path: root/Tools/CCode/Source/GenDepex/DepexParser.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/CCode/Source/GenDepex/DepexParser.c')
1 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/CCode/Source/GenDepex/DepexParser.c b/Tools/CCode/Source/GenDepex/DepexParser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f0a0cbbab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/CCode/Source/GenDepex/DepexParser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+Module Name:
+ DepexParser.c
+ Validate Dependency Expression syntax
+ recursive descent Algorithm
+ The original BNF grammar(taken from "Pre EFI Initialization Core Interface Specification
+ draft review 0.9") is thus:
+ <depex> ::= BEFORE <guid> END
+ | AFTER <guid> END
+ | SOR <bool> END
+ | <bool> END
+ <bool> ::= <bool> AND <term>
+ | <bool> OR <term>
+ | <term>
+ <term> ::= NOT <factor>
+ | <factor>
+ <factor> ::= <bool>
+ | TRUE
+ | GUID
+ <guid> ::= '{' <hex32> ',' <hex16> ',' <hex16> ','
+ <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ','
+ <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> '}'
+ <hex32> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hex16> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hex8> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hexprefix>::= '0' 'x'
+ | '0' 'X'
+ <hexvalue> ::= <hexdigit> <hexvalue>
+ | <hexdigit>
+ <hexdigit> ::= [0-9]
+ | [a-f]
+ | [A-F]
+ After cleaning left recursive and parentheses supported, the BNF grammar used in this module is thus:
+ <depex> ::= BEFORE <guid>
+ | AFTER <guid>
+ | SOR <bool>
+ | <bool>
+ <bool> ::= <term><rightbool>
+ <rightbool>::= AND <term><rightbool>
+ | OR <term><rightbool>
+ | ''
+ <term> ::= NOT <factor>
+ | <factor>
+ <factor> ::= '('<bool>')'<rightfactor>
+ | NOT <factor> <rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ | TRUE <rightfactor>
+ | FALSE <rightfactor>
+ | END <rightfactor>
+ | <guid> <rightfactor>
+ <rightfactor> ::=AND <term><rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ | OR <term><rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ | ''
+ <guid> ::= '{' <hex32> ',' <hex16> ',' <hex16> ','
+ <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ','
+ <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> ',' <hex8> '}'
+ <hex32> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hex16> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hex8> ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
+ <hexprefix>::= '0' 'x'
+ | '0' 'X'
+ <hexvalue> ::= <hexdigit> <hexvalue>
+ | <hexdigit>
+ <hexdigit> ::= [0-9]
+ | [a-f]
+ | [A-F]
+ Note: 1. There's no precedence in operators except parentheses;
+ 2. For hex32, less and equal than 8 bits is valid, more than 8 bits is invalid.
+ Same constraint for hex16 is 4, hex8 is 2. All hex should contains at least 1 bit.
+ 3. "<factor> ::= '('<bool>')'<rightfactor>" is added to support parentheses;
+ 4. "<factor> ::= GUID" is changed to "<factor> ::= <guid>";
+ 5. "DEPENDENCY_END" is the terminal of the expression. But it has been filtered by caller.
+ During parsing, "DEPENDENCY_END" will be treated as illegal factor;
+ This code should build in any environment that supports a standard C-library w/ string
+ operations and File I/O services.
+ As an example of usage, consider the following:
+ The input string could be something like:
+ NOT ({ 0xce345171, 0xba0b, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x4f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72,
+ 0x3b } AND { 0x964e5b22, 0x6459, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x39, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69,
+ 0x72, 0x3b }) OR { 0x03c4e603, 0xac28, 0x11d3, 0x9a, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x90, 0x27,
+ 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x4d } AND
+ It's invalid for an extra "AND" in the end.
+ Complies with Tiano C Coding Standards Document, version 0.33, 16 Aug 2001.
+#include "DepexParser.h"
+ParseBool (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ );
+ParseTerm (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ );
+ParseRightBool (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ );
+ParseFactor (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ );
+LeftTrim (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Left trim the space, '\n' and '\r' character in string.
