path: root/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 3789 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/PcdTools.msa b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/PcdTools.msa
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a68567ec..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/PcdTools.msa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ModuleSurfaceArea xmlns="" >
- <MsaHeader>
- <ModuleName>PcdTools</ModuleName>
- <ModuleType>TOOL</ModuleType>
- <GuidValue>95506773-88f3-475a-91a1-14ce0c847353</GuidValue>
- <Version>2.0</Version>
- <Abstract>This is the EFI/Tiano PCD Tool Resources Module</Abstract>
- <Description>
- This Module provdes the entity, action and exception package for PCD
- tools, This package will be shared for building tools or wizard tools.
- </Description>
- <Copyright>Copyright 2005-2006, Intel Corporation</Copyright>
- <License>
-All rights reserved.
-This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the
-BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the
-license may be found at
- </License>
- <Specification>FRAMEWORK_BUILD_PACKAGING_SPECIFICATION 0x00000052</Specification>
- </MsaHeader>
- <ModuleDefinitions>
- <SupportedArchitectures>IA32 X64 IPF EBC</SupportedArchitectures>
- <BinaryModule>false</BinaryModule>
- <OutputFileBasename>NULL</OutputFileBasename>
- </ModuleDefinitions>
- <SourceFiles>
- <Filename>build.xml</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/action/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/action/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/entity/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/exception/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/exception/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/exception/</Filename>
- <Filename>org/tianocore/pcd/exception/</Filename>
- </SourceFiles>
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/build.xml b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db07e0cf4..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-<project name="PcdTools" default="PcdTools" basedir=".">
- <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
- <property environment="env"/>
- <property name="WORKSPACE" value="${env.WORKSPACE}"/>
- <path id="classpath">
- <fileset dir="${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Jars" includes="SurfaceArea.jar"/>
- <fileset dir="${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Jars" includes="Common.jar"/>
- <fileset dir="${env.XMLBEANS_HOME}/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
- </path>
- <property name="buildDir" value="build"/>
- <property name="installLocation" value="${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Jars"/>
- <target name="PcdTools" depends="install"/>
- <target name="source">
- <mkdir dir="${buildDir}"/>
- <javac srcdir="." destdir="${buildDir}">
- <classpath refid="classpath"/>
- <compilerarg value="-Xlint"/>
- </javac>
- </target>
- <target name="clean">
- <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
- <fileset dir="${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools" includes="${buildDir}"/>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="cleanall" depends="clean">
- <echo message="Removing Class Files and the Java Archive: PcdTools.jar"/>
- <delete file="${installLocation}/PcdTools.jar"/>
- <if>
- <available file="${installLocation}/PcdTools.jar"/>
- <then>
- <echo message="You must manually remove the file: ${installLocation}/PcdTools.jar"/>
- <echo message="Java has already loaded the file, and cannot remove it within ANT!"/>
- </then>
- </if>
- </target>
- <target name="install" depends="source">
- <jar destfile="${installLocation}/PcdTools.jar"
- basedir="${buildDir}"
- includes="**"
- />
- </target>
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d30a76bdc..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- BuildAction class.
- BuildAction is the parent class for all action related to ant Task. This class will
- define some common utility functionality, such as logMsg, warningMsg..etc.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.action;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.exception.BuildActionException;
-/** BuildAction is the parent class for all action related to ant Task. This class will
- define some common utility functionality, such as logMsg, warningMsg..etc.
-public abstract class BuildAction extends Task {
- ///
- /// Original message level before this action. This value will
- /// be restored when quit this action.
- ///
- private int originalMessageLevel;
- /**
- checkParameter function check all parameter valid.
- This function will be overrided by child class.
- **/
- public abstract void checkParameter() throws BuildActionException;
- /**
- performAction is to execute the detail action.
- This function will be overrided by child class.
- **/
- public abstract void performAction() throws BuildActionException;
- /**
- execute function is the main flow for all build action class.
- This workflow will be:
- 1) Check paramet of this action.
- 2) Perform the child class action function.
- 3) Restore the message level.
- @throws BuildActionException
- **/
- public void execute() throws BuildActionException {
- checkParameter();
- performAction();
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee91f2a8e8..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/action/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,992 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- PlatformPcdPreprocessAction class.
- The abstract parent class PlatformPcdPreprocessAction, This class is to collect platform's
- pcd build information from fpd file.
- This class will be extended by building tools and wizard tools.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.action;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import org.tianocore.DynamicPcdBuildDefinitionsDocument.DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions;
-import org.tianocore.PcdBuildDefinitionDocument.PcdBuildDefinition;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.*;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.Token;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.MemoryDatabaseManager;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.exception.PlatformPcdPreprocessException;
- The abstract parent class PlatformPcdPreprocessAction, This class is to collect platform's
- pcd build information from fpd file.
- This class will be extended by building tools and wizard tools.
-public abstract class PlatformPcdPreprocessAction {
- ///
- /// PCD memory database
- ///
- private MemoryDatabaseManager pcdDbManager;
- ///
- /// Errors string when perform preprocess
- ///
- private String errorString;
- ///
- /// the count of errors when perform preprocess
- ///
- private int errorCount;
- /**
- Default contructor function
- **/
- public PlatformPcdPreprocessAction() {
- pcdDbManager = null;
- errorString = null;
- errorCount = 0;
- }
- /**
- Set parameter pcdDbManager
- @param pcdDbManager
- **/
- public void setPcdDbManager(MemoryDatabaseManager pcdDbManager) {
- this.pcdDbManager = pcdDbManager;
- }
- /**
- Get parameter pcdDbManager
- @return MemoryDatabaseManager
- **/
- public MemoryDatabaseManager getPcdDbManager() {
- return pcdDbManager;
- }
- /**
- Abstract function: retrieve module information from FPD file.
- In building environement, this function will be implementated by FpdParserTask.
- @return List<ModulePcdInfoFromFpd> the component array.
- @throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException get all modules in <ModuleSA> in FPD file.
- **/
- public abstract List<ModulePcdInfoFromFpd> getComponentsFromFpd()
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException;
- /**
- Abstract function to get GUID string from SPD file.
- In building evnironment, this function will be implementated by GlobaData.
- @param guidCName the CName of GUID
- @return String Guid information from SPD file.
- @throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException
- Fail to get Guid information from SPD file.
- **/
- public abstract String getGuidInfoFromSpd(String guidCName) throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException;
- /**
- Abstract function: Verification the PCD data.
- In different environment, such as building environment and wizard environment,
- it has different implementation according to optimization.
- @param cName The token name
- @param moduleName The module who use this PCD token
- @param datum The PCD's datum
- @param datumType The PCD's datum type
- @param maxDatumSize The max size for PCD's Datum.
- @return String exception strings.
- **/
- public abstract String verifyDatum(String cName, String moduleName, String datum,
- Token.DATUM_TYPE datumType, int maxDatumSize);
- /**
- Abstract function: Get dynamic information for a token
- @param token
- @param moduleName
- @return DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData
- **/
- public abstract DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData
- getDynamicInfoFromFpd(Token token,
- String moduleName)
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException;
- /**
- Abstract function: Get all dynamic PCD information from FPD file.
- @return List<DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData> All DYNAMIC PCD list in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> in FPD file.
- @throws PlatformPcdPreprocessBuildException Failure to get dynamic information list.
- **/
- public abstract List<DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData>
- getAllDynamicPcdInfoFromFpd()
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException;
- /**
- Return the error string after preprocess
- @return String error string
- **/
- public String getErrorString() {
- return errorString;
- }
- public void putError(String error) {
- if (errorString == null) {
- errorString = "### ERROR[" + errorCount + "] ###\r\n" + error + "\r\n";
- } else {
- errorString += "### ERROR[" + errorCount + "] ###\r\n" + error + "\r\n";
- }
- errorCount++;
- }
- /**
- Collect all PCD information from FPD file into PCD memory database.
- **/
- public void initPcdMemoryDbWithPlatformInfo()
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException {
- int index;
- int pcdIndex;
- List<PcdBuildDefinition.PcdData> pcdBuildDataArray = new ArrayList<PcdBuildDefinition.PcdData>();
- PcdBuildDefinition.PcdData pcdBuildData;
- Token token = null;
- List<ModulePcdInfoFromFpd> modules;
- String primaryKey;
- String exceptionString;
- UsageInstance usageInstance;
- Token.PCD_TYPE pcdType = Token.PCD_TYPE.UNKNOWN;
- Token.DATUM_TYPE datumType = Token.DATUM_TYPE.UNKNOWN;
- long tokenNumber;
- String moduleName;
- String datum;
- int maxDatumSize;
- String tokenSpaceStrRet;
- ModulePcdInfoFromFpd curModule;
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------
- // 1), Get all <ModuleSA> from FPD file.
- // ----------------------------------------------
- //
- modules = getComponentsFromFpd();
- if (modules == null) {
- throw new PlatformPcdPreprocessException(
- "No modules found in the FPD file.\nPlease check whether there are elements in <FrameworkModules> in the FPD file!");
- }
- //
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2), Loop all modules to process <PcdBuildDeclarations> for each module.
