path: root/Core/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariable.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Core/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariable.c')
1 files changed, 1785 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Core/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariable.c b/Core/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariable.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..977332e1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe/EmuVariable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1785 @@
+/** @file
+ Emulation Variable services operate on the runtime volatile memory.
+ The nonvolatile variable space doesn't exist.
+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+This program and the accompanying materials
+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+#include "Variable.h"
+/// Don't use module globals after the SetVirtualAddress map is signaled
+ESAL_VARIABLE_GLOBAL *mVariableModuleGlobal;
+/// The size of a 3 character ISO639 language code.
+#define ISO_639_2_ENTRY_SIZE 3
+ Update the variable region with Variable information. These are the same
+ arguments as the EFI Variable services.
+ @param[in] VariableName Name of variable
+ @param[in] VendorGuid Guid of variable
+ @param[in] Data Variable data
+ @param[in] DataSize Size of data. 0 means delete
+ @param[in] Attributes Attribues of the variable
+ @param[in] Variable The variable information which is used to keep track of variable usage.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The update operation is success.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Variable region is full, can not write other data into this region.
+UpdateVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ IN VOID *Data,
+ IN UINTN DataSize,
+ IN UINT32 Attributes OPTIONAL,
+ );
+ Finds variable in storage blocks of volatile and non-volatile storage areas.
+ This code finds variable in storage blocks of volatile and non-volatile storage areas.
+ If VariableName is an empty string, then we just return the first
+ qualified variable without comparing VariableName and VendorGuid.
+ Otherwise, VariableName and VendorGuid are compared.
+ @param VariableName Name of the variable to be found.
+ @param VendorGuid Vendor GUID to be found.
+ @param PtrTrack VARIABLE_POINTER_TRACK structure for output,
+ including the range searched and the target position.
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure, including
+ base of volatile variable storage area, base of
+ NV variable storage area, and a lock.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If VariableName is not an empty string, while
+ VendorGuid is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Variable successfully found.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Variable not found.
+FindVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ );
+ Acquires lock only at boot time. Simply returns at runtime.
+ This is a temperary function which will be removed when
+ EfiAcquireLock() in UefiLib can handle the call in UEFI
+ Runtimer driver in RT phase.
+ It calls EfiAcquireLock() at boot time, and simply returns
+ at runtime
+ @param Lock A pointer to the lock to acquire
+AcquireLockOnlyAtBootTime (
+ )
+ if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ EfiAcquireLock (Lock);
+ }
+ Releases lock only at boot time. Simply returns at runtime.
+ This is a temperary function which will be removed when
+ EfiReleaseLock() in UefiLib can handle the call in UEFI
+ Runtimer driver in RT phase.
+ It calls EfiReleaseLock() at boot time, and simply returns
+ at runtime
+ @param Lock A pointer to the lock to release
+ReleaseLockOnlyAtBootTime (
+ )
+ if (!EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ EfiReleaseLock (Lock);
+ }
+ Gets pointer to the variable data.
+ This function gets the pointer to the variable data according
+ to the input pointer to the variable header.
+ @param Variable Pointer to the variable header.
+ @return Pointer to variable data
+UINT8 *
+GetVariableDataPtr (
+ )
+ if (Variable->StartId != VARIABLE_DATA) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Be careful about pad size for alignment
+ //
+ return (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) GET_VARIABLE_NAME_PTR (Variable) + Variable->NameSize + GET_PAD_SIZE (Variable->NameSize));
+ Gets pointer to header of the next potential variable.
+ This function gets the pointer to the next potential variable header
+ according to the input point to the variable header. The return value
+ is not a valid variable if the input variable was the last variable
+ in the variabl store.
+ @param Variable Pointer to header of the next variable
+ @return Pointer to next variable header.
+ @retval NULL Input was not a valid variable header.
+GetNextPotentialVariablePtr (
+ )
+ if (Variable->StartId != VARIABLE_DATA) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Be careful about pad size for alignment
+ //
+ VarHeader = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN ((UINTN) GetVariableDataPtr (Variable) + Variable->DataSize + GET_PAD_SIZE (Variable->DataSize));
+ return VarHeader;
+ Gets pointer to header of the next variable.
+ This function gets the pointer to the next variable header according
+ to the input point to the variable header.
+ @param Variable Pointer to header of the next variable
+ @return Pointer to next variable header.
+GetNextVariablePtr (
+ )
+ VarHeader = GetNextPotentialVariablePtr (Variable);
+ if ((VarHeader == NULL) || (VarHeader->StartId != VARIABLE_DATA)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return VarHeader;
+ Updates LastVariableOffset variable for the given variable store.
+ LastVariableOffset points to the offset to use for the next variable
+ when updating the variable store.
+ @param[in] VariableStore Pointer to the start of the variable store
+ @param[out] LastVariableOffset Offset to put the next new variable in
+InitializeLocationForLastVariableOffset (
+ OUT UINTN *LastVariableOffset
+ )
+ *LastVariableOffset = sizeof (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER);
+ VarHeader = (VARIABLE_HEADER*) ((UINT8*)VariableStore + *LastVariableOffset);
+ while (VarHeader->StartId == VARIABLE_DATA) {
+ VarHeader = GetNextPotentialVariablePtr (VarHeader);
+ if (VarHeader != NULL) {
+ *LastVariableOffset = (UINTN) VarHeader - (UINTN) VariableStore;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Gets pointer to the end of the variable storage area.
+ This function gets pointer to the end of the variable storage
+ area, according to the input variable store header.
+ @param VolHeader Pointer to the variale store header
+ @return Pointer to the end of the variable storage area.
+GetEndPointer (
+ )
+ //
+ // The end of variable store
+ //
+ return (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN ((UINTN) VolHeader + VolHeader->Size);
+ Routine used to track statistical information about variable usage.
+ The data is stored in the EFI system table so it can be accessed later.
+ VariableInfo.efi can dump out the table. Only Boot Services variable
+ accesses are tracked by this code. The PcdVariableCollectStatistics
+ build flag controls if this feature is enabled.
+ A read that hits in the cache will have Read and Cache true for
+ the transaction. Data is allocated by this routine, but never
+ freed.
