path: root/Tools/Java/Source/FrameworkWizard/src/org/tianocore/frameworkwizard/platform/ui/global/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Java/Source/FrameworkWizard/src/org/tianocore/frameworkwizard/platform/ui/global/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/FrameworkWizard/src/org/tianocore/frameworkwizard/platform/ui/global/ b/Tools/Java/Source/FrameworkWizard/src/org/tianocore/frameworkwizard/platform/ui/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad0e82ca3f..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/FrameworkWizard/src/org/tianocore/frameworkwizard/platform/ui/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- This file is for surface area information retrieval.
- Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
- which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
- **/
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Stack;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
-import org.tianocore.BuildTargetList;
-import org.tianocore.LibraryClassDocument;
-import org.tianocore.ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument;
-import org.tianocore.PackageDependenciesDocument;
-import org.tianocore.PackageSurfaceAreaDocument;
-import org.tianocore.FilenameDocument.Filename;
-import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.common.GlobalData;
-import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.module.Identifications.ModuleIdentification;
-import org.tianocore.frameworkwizard.packaging.PackageIdentification;
- * SurfaceAreaQuery class is used to query Surface Area information from msa,
- * mbd, spd and fpd files.
- *
- * This class should not instantiated. All the public interfaces is static.
- *
- * @since GenBuild 1.0
- */
-public class SurfaceAreaQuery {
- public static String prefix = "";
- // /
- // / Contains name/value pairs of Surface Area document object. The name is
- // / always the top level element name.
- // /
- private static Map<String, XmlObject> map = null;
- // /
- // / mapStack is used to do nested query
- // /
- private static Stack<Map<String, XmlObject>> mapStack = new Stack<Map<String, XmlObject>>();
- // /
- // / prefix of name space
- // /
- private static String nsPrefix = "sans";
- // /
- // / xmlbeans needs a name space for each Xpath element
- // /
- private static String ns = null;
- // /
- // / keep the namep declaration for xmlbeans Xpath query
- // /
- private static String queryDeclaration = null;
- /**
- * Set a Surface Area document for query later
- *
- * @param map
- * A Surface Area document in TopLevelElementName/XmlObject
- * format.
- */
- public static void setDoc(Map<String, XmlObject> map) {
- ns = prefix;
- queryDeclaration = "declare namespace " + nsPrefix + "='" + ns + "'; ";
- = map;
- }
- /**
- * Push current used Surface Area document into query stack. The given new
- * document will be used for any immediately followed getXXX() callings,
- * untill pop() is called.
- *
- * @param newMap
- * The TopLevelElementName/XmlObject format of a Surface Area
- * document.
- */
- public static void push(Map<String, XmlObject> newMap) {
- mapStack.push(;
- = newMap;
- }
- /**
- * Discard current used Surface Area document and use the top document in
- * stack instead.