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- for (index = 0; index < modules.size(); index++) {
- curModule = modules.get(index);
- //
- // It is legal for a module does not contains ANY pcd build definitions.
- //
- if (curModule.pcdBuildDefinition == null) {
- continue;
- }
- pcdBuildDataArray = curModule.pcdBuildDefinition.getPcdDataList();
- moduleName = curModule.usageId.moduleName;
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1), Loop all Pcd entry for a module and add it into memory database.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- for (pcdIndex = 0; pcdIndex < pcdBuildDataArray.size(); pcdIndex++) {
- pcdBuildData = pcdBuildDataArray.get(pcdIndex);
- tokenSpaceStrRet = getGuidInfoFromSpd(pcdBuildData.getTokenSpaceGuidCName());
- if (tokenSpaceStrRet == null) {
- putError("Failed to get Token Space Guid for token " + pcdBuildData.getCName() +
- " from any SPD file. You must have an <GuidDeclaration> for this Token Space Guid!");
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- primaryKey = Token.getPrimaryKeyString(pcdBuildData.getCName(), tokenSpaceStrRet);
- pcdType = Token.getPcdTypeFromString(pcdBuildData.getItemType().toString());
- datumType = Token.getdatumTypeFromString(pcdBuildData.getDatumType().toString());
- tokenNumber = Long.decode(pcdBuildData.getToken().toString());
- if (pcdBuildData.getValue() != null) {
- datum = pcdBuildData.getValue().toString();
- } else {
- datum = null;
- }
- maxDatumSize = pcdBuildData.getMaxDatumSize();
- if ((pcdType == Token.PCD_TYPE.FEATURE_FLAG) &&
- (datumType != Token.DATUM_TYPE.BOOLEAN)){
- exceptionString = String.format("In FPD file, for PCD %s in module %s, the PCD type is FEATURE_FLAG but "+
- "datum type for this PCD entry is not BOOLEAN!",
- pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- moduleName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- //
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1.1), Do some necessary checking work for FixedAtBuild, FeatureFlag and PatchableInModule
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- if (!Token.isDynamic(pcdType)) {
- //
- // Value is required.
- //
- if (datum == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, there is no value for PCD entry %s in module %s!",
- pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- moduleName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Check whether the datum size is matched datum type.
- //
- if ((exceptionString = verifyDatum(pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- moduleName,
- datum,
- datumType,
- maxDatumSize)) != null) {
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- }
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1.2), Create token or update token information for current anaylized PCD data.
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- if (pcdDbManager.isTokenInDatabase(primaryKey)) {
- //
- // If the token is already exist in database, do some necessary checking
- // and add a usage instance into this token in database
- //
- token = pcdDbManager.getTokenByKey(primaryKey);
- //
- // checking for DatumType, DatumType should be unique for one PCD used in different
- // modules.
- //
- if (token.datumType != datumType) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, the datum type of the PCD entry %s is %s, which is different from %s which was previously defined!",
- pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- pcdBuildData.getDatumType().toString(),
- Token.getStringOfdatumType(token.datumType));
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Check token number is valid
- //
- if (tokenNumber != token.tokenNumber) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, the token number of PCD entry %s in module %s is different from the same PCD entry in other modules!",
- pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- moduleName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- //
- // For same PCD used in different modules, the PCD type should all be dynamic or non-dynamic.
- //
- if (token.isDynamicPCD != Token.isDynamic(pcdType)) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for PCD entry %s in module %s, you defined dynamic or non-dynamic PCD type which"+
- " is different from other module's definition.",
- token.cName,
- moduleName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- if (token.isDynamicPCD) {
- if ((maxDatumSize != 0) &&
- (maxDatumSize != token.datumSize)){
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in module %s, the max datum size is %d which "+
- "is different than <MaxDatumSize> %d defined in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions>!",
- token.cName,
- moduleName,
- maxDatumSize,
- token.datumSize);
- putError(exceptionString);
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- }
- } else {
- //
- // If the token is not in database, create a new token instance and add
- // a usage instance into this token in database.
- //
- tokenSpaceStrRet = getGuidInfoFromSpd(pcdBuildData.getTokenSpaceGuidCName());
- if (tokenSpaceStrRet == null) {
- putError("Failed to get the Token Space Guid for token" + token.cName +
- " from any SPD file. You must have a <GuidDeclaration> for this Token Space Guid!");
- //
- // Do not break preprocess, continues to analysis.
- // All errors will be summary to be shown.
- //
- continue;
- }
- token = new Token(pcdBuildData.getCName(), tokenSpaceStrRet);
- token.datumType = datumType;
- token.tokenNumber = tokenNumber;
- token.isDynamicPCD = Token.isDynamic(pcdType);
- token.datumSize = maxDatumSize;
- if (token.isDynamicPCD) {
- //
- // For Dynamic and Dynamic Ex type, need find the dynamic information
- // in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinition> section in FPD file.
- //
- if (null == updateDynamicInformation(moduleName,
- token,
- datum,
- maxDatumSize)) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- pcdDbManager.addTokenToDatabase(primaryKey, token);
- }
- //
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1.3), Add the PcdType in current module into this Pcd token's supported PCD type.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- token.updateSupportPcdType(pcdType);
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------
- // 2.1.4), Create an usage instance for this token.
- // ------------------------------------------------
- //
- usageInstance = new UsageInstance(token,
- curModule.usageId,
- pcdType,
- datum,
- maxDatumSize);
- if (!token.addUsageInstance(usageInstance)) {
- putError(String.format("PCD %s for module %s(%s) already exists in the database.\nPlease check all PCD build entries "+
- "in the %s module's <ModuleSA> section to make sure there are no duplicated definitions in the FPD file!",
- token.cName,
- curModule.usageId.moduleGuid,
- moduleName,
- moduleName));
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------
- // 3), Add unreference dynamic_Ex pcd token into Pcd database.
- // ------------------------------------------------
- //
- List<Token> tokenArray = getUnreferencedDynamicPcd();
- if (tokenArray != null) {
- for (index = 0; index < tokenArray.size(); index++) {
- pcdDbManager.addTokenToDatabase(tokenArray.get(index).getPrimaryKeyString(),
- tokenArray.get(index));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- Update dynamic information for PCD entry.
- Dynamic information is retrieved from <PcdDynamicBuildDeclarations> in
- FPD file.
- @param moduleName The name of the module who use this PCD
- @param token The token instance
- @param datum The <datum> in module's PCD information
- @param maxDatumSize The <maxDatumSize> in module's PCD information
- @return Token
- */
- private Token updateDynamicInformation(String moduleName,
- Token token,
- String datum,
- int maxDatumSize)
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException {
- int index = 0;
- int offset;
- String exceptionString = null;
- SkuInstance skuInstance = null;
- String temp;
- boolean hasSkuId0 = false;
- long tokenNumber = 0;
- String hiiDefaultValue = null;
- String variableGuidString = null;
- List<DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData.SkuInfo> skuInfoList = null;
- DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData dynamicInfo = null;
- dynamicInfo = getDynamicInfoFromFpd(token, moduleName);
- if (dynamicInfo == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, the Dynamic PCD %s is used by module %s.\n" +
- "However, there is no dynamic information in the <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> " +
- "section of the FPD file. This section is required!",
- token.cName,
- moduleName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- token.datumSize = dynamicInfo.getMaxDatumSize();
- exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- moduleName,
- null,
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize);
- if (exceptionString != null) {
- throw new PlatformPcdPreprocessException(exceptionString);
- }
- if ((maxDatumSize != 0) &&
- (maxDatumSize != token.datumSize)) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the datum size in module %s is %d, but "+
- "the datum size in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> is %d, they do not match!",
- token.cName,
- moduleName,
- maxDatumSize,
- dynamicInfo.getMaxDatumSize());
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- tokenNumber = Long.decode(dynamicInfo.getToken().toString());
- if (tokenNumber != token.tokenNumber) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the token number in module %s is 0x%x, but "+
- "in the <DynamicPcdBuildDefinictions> section, the token number is 0x%x, they do not match!",
- token.cName,
- moduleName,
- token.tokenNumber,
- tokenNumber);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- token.dynamicExTokenNumber = tokenNumber;
- skuInfoList = dynamicInfo.getSkuInfoList();
- //
- // Loop all sku data
- //
- for (index = 0; index < skuInfoList.size(); index++) {
- skuInstance = new SkuInstance();
- //
- // Although SkuId in schema is BigInteger, but in fact, sku id is 32 bit value.
- //
- temp = skuInfoList.get(index).getSkuId().toString();
- = Integer.decode(temp);
- if ( == 0) {
- hasSkuId0 = true;
- }
- //
- // Judge whether is DefaultGroup at first, because most case is DefautlGroup.
- //
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getValue() != null) {
- skuInstance.value.setValue(skuInfoList.get(index).getValue().toString());
- if ((exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- null,
- skuInfoList.get(index).getValue().toString(),
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize)) != null) {
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Judge whether is HII group case.