+ @param[in] VariableName Name of the Variable to track
+ @param[in] VendorGuid Guid of the Variable to track
+ @param[in] Volatile TRUE if volatile FALSE if non-volatile
+ @param[in] Read TRUE if GetVariable() was called
+ @param[in] Write TRUE if SetVariable() was called
+ @param[in] Delete TRUE if deleted via SetVariable()
+ @param[in] Cache TRUE for a cache hit.
+UpdateVariableInfo (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ IN BOOLEAN Volatile,
+ IN BOOLEAN Delete,
+ )
+ if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdVariableCollectStatistics)) {
+ if (EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ // Don't collect statistics at runtime
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gVariableInfo == NULL) {
+ //
+ // on the first call allocate a entry and place a pointer to it in
+ // the EFI System Table
+ //
+ gVariableInfo = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (VARIABLE_INFO_ENTRY));
+ ASSERT (gVariableInfo != NULL);
+ CopyGuid (&gVariableInfo->VendorGuid, VendorGuid);
+ gVariableInfo->Name = AllocateZeroPool (StrSize (VariableName));
+ ASSERT (gVariableInfo->Name != NULL);
+ StrCpyS (gVariableInfo->Name, StrSize(VariableName)/sizeof(CHAR16), VariableName);
+ gVariableInfo->Volatile = Volatile;
+ gBS->InstallConfigurationTable (&gEfiVariableGuid, gVariableInfo);
+ }
+ for (Entry = gVariableInfo; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next) {
+ if (CompareGuid (VendorGuid, &Entry->VendorGuid)) {
+ if (StrCmp (VariableName, Entry->Name) == 0) {
+ if (Read) {
+ Entry->ReadCount++;
+ }
+ if (Write) {
+ Entry->WriteCount++;
+ }
+ if (Delete) {
+ Entry->DeleteCount++;
+ }
+ if (Cache) {
+ Entry->CacheCount++;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Entry->Next == NULL) {
+ //
+ // If the entry is not in the table add it.
+ // Next iteration of the loop will fill in the data
+ //
+ Entry->Next = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (VARIABLE_INFO_ENTRY));
+ ASSERT (Entry->Next != NULL);
+ CopyGuid (&Entry->Next->VendorGuid, VendorGuid);
+ Entry->Next->Name = AllocateZeroPool (StrSize (VariableName));
+ ASSERT (Entry->Next->Name != NULL);
+ StrCpyS (Entry->Next->Name, StrSize(VariableName)/sizeof(CHAR16), VariableName);
+ Entry->Next->Volatile = Volatile;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Get index from supported language codes according to language string.
+ This code is used to get corresponding index in supported language codes. It can handle
+ RFC4646 and ISO639 language tags.
+ In ISO639 language tags, take 3-characters as a delimitation to find matched string and calculate the index.
+ In RFC4646 language tags, take semicolon as a delimitation to find matched string and calculate the index.
+ For example:
+ SupportedLang = "engfraengfra"
+ Lang = "eng"
+ Iso639Language = TRUE
+ The return value is "0".
+ Another example:
+ SupportedLang = "en;fr;en-US;fr-FR"
+ Lang = "fr-FR"
+ Iso639Language = FALSE
+ The return value is "3".
+ @param SupportedLang Platform supported language codes.
+ @param Lang Configured language.
+ @param Iso639Language A bool value to signify if the handler is operated on ISO639 or RFC4646.
+ @retval the index of language in the language codes.
+ IN CHAR8 *SupportedLang,
+ IN CHAR8 *Lang,
+ IN BOOLEAN Iso639Language
+ )
+ UINTN Index;
+ UINTN CompareLength;
+ UINTN LanguageLength;
+ if (Iso639Language) {
+ CompareLength = ISO_639_2_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ for (Index = 0; Index < AsciiStrLen (SupportedLang); Index += CompareLength) {
+ if (AsciiStrnCmp (Lang, SupportedLang + Index, CompareLength) == 0) {
+ //
+ // Successfully find the index of Lang string in SupportedLang string.
+ //
+ Index = Index / CompareLength;
+ return Index;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Compare RFC4646 language code
+ //
+ Index = 0;
+ for (LanguageLength = 0; Lang[LanguageLength] != '\0'; LanguageLength++);
+ for (Index = 0; *SupportedLang != '\0'; Index++, SupportedLang += CompareLength) {
+ //
+ // Skip ';' characters in SupportedLang
+ //
+ for (; *SupportedLang != '\0' && *SupportedLang == ';'; SupportedLang++);
+ //
+ // Determine the length of the next language code in SupportedLang
+ //
+ for (CompareLength = 0; SupportedLang[CompareLength] != '\0' && SupportedLang[CompareLength] != ';'; CompareLength++);
+ if ((CompareLength == LanguageLength) &&
+ (AsciiStrnCmp (Lang, SupportedLang, CompareLength) == 0)) {
+ //
+ // Successfully find the index of Lang string in SupportedLang string.
+ //
+ return Index;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Get language string from supported language codes according to index.
+ This code is used to get corresponding language string in supported language codes. It can handle
+ RFC4646 and ISO639 language tags.
+ In ISO639 language tags, take 3-characters as a delimitation. Find language string according to the index.
+ In RFC4646 language tags, take semicolon as a delimitation. Find language string according to the index.
+ For example:
+ SupportedLang = "engfraengfra"
+ Index = "1"
+ Iso639Language = TRUE
+ The return value is "fra".
+ Another example:
+ SupportedLang = "en;fr;en-US;fr-FR"
+ Index = "1"
+ Iso639Language = FALSE
+ The return value is "fr".
+ @param SupportedLang Platform supported language codes.
+ @param Index the index in supported language codes.
+ @param Iso639Language A bool value to signify if the handler is operated on ISO639 or RFC4646.
+ @retval the language string in the language codes.
+CHAR8 *
+GetLangFromSupportedLangCodes (
+ IN CHAR8 *SupportedLang,
+ IN UINTN Index,
+ IN BOOLEAN Iso639Language
+ UINTN SubIndex;
+ UINTN CompareLength;
+ CHAR8 *Supported;
+ SubIndex = 0;
+ Supported = SupportedLang;
+ if (Iso639Language) {
+ //
+ // according to the index of Lang string in SupportedLang string to get the language.
+ // As this code will be invoked in RUNTIME, therefore there is not memory allocate/free operation.
+ // In driver entry, it pre-allocates a runtime attribute memory to accommodate this string.
