path: root/IntelFspPkg/FspSecCore/Ia32/FspApiEntry.asm
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diff --git a/IntelFspPkg/FspSecCore/Ia32/FspApiEntry.asm b/IntelFspPkg/FspSecCore/Ia32/FspApiEntry.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e3e5a1e2..0000000000
--- a/IntelFspPkg/FspSecCore/Ia32/FspApiEntry.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-;; @file
-; Provide FSP API entry points.
-; Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-; This program and the accompanying materials
-; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
- .586p
- .model flat,C
- .code
- .xmm
-; Following are fixed PCDs
-EXTERN PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamBase):DWORD
-EXTERN PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamSize):DWORD
-EXTERN PcdGet32(PcdFspTemporaryRamSize):DWORD
-EXTERN PcdGet32(PcdFspAreaSize):DWORD
-; Following functions will be provided in C
-EXTERN FspApiCallingCheck:PROC
-; Following functions will be provided in PlatformSecLib
-EXTERN AsmGetFspBaseAddress:PROC
-EXTERN AsmGetFspInfoHeader:PROC
-EXTERN GetBootFirmwareVolumeOffset:PROC
-EXTERN Loader2PeiSwitchStack:PROC
-EXTERN LoadMicrocode(LoadMicrocodeDefault):PROC
-EXTERN SecPlatformInit(SecPlatformInitDefault):PROC
-; Define the data length that we saved on the stack top
-; Define SSE macros
-LOAD_MMX_EXT MACRO ReturnAddress, MmxRegister
- mov esi, ReturnAddress
- movd MmxRegister, esi ; save ReturnAddress into MMX
-CALL_MMX_EXT MACRO RoutineLabel, MmxRegister
- local ReturnAddress
- mov esi, offset ReturnAddress
- movd MmxRegister, esi ; save ReturnAddress into MMX
- jmp RoutineLabel
- movd esi, MmxRegister ; move ReturnAddress from MMX to ESI
- jmp esi
-CALL_MMX MACRO RoutineLabel
- CALL_MMX_EXT RoutineLabel, mm7
-SecPlatformInitDefault PROC NEAR PUBLIC
- ; Inputs:
- ; mm7 -> Return address
- ; Outputs:
- ; eax -> 0 - Successful, Non-zero - Failed.
- ; Register Usage:
- ; eax is cleared and ebp is used for return address.
- ; All others reserved.
- ; Save return address to EBP
- movd ebp, mm7
- xor eax, eax
- jmp ebp
-SecPlatformInitDefault ENDP
-LoadMicrocodeDefault PROC NEAR PUBLIC
- ; Inputs:
- ; esp -> LoadMicrocodeParams pointer
- ; Register Usage:
- ; esp Preserved
- ; All others destroyed
- ; Assumptions:
- ; No memory available, stack is hard-coded and used for return address
- ; Executed by SBSP and NBSP
- ; Beginning of microcode update region starts on paragraph boundary
- ;
- ;
- ; Save return address to EBP
- movd ebp, mm7
- cmp esp, 0
- jz paramerror
- mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 4] ; Parameter pointer
- cmp eax, 0
- jz paramerror
- mov esp, eax
- mov esi, [esp].LoadMicrocodeParams.MicrocodeCodeAddr
- cmp esi, 0
- jnz check_main_header
- mov eax, 080000002h
- jmp exit
- mov esi, [esp].LoadMicrocodeParams.MicrocodeCodeAddr
- ; Get processor signature and platform ID from the installed processor
- ; and save into registers for later use
- ; ebx = processor signature
- ; edx = platform ID
- mov eax, 1
- cpuid
- mov ebx, eax
- mov ecx, MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID
- rdmsr
- mov ecx, edx
- shr ecx, 50-32 ; shift (50d-32d=18d=0x12) bits
- and ecx, 7h ; platform id at bit[52..50]
- mov edx, 1
- shl edx, cl
- ; Current register usage
- ; esp -> stack with paramters
- ; esi -> microcode update to check
- ; ebx = processor signature
- ; edx = platform ID
- ; Check for valid microcode header
- ; Minimal test checking for header version and loader version as 1
- mov eax, dword ptr 1
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrVersion, eax
- jne advance_fixed_size
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrLoader, eax
- jne advance_fixed_size
- ; Check if signature and plaform ID match
- cmp ebx, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrProcessor
- jne @f
- test edx, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrFlags
- jnz load_check ; Jif signature and platform ID match
- ; Check if extended header exists
- ; First check if MicrocodeHdrTotalSize and MicrocodeHdrDataSize are valid
- xor eax, eax
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize, eax
- je next_microcode
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize, eax
- je next_microcode
- ; Then verify total size - sizeof header > data size
- mov ecx, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize
- sub ecx, sizeof MicrocodeHdr
- cmp ecx, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize
- jng next_microcode ; Jif extended header does not exist
- ; Set edi -> extended header
- mov edi, esi
- add edi, sizeof MicrocodeHdr
- add edi, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize
- ; Get count of extended structures
- mov ecx, [edi].ExtSigHdr.ExtSigHdrCount
- ; Move pointer to first signature structure
- add edi, sizeof ExtSigHdr
- ; Check if extended signature and platform ID match
- cmp [edi].ExtSig.ExtSigProcessor, ebx
- jne @f
- test [edi].ExtSig.ExtSigFlags, edx
- jnz load_check ; Jif signature and platform ID match
- ; Check if any more extended signatures exist
- add edi, sizeof ExtSig
- loop check_ext_sig
- ; Advance just after end of this microcode
- xor eax, eax
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize, eax
- je @f
- add esi, [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize
- jmp check_address
- add esi, dword ptr 2048
- jmp check_address
- ; Advance by 4X dwords
- add esi, dword ptr 1024
- ; Is valid Microcode start point ?