- //
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableName() != null) {
- exceptionString = null;
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section in FPD "+
- "file, use of HII was defined, but there is no <VariableGuid> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section in FPD "+
- "file, use of HII was defined, but there is no <VariableOffset> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section in FPD "+
- "file, use of HII was defined, but there is no <HiiDefaultValue> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue() != null) {
- hiiDefaultValue = skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue().toString();
- } else {
- hiiDefaultValue = null;
- }
- if ((exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- null,
- hiiDefaultValue,
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize)) != null) {
- throw new PlatformPcdPreprocessException(exceptionString);
- }
- offset = Integer.decode(skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset());
- if (offset > 0xFFFF) {
- putError(String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the variable offset defined in SKU %d data "+
- "exceeds 64K, which is not allowed!",
- token.cName,
- index));
- return null;
- }
- //
- // Get variable guid string according to the name of guid which will be mapped into a GUID in SPD file.
- //
- variableGuidString = getGuidInfoFromSpd(skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid().toString());
- if (variableGuidString == null) {
- putError(String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the variable guid: %s cannot be found in any SPD file!",
- token.cName,
- skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid().toString()));
- return null;
- }
- String variableStr = skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableName();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("0x([a-fA-F0-9]){4}");
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(variableStr);
- List<String> varNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
- while (matcher.find()){
- String str = variableStr.substring(matcher.start(),matcher.end());
- varNameList.add(str);
- }
- skuInstance.value.setHiiData(varNameList,
- translateSchemaStringToUUID(variableGuidString),
- skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset(),
- skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue().toString());
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVpdOffset() != null) {
- skuInstance.value.setVpdData(skuInfoList.get(index).getVpdOffset());
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the dynamic info must "+
- "be one of: 'DefaultGroup', 'HIIGroup', 'VpdGroup'.",
- token.cName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- if (!hasSkuId0) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions>, there is "+
- "no SKU ID = 0 data, which is required for every dynamic PCD",
- token.cName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- return null;
- }
- return token;
- }
- /**
- Get all dynamic PCD defined in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> which unreferenced by
- any <ModuleSA> in FPD file.
- @return List<Token> Return PCD token
- **/
- private List<Token> getUnreferencedDynamicPcd () throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException {
- List<Token> tokenArray = new ArrayList<Token>();
- Token token = null;
- List<DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData> dynamicPcdBuildDataArray = null;
- DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData pcdBuildData = null;
- List<DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions.PcdBuildData.SkuInfo> skuInfoList = null;
- Token.PCD_TYPE pcdType;
- SkuInstance skuInstance = null;
- String primaryKey = null;
- boolean hasSkuId0 = false;
- int index, offset, index2;
- String temp;
- String exceptionString;
- String hiiDefaultValue;
- String tokenSpaceStrRet;
- String variableGuidString;
- dynamicPcdBuildDataArray = getAllDynamicPcdInfoFromFpd();
- if (dynamicPcdBuildDataArray == null) {
- return null;
- }
- for (index2 = 0; index2 < dynamicPcdBuildDataArray.size(); index2++) {
- pcdBuildData = dynamicPcdBuildDataArray.get(index2);
- tokenSpaceStrRet = getGuidInfoFromSpd(pcdBuildData.getTokenSpaceGuidCName());
- if (tokenSpaceStrRet == null) {
- putError("Failed to get the Token Space Guid for token" + pcdBuildData.getCName());
- continue;
- }
- primaryKey = Token.getPrimaryKeyString(pcdBuildData.getCName(),
- tokenSpaceStrRet);
- if (pcdDbManager.isTokenInDatabase(primaryKey)) {
- continue;
- }
- pcdType = Token.getPcdTypeFromString(pcdBuildData.getItemType().toString());
- if (pcdType != Token.PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC_EX) {
- putError(String.format("In the FPD file, it not allowed to define DYNAMIC PCD %s that is not used by any module",
- pcdBuildData.getCName()));
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Create new token for unreference dynamic PCD token
- //
- token = new Token(pcdBuildData.getCName(), tokenSpaceStrRet);
- token.datumSize = pcdBuildData.getMaxDatumSize();
- token.datumType = Token.getdatumTypeFromString(pcdBuildData.getDatumType().toString());
- token.tokenNumber = Long.decode(pcdBuildData.getToken().toString());
- token.dynamicExTokenNumber = token.tokenNumber;
- token.isDynamicPCD = true;
- token.updateSupportPcdType(pcdType);
- exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- null,
- null,
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize);
- if (exceptionString != null) {
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- skuInfoList = pcdBuildData.getSkuInfoList();
- //
- // Loop all sku data
- //
- for (index = 0; index < skuInfoList.size(); index++) {
- skuInstance = new SkuInstance();
- //
- // Although SkuId in schema is BigInteger, but in fact, sku id is 32 bit value.
- //
- temp = skuInfoList.get(index).getSkuId().toString();
- = Integer.decode(temp);
- if ( == 0) {
- hasSkuId0 = true;
- }
- //
- // Judge whether is DefaultGroup at first, because most case is DefautlGroup.
- //
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getValue() != null) {
- skuInstance.value.setValue(skuInfoList.get(index).getValue().toString());
- if ((exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- null,
- skuInfoList.get(index).getValue().toString(),
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize)) != null) {
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Judge whether is HII group case.
- //
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableName() != null) {
- exceptionString = null;
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in the <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section of the FPD "+
- "file, use of HII is defined, but there is no <VariableGuid> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in the <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section of the FPD "+
- "file, use of HII is defined, but there is no <VariableOffset> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue() == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in the <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions> section of the FPD "+
- "file, use of HII is defined, but there is no <HiiDefaultValue> defined for SKU %d data!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue() != null) {
- hiiDefaultValue = skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue().toString();
- } else {
- hiiDefaultValue = null;
- }
- if ((exceptionString = verifyDatum(token.cName,
- null,
- hiiDefaultValue,
- token.datumType,
- token.datumSize)) != null) {
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- offset = Integer.decode(skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset());
- if (offset > 0xFFFF) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the variable offset defined in SKU %d data "+
- "exceeds 64K, which is not allowed!",
- token.cName,
- index);
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Get variable guid string according to the name of guid which will be mapped into a GUID in SPD file.
- //
- variableGuidString = getGuidInfoFromSpd(skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid().toString());
- if (variableGuidString == null) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the variable guid %s cannot be found in any SPD file!",
- token.cName,
- skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableGuid().toString());
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- String variableStr = skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableName();
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("0x([a-fA-F0-9]){4}");
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(variableStr);
- List<String> varNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
- while (matcher.find()){
- String str = variableStr.substring(matcher.start(),matcher.end());
- varNameList.add(str);
- }
- skuInstance.value.setHiiData(varNameList,
- translateSchemaStringToUUID(variableGuidString),
- skuInfoList.get(index).getVariableOffset(),
- skuInfoList.get(index).getHiiDefaultValue().toString());
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- if (skuInfoList.get(index).getVpdOffset() != null) {
- skuInstance.value.setVpdData(skuInfoList.get(index).getVpdOffset());
- token.skuData.add(skuInstance);
- continue;
- }
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s, the dynamic info must "+
- "be one of 'DefaultGroup', 'HIIGroup', 'VpdGroup'.",
- token.cName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- }
- if (!hasSkuId0) {
- exceptionString = String.format("In the FPD file, for dynamic PCD %s in <DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions>, there is "+
- "no SKU ID = 0 data, which is required for every dynamic PCD",
- token.cName);
- putError(exceptionString);
- continue;
- }
- tokenArray.add(token);
- }
- return tokenArray;
- }
- /**
- Translate the schema string to UUID instance.
- In schema, the string of UUID is defined as following two types string:
- 1) GuidArrayType: pattern = 0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,8},( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4},(
- )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}(,( )*\{)?(,?( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}){8}( )*(\})?
- 2) GuidNamingConvention: pattern =
- [a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}
- This function will convert string and create uuid instance.
- @param uuidString UUID string in XML file
- @return UUID UUID instance
- **/
- private UUID translateSchemaStringToUUID(String uuidString)
- throws PlatformPcdPreprocessException {
- String temp;
- String[] splitStringArray;
- int index;
- int chIndex;
- int chLen;
- if (uuidString == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (uuidString.length() == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- if (uuidString.equals("0") ||
- uuidString.equalsIgnoreCase("0x0")) {
- return new UUID(0, 0);
- }
- uuidString = uuidString.replaceAll("\\{", "");
- uuidString = uuidString.replaceAll("\\}", "");
- //
- // If the UUID schema string is GuidArrayType type then need translate
- // to GuidNamingConvention type at first.
