parallel", threadCount="${THREAD_COUNT}")
+ for lib in self.Module.Libraries:
+ module = lib.Module
+ buildDir = os.path.join("${BIN_DIR}", module.Package.SubPath(module.Dir), module.FileBaseName)
+ libTask = parallelBuild.SubTask("ant", dir=buildDir,
+ inheritAll="false",
+ target="${MODULE_BUILD_TARGET}")
+ libTask.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_PREBUILD", value="false")
+ libTask.SubTask("property", name="PLATFORM_POSTBUILD", value="false")
+ def Sourcefiles(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: sourcefiles ")
+ _sourcefilesTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="sourcefiles")
+ _incTask = AntTask(self.BuildXml.Document, "EXTRA.INC")
+ _incTask.SubTask("includepath", path="${WORKSPACE_DIR}")
+ _incTask.SubTask("includepath", path="${MODULE_DIR}")
+ _incTask.SubTask("includepath", path=os.path.join("${MODULE_DIR}", self.Arch.capitalize()))
+ _incTask.SubTask("includepath", path="${DEST_DIR_DEBUG}")
+ if self.Arch in self.Module.Module.IncludePaths:
+ for inc in self.Module.Module.IncludePaths[self.Arch]:
+ _incTask.SubTask("includepath", path=os.path.join("${WORKSPACE_DIR}", inc))
+ # init
+ if not self.Module.Module.IsBinary:
+ _buildTask = _sourcefilesTarget.SubTask("Build_Init")
+ _buildTask.AddSubTask(_incTask)
+ # AutoGen firt
+ _buildTask = _sourcefilesTarget.SubTask("Build_AUTOGEN", FILEEXT="c", FILENAME="AutoGen", FILEPATH=".")
+ _buildTask.AddSubTask(_incTask)
+ # uni file follows
+ type = "UNI"
+ if type in self.SourceFiles:
+ for srcpath in self.SourceFiles[type]:
+ taskName = "Build_" + type
+ fileDir = os.path.dirname(srcpath)
+ if fileDir == "": fileDir = "."
+ fileBaseName,fileExt = os.path.basename(srcpath).rsplit(".", 1)
+ _buildTask = _sourcefilesTarget.SubTask(taskName, FILENAME=fileBaseName, FILEEXT=fileExt, FILEPATH=fileDir)
+ _buildTask.AddSubTask(_incTask)
+ # others: c, vfr, ...
+ for type in self.SourceFiles:
+ if type == "Unicode": continue
+ for srcpath in self.SourceFiles[type]:
+ taskName = "Build_" + type
+ fileDir = os.path.dirname(srcpath)
+ if fileDir == "": fileDir = "."
+ fileBaseName,fileExt = os.path.basename(srcpath).rsplit(".", 1)
+ _buildTask = _sourcefilesTarget.SubTask(taskName, FILENAME=fileBaseName, FILEEXT=fileExt, FILEPATH=fileDir)
+ _buildTask.AddSubTask(_incTask)
+ def Sections(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: sections ")
+ _sectionsTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="sections")
+ def Ffs(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: output ")
+ _sectionsTarget = _topLevel.SubTask("target", name="output")
+ def PostBuild(self):
+ _topLevel = self.BuildXml
+ _topLevel.Blankline()
+ _topLevel.Comment(" TARGET: postbuild ")
+ postbuildTasks = []
+ module = self.Module.Module
+ if module.UserExtensions.has_key("1"):
+ postbuildTasks = module.UserExtensions["1"]
+ elif module.UserExtensions.has_key("postbuild"):
+ postbuildTasks = module.UserExtensions["postbuild"]
+ _topLevel.SubTask("target", postbuildTasks, name="postbuild")
+ def Clean(self):
+ pass
+ def CleanAll(self):
+ pass
+ def UserExtensions(self):
+ pass
+ def GetSourceFiles(self):
+ ## check arch, toolchain, family, toolcode, ext
+ ## if the arch of source file supports active arch
+ ## if the toolchain of source file supports active toolchain
+ ## if the toolchain family of source file supports active toolchain family
+ ## if the ext of the source file is supported by the toolcode
+ module = self.Module.Module
+ files = {} # file type -> src
+ for type in module.SourceFiles[self.Arch]:
+ if not module.IsBuildable(type):
+ # print type,"is not buildable"
+ continue
+ if type not in files:
+ files[type] = []
+ for src in module.SourceFiles[self.Arch][type]:
+ if self.Toolchain not in src.Toolchains:
+ # print self.Toolchain,"not in ",src.Toolchains
+ continue
+ if not self.IsCompatible(src.Families, self.Workspace.ActiveFamilies):
+ # print src.Families,"not compatible with",self.Workspace.ActiveFamilies
+ continue
+ toolcode = src.GetToolCode(src.Type)
+ if toolcode != "":
+ ext = self.Workspace.GetToolDef(self.Toolchain, self.Target, self.Arch, toolcode, "EXT")
+ if ext != "" and ext != src.Ext:
+ # print ext,"in tools_def.txt is not the same as",src.Ext
+ continue
+ ## fileFullPath = os.path.join("${MODULE_DIR}", )
+ ## print fileFullPath
+ files[type].append(src.Path)
+ return files
+ def Intersection(self, list1, list2):
+ return list(Set(list1) & Set(list2))
+ def IsCompatible(self, list1, list2):
+ return len(self.Intersection(list1, list2)) > 0
+ def _GetLibList(self):
+ libList = []
+ for lib in self.Module.Libraries:
+ module = lib.Module
+ libList.append(os.path.join("${BIN_DIR}", module.Name + ".lib"))
+ return libList
+ def _GetSourceFileList(self):
+ srcList = []
+ for type in self.SourceFiles:
+ srcList.extend(self.SourceFiles[type])
+ return srcList
+class NmakeFile(BuildFile):
+ pass
+class GmakeFile(BuildFile):
+ pass
+# for test
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ workspacePath = os.getenv("WORKSPACE", os.getcwd())
+ startTime = time.clock()
+ ws = Workspace(workspacePath, [], [])
+ # generate build.xml
+ ap = ws.ActivePlatform
+ for target in ws.ActiveTargets:
+ ant = AntPlatformBuildFile(ws, ap, ws.ActiveToolchain, target)
+ ant.Generate()
+ print "\n[Finished in %fs]" % (time.clock() - startTime)