+ //
+ CompareLength = ISO_639_2_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->Lang[CompareLength] = '\0';
+ return CopyMem (mVariableModuleGlobal->Lang, SupportedLang + Index * CompareLength, CompareLength);
+ } else {
+ while (TRUE) {
+ //
+ // take semicolon as delimitation, sequentially traverse supported language codes.
+ //
+ for (CompareLength = 0; *Supported != ';' && *Supported != '\0'; CompareLength++) {
+ Supported++;
+ }
+ if ((*Supported == '\0') && (SubIndex != Index)) {
+ //
+ // Have completed the traverse, but not find corrsponding string.
+ // This case is not allowed to happen.
+ //
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (SubIndex == Index) {
+ //
+ // according to the index of Lang string in SupportedLang string to get the language.
+ // As this code will be invoked in RUNTIME, therefore there is not memory allocate/free operation.
+ // In driver entry, it pre-allocates a runtime attribute memory to accommodate this string.
+ //
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang[CompareLength] = '\0';
+ return CopyMem (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang, Supported - CompareLength, CompareLength);
+ }
+ SubIndex++;
+ //
+ // Skip ';' characters in Supported
+ //
+ for (; *Supported != '\0' && *Supported == ';'; Supported++);
+ }
+ }
+ Returns a pointer to an allocated buffer that contains the best matching language
+ from a set of supported languages.
+ This function supports both ISO 639-2 and RFC 4646 language codes, but language
+ code types may not be mixed in a single call to this function. This function
+ supports a variable argument list that allows the caller to pass in a prioritized
+ list of language codes to test against all the language codes in SupportedLanguages.
+ If SupportedLanguages is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] SupportedLanguages A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that
+ contains a set of language codes in the format
+ specified by Iso639Language.
+ @param[in] Iso639Language If TRUE, then all language codes are assumed to be
+ in ISO 639-2 format. If FALSE, then all language
+ codes are assumed to be in RFC 4646 language format
+ @param[in] ... A variable argument list that contains pointers to
+ Null-terminated ASCII strings that contain one or more
+ language codes in the format specified by Iso639Language.
+ The first language code from each of these language
+ code lists is used to determine if it is an exact or
+ close match to any of the language codes in
+ SupportedLanguages. Close matches only apply to RFC 4646
+ language codes, and the matching algorithm from RFC 4647
+ is used to determine if a close match is present. If
+ an exact or close match is found, then the matching
+ language code from SupportedLanguages is returned. If
+ no matches are found, then the next variable argument
+ parameter is evaluated. The variable argument list
+ is terminated by a NULL.
+ @retval NULL The best matching language could not be found in SupportedLanguages.
+ @retval NULL There are not enough resources available to return the best matching
+ language.
+ @retval Other A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string that is the best matching
+ language in SupportedLanguages.
+CHAR8 *
+VariableGetBestLanguage (
+ IN CONST CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages,
+ IN BOOLEAN Iso639Language,
+ ...
+ )
+ VA_LIST Args;
+ CHAR8 *Language;
+ UINTN CompareLength;
+ UINTN LanguageLength;
+ CONST CHAR8 *Supported;
+ CHAR8 *Buffer;
+ ASSERT (SupportedLanguages != NULL);
+ VA_START (Args, Iso639Language);
+ while ((Language = VA_ARG (Args, CHAR8 *)) != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Default to ISO 639-2 mode
+ //
+ CompareLength = 3;
+ LanguageLength = MIN (3, AsciiStrLen (Language));
+ //
+ // If in RFC 4646 mode, then determine the length of the first RFC 4646 language code in Language
+ //
+ if (!Iso639Language) {
+ for (LanguageLength = 0; Language[LanguageLength] != 0 && Language[LanguageLength] != ';'; LanguageLength++);
+ }
+ //
+ // Trim back the length of Language used until it is empty
+ //
+ while (LanguageLength > 0) {
+ //
+ // Loop through all language codes in SupportedLanguages
+ //
+ for (Supported = SupportedLanguages; *Supported != '\0'; Supported += CompareLength) {
+ //
+ // In RFC 4646 mode, then Loop through all language codes in SupportedLanguages
+ //
+ if (!Iso639Language) {
+ //
+ // Skip ';' characters in Supported
+ //
+ for (; *Supported != '\0' && *Supported == ';'; Supported++);
+ //
+ // Determine the length of the next language code in Supported
+ //
+ for (CompareLength = 0; Supported[CompareLength] != 0 && Supported[CompareLength] != ';'; CompareLength++);
+ //
+ // If Language is longer than the Supported, then skip to the next language
+ //
+ if (LanguageLength > CompareLength) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // See if the first LanguageLength characters in Supported match Language
+ //
+ if (AsciiStrnCmp (Supported, Language, LanguageLength) == 0) {
+ VA_END (Args);
+ Buffer = Iso639Language ? mVariableModuleGlobal->Lang : mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang;
+ Buffer[CompareLength] = '\0';
+ return CopyMem (Buffer, Supported, CompareLength);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Iso639Language) {
+ //
+ // If ISO 639 mode, then each language can only be tested once
+ //
+ LanguageLength = 0;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // If RFC 4646 mode, then trim Language from the right to the next '-' character
+ //
+ for (LanguageLength--; LanguageLength > 0 && Language[LanguageLength] != '-'; LanguageLength--);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VA_END (Args);
+ //
+ // No matches were found
+ //
+ return NULL;
+ Hook the operations in PlatformLangCodes, LangCodes, PlatformLang and Lang.
+ When setting Lang/LangCodes, simultaneously update PlatformLang/PlatformLangCodes.
+ According to UEFI spec, PlatformLangCodes/LangCodes are only set once in firmware initialization,
+ and are read-only. Therefore, in variable driver, only store the original value for other use.
+ @param[in] VariableName Name of variable
+ @param[in] Data Variable data
+ @param[in] DataSize Size of data. 0 means delete
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN VOID *Data,
+ IN UINTN DataSize
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CHAR8 *BestPlatformLang;
+ CHAR8 *BestLang;
+ UINTN Index;
+ UINT32 Attributes;
+ BOOLEAN SetLanguageCodes;
+ //
+ // Don't do updates for delete operation
+ //
+ if (DataSize == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetLanguageCodes = FALSE;
+ if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"PlatformLangCodes") == 0) {
+ //
+ // PlatformLangCodes is a volatile variable, so it can not be updated at runtime.