- cmp dword ptr [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrVersion, 0ffffffffh
- jz done
- ; Is automatic size detection ?
- mov eax, [esp].LoadMicrocodeParams.MicrocodeCodeSize
- cmp eax, 0ffffffffh
- jz @f
- ; Address >= microcode region address + microcode region size?
- add eax, [esp].LoadMicrocodeParams.MicrocodeCodeAddr
- cmp esi, eax
- jae done ;Jif address is outside of microcode region
- jmp check_main_header
- ; Get the revision of the current microcode update loaded
- mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
- xor eax, eax ; Clear EAX
- xor edx, edx ; Clear EDX
- wrmsr ; Load 0 to MSR at 8Bh
- mov eax, 1
- cpuid
- mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
- rdmsr ; Get current microcode signature
- ; Verify this microcode update is not already loaded
- cmp [esi].MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrRevision, edx
- je continue
- ; EAX contains the linear address of the start of the Update Data
- ; EDX contains zero
- ; ECX contains 79h (IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG)
- ; Start microcode load with wrmsr
- mov eax, esi
- add eax, sizeof MicrocodeHdr
- xor edx, edx
- mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG
- wrmsr
- mov eax, 1
- cpuid
- jmp next_microcode
- mov eax, 1
- cpuid
- mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
- rdmsr ; Get current microcode signature
- xor eax, eax
- cmp edx, 0
- jnz exit
- mov eax, 08000000Eh
- jmp ebp
-LoadMicrocodeDefault ENDP
-EstablishStackFsp PROC NEAR PRIVATE
- ;
- ; Save parameter pointer in edx
- ;
- mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 4]
- ;
- ; Enable FSP STACK
- ;
- mov esp, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
- add esp, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
- push DATA_LEN_OF_MCUD ; Size of the data region
- push 4455434Dh ; Signature of the data region 'MCUD'
- push dword ptr [edx + 12] ; Code size
- push dword ptr [edx + 8] ; Code base
- push dword ptr [edx + 4] ; Microcode size
- push dword ptr [edx] ; Microcode base
- ;
- ; Save API entry/exit timestamp into stack
- ;
- push DATA_LEN_OF_PER0 ; Size of the data region
- push 30524550h ; Signature of the data region 'PER0'
- push edx
- push eax
- rdtsc
- push edx
- push eax
- ;
- ; Terminator for the data on stack
- ;
- push 0
- ;
- ; Set ECX/EDX to the BootLoader temporary memory range
- ;
- mov ecx, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase)
- mov edx, ecx
- add edx, PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize)
- sub edx, PcdGet32 (PcdFspTemporaryRamSize)
- xor eax, eax
-EstablishStackFsp ENDP
-; TempRamInit API
-; This FSP API will load the microcode update, enable code caching for the
-; region specified by the boot loader and also setup a temporary stack to be
-; used till main memory is initialized.
- ;
- ; Ensure SSE is enabled
- ;
- ;
- ; Save EBP, EBX, ESI, EDI & ESP in XMM7 & XMM6
- ;
- ;
- ; Save timestamp into XMM6
- ;
- rdtsc
- ;
- ; Check Parameter
- ;
- mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 4]
- cmp eax, 0
- mov eax, 80000002h
- jz TempRamInitExit
- ;
- ; Sec Platform Init
- ;
- CALL_MMX SecPlatformInit
- cmp eax, 0
- jnz TempRamInitExit
- ; Load microcode
- CALL_MMX LoadMicrocode
- SXMMN xmm6, 3, eax ;Save microcode return status in ECX-SLOT 3 in xmm6.
- ;@note If return value eax is not 0, microcode did not load, but continue and attempt to boot.