- */
- public static void pop() {
- = mapStack.pop();
- }
- // /
- // / Convert xPath to be namespace qualified, which is necessary for
- // XmlBeans
- // / selectPath(). For example, converting /MsaHeader/ModuleType to
- // / /ns:MsaHeader/ns:ModuleType
- // /
- private static String normalizeQueryString(String[] exp, String from) {
- StringBuffer normQueryString = new StringBuffer(4096);
- int i = 0;
- while (i < exp.length) {
- String newExp = from + exp[i];
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([^/]*)(/|//)([^/]+)");
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(newExp);
- while (matcher.find()) {
- String starter = newExp.substring(matcher.start(1), matcher
- .end(1));
- String seperator = newExp.substring(matcher.start(2), matcher
- .end(2));
- String token = newExp.substring(matcher.start(3), matcher
- .end(3));
- normQueryString.append(starter);
- normQueryString.append(seperator);
- normQueryString.append(nsPrefix);
- normQueryString.append(":");
- normQueryString.append(token);
- }
- ++i;
- if (i < exp.length) {
- normQueryString.append(" | ");
- }
- }
- return normQueryString.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Search all XML documents stored in "map" for the specified xPath, using
- * relative path (starting with '$this')
- *
- * @param xPath
- * xpath query string array
- * @returns An array of XmlObject if elements are found at the specified
- * xpath
- * @returns NULL if nothing is at the specified xpath
- */
- public static XmlObject[] get(String[] xPath) {
- if (map == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String[] keys = (String[]) map.keySet().toArray(new String[map.size()]);
- List<XmlObject> result = new ArrayList<XmlObject>();
- for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
- XmlObject rootNode = (XmlObject) map.get(keys[i]);
- if (rootNode == null) {
- continue;
- }
- String query = queryDeclaration
- + normalizeQueryString(xPath, "$this/" + keys[i]);
- XmlObject[] tmp = rootNode.selectPath(query);
- for (int j = 0; j < tmp.length; ++j) {
- result.add(tmp[j]);
- }
- }
- int size = result.size();
- if (size <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- return (XmlObject[]) result.toArray(new XmlObject[size]);
- }
- /**
- * Search XML documents named by "rootName" for the given xPath, using
- * relative path (starting with '$this')
- *
- * @param rootName
- * The top level element name
- * @param xPath
- * The xpath query string array
- * @returns An array of XmlObject if elements are found at the given xpath
- * @returns NULL if nothing is found at the given xpath
- */
- public static XmlObject[] get(String rootName, String[] xPath) {
- if (map == null) {
- return null;
- }
- XmlObject root = (XmlObject) map.get(rootName);
- if (root == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String query = queryDeclaration
- + normalizeQueryString(xPath, "$this/" + rootName);
- XmlObject[] result = root.selectPath(query);
- if (result.length > 0) {
- return result;
- }
- query = queryDeclaration + normalizeQueryString(xPath, "/" + rootName);
- result = root.selectPath(query);
- if (result.length > 0) {
- return result;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve SourceFiles/Filename for specified ARCH type
- *
- * @param arch
- * architecture name
- * @returns An 2 dimension string array if elements are found at the known
- * xpath
- * @returns NULL if nothing is found at the known xpath
- */
- public static String[][] getSourceFiles(String arch) {
- String[] xPath;
- XmlObject[] returns;
- if (arch == null || arch.equals("")) {
- xPath = new String[] { "/Filename" };
- } else {
- xPath = new String[] { "/Filename[not(@SupArchList) or @SupArchList='"
- + arch + "']" };
- }
- returns = get("SourceFiles", xPath);
- if (returns == null || returns.length == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- Filename[] sourceFileNames = (Filename[]) returns;
- String[][] outputString = new String[sourceFileNames.length][2];
- for (int i = 0; i < sourceFileNames.length; i++) {
- outputString[i][0] = sourceFileNames[i].getToolCode();
- outputString[i][1] = sourceFileNames[i].getStringValue();
- }
- return outputString;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve /PlatformDefinitions/OutputDirectory from FPD
- *
- * @returns Directory names array if elements are found at the known xpath
- * @returns Empty if nothing is found at the known xpath
- */
- public static String getFpdOutputDirectory() {
- String[] xPath = new String[] { "/PlatformDefinitions/OutputDirectory" };
- XmlObject[] returns = get("FrameworkPlatformDescription", xPath);
- if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
- // String TBD