+ //
+ if (EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetLanguageCodes = TRUE;
+ //
+ // According to UEFI spec, PlatformLangCodes is only set once in firmware initialization, and is read-only
+ // Therefore, in variable driver, only store the original value for other use.
+ //
+ if (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes != NULL) {
+ FreePool (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes);
+ }
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes = AllocateRuntimeCopyPool (DataSize, Data);
+ ASSERT (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes != NULL);
+ //
+ // PlatformLang holds a single language from PlatformLangCodes,
+ // so the size of PlatformLangCodes is enough for the PlatformLang.
+ //
+ if (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang != NULL) {
+ FreePool (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang);
+ }
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang = AllocateRuntimePool (DataSize);
+ ASSERT (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLang != NULL);
+ } else if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"LangCodes") == 0) {
+ //
+ // LangCodes is a volatile variable, so it can not be updated at runtime.
+ //
+ if (EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetLanguageCodes = TRUE;
+ //
+ // According to UEFI spec, LangCodes is only set once in firmware initialization, and is read-only
+ // Therefore, in variable driver, only store the original value for other use.
+ //
+ if (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes != NULL) {
+ FreePool (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes);
+ }
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes = AllocateRuntimeCopyPool (DataSize, Data);
+ ASSERT (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes != NULL);
+ }
+ if (SetLanguageCodes
+ && (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes != NULL)
+ && (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes != NULL)) {
+ //
+ // Update Lang if PlatformLang is already set
+ // Update PlatformLang if Lang is already set
+ //
+ Status = FindVariable (L"PlatformLang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Variable, (VARIABLE_GLOBAL *) mVariableModuleGlobal);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ //
+ // Update Lang
+ //
+ VariableName = L"PlatformLang";
+ Data = GetVariableDataPtr (Variable.CurrPtr);
+ DataSize = Variable.CurrPtr->DataSize;
+ } else {
+ Status = FindVariable (L"Lang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Variable, (VARIABLE_GLOBAL *) mVariableModuleGlobal);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ //
+ // Update PlatformLang
+ //
+ VariableName = L"Lang";
+ Data = GetVariableDataPtr (Variable.CurrPtr);
+ DataSize = Variable.CurrPtr->DataSize;
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Neither PlatformLang nor Lang is set, directly return
+ //
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // According to UEFI spec, "Lang" and "PlatformLang" is NV|BS|RT attributions.
+ //
+ if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"PlatformLang") == 0) {
+ //
+ // Update Lang when PlatformLangCodes/LangCodes were set.
+ //
+ if ((mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes != NULL) && (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes != NULL)) {
+ //
+ // When setting PlatformLang, firstly get most matched language string from supported language codes.
+ //
+ BestPlatformLang = VariableGetBestLanguage (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes, FALSE, Data, NULL);
+ if (BestPlatformLang != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Get the corresponding index in language codes.
+ //
+ Index = GetIndexFromSupportedLangCodes (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes, BestPlatformLang, FALSE);
+ //
+ // Get the corresponding ISO639 language tag according to RFC4646 language tag.
+ //
+ BestLang = GetLangFromSupportedLangCodes (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes, Index, TRUE);
+ //
+ // Successfully convert PlatformLang to Lang, and set the BestLang value into Lang variable simultaneously.
+ //
+ FindVariable (L"Lang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Variable, (VARIABLE_GLOBAL *)mVariableModuleGlobal);
+ Status = UpdateVariable (L"Lang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, BestLang, ISO_639_2_ENTRY_SIZE + 1, Attributes, &Variable);
+ DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Variable Driver Auto Update PlatformLang, PlatformLang:%a, Lang:%a\n", BestPlatformLang, BestLang));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (StrCmp (VariableName, L"Lang") == 0) {
+ //
+ // Update PlatformLang when PlatformLangCodes/LangCodes were set.
+ //
+ if ((mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes != NULL) && (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes != NULL)) {
+ //
+ // When setting Lang, firstly get most matched language string from supported language codes.
+ //
+ BestLang = VariableGetBestLanguage (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes, TRUE, Data, NULL);
+ if (BestLang != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Get the corresponding index in language codes.
+ //
+ Index = GetIndexFromSupportedLangCodes (mVariableModuleGlobal->LangCodes, BestLang, TRUE);
+ //
+ // Get the corresponding RFC4646 language tag according to ISO639 language tag.
+ //
+ BestPlatformLang = GetLangFromSupportedLangCodes (mVariableModuleGlobal->PlatformLangCodes, Index, FALSE);
+ //
+ // Successfully convert Lang to PlatformLang, and set the BestPlatformLang value into PlatformLang variable simultaneously.
+ //
+ FindVariable (L"PlatformLang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Variable, (VARIABLE_GLOBAL *)mVariableModuleGlobal);
+ Status = UpdateVariable (L"PlatformLang", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, BestPlatformLang,
+ AsciiStrSize (BestPlatformLang), Attributes, &Variable);
+ DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Variable Driver Auto Update Lang, Lang:%a, PlatformLang:%a\n", BestLang, BestPlatformLang));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Update the variable region with Variable information. These are the same
+ arguments as the EFI Variable services.
+ @param[in] VariableName Name of variable
+ @param[in] VendorGuid Guid of variable
+ @param[in] Data Variable data
+ @param[in] DataSize Size of data. 0 means delete
+ @param[in] Attributes Attribues of the variable
+ @param[in] Variable The variable information which is used to keep track of variable usage.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The update operation is success.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Variable region is full, can not write other data into this region.
+UpdateVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ IN VOID *Data,
+ IN UINTN DataSize,
+ IN UINT32 Attributes OPTIONAL,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ VARIABLE_HEADER *NextVariable;
+ UINTN VarNameSize;
+ UINTN VarNameOffset;
+ UINTN VarDataOffset;
+ UINTN VarSize;
+ UINTN NonVolatileVarableStoreSize;
+ Global = &mVariableModuleGlobal->VariableGlobal[Physical];
+ if (Variable->CurrPtr != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Update/Delete existing variable
+ //
+ if (EfiAtRuntime ()) {
+ //
+ // If EfiAtRuntime and the variable is Volatile and Runtime Access,
+ // the volatile is ReadOnly, and SetVariable should be aborted and
+ //
+ if (Variable->Volatile) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ //
+ // Only variable have NV attribute can be updated/deleted in Runtime
+ //
+ if ((Variable->CurrPtr->Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) == 0) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Setting a data variable with no access, or zero DataSize attributes
+ // specified causes it to be deleted.