- //
- if ((uuidString.charAt(0) == '0') && ((uuidString.charAt(1) == 'x') || (uuidString.charAt(1) == 'X'))) {
- splitStringArray = uuidString.split("," );
- if (splitStringArray.length != 11) {
- throw new PlatformPcdPreprocessException ("Wrong format for GUID string: " + uuidString);
- }
- //
- // Remove blank space from these string and remove header string "0x"
- //
- for (index = 0; index < 11; index++) {
- splitStringArray[index] = splitStringArray[index].trim();
- splitStringArray[index] = splitStringArray[index].substring(2, splitStringArray[index].length());
- }
- //
- // Add heading '0' to normalize the string length
- //
- for (index = 3; index < 11; index++) {
- chLen = splitStringArray[index].length();
- for (chIndex = 0; chIndex < 2 - chLen; chIndex++) {
- splitStringArray[index] = "0" + splitStringArray[index];
- }
- }
- //
- // construct the final GuidNamingConvention string
- //
- temp = String.format("%s-%s-%s-%s%s-%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- splitStringArray[0],
- splitStringArray[1],
- splitStringArray[2],
- splitStringArray[3],
- splitStringArray[4],
- splitStringArray[5],
- splitStringArray[6],
- splitStringArray[7],
- splitStringArray[8],
- splitStringArray[9],
- splitStringArray[10]);
- uuidString = temp;
- }
- return UUID.fromString(uuidString);
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/entity/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd272f719..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- CommonDefinition class.
- This class is to define some common marcos and funcions, which used by AutoGen.
- Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
- which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
- **/
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
-import java.util.Set;
- CommonDefinition
- This class is to define some common marcos, which used by AutoGen.
-public class CommonDefinition {
- public final static String spdSuffix = ".spd";
- public final static String mbdSuffix = ".mbd";
- public final static String msaSuffix = ".msa";
- public final static String LibraryStr = "LIBRARY";
- public final static String autoGenHbegin = "extern int __make_me_compile_correctly;\r\n";
- public final static String include = "#include";
- public final static String autoGenCLine1 = "\r\n";
- public final static String autoGenCLine2 = "const UINT8 _gDebugPropertyMask "
- public final static String autoGenCLine3 = "const UINTN _gModuleDefaultErrorLevel"
- + " = EFI_D_ERROR | EFI_D_LOAD;\r\n";
- public final static String autoGenHLine1 = "#define EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION 0x00020000\r\n";
- public final static String autoGenHVersionDefault = "#define EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION 0x00000000\r\n";
- public final static String autoGenHLine2 = "#define EDK_RELEASE_VERSION 0x00090000\r\n";
- public final static String autoGenHReleaseDefault = "#define EDK_RELEASE_VERSION 0x00000000\r\n";
- public final static String includeAutogenH = "#include <AutoGen.h>\r\n" ;
- public final static String marcDefineStr = "#define ";
- public final static String gEfi = "gEfi";
- public final static String protocolGuid = "ProtocolGuid";
- public final static String ppiGuid = "PpiGuid";
- public final static String guidGuid = "Guid";
- public final static String tianoR8FlashMapH = "TianoR8FlashMap.h";
- public final static String flashMapH = "FlashMap.h";
- //
- // AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c file's header
- //
- public final static String autogenHNotation =
- "/**\r\n" +
- " DO NOT EDIT\r\n" +
- " FILE auto-generated by GenBuild tasks\r\n" +
- " Module name:\r\n" +
- " AutoGen.h\r\n" +
- " Abstract:" +
- " Auto-generated AutoGen.h for building module or library.\r\n" +
- "**/\r\n\r\n";
- public final static String autogenCNotation =
- "/**\r\n" +
- " DO NOT EDIT\r\n" +
- " FILE auto-generated by GenBuild tasks\r\n" +
- " Module name:\r\n" +
- " AutoGen.c\r\n" +
- " Abstract:" +
- " Auto-generated AutoGen.c for building module or library.\r\n" +
- "**/\r\n\r\n";
- //
- // module type
- //
- public final static int ModuleTypeBase = 0;
- public final static int ModuleTypeSec = 1;
- public final static int ModuleTypePeiCore = 2;
- public final static int ModuleTypePeim = 3;
- public final static int ModuleTypeDxeCore = 4;
- public final static int ModuleTypeDxeDriver = 5;
- public final static int ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver = 6;
- public final static int ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver = 7;
- public final static int ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver = 8;
- public final static int ModuleTypeUefiDriver = 9;
- public final static int ModuleTypeUefiApplication = 10;
- public final static int ModuleTypeUnknown = 11;
- //
- // component type
- //
- public final static int ComponentTypeNull = 0;
- public final static int ComponentTypeApriori = 1;
- public final static int ComponentTypeSec = 2;
- public final static int ComponentTypeLibrary = 3;
- public final static int ComponentTypeFvImageFile = 4;
- public final static int ComponentTypeBsDriver = 5;
- public final static int ComponentTypeRtDriver = 6;
- public final static int ComponentTypeSalRtDriver =7;
- public final static int ComponentTypePe32Peim = 8;
- public final static int ComponentTypePicPeim =9;
- public final static int ComponentTypeCombinedPeimDriver =10;
- public final static int ComponentTypePeiCore = 11;
- public final static int ComponentTypeDxeCore = 12;
- public final static int ComponentTypeApplication = 13;
- public final static int ComponentTypeBsDriverEfi = 14;
- public final static int ComponentTypeShellApp = 15;
- public final static int ComponentTypeBinary =16;
- public final static int ComponentTypeLogo = 17;
- public final static int ComponentTypeCustomBuild = 18;
- public final static int ComponentTypeUnknown = 19;
- //
- // Usaged style
- //
- public final static String AlwaysConsumed = "ALWAYS_CONSUMED";
- public final static String AlwaysProduced = "ALWAYS_PRODUCED";
- public static class MyEnum {
- String moduleTypeStr;
- int type;
- MyEnum (String str, int type) {
- this.type = type;
- this.moduleTypeStr = str;
- }
- int ForInt(String str) {
- if (str.equals(this.moduleTypeStr)) {
- return this.type;
- } else
- return -1;
- }
- }
- //
- // Module type
- //
- public static final MyEnum[] moduleEnum = new MyEnum[] {
- new MyEnum("BASE", ModuleTypeBase),
- new MyEnum("SEC", ModuleTypeSec),
- new MyEnum("PEI_CORE", ModuleTypePeiCore),
- new MyEnum("PEIM", ModuleTypePeim),
- new MyEnum("DXE_CORE", ModuleTypeDxeCore),
- new MyEnum("DXE_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeDriver),
- new MyEnum("DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver),
- new MyEnum("DXE_SAL_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver),
- new MyEnum("DXE_SMM_DRIVER", ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver),
- new MyEnum("UEFI_DRIVER", ModuleTypeUefiDriver),
- new MyEnum("UEFI_APPLICATION", ModuleTypeUefiApplication) };
- //
- // Component type
- //
- public static final MyEnum[] componentEnum = new MyEnum[]{
- new MyEnum("APRIORI", ComponentTypeApriori),
- new MyEnum("SEC", ComponentTypeSec),
- new MyEnum("LIBRARY", ComponentTypeLibrary),
- new MyEnum("FV_IMAGE_FILE", ComponentTypeFvImageFile),
- new MyEnum("BS_DRIVER", ComponentTypeBsDriver),
- new MyEnum("RT_DRIVER", ComponentTypeRtDriver),
- new MyEnum("SAL_RT_DRIVER", ComponentTypeSalRtDriver),
- new MyEnum("PE32_PEIM", ComponentTypePe32Peim),
- new MyEnum("PIC_PEIM", ComponentTypePicPeim),
- new MyEnum("COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER", ComponentTypeCombinedPeimDriver),
- new MyEnum("PEI_CORE", ComponentTypePeiCore),
- new MyEnum("DXE_CORE", ComponentTypeDxeCore),
- new MyEnum("APPLICATION", ComponentTypeApplication),
- new MyEnum("BS_DRIVER_EFI", ComponentTypeBsDriverEfi),
- new MyEnum("SHELLAPP", ComponentTypeShellApp),
- new MyEnum("BINARY", ComponentTypeBinary),
- new MyEnum("LOGO", ComponentTypeLogo),
- new MyEnum("CUSTOM_BUILD", ComponentTypeCustomBuild)
- };
- /**
- getModuleType
- This function get the module type value according module type string.
- @param moduleTypeStr String of modlue type.
- @return
- **/
- static public int getModuleType(String moduleTypeStr) {
- int returnValue = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < CommonDefinition.moduleEnum.length; i++) {
- returnValue = CommonDefinition.moduleEnum[i].ForInt(moduleTypeStr);
- if (returnValue != -1) {
- return returnValue;
- }
- }
- return CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUnknown;
- }
- /**
- getComponentType
- This function get the component type value according commponet type
- string.
- @param componentTypeStr String of component type.
- @return
- **/
- static public int getComponentType (String componentTypeStr){
- int returnValue = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < CommonDefinition.componentEnum.length; i++) {
- returnValue = CommonDefinition.componentEnum[i].ForInt(componentTypeStr);
- if (returnValue != -1) {
- return returnValue;
- }
- }
- return CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeUnknown;
- }
- /**
- getComponentTypeString
- This function get the commponet type string according component type value.
- @param componentType Integer value of component type.
- @return
- **/
- static public String getComponentTypeString (int componentType) {
- if ((componentType > CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeUnknown) ||
- (componentType < CommonDefinition.ComponentTypeNull)) {
- return null;
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < CommonDefinition.componentEnum.length; index++) {
- if (componentType == CommonDefinition.componentEnum[index].type) {
- return CommonDefinition.componentEnum[index].moduleTypeStr;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- isLibraryComponent
- This function is to check does componet is library according to commponet
- type value.
- @param componentType Integer value of component type.