- ; Call Sec CAR Init
- CALL_MMX SecCarInit
- cmp eax, 0
- jnz TempRamInitExit
- CALL_MMX EstablishStackFsp
- LXMMN xmm6, eax, 3 ;Restore microcode status if no CAR init error from ECX-SLOT 3 in xmm6.
- ;
- ; Load EBP, EBX, ESI, EDI & ESP from XMM7 & XMM6
- ;
- ret
-TempRamInitApi ENDP
-; FspInit API
-; This FSP API will perform the processor and chipset initialization.
-; This API will not return. Instead, it transfers the control to the
-; ContinuationFunc provided in the parameter.
- mov eax, 1
- jmp FspApiCommon
- FspInitApi ENDP
-; NotifyPhase API
-; This FSP API will notify the FSP about the different phases in the boot
-; process
-NotifyPhaseApi PROC C PUBLIC
- mov eax, 2
- jmp FspApiCommon
-NotifyPhaseApi ENDP
-; FspMemoryInit API
-; This FSP API is called after TempRamInit and initializes the memory.
- mov eax, 3
- jmp FspApiCommon
-FspMemoryInitApi ENDP
-; TempRamExitApi API
-; This API tears down temporary RAM
- mov eax, 4
- jmp FspApiCommon
-TempRamExitApi ENDP
-; FspSiliconInit API
-; This FSP API initializes the CPU and the chipset including the IO
-; controllers in the chipset to enable normal operation of these devices.
-FspSiliconInitApi PROC C PUBLIC
- mov eax, 5
- jmp FspApiCommon
-FspSiliconInitApi ENDP
-; FspApiCommon API
-; This is the FSP API common entry point to resume the FSP execution
- ;
- ; EAX holds the API index
- ;
- ;
- ; Stack must be ready
- ;
- push eax
- add esp, 4
- cmp eax, dword ptr [esp - 4]
- jz @F
- mov eax, 080000003h
- jmp exit
- ;
- ; Verify the calling condition
- ;
- pushad
- push [esp + 4 * 8 + 4] ; push ApiParam
- push eax ; push ApiIdx
- call FspApiCallingCheck
- add esp, 8
- cmp eax, 0
- jz @F
- mov dword ptr [esp + 4 * 7], eax
- popad
- ret
- popad
- cmp eax, 1 ; FspInit API
- jz @F
- cmp eax, 3 ; FspMemoryInit API
- jz @F
- call AsmGetFspInfoHeader
- jmp Loader2PeiSwitchStack
- ;
- ; FspInit and FspMemoryInit APIs, setup the initial stack frame
- ;
- ;
- ; Place holder to store the FspInfoHeader pointer
- ;
- push eax
- ;
- ; Update the FspInfoHeader pointer
- ;
- push eax
- call AsmGetFspInfoHeader
- mov [esp + 4], eax
- pop eax
- ;
- ; Create a Task Frame in the stack for the Boot Loader
- ;
- pushfd ; 2 pushf for 4 byte alignment
- cli
- pushad
- ; Reserve 8 bytes for IDT save/restore
- sub esp, 8
- sidt fword ptr [esp]
- ;
- ; Setup new FSP stack
- ;
- mov edi, esp
- mov esp, PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamBase)
- add esp, PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamSize)
- sub esp, (DATA_LEN_AT_STACK_TOP + 40h)
- ;
- ; Pass the API Idx to SecStartup
- ;
- push eax
- ;
- ; Pass the BootLoader stack to SecStartup
- ;
- push edi
- ;
- ; Pass entry point of the PEI core
- ;
- call AsmGetFspBaseAddress
- mov edi, eax
- add edi, PcdGet32 (PcdFspAreaSize)
- sub edi, 20h
- add eax, DWORD PTR ds:[edi]
- push eax
- ;
- ; Pass BFV into the PEI Core
- ; It uses relative address to calucate the actual boot FV base
- ; For FSP implementation with single FV, PcdFspBootFirmwareVolumeBase and
- ; PcdFspAreaBaseAddress are the same. For FSP with mulitple FVs,
- ; they are different. The code below can handle both cases.
- ;
- call AsmGetFspBaseAddress
- mov edi, eax
- call GetBootFirmwareVolumeOffset
- add eax, edi
- push eax
- ;
- ; Pass stack base and size into the PEI Core
- ;
- mov eax, PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamBase)
- add eax, PcdGet32(PcdTemporaryRamSize)
- sub eax, PcdGet32(PcdFspTemporaryRamSize)
- push eax
- push PcdGet32(PcdFspTemporaryRamSize)
- ;
- ; Pass Control into the PEI Core
- ;
- call SecStartup
- add esp, 4
- ret
-FspApiCommon ENDP