+ The space at the end does not need trim.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ None
+ while
+ (
+ ((*Pindex) < (Pbegin + length)) &&
+ ((strncmp (*Pindex, " ", 1) == 0) || (strncmp (*Pindex, "\n", 1) == 0) || (strncmp (*Pindex, "\r", 1) == 0))
+ ) {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ParseHexdigit (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse Hex bit in dependency expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length Length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex bit, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ //
+ // <hexdigit> ::= [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F]
+ //
+ if (((**Pindex) >= '0' && (**Pindex) <= '9') ||
+ ((**Pindex) >= 'a' && (**Pindex) <= 'f') ||
+ ((**Pindex) >= 'A' && (**Pindex) <= 'F')
+ ) {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseHex32 (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse Hex32 in dependency expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length Length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of point to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex32, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT32 Index;
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Index = 0;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*Pindex) += 2;
+ while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ Index++;
+ }
+ if (Index > 0 && Index <= 8) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseHex16 (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse Hex16 in dependency expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length Length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex16, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ int Index;
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Index = 0;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*Pindex) += 2;
+ while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ Index++;
+ }
+ if (Index > 0 && Index <= 4) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseHex8 (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse Hex8 in dependency expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length Length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex8, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ int Index;
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Index = 0;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*Pindex) += 2;
+ while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ Index++;
+ }
+ if (Index > 0 && Index <= 2) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseGuid (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse guid in dependency expression.
+ There can be any number of spaces between '{' and hexword, ',' and hexword,
+ hexword and ',', hexword and '}'. The hexword include hex32, hex16 and hex8.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If parses a valid guid, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT32 Index;
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, "{", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseHex32 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ for (Index = 0; Index < 2; Index++) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseHex16 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, "{", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ for (Index = 0; Index < 7; Index++) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseHex8 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseHex8 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, "}", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, "}", 1) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ (*Pindex)++;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ParseRightFactor (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse rightfactor in bool expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid rightfactor expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ //
+ // <rightfactor> ::=AND <term> <rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AND, strlen (OPERATOR_AND)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_AND);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <rightfactor> ::=OR <term> <rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_OR, strlen (OPERATOR_OR)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_OR);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <rightfactor> ::= ''
+ //
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return TRUE;
+ParseRightBool (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse rightbool in bool expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid rightbool expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ //
+ // <rightbool>::= AND <term><rightbool>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AND, strlen (OPERATOR_AND)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_AND);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <rightbool>::= OR <term><rightbool>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_OR, strlen (OPERATOR_OR)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_OR);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <rightbool>::= ''
+ //
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return TRUE;
+ParseFactor (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse factor in bool expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid factor, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ //
+ // <factor> ::= '('<bool>')'<rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS, strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ } else {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <factor> ::= NOT <factor> <rightbool> <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_NOT, strlen (OPERATOR_NOT)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_NOT);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <factor> ::= TRUE <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_TRUE, strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <factor> ::= FALSE <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_FALSE, strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <factor> ::= <guid> <rightfactor>
+ //
+ if (ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseTerm (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse term in bool expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid term, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ //
+ // <term> ::= NOT <factor>
+ //
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_NOT, strlen (OPERATOR_NOT)) == 0) {
+ *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_NOT);
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ } else {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // <term> ::=<factor>
+ //
+ if (ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseBool (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length,
+ IN OUT INT8 **Pindex
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse bool expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid bool expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ INT8 *Pin;
+ Pin = *Pindex;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (!ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *Pindex = Pin;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ParseDepex (
+ IN INT8 *Pbegin,
+ IN UINT32 length
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Parse whole dependency expression.
+ Pbegin The pointer to the string
+ length length of the string
+ BOOLEAN If string is a valid dependency expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
+ BOOLEAN Result;
+ INT8 **Pindex;
+ INT8 *temp;
+ Result = FALSE;
+ temp = Pbegin;
+ Pindex = &temp;
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_BEFORE, strlen (OPERATOR_BEFORE)) == 0) {
+ (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_BEFORE);
+ Result = ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ } else if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AFTER, strlen (OPERATOR_AFTER)) == 0) {
+ (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_AFTER);
+ Result = ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ } else if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_SOR, strlen (OPERATOR_SOR)) == 0) {
+ (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_SOR);
+ Result = ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ } else {
+ Result = ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ }
+ LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex);
+ return (BOOLEAN) (Result && (*Pindex) >= (Pbegin + length));