- @return
- **/
- static public boolean isLibraryComponent (int componentType) {
- if (ComponentTypeLibrary == componentType) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * formateGuidName
- *
- * This function is to formate GUID to ANSI c form.
- *
- * @param guidNameCon
- * String of GUID.
- * @return Formated GUID.
- */
- public static String formatGuidName(String guidNameConv) {
- String[] strList;
- String guid = "";
- int index = 0;
- if (guidNameConv
- .matches("[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}")) {
- strList = guidNameConv.split("-");
- guid = "0x" + strList[0] + ", ";
- guid = guid + "0x" + strList[1] + ", ";
- guid = guid + "0x" + strList[2] + ", ";
- guid = guid + "{";
- guid = guid + "0x" + strList[3].substring(0, 2) + ", ";
- guid = guid + "0x" + strList[3].substring(2, 4);
- while (index < strList[4].length()) {
- guid = guid + ", ";
- guid = guid + "0x" + strList[4].substring(index, index + 2);
- index = index + 2;
- }
- guid = guid + "}";
- return guid;
- } else if (guidNameConv
- .matches("0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,8},( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4},( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}(,( )*\\{)?(,?( )*0x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}){8}( )*(\\})?")) {
- strList = guidNameConv.split(",");
- //
- // chang Microsoft specific form to ANSI c form
- //
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- guid = guid + strList[i] + ",";
- }
- guid = guid + "{";
- for (int i = 3; i < strList.length; i++) {
- if (i == strList.length - 1) {
- guid = guid + strList[i];
- } else {
- guid = guid + strList[i] + ",";
- }
- }
- guid = guid + "}";
- return guid;
- } else {
- System.out
- .println("Check GUID Value, it doesn't conform to the registry format specified by the schema!!!");
- return "0";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Remove deuplicat string in list
- *
- * This function is to duplicat string in list
- *
- * @param String[]
- * String list.
- * @return String[] String list which remove the duplicate string.
- */
- public static String[] remDupString (String[] orgList){
- Set<String> strList = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
- String[] desList ;
- if (orgList == null){
- return new String[0];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < orgList.length; i++){
- strList.add(orgList[i]);
- }
- desList = new String[strList.size()];
- Iterator item = strList.iterator();
- int index = 0;
- while (item.hasNext()){
- desList[index] = (String);
- index++;
- }
- return desList;
- }
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-/** @file
- DynamicTokenValue class.
- This module contains the value type of a dynamic token.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.exception.EntityException;
- This class is to descript a value type of dynamic PCD.
- For a dynamic or dynamicEx type PCD data, the value type can be:
- 1) Hii type: the value of dynamic or dynamicEx is stored into a variable.
- 2) Vpd type: the value of dynamic or dynamicEx is stored into somewhere set
- by OEM.
- 3) Default type: the value of dynamic or dynamicEx is stored into PCD dynamic
- database.
-public class DynamicTokenValue {
- ///
- /// Enumeration macro defintion for value type.
- ///
- ///
- /// The value type maybe:
- /// HII_TYPE: the value stored into variable area.
- /// VPD_TYPE: the value stored into OEM specific area.
- /// DEFAULT_TYPE: the value stored into PCD runtime database.
- ///
- public VALUE_TYPE type;
- ///
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Following member is for HII case. The value of HII case will be put
- /// into variable area in flash.
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ///
- ///
- /// variableName is valid only when this token support Hii functionality. variableName
- /// indicates the value of token is associated with what variable.
- /// variableName is defined in FPD.
- public List variableName;
- ///
- /// variableGuid is the GUID this token associated with.
- ///
- public UUID variableGuid;
- ///
- /// Variable offset indicate the associated variable's offset in NV storage.
- ///
- public String variableOffset;
- ///
- /// The default value for HII case.
- ///
- public String hiiDefaultValue;
- ///
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Following member is for VPD case. The value of VPD case will be put into
- /// some flash position pointed by OEM.
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ///
- public String vpdOffset;
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Following member is for default case. The value of default type will
- /// be put into PCD runtime database.
- /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ///
- /// The default value of this PCD in default case.
- ///
- public String value;
- /**
- Constructor function for DynamicTokenValue class.
- **/
- public DynamicTokenValue() {
- variableName = null;
- variableGuid = null;
- variableOffset = null;
- hiiDefaultValue = null;
- vpdOffset = null;
- value = null;
- }
- /**
- Set the HII case data.
- @param variableName The variable name
- @param variableGuid The variable guid
- @param variableOffset The offset of value in this variable
- @param hiiDefaultValue Default value for this PCD
- **/
- public void setHiiData(List variableName,
- UUID variableGuid,
- String variableOffset,
- String hiiDefaultValue) {
- this.type = VALUE_TYPE.HII_TYPE;
- this.variableName = variableName;
- this.variableGuid = variableGuid;
- this.variableOffset = variableOffset;
- this.hiiDefaultValue = hiiDefaultValue;
- }
- /**
- Get the variable Name.
- @return String
- **/
- public List getStringOfVariableName() {
- return variableName;
- }
- /**
- Set Vpd case data.
- @param vpdOffset the value offset the start address of OEM specific.
- **/
- public void setVpdData(String vpdOffset) {
- this.type = VALUE_TYPE.VPD_TYPE;
- this.vpdOffset = vpdOffset;
- }
- /**
- Set default case data.
- @param value
- **/
- public void setValue(String value) {
- this.value = value;
- }
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-/** @file
- MemoryDatabaseManager class.
- Database hold all PCD information comes from SPD, MSA, FPD file in memory.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.UsageIdentification;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.exception.EntityException;
- Database hold all PCD information comes from SPD, MSA, FPD file in memory.
-public class MemoryDatabaseManager {
- ///
- /// Memory database. The string "cName + SpaceNameGuid" is primary key.
- /// memory database is in global scope, and it will be used for others PCD tools.
- ///
- private static Map<String, Token> memoryDatabase = null;
- ///
- /// Before build a module, the used libary will be build firstly, the PCD of these
- /// library is inheritted by the module, so stored module's PCD information as PCD
- /// context of building libary.
- ///
- public static List<UsageInstance> UsageInstanceContext = null;
- ///
- /// Current module name, if now is buiding library, this value indicate this library
- /// is for building what module.
- ///
- public static String CurrentModuleName = null;
- ///
- /// String for PCD PEIM and DXE autogen file
- ///
- public static String PcdPeimHString = "";
- public static String PcdPeimCString = "";
- public static String PcdDxeHString = "";
- public static String PcdDxeCString = "";
- /**
- Constructure function
- **/
- public MemoryDatabaseManager() {
- //
- // Allocate memory for new database in global scope.
- //
- if (memoryDatabase == null) {
- memoryDatabase = new HashMap<String, Token>();
- }
- }
- /**
- Judege whether token exists in memory database
- @param primaryKey the primaryKey for searching token
- @retval TRUE - token already exist in database.
- @retval FALSE - token does not exist in database.
- **/
- public boolean isTokenInDatabase(String primaryKey) {
- return (memoryDatabase.get(primaryKey) != null);
- }
- /**
- Add a pcd token into memory database.
- @param primaryKey the primary key for searching token
- @param token token instance
- **/
- public void addTokenToDatabase(String primaryKey, Token token) {
- memoryDatabase.put(primaryKey, token);
- }
- /**
- Get a token instance from memory database with primary key.
- @param primaryKey the primary key for searching token
- @return token instance.
- **/
- public Token getTokenByKey(String primaryKey) {
- return memoryDatabase.get(primaryKey);
- }
- /**
- Get the number of PCD token record in memory database.
- @return the number of PCD token record in memory database.
- **/
- public int getDBSize() {
- return memoryDatabase.size();
- }
- /**
- Get the token record array contained all PCD token in memory database.
- @return the token record array contained all PCD token in memory database.
- **/
- public Token[] getRecordArray() {
- Token[] tokenArray = null;
- Object[] dataArray = null;
- Map.Entry entry = null;
- int index = 0;
- int size = 0;
- if (memoryDatabase == null) {
- return null;
- }
- dataArray = memoryDatabase.entrySet().toArray();
- size = memoryDatabase.size();
- tokenArray = new Token[memoryDatabase.size()];
- for (index = 0; index < size; index++) {
- entry =(Map.Entry) dataArray [index];
- tokenArray[index] =(Token) entry.getValue();
- }
- return tokenArray;
- }
- /**
- Get record array only contains DYNAMIC or DYNAMIC_EX type PCD.
- @return ArrayList the array list contains all dynamic type PCD.
- **/
- private ArrayList getDynamicRecordArray() {
- Token[] tokenArray = getRecordArray();
- int index = 0;
- ArrayList<Token> al = new ArrayList<Token>();
- for (index = 0; index < tokenArray.length; index++) {
- if (tokenArray[index].isDynamicPCD) {
- al.add(tokenArray[index]);
- }
- }
- return al;
- }
- /**
- Get the token record array contained all PCD token referenced by PEI phase.
- The output array is sorted based on descending order of the size of alignment for each feilds.
- @return the token record array contained all PCD token referenced in PEI phase.