+ //
+ Variable->CurrPtr->State &= VAR_DELETED;
+ UpdateVariableInfo (VariableName, VendorGuid, Variable->Volatile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ //
+ // If the variable is marked valid and the same data has been passed in
+ // then return to the caller immediately.
+ //
+ if (Variable->CurrPtr->DataSize == DataSize &&
+ CompareMem (Data, GetVariableDataPtr (Variable->CurrPtr), DataSize) == 0
+ ) {
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ goto Done;
+ } else if (Variable->CurrPtr->State == VAR_ADDED) {
+ //
+ // Mark the old variable as in delete transition
+ //
+ Variable->CurrPtr->State &= VAR_IN_DELETED_TRANSITION;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // No found existing variable, Create a new variable
+ //
+ //
+ // Make sure we are trying to create a new variable.
+ // Setting a data variable with no access, or zero DataSize attributes means to delete it.
+ //
+ Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ //
+ // Only variable have NV|RT attribute can be created in Runtime
+ //
+ if (EfiAtRuntime () &&
+ (((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) == 0) || ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) == 0))) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Function part - create a new variable and copy the data.
+ // Both update a variable and create a variable will come here.
+ //
+ VarNameOffset = sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER);
+ VarNameSize = StrSize (VariableName);
+ VarDataOffset = VarNameOffset + VarNameSize + GET_PAD_SIZE (VarNameSize);
+ VarSize = VarDataOffset + DataSize + GET_PAD_SIZE (DataSize);
+ if ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) != 0) {
+ NonVolatileVarableStoreSize = ((VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *)(UINTN)(Global->NonVolatileVariableBase))->Size;
+ if ((((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_HARDWARE_ERROR_RECORD) != 0)
+ && ((HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize) + mVariableModuleGlobal->HwErrVariableTotalSize) > PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize)))
+ || (((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_HARDWARE_ERROR_RECORD) == 0)
+ && ((HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize) + mVariableModuleGlobal->CommonVariableTotalSize) > NonVolatileVarableStoreSize - sizeof (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER) - PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize)))) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ NextVariable = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) (UINT8 *) (mVariableModuleGlobal->NonVolatileLastVariableOffset
+ + (UINTN) Global->NonVolatileVariableBase);
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->NonVolatileLastVariableOffset += HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize);
+ if ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_HARDWARE_ERROR_RECORD) != 0) {
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->HwErrVariableTotalSize += HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize);
+ } else {
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->CommonVariableTotalSize += HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((UINT32) (HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize) + mVariableModuleGlobal->VolatileLastVariableOffset) >
+ ((VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) (Global->VolatileVariableBase)))->Size
+ ) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ NextVariable = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) (UINT8 *) (mVariableModuleGlobal->VolatileLastVariableOffset
+ + (UINTN) Global->VolatileVariableBase);
+ mVariableModuleGlobal->VolatileLastVariableOffset += HEADER_ALIGN (VarSize);
+ }
+ NextVariable->StartId = VARIABLE_DATA;
+ NextVariable->Attributes = Attributes;
+ NextVariable->State = VAR_ADDED;
+ NextVariable->Reserved = 0;
+ //
+ // There will be pad bytes after Data, the NextVariable->NameSize and
+ // NextVariable->NameSize should not include pad size so that variable
+ // service can get actual size in GetVariable
+ //
+ NextVariable->NameSize = (UINT32)VarNameSize;
+ NextVariable->DataSize = (UINT32)DataSize;
+ CopyMem (&NextVariable->VendorGuid, VendorGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
+ CopyMem (
+ (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) NextVariable + VarNameOffset),
+ VariableName,
+ VarNameSize
+ );
+ CopyMem (
+ (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) NextVariable + VarDataOffset),
+ Data,
+ DataSize
+ );
+ //
+ // Mark the old variable as deleted
+ //
+ if (Variable->CurrPtr != NULL) {
+ Variable->CurrPtr->State &= VAR_DELETED;
+ }
+ UpdateVariableInfo (VariableName, VendorGuid, Variable->Volatile, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ return Status;
+ Finds variable in storage blocks of volatile and non-volatile storage areas.
+ This code finds variable in storage blocks of volatile and non-volatile storage areas.
+ If VariableName is an empty string, then we just return the first
+ qualified variable without comparing VariableName and VendorGuid.
+ Otherwise, VariableName and VendorGuid are compared.
+ @param VariableName Name of the variable to be found.
+ @param VendorGuid Vendor GUID to be found.
+ @param PtrTrack VARIABLE_POINTER_TRACK structure for output,
+ including the range searched and the target position.
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure, including
+ base of volatile variable storage area, base of
+ NV variable storage area, and a lock.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER If VariableName is not an empty string, while
+ VendorGuid is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Variable successfully found.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Variable not found.
+FindVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ )
+ VARIABLE_HEADER *Variable[2];
+ VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *VariableStoreHeader[2];
+ UINTN Index;
+ //
+ // 0: Non-Volatile, 1: Volatile
+ //
+ VariableStoreHeader[0] = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) Global->NonVolatileVariableBase);
+ VariableStoreHeader[1] = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) Global->VolatileVariableBase);
+ //
+ // Start Pointers for the variable.
+ // Actual Data Pointer where data can be written.