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static String getFpdIntermediateDirectories() {
- String[] xPath = new String[] { "/PlatformDefinitions/IntermediateDirectories" };
- XmlObject[] returns = get("FrameworkPlatformDescription", xPath);
- if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
- // TBD
- }
- return "UNIFIED";
- }
- public static String getBuildTarget() {
- String[] xPath = new String[] { "/PlatformDefinitions/BuildTargets" };
- XmlObject[] returns = get("FrameworkPlatformDescription", xPath);
- if (returns != null && returns.length > 0) {
- return ((BuildTargetList) returns[0]).getStringValue();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve <xxxHeader>/ModuleType
- *
- * @returns The module type name if elements are found at the known xpath
- * @returns null if nothing is there
- */
- public static String getModuleType(ModuleIdentification mi) {
- ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea msa = WorkspaceProfile.getModuleXmlObject(mi);
- return msa.getMsaHeader().getModuleType()+"";
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve PackageDependencies/Package
- *
- * @param arch
- * Architecture name
- *
- * @returns package name list if elements are found at the known xpath
- * @returns null if nothing is there
- */
- public static PackageIdentification[] getDependencePkg(String arch, ModuleIdentification mi){
- String packageGuid = null;
- String packageVersion = null;
- ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea msa = (ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea) WorkspaceProfile.getModuleXmlObject(mi);
- if (msa.getPackageDependencies() == null) {
- return new PackageIdentification[0];
- }
- int size = msa.getPackageDependencies().getPackageList().size();
- XmlObject[] returns = new XmlObject[size];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- returns[i] = msa.getPackageDependencies().getPackageList().get(i);
- }
- PackageIdentification[] packageIdList = new PackageIdentification[returns.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < returns.length; i++) {
- PackageDependenciesDocument.PackageDependencies.Package item = (PackageDependenciesDocument.PackageDependencies.Package) returns[i];
- packageGuid = item.getPackageGuid();
- packageVersion = item.getPackageVersion();
- Iterator<PackageIdentification> ispi = GlobalData.vPackageList.iterator();
- String ver = "";
- while(ispi.hasNext()) {
- PackageIdentification pi =;
- if (packageVersion != null) {
- if (pi.getGuid().equalsIgnoreCase(packageGuid) && pi.getVersion().equals(packageVersion)) {
- packageIdList[i] = pi;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (pi.getGuid().equalsIgnoreCase(packageGuid)) {
- if (pi.getVersion() != null && pi.getVersion().compareTo(ver) > 0){
- ver = pi.getVersion();
- packageIdList[i] = pi;
- }
- else if (packageIdList[i] == null){
- packageIdList[i] = pi;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return packageIdList;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve LibraryClassDefinitions/LibraryClass for specified usage
- *
- * @param usage
- * Library class usage
- *
- * @returns LibraryClass objects list if elements are found at the known
- * xpath
- * @returns null if nothing is there
- */
- public static Vector<LibraryClassDescriptor> getLibraryClasses(String usage, ModuleIdentification mi){
- ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea msa = (ModuleSurfaceAreaDocument.ModuleSurfaceArea)WorkspaceProfile.getModuleXmlObject(mi);
- Vector<LibraryClassDescriptor> libraryClassInfo = new Vector<LibraryClassDescriptor>();
- if (msa.getLibraryClassDefinitions() == null) {
- return libraryClassInfo;
- }
- int size = msa.getLibraryClassDefinitions().getLibraryClassList().size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- LibraryClassDocument.LibraryClass libClass = msa.getLibraryClassDefinitions().getLibraryClassList().get(i);
- if (usage.equals(libClass.getUsage().toString())) {
- libraryClassInfo.add(new LibraryClassDescriptor(libClass.getKeyword(), libClass.getSupArchList()+"", libClass.getSupModuleList()+""));
- }
- }
- return libraryClassInfo;
- }
- public static XmlObject[] getSpdPcdDeclarations(PackageIdentification pi) {
- XmlObject[] returns = null;
- PackageSurfaceAreaDocument.PackageSurfaceArea psa = WorkspaceProfile.getPackageXmlObject(pi);
- if (psa.getPcdDeclarations() != null && psa.getPcdDeclarations().getPcdEntryList() != null) {
- int size = psa.getPcdDeclarations().getPcdEntryList().size();
- returns = new XmlObject[size];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- returns[i] = psa.getPcdDeclarations().getPcdEntryList().get(i);
- }
- }
- return returns;
- }