- @throws EntityException
- **/
- public void getTwoPhaseDynamicRecordArray(ArrayList<Token> pei, ArrayList<Token> dxe)
- throws EntityException {
- int usageInstanceIndex = 0;
- int index = 0;
- ArrayList tokenArrayList = getDynamicRecordArray();
- Object[] usageInstanceArray = null;
- UsageInstance usageInstance = null;
- int size = 0;
- int consumerSize = 0;
- size = tokenArrayList.size();
- for (index = 0; index < size; index++) {
- boolean found = false;
- Token token = (Token) tokenArrayList.get(index);
- if (token.consumers != null) {
- usageInstanceArray = token.consumers.entrySet().toArray();
- consumerSize = token.consumers.size();
- for (usageInstanceIndex = 0; usageInstanceIndex < consumerSize; usageInstanceIndex++) {
- usageInstance =(UsageInstance) (((Map.Entry)usageInstanceArray[usageInstanceIndex]).getValue());
- if (usageInstance.isPeiPhaseComponent()) {
- pei.add(token);
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // If no PEI components reference the PCD entry,
- // we check if it is referenced in DXE driver.
- //
- if (!found) {
- if (token.consumers != null) {
- usageInstanceArray = token.consumers.entrySet().toArray();
- consumerSize = token.consumers.size();
- for (usageInstanceIndex = 0; usageInstanceIndex < consumerSize; usageInstanceIndex++) {
- usageInstance =(UsageInstance) (((Map.Entry)usageInstanceArray[usageInstanceIndex]).getValue());
- if (usageInstance.isDxePhaseComponent()) {
- dxe.add(token);
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- if (token.isDynamicPCD && token.consumers.size() == 0) {
- dxe.add(token);
- } else {
- //
- // We only support Dynamice(EX) type for PEI and DXE phase.
- // If it is not referenced in either PEI or DXE, throw exception now.
- //
- throw new EntityException("[PCD Tool Internal Error] Dynamic(EX) PCD Entries are referenced in a module that is not used in either PEI or DXE phases.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void clearDatabase() {
- memoryDatabase.clear();
- }
- /**
- Get all PCD token for a usage instance according to primary key.
- @param primaryKey the primary key of usage instance.
- @return List<UsageInstance> the list contains all usage instances.
- **/
- public List<UsageInstance> getUsageInstanceArrayById(UsageIdentification usageId) {
- Token[] tokenArray = null;
- int recordIndex = 0;
- UsageInstance usageInstance = null;
- List<UsageInstance> returnArray = new ArrayList<UsageInstance>();
- String primaryKey = usageId.toString();
- tokenArray = getRecordArray();
- //
- // Loop to find all PCD record related to current module
- //
- for (recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < getDBSize(); recordIndex++) {
- if (tokenArray[recordIndex].consumers.size() != 0) {
- usageInstance = tokenArray[recordIndex].consumers.get(primaryKey);
- if (usageInstance != null) {
- returnArray.add(usageInstance);
- }
- }
- }
- return returnArray;
- }
- public List<Token> getPcdTokenListForModule(UsageIdentification usageId) {
- List<UsageInstance> usageList = getUsageInstanceArrayById(usageId);
- List<Token> tokenList = new ArrayList<Token>();
- if (usageList == null) {
- return null;
- }
- for (int usageIndex = 0; usageIndex < usageList.size(); usageIndex++) {
- tokenList.add(usageList.get(usageIndex).parentToken);
- }
- return tokenList;
- }
- /**
- Get all modules name who contains PCD information
- @return Array for usage's identification
- **/
- public List<UsageIdentification> getAllModuleArray()
- {
- int tokenIndex = 0;
- int usageIndex = 0;
- int moduleIndex = 0;
- Token[] tokenArray = null;
- Object[] usageInstanceArray = null;
- List<UsageIdentification> usageArray = new ArrayList<UsageIdentification>();
- UsageInstance usageInstance = null;
- boolean bFound = false;
- String primaryKey = null;
- tokenArray = getRecordArray();
- //
- // Find all consumer usage instance for retrieving module's name
- //
- for (tokenIndex = 0; tokenIndex < getDBSize(); tokenIndex++) {
- usageInstanceArray = tokenArray[tokenIndex].consumers.entrySet().toArray();
- for (usageIndex = 0; usageIndex < tokenArray[tokenIndex].consumers.size(); usageIndex++) {
- usageInstance = (UsageInstance)((Map.Entry)usageInstanceArray[usageIndex]).getValue();
- primaryKey = usageInstance.getPrimaryKey();
- bFound = false;
- for (moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < usageArray.size(); moduleIndex++) {
- if (usageArray.get(moduleIndex).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(primaryKey)) {
- bFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!bFound) {
- usageArray.add(usageInstance.usageId);
- }
- }
- }
- return usageArray;
- }
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-/** @file
- ModulePcdInfoFromFpd class.
- The interface parameter from <ModuleSA>'s Pcd information got from global data.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import org.tianocore.PcdBuildDefinitionDocument;
-import org.tianocore.PcdBuildDefinitionDocument.PcdBuildDefinition;
-import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
- PCD build information in <ModuleSA> in FPD file.
-public class ModulePcdInfoFromFpd {
- ///
- /// Usage identification for a module
- ///
- public UsageIdentification usageId;
- ///
- /// <ModuleSA>'s <PcdBuildDefinition> information.
- ///
- public PcdBuildDefinition pcdBuildDefinition;
- /**
- Construct function.
- @param usageId The usage instance's identification
- @param pcdBuildDefinition The <PcdBuildDefinition> information in <ModuleSA> in FPD file.
- **/
- public ModulePcdInfoFromFpd(UsageIdentification usageId,
- PcdBuildDefinition pcdBuildDefinition) {
- this.usageId = usageId;
- this.pcdBuildDefinition = pcdBuildDefinition;
- }
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-/** @file
- SkuInstance class.
- Sku instance contains ID and value, A pcd token maybe contains more than one Sku instance.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
- Sku instance contains ID and value, A pcd token maybe contains more than one Sku instance.
-public class SkuInstance {
- ///
- /// The id number of this SKU instance
- ///
- public int id;
- ///
- /// The value of this SKU instance
- ///
- public DynamicTokenValue value;
- /**
- Constructure function
- @param id sku id
- @param value sku value for this id.
- **/
- public SkuInstance(int id, DynamicTokenValue value) {
- = id;
- this.value = value;
- }
- /**
- Default constructor function.
- **/
- public SkuInstance() {
- = 0;
- this.value = new DynamicTokenValue();
- }
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-/** @file
- Token class.
- This module contains all classes releted to PCD token.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
- This class is to descript a PCD token object. The information of a token mainly
- comes from MSA, SPD and setting produced by platform developer.
-public class Token {
- ///
- /// Enumeration macro defintion for PCD type.
- ///
- ///
- /// Enumeration macro definition for datum type. All type mainly comes from ProcessBind.h.
- /// Wizard maybe expand this type as "int, unsigned int, short, unsigned short etc" in
- /// prompt dialog.
- ///
- ///
- /// Enumeration macor defintion for usage of PCD
- ///
- ///
- /// cName is to identify a PCD entry and will be used for generating autogen.h/autogen.c.
- /// cName will be defined in MSA, SPD and FPD, can be regarded as primary key with token space guid.
- ///
- public String cName;
- ///
- /// Token space name is the guid defined by token itself in package or module level. This
- /// name mainly for DynamicEx type. For other PCD type token, his token space name is the
- /// assignedtokenSpaceName as follows.
- /// tokenSpaceName is defined in MSA, SPD, FPD, can be regarded as primary key with cName.
- ///
- public String tokenSpaceName;
- ///
- /// tokenNumber is allocated by platform. tokenNumber indicate an index for this token in
- /// platform token space. For Dynamic, dynamicEx type, this number will be re-adjust by
- /// PCD run-time database autogen tools.
- ///
- public long tokenNumber;
- ///
- /// This token number is retrieved from FPD file for DynamicEx type.
- ///
- public long dynamicExTokenNumber;
- ///
- /// All supported PCD type, this value can be retrieved from SPD
- /// Currently, only record all PCD type for this token in FPD file.
- ///
- public List<PCD_TYPE> supportedPcdType;
- ///
- /// If the token's item type is Dynamic or DynamicEx type, isDynamicPCD
- /// is true.
- ///
- public boolean isDynamicPCD;
- ///
- /// datumSize is to descript the fix size or max size for this token.
- /// datumSize is defined in SPD.
- ///
- public int datumSize;
- ///
- /// datum type is to descript what type can be expressed by a PCD token.
- /// For same PCD used in different module, the datum type should be unique.
- /// So it belong memeber to Token class.
- ///
- public DATUM_TYPE datumType;
- ///
- /// skuData contains all value for SkuNumber of token.
- /// This field is for Dynamic or DynamicEx type PCD,
- ///
- public List<SkuInstance> skuData;
- ///
- /// consumers array record all module private information who consume this PCD token.