+ //
+ Variable[0] = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN (VariableStoreHeader[0] + 1);
+ Variable[1] = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN (VariableStoreHeader[1] + 1);
+ if (VariableName[0] != 0 && VendorGuid == NULL) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Find the variable by walk through non-volatile and volatile variable store
+ //
+ for (Index = 0; Index < 2; Index++) {
+ PtrTrack->StartPtr = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN (VariableStoreHeader[Index] + 1);
+ PtrTrack->EndPtr = GetEndPointer (VariableStoreHeader[Index]);
+ while ((Variable[Index] < GetEndPointer (VariableStoreHeader[Index])) && (Variable[Index] != NULL)) {
+ if (Variable[Index]->StartId == VARIABLE_DATA && Variable[Index]->State == VAR_ADDED) {
+ if (!(EfiAtRuntime () && ((Variable[Index]->Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) == 0))) {
+ if (VariableName[0] == 0) {
+ PtrTrack->CurrPtr = Variable[Index];
+ PtrTrack->Volatile = (BOOLEAN) Index;
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ if (CompareGuid (VendorGuid, &Variable[Index]->VendorGuid)) {
+ if (CompareMem (VariableName, GET_VARIABLE_NAME_PTR (Variable[Index]), Variable[Index]->NameSize) == 0) {
+ PtrTrack->CurrPtr = Variable[Index];
+ PtrTrack->Volatile = (BOOLEAN) Index;
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Variable[Index] = GetNextVariablePtr (Variable[Index]);
+ }
+ }
+ PtrTrack->CurrPtr = NULL;
+ return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ This code finds variable in storage blocks (Volatile or Non-Volatile).
+ @param VariableName A Null-terminated Unicode string that is the name of
+ the vendor's variable.
+ @param VendorGuid A unique identifier for the vendor.
+ @param Attributes If not NULL, a pointer to the memory location to return the
+ attributes bitmask for the variable.
+ @param DataSize Size of Data found. If size is less than the
+ data, this value contains the required size.
+ @param Data On input, the size in bytes of the return Data buffer.
+ On output, the size of data returned in Data.
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable was not found.
+ @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has
+ been updated with the size needed to complete the request.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableName or VendorGuid or DataSize is NULL.
+EmuGetVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL,
+ IN OUT UINTN *DataSize,
+ OUT VOID *Data,
+ )
+ UINTN VarDataSize;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINT8 *VariableDataPtr;
+ if (VariableName == NULL || VendorGuid == NULL || DataSize == NULL) {
+ }
+ AcquireLockOnlyAtBootTime(&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ //
+ // Find existing variable
+ //
+ Status = FindVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, &Variable, Global);
+ if (Variable.CurrPtr == NULL || EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get data size
+ //
+ VarDataSize = Variable.CurrPtr->DataSize;
+ if (*DataSize >= VarDataSize) {
+ if (Data == NULL) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ VariableDataPtr = GetVariableDataPtr (Variable.CurrPtr);
+ ASSERT (VariableDataPtr != NULL);
+ CopyMem (Data, VariableDataPtr, VarDataSize);
+ if (Attributes != NULL) {
+ *Attributes = Variable.CurrPtr->Attributes;
+ }
+ *DataSize = VarDataSize;
+ UpdateVariableInfo (VariableName, VendorGuid, Variable.Volatile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ goto Done;
+ } else {
+ *DataSize = VarDataSize;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ ReleaseLockOnlyAtBootTime (&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ return Status;
+ This code Finds the Next available variable.
+ @param VariableNameSize Size of the variable.
+ @param VariableName On input, supplies the last VariableName that was returned by GetNextVariableName().
+ On output, returns the Null-terminated Unicode string of the current variable.
+ @param VendorGuid On input, supplies the last VendorGuid that was returned by GetNextVariableName().
+ On output, returns the VendorGuid of the current variable.
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The next variable was not found.
+ @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL VariableNameSize is too small for the result.
+ VariableNameSize has been updated with the size needed to complete the request.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableNameSize or VariableName or VendorGuid is NULL.
+EmuGetNextVariableName (
+ IN OUT UINTN *VariableNameSize,
+ IN OUT CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN OUT EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ )
+ UINTN VarNameSize;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ if (VariableNameSize == NULL || VariableName == NULL || VendorGuid == NULL) {
+ }
+ AcquireLockOnlyAtBootTime(&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ Status = FindVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, &Variable, Global);
+ if (Variable.CurrPtr == NULL || EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ while (TRUE) {
+ if (VariableName[0] != 0) {
+ //
+ // If variable name is not NULL, get next variable
+ //
+ Variable.CurrPtr = GetNextVariablePtr (Variable.CurrPtr);
+ }
+ //
+ // If both volatile and non-volatile variable store are parsed,
+ // return not found
+ //
+ if (Variable.CurrPtr >= Variable.EndPtr || Variable.CurrPtr == NULL) {
+ Variable.Volatile = (BOOLEAN) (Variable.Volatile ^ ((BOOLEAN) 0x1));
+ if (Variable.Volatile) {
+ Variable.StartPtr = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN ((UINTN) (Global->VolatileVariableBase + sizeof (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER)));
+ Variable.EndPtr = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) GetEndPointer ((VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) Global->VolatileVariableBase));
+ } else {
+ Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ Variable.CurrPtr = Variable.StartPtr;
+ if (Variable.CurrPtr->StartId != VARIABLE_DATA) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Variable is found
+ //
+ if (Variable.CurrPtr->StartId == VARIABLE_DATA && Variable.CurrPtr->State == VAR_ADDED) {
+ if (!(EfiAtRuntime () && ((Variable.CurrPtr->Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) == 0))) {
+ VarNameSize = Variable.CurrPtr->NameSize;
+ if (VarNameSize <= *VariableNameSize) {
+ CopyMem (
+ VariableName,
+ GET_VARIABLE_NAME_PTR (Variable.CurrPtr),
+ VarNameSize
+ );
+ CopyMem (
+ VendorGuid,
+ &Variable.CurrPtr->VendorGuid,
+ sizeof (EFI_GUID)
+ );
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ }
+ *VariableNameSize = VarNameSize;
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ReleaseLockOnlyAtBootTime (&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ return Status;
+ This code sets variable in storage blocks (Volatile or Non-Volatile).
+ @param VariableName A Null-terminated Unicode string that is the name of the vendor's
+ variable. Each VariableName is unique for each
+ VendorGuid. VariableName must contain 1 or more
+ Unicode characters. If VariableName is an empty Unicode
+ string, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
+ @param VendorGuid A unique identifier for the vendor
+ @param Attributes Attributes bitmask to set for the variable
+ @param DataSize The size in bytes of the Data buffer. A size of zero causes the
+ variable to be deleted.
+ @param Data The contents for the variable
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure
+ @param VolatileOffset The offset of last volatile variable
+ @param NonVolatileOffset The offset of last non-volatile variable
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The firmware has successfully stored the variable and its data as
+ defined by the Attributes.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid combination of attribute bits was supplied, or the
+ DataSize exceeds the maximum allowed, or VariableName is an empty
+ Unicode string, or VendorGuid is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough storage is available to hold the variable and its data.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The variable could not be saved due to a hardware failure.
+ @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The variable in question is read-only or cannot be deleted.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable trying to be updated or deleted was not found.
+EmuSetVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ IN UINT32 Attributes,
+ IN UINTN DataSize,
+ IN VOID *Data,
+ IN UINTN *VolatileOffset,
+ IN UINTN *NonVolatileOffset
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ //
+ // Check input parameters
+ //
+ if (VariableName == NULL || VariableName[0] == 0 || VendorGuid == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (DataSize != 0 && Data == NULL) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Not support authenticated variable write yet.
+ //
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure if runtime bit is set, boot service bit is set also
+ //
+ }
+ if ((UINTN)(~0) - DataSize < StrSize(VariableName)){
+ //
+ // Prevent whole variable size overflow
+ //
+ }
+ //
+ // The size of the VariableName, including the Unicode Null in bytes plus
+ // the DataSize is limited to maximum size of PcdGet32 (PcdMaxHardwareErrorVariableSize)
+ // bytes for HwErrRec, and PcdGet32 (PcdMaxVariableSize) bytes for the others.
+ //
+ if (StrSize (VariableName) + DataSize > PcdGet32 (PcdMaxHardwareErrorVariableSize) - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
+ }
+ //
+ // According to UEFI spec, HARDWARE_ERROR_RECORD variable name convention should be L"HwErrRecXXXX"
+ //
+ if (StrnCmp(VariableName, L"HwErrRec", StrLen(L"HwErrRec")) != 0) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // The size of the VariableName, including the Unicode Null in bytes plus
+ // the DataSize is limited to maximum size of PcdGet32 (PcdMaxVariableSize) bytes.
+ //
+ if (StrSize (VariableName) + DataSize > PcdGet32 (PcdMaxVariableSize) - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
+ }
+ }
+ AcquireLockOnlyAtBootTime(&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ //
+ // Check whether the input variable is already existed
+ //
+ Status = FindVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, &Variable, Global);
+ //
+ // Hook the operation of setting PlatformLangCodes/PlatformLang and LangCodes/Lang
+ //
+ AutoUpdateLangVariable (VariableName, Data, DataSize);
+ Status = UpdateVariable (VariableName, VendorGuid, Data, DataSize, Attributes, &Variable);
+ ReleaseLockOnlyAtBootTime (&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ return Status;
+ This code returns information about the EFI variables.
+ @param Attributes Attributes bitmask to specify the type of variables
+ on which to return information.
+ @param MaximumVariableStorageSize On output the maximum size of the storage space available for
+ the EFI variables associated with the attributes specified.
+ @param RemainingVariableStorageSize Returns the remaining size of the storage space available for EFI
+ variables associated with the attributes specified.
+ @param MaximumVariableSize Returns the maximum size of an individual EFI variable
+ associated with the attributes specified.
+ @param Global Pointer to VARIABLE_GLOBAL structure.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Valid answer returned.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid combination of attribute bits was supplied
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The attribute is not supported on this platform, and the
+ MaximumVariableStorageSize, RemainingVariableStorageSize,
+ MaximumVariableSize are undefined.
+EmuQueryVariableInfo (
+ IN UINT32 Attributes,
+ OUT UINT64 *MaximumVariableStorageSize,
+ OUT UINT64 *RemainingVariableStorageSize,
+ OUT UINT64 *MaximumVariableSize,
+ )
+ VARIABLE_HEADER *NextVariable;
+ UINT64 VariableSize;
+ VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *VariableStoreHeader;
+ UINT64 CommonVariableTotalSize;
+ UINT64 HwErrVariableTotalSize;
+ CommonVariableTotalSize = 0;
+ HwErrVariableTotalSize = 0;
+ if(MaximumVariableStorageSize == NULL || RemainingVariableStorageSize == NULL || MaximumVariableSize == NULL || Attributes == 0) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure the Attributes combination is supported by the platform.
+ //
+ //
+ // Make sure if runtime bit is set, boot service bit is set also.
+ //
+ } else if (EfiAtRuntime () && ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS) == 0)) {
+ //
+ // Make sure RT Attribute is set if we are in Runtime phase.
+ //
+ //
+ // Make sure Hw Attribute is set with NV.
+ //
+ } else if ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS) != 0) {
+ //
+ // Not support authentiated variable write yet.
+ //
+ }
+ AcquireLockOnlyAtBootTime(&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ if((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) == 0) {
+ //
+ // Query is Volatile related.
+ //
+ VariableStoreHeader = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) Global->VolatileVariableBase);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Query is Non-Volatile related.
+ //
+ VariableStoreHeader = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) ((UINTN) Global->NonVolatileVariableBase);
+ }
+ //
+ // Now let's fill *MaximumVariableStorageSize *RemainingVariableStorageSize
+ // with the storage size (excluding the storage header size)
+ //
+ *MaximumVariableStorageSize = VariableStoreHeader->Size - sizeof (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER);
+ //
+ // Harware error record variable needs larger size.
+ //
+ *MaximumVariableStorageSize = PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize);
+ *MaximumVariableSize = PcdGet32 (PcdMaxHardwareErrorVariableSize) - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER);
+ } else {
+ if ((Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) != 0) {
+ ASSERT (PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize) < VariableStoreHeader->Size);
+ *MaximumVariableStorageSize = VariableStoreHeader->Size - sizeof (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER) - PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // Let *MaximumVariableSize be PcdGet32 (PcdMaxVariableSize) with the exception of the variable header size.
+ //
+ *MaximumVariableSize = PcdGet32 (PcdMaxVariableSize) - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER);
+ }
+ //
+ // Point to the starting address of the variables.
+ //
+ Variable = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN (VariableStoreHeader + 1);
+ //
+ // Now walk through the related variable store.
+ //
+ while (Variable < GetEndPointer (VariableStoreHeader)) {
+ NextVariable = GetNextVariablePtr(Variable);
+ if (NextVariable == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ VariableSize = (UINT64) (UINTN) NextVariable - (UINT64) (UINTN) Variable;
+ HwErrVariableTotalSize += VariableSize;
+ } else {
+ CommonVariableTotalSize += VariableSize;
+ }
+ //
+ // Go to the next one.