- ///
- public Map<String, UsageInstance> consumers;
- /**
- Constructure function for Token class
- @param cName The name of token
- @param tokenSpaceName The name of token space, it is a guid string
- **/
- public Token(String cName, String tokenSpaceName) {
- this.cName = cName;
- this.tokenSpaceName = tokenSpaceName;
- this.tokenNumber = 0;
- this.datumType = DATUM_TYPE.UNKNOWN;
- this.datumSize = -1;
- this.skuData = new ArrayList<SkuInstance>();
- this.consumers = new HashMap<String, UsageInstance>();
- this.supportedPcdType = new ArrayList<PCD_TYPE>();
- }
- /**
- updateSupportPcdType
- SupportPcdType should be gotten from SPD file actually, but now it just
- record all PCD type for this token in FPD file.
- @param pcdType new PCD type found in FPD file for this token.
- **/
- public void updateSupportPcdType(PCD_TYPE pcdType) {
- int size = supportedPcdType.size();
- for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
- if (supportedPcdType.get(index) == pcdType) {
- return;
- }
- }
- //
- // If not found, add the pcd type to member variable supportedPcdType
- //
- supportedPcdType.add(pcdType);
- }
- /**
- Judge whether pcdType is belong to dynamic type. Dynamic type includes
- @param pcdType the judged pcd type
- @return boolean
- **/
- public static boolean isDynamic(PCD_TYPE pcdType) {
- if ((pcdType == PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC ) ||
- (pcdType == PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC_EX)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- The pcd type is DynamicEx?
- @retval true Is DynamicEx type
- @retval false not DynamicEx type
- **/
- public boolean isDynamicEx() {
- int size = supportedPcdType.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (supportedPcdType.get(i) == PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC_EX) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Use "TokencName + "-" + SpaceTokenName" as primary key when adding token into database
- @param cName Token name.
- @param tokenSpaceName The token space guid string defined in MSA or SPD
- @retval primary key for this token in token database.
- **/
- public static String getPrimaryKeyString(String cName, String tokenSpaceName) {
- if (tokenSpaceName == null) {
- return cName + "_nullTokenSpaceGuid";
- } else {
- return cName + "_" + tokenSpaceName.toString().replace('-', '_').toLowerCase();
- }
- }
- /**
- If skudata list contains more than one data, then Sku mechanism is enable.
- @retval boolean if the number of sku data exceed to 1
- **/
- public boolean isSkuEnable() {
- if (this.skuData.size() > 1) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- If Hii type for value of token
- @return boolean
- **/
- public boolean isHiiEnable() {
- if (getDefaultSku().type == DynamicTokenValue.VALUE_TYPE.HII_TYPE) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- If Vpd type for value of token
- @return boolean
- **/
- public boolean isVpdEnable() {
- if (getDefaultSku().type == DynamicTokenValue.VALUE_TYPE.VPD_TYPE) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Get the token primary key in token database.
- @return String
- **/
- public String getPrimaryKeyString () {
- return Token.getPrimaryKeyString(cName, tokenSpaceName);
- }
- /**
- Judge datumType is valid
- @param type The datumType want to be judged.
- @retval TRUE - The type is valid.
- @retval FALSE - The type is invalid.
- **/
- public static boolean isValiddatumType(DATUM_TYPE type) {
- if ((type.ordinal() < DATUM_TYPE.UINT8.ordinal() ) ||
- (type.ordinal() > DATUM_TYPE.POINTER.ordinal())) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- Judge pcdType is valid
- @param type The PCdType want to be judged.
- @retval TRUE - The type is valid.
- @retval FALSE - The type is invalid.
- **/
- public static boolean isValidpcdType(PCD_TYPE type) {
- if ((type.ordinal() < PCD_TYPE.FEATURE_FLAG.ordinal() ) ||
- (type.ordinal() > PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC_EX.ordinal())) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- Add an usage instance for token
- @param usageInstance The usage instance
- @retval TRUE - Success to add usage instance.
- @retval FALSE - Fail to add usage instance
- **/
- public boolean addUsageInstance(UsageInstance usageInstance) {
- if (isUsageInstanceExist(usageInstance.usageId)) {
- return false;
- }
- //
- // Put usage instance into usage instance database of this PCD token.
- //
- consumers.put(usageInstance.getPrimaryKey(), usageInstance);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether exist an usage instance for this token
- @param usageId The UsageInstance identification for usage instance
- @return boolean whether exist an usage instance for this token.
- **/
- public boolean isUsageInstanceExist(UsageIdentification usageId) {
- String keyStr = UsageInstance.getPrimaryKey(usageId);
- return (consumers.get(keyStr) != null);
- }
- /**
- Get the PCD_TYPE according to the string of PCD_TYPE
- @param pcdTypeStr The string of PCD_TYPE
- @return PCD_TYPE
- **/
- public static PCD_TYPE getPcdTypeFromString(String pcdTypeStr) {
- if (pcdTypeStr == null) {
- }
- if (pcdTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("FEATURE_FLAG")) {
- } else if (pcdTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("FIXED_AT_BUILD")) {
- } else if (pcdTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE")) {
- } else if (pcdTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("DYNAMIC")) {
- } else if (pcdTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("DYNAMIC_EX")) {
- } else {
- }
- }
- /**
- Get the string of given datumType. This string will be used for generating autogen files
- @param datumType Given datumType
- @return The string of datum type.
- **/
- public static String getStringOfdatumType(DATUM_TYPE datumType) {
- return datumType.toString();
- }
- /**
- Get the datumType according to a string.
- @param datumTypeStr The string of datumType
- @return DATUM_TYPE
- **/
- public static DATUM_TYPE getdatumTypeFromString(String datumTypeStr) {
- if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("UINT8")) {
- return DATUM_TYPE.UINT8;
- } else if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("UINT16")) {
- return DATUM_TYPE.UINT16;
- } else if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("UINT32")) {
- return DATUM_TYPE.UINT32;
- } else if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("UINT64")) {
- return DATUM_TYPE.UINT64;
- } else if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("VOID*")) {
- } else if (datumTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("BOOLEAN")) {
- }
- }
- /**
- Get string of given pcdType
- @param pcdType The given PcdType
- @return The string of PCD_TYPE.
- **/
- public static String getStringOfpcdType(PCD_TYPE pcdType) {
- return pcdType.toString();
- }
- /**
- Get the PCD_USAGE according to a string
- @param usageStr The string of PCD_USAGE
- @return The PCD_USAGE
- **/
- public static PCD_USAGE getUsageFromString(String usageStr) {
- if (usageStr == null) {
- }
- if (usageStr.equalsIgnoreCase("ALWAYS_PRODUCED")) {
- } else if (usageStr.equalsIgnoreCase("SOMETIMES_PRODUCED")) {
- } else if (usageStr.equalsIgnoreCase("ALWAYS_CONSUMED")) {
- } else if (usageStr.equalsIgnoreCase("SOMETIMES_CONSUMED")) {
- }
- }
- /**
- Get the string of given PCD_USAGE
- @param usage The given PCD_USAGE
- @return The string of PDC_USAGE.
- **/
- public static String getStringOfUsage(PCD_USAGE usage) {
- return usage.toString();
- }
- /**
- Get the Defined datumType string for autogen. The string is for generating some MACROs in Autogen.h
- @param datumType The given datumType
- @return string of datum type for autogen.
- **/
- public static String GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(DATUM_TYPE datumType) {
- switch (datumType) {
- case UINT8:
- return "8";
- case UINT16:
- return "16";
- case BOOLEAN:
- return "BOOL";
- case POINTER:
- return "PTR";
- case UINT32:
- return "32";
- case UINT64:
- return "64";
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- Get the datumType String for Autogen. This string will be used for generating defintions of PCD token in autogen
- @param datumType The given datumType
- @return string of datum type.
- **/
- public static String getAutogendatumTypeString(DATUM_TYPE datumType) {
- switch (datumType) {
- case UINT8:
- return "UINT8";
- case UINT16:
- return "UINT16";
- case UINT32:
- return "UINT32";
- case UINT64:
- return "UINT64";
- case POINTER:
- return "VOID*";
- case BOOLEAN:
- return "BOOLEAN";
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- Get the datumType string for generating some MACROs in autogen file of Library
- @param datumType The given datumType
- @return String of datum for genrating bit charater.
- **/
- public static String getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(DATUM_TYPE datumType) {
- switch (datumType) {
- case UINT8:
- return "8";
- case UINT16:
- return "16";
- case BOOLEAN:
- return "Bool";
- case POINTER:
- return "Ptr";
- case UINT32:
- return "32";
- case UINT64:
- return "64";
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- Get the sku data who id is 0.
- @retval DynamicTokenValue the value of this dyanmic token.
- **/
- public DynamicTokenValue getDefaultSku() {
- int index;
- int size = skuData.size();
- for (index = 0; index < size; index++) {
- if (skuData.get(index).id == 0) {
- return skuData.get(index).value;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- Get the number of Sku data for this token
- @retval int the number of sku data
- **/
- public int getSkuIdCount () {
- return this.skuData.size();
- }
- /**
- Get the size of PCD value, this PCD is POINTER type.
- @param str the string of the value
- @param al the array list for outer parameter.