+ //
+ Variable = NextVariable;
+ }
+ *RemainingVariableStorageSize = *MaximumVariableStorageSize - HwErrVariableTotalSize;
+ } else {
+ *RemainingVariableStorageSize = *MaximumVariableStorageSize - CommonVariableTotalSize;
+ }
+ if (*RemainingVariableStorageSize < sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
+ *MaximumVariableSize = 0;
+ } else if ((*RemainingVariableStorageSize - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER)) < *MaximumVariableSize) {
+ *MaximumVariableSize = *RemainingVariableStorageSize - sizeof (VARIABLE_HEADER);
+ }
+ ReleaseLockOnlyAtBootTime (&Global->VariableServicesLock);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ Initializes variable store area.
+ This function allocates memory space for variable store area and initializes its attributes.
+ @param VolatileStore Indicates if the variable store is volatile.
+InitializeVariableStore (
+ IN BOOLEAN VolatileStore
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ BOOLEAN FullyInitializeStore;
+ UINTN *LastVariableOffset;
+ VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *VariableStoreHeader;
+ VOID *VariableData;
+ FullyInitializeStore = TRUE;
+ if (VolatileStore) {
+ VariableBase = &mVariableModuleGlobal->VariableGlobal[Physical].VolatileVariableBase;
+ LastVariableOffset = &mVariableModuleGlobal->VolatileLastVariableOffset;
+ } else {
+ VariableBase = &mVariableModuleGlobal->VariableGlobal[Physical].NonVolatileVariableBase;
+ LastVariableOffset = &mVariableModuleGlobal->NonVolatileLastVariableOffset;
+ }
+ //
+ // Note that in EdkII variable driver implementation, Hardware Error Record type variable
+ // is stored with common variable in the same NV region. So the platform integrator should
+ // ensure that the value of PcdHwErrStorageSize is less than or equal to the value of
+ // PcdVariableStoreSize.
+ //
+ ASSERT (PcdGet32 (PcdHwErrStorageSize) <= PcdGet32 (PcdVariableStoreSize));
+ //
+ // Allocate memory for variable store.
+ //
+ if (VolatileStore || (PcdGet64 (PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved) == 0)) {
+ VariableStore = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) AllocateRuntimePool (PcdGet32 (PcdVariableStoreSize));
+ } else {
+ //
+ // A memory location has been reserved for the NV variable store. Certain
+ // platforms may be able to preserve a memory range across system resets,
+ // thereby providing better NV variable emulation.
+ //
+ VariableStore =
+ PcdGet64 (PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved);
+ if (
+ (VariableStore->Size == PcdGet32 (PcdVariableStoreSize)) &&
+ (VariableStore->Format == VARIABLE_STORE_FORMATTED) &&
+ (VariableStore->State == VARIABLE_STORE_HEALTHY)
+ ) {
+ "Variable Store reserved at %p appears to be valid\n",
+ VariableStore
+ ));
+ FullyInitializeStore = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL == VariableStore) {
+ }
+ if (FullyInitializeStore) {
+ SetMem (VariableStore, PcdGet32 (PcdVariableStoreSize), 0xff);
+ }
+ //
+ // Variable Specific Data
+ //
+ *VariableBase = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) VariableStore;
+ InitializeLocationForLastVariableOffset (VariableStore, LastVariableOffset);
+ CopyGuid (&VariableStore->Signature, &gEfiVariableGuid);
+ VariableStore->Size = PcdGet32 (PcdVariableStoreSize);
+ VariableStore->Format = VARIABLE_STORE_FORMATTED;
+ VariableStore->State = VARIABLE_STORE_HEALTHY;
+ VariableStore->Reserved = 0;
+ VariableStore->Reserved1 = 0;
+ if (!VolatileStore) {
+ //
+ // Get HOB variable store.
+ //
+ GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiVariableGuid);
+ if (GuidHob != NULL) {
+ VariableStoreHeader = (VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *) GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob);
+ if (CompareGuid (&VariableStoreHeader->Signature, &gEfiVariableGuid) &&
+ (VariableStoreHeader->Format == VARIABLE_STORE_FORMATTED) &&
+ (VariableStoreHeader->State == VARIABLE_STORE_HEALTHY)
+ ) {
+ DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "HOB Variable Store appears to be valid.\n"));
+ //
+ // Flush the HOB variable to Emulation Variable storage.
+ //
+ for ( Variable = (VARIABLE_HEADER *) HEADER_ALIGN (VariableStoreHeader + 1)
+ ; (Variable < GetEndPointer (VariableStoreHeader) && (Variable != NULL))
+ ; Variable = GetNextVariablePtr (Variable)
+ ) {
+ ASSERT (Variable->State == VAR_ADDED);
+ ASSERT ((Variable->Attributes & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE) != 0);
+ VariableData = GetVariableDataPtr (Variable);
+ Status = EmuSetVariable (
+ &Variable->VendorGuid,
+ Variable->Attributes,
+ Variable->DataSize,
+ VariableData,
+ &mVariableModuleGlobal->VariableGlobal[Physical],
+ &mVariableModuleGlobal->VolatileLastVariableOffset,
+ &mVariableModuleGlobal->NonVolatileLastVariableOffset
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ Initializes variable store area for non-volatile and volatile variable.
+ This function allocates and initializes memory space for global context of ESAL
+ variable service and variable store area for non-volatile and volatile variable.
+ @param ImageHandle The Image handle of this driver.
+ @param SystemTable The pointer of EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Function successfully executed.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fail to allocate enough memory resource.
+VariableCommonInitialize (
+ IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ //
+ // Allocate memory for mVariableModuleGlobal
+ //
+ mVariableModuleGlobal = (ESAL_VARIABLE_GLOBAL *) AllocateRuntimeZeroPool (
+ );
+ if (NULL == mVariableModuleGlobal) {
+ }
+ EfiInitializeLock(&mVariableModuleGlobal->VariableGlobal[Physical].VariableServicesLock, TPL_NOTIFY);
+ //
+ // Intialize volatile variable store
+ //
+ Status = InitializeVariableStore (TRUE);
+ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ FreePool(mVariableModuleGlobal);
+ return Status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Intialize non volatile variable store
+ //
+ Status = InitializeVariableStore (FALSE);
+ return Status;