- **/
- private void getCurrentSizeFromDefaultValue (String str, ArrayList<Integer> al) {
- if (isValidNullValue(str)) {
- al.add(new Integer(0));
- } else {
- //
- // isValidNullValue has already make sure that str here
- // always contain a valid default value of the following 3
- // cases:
- // 1) "Hello world" //Assci string
- // 2) L"Hello" //Unicode string
- // 3) {0x01, 0x02, 0x03} //Byte stream
- //
- if (str.startsWith("\"")) {
- al.add(new Integer(str.length() - 2));
- } else if (str.startsWith("L\"")){
- //
- // Unicode is 2 bytes each.
- //
- al.add(new Integer((str.length() - 3) * 2));
- } else if (str.startsWith("{")) {
- //
- // We count the number of "," in the string.
- // The number of byte is one plus the number of
- // comma.
- //
- String str2 = str;
- int cnt = 0;
- int pos = 0;
- pos = str2.indexOf(",", 0);
- while (pos != -1) {
- cnt++;
- pos++;
- pos = str2.indexOf(",", pos);
- }
- cnt++;
- al.add(new Integer(cnt));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- This method can be used to get the MAX and current size
- for pointer type dynamic(ex) PCD entry
- **/
- public ArrayList<Integer> getPointerTypeSize () {
- ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>();
- //
- // For VPD_enabled and HII_enabled, we can only return the MAX size.
- // For the default DATA type dynamic PCD entry, we will return
- // the MAX size and current size for each SKU_ID.
- //
- al.add(new Integer(this.datumSize));
- if (!this.isVpdEnable()) {
- int idx;
- if (this.isHiiEnable()){
- for (idx = 0; idx < this.skuData.size(); idx++) {
- String str = this.skuData.get(idx).value.hiiDefaultValue;
- getCurrentSizeFromDefaultValue(str, al);
- }
- } else {
- for (idx = 0; idx < this.skuData.size(); idx++) {
- String str = this.skuData.get(idx).value.value;
- getCurrentSizeFromDefaultValue(str, al);
- }
- }
- }
- return al;
- }
- /**
- Get default value for a token, For HII type, HiiDefaultValue of default
- SKU 0 will be returned; For Default type, the defaultvalue of default SKU
- 0 will be returned.
- @return String get the default value for a DYNAMIC type PCD.
- **/
- public String getDynamicDefaultValue() {
- DynamicTokenValue dynamicData = getDefaultSku();
- if (hasDefaultValue()) {
- switch (dynamicData.type) {
- return dynamicData.value;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether a DYNAMIC PCD has default value.
- @return whether a DYNAMIC PCD has default value.
- **/
- public boolean hasDefaultValue () {
- DynamicTokenValue dynamicValue = null;
- if (isSkuEnable()) {
- return true;
- }
- if (this.isDynamicPCD) {
- dynamicValue = getDefaultSku();
- switch (dynamicValue.type) {
- case HII_TYPE:
- return true;
- case VPD_TYPE:
- return true;
- return !isValidNullValue(dynamicValue.value);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge the value is NULL value. NULL value means the value is uninitialized value
- @param judgedValue the want want to be judged
- @return boolean whether the value of PCD is NULL.
- **/
- public boolean isValidNullValue(String judgedValue) {
- String subStr;
- BigInteger bigIntValue;
- switch (datumType) {
- case UINT8:
- case UINT16:
- case UINT32:
- if (judgedValue.length() > 2) {
- if ((judgedValue.charAt(0) == '0') &&
- ((judgedValue.charAt(1) == 'x') || (judgedValue.charAt(1) == 'X'))){
- subStr = judgedValue.substring(2, judgedValue.length());
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(subStr, 16);
- } else {
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(judgedValue);
- }
- } else {
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(judgedValue);
- }
- if (bigIntValue.bitCount() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case UINT64:
- if (judgedValue.length() > 2){
- if ((judgedValue.charAt(0) == '0') &&
- ((judgedValue.charAt(1) == 'x') ||
- (judgedValue.charAt(1) == 'X'))) {
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(judgedValue.substring(2, judgedValue.length()), 16);
- if (bigIntValue.bitCount() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(judgedValue);
- if (bigIntValue.bitCount() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- bigIntValue = new BigInteger(judgedValue);
- if (bigIntValue.bitCount() == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case BOOLEAN:
- if (judgedValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case POINTER:
- if (judgedValue.equalsIgnoreCase("\"\"") ||
- judgedValue.equalsIgnoreCase("L\"\"") ||
- (judgedValue.length() == 0)) {
- return true;
- } else if (judgedValue.trim().charAt(0) == '{') {
- int start = judgedValue.indexOf('{');
- int end = judgedValue.lastIndexOf('}');
- String[] strValueArray = judgedValue.substring(start + 1, end).split(",");
- if (strValueArray.length > 1) {
- return false;
- } else {
- if (strValueArray[0].matches("(0x)?(0X)?0*")) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Is the string value in Unicode
- @return boolean the string value is UNICODE type string.
- **/
- public boolean isHiiDefaultValueUnicodeStringType() {
- DynamicTokenValue dynamicData = getDefaultSku();
- if (dynamicData == null)
- return false;
- return dynamicData.hiiDefaultValue.startsWith("L\"")
- && dynamicData.hiiDefaultValue.endsWith("\"");
- }
- /**
- Is the string value in ANSCI
- @return boolean whether the dfault value for HII case is string type.
- **/
- public boolean isHiiDefaultValueASCIIStringType() {
- DynamicTokenValue dynamicData = getDefaultSku();
- if (dynamicData == null)
- return false;
- return dynamicData.hiiDefaultValue.startsWith("\"")
- && dynamicData.hiiDefaultValue.endsWith("\"");
- }
- /**
- Judege whether current value is UNICODE string type.
- @return boolean whether the value is UNICODE string.
- **/
- public boolean isUnicodeStringType () {
- String str = getDynamicDefaultValue();
- if (str == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER &&
- str.startsWith("L\"") &&
- str.endsWith("\"")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether the string type is ANSIC string.
- @return boolean whether the string type is ANSIC string
- **/
- public boolean isASCIIStringType () {
- String str = getDynamicDefaultValue();
- if (str == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER &&
- str.startsWith("\"") &&
- str.endsWith("\"")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether the string value is byte array.
- @return boolean whether the string value is byte array.
- **/
- public boolean isByteStreamType () {
- String str = getDynamicDefaultValue();
- if (str == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER &&
- str.startsWith("{") &&
- str.endsWith("}")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Get string value for ANSIC string type
- @return String the string value
- **/
- public String getStringTypeString () {
- return getDefaultSku().value.substring(2, getDefaultSku().value.length() - 1);
- }
- /**
- Judge whether a datum string is byte array.
- @param datum datum string
- @return boolean true - is byte array, false - not byte array
- **/
- public static boolean isByteArrayDatum(String datum) {
- if (datum == null) {
- return false;
- }
- String trimedStr = datum.trim();
- if (trimedStr.length() == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (trimedStr.startsWith("{") &&
- trimedStr.endsWith("}")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether a datum string is unicode.
- @param datum datum string
- @return boolean true - is unicode, false - not unicode
- **/
- public static boolean isUnicodeDatum(String datum) {
- if (datum == null) {
- return false;
- }
- String trimedStr = datum.trim();
- if (trimedStr.length() == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (trimedStr.startsWith("L") &&
- trimedStr.charAt(1) == '"' &&
- trimedStr.endsWith("\"")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether a datum string is ANSCI string.
- @param datum datum string
- @return boolean true - is ANSIC, false - not ANSIC
- **/
- public static boolean isAnsciDatum(String datum) {
- if (datum == null) {
- return false;
- }
- String trimedStr = datum.trim();
- if (trimedStr.length() == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (datum.startsWith("\"") &&
- datum.endsWith("\"")) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Get byte array string for POINTER type Datum.
- @param datum the datum whose type is POINTER
- @return String the byte array string
- **/
- public String getByteArrayForPointerDatum(String datum) {
- String byteArray = "{";
- if (datumType != Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- return null;
- }
- if (Token.isAnsciDatum(datum)) {
- String trimedStr = datum.trim();
- trimedStr = trimedStr.substring(1, trimedStr.length() - 1);
- char charArray[] = trimedStr.toCharArray();
- for (int index = 0; index < charArray.length; index++) {
- byteArray += String.format("0x%02x ", (byte)charArray[index]);
- if (index != (charArray.length - 1)) {
- byteArray += ",";
- }
- }
- } else if (Token.isUnicodeDatum(datum)) {
- String trimedStr = datum.trim();
- trimedStr = trimedStr.substring(2, trimedStr.length() - 1);
- for (int index = 0; index < trimedStr.length(); index++) {
- short unicodeVal = (short)trimedStr.codePointAt(index);
- byteArray += String.format("0x%02x, 0x%02x",
- (byte)unicodeVal,
- (byte)((unicodeVal & 0xFF00) >> 8));
- if (index != (trimedStr.length() - 1)) {
- byteArray += " ,";
- }
- }
- } else if (Token.isByteArrayDatum(datum)){
- return datum;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- byteArray += "}";
- return byteArray;
- }
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@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- UsageIdentification class.
- This class an identification for a PCD UsageInstance.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
- The identification for a UsageInstance.
- It should be extend from ModuleIdentification in future.
-public class UsageIdentification {
- ///
- /// The module CName: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String moduleName;
- ///
- /// The module Guid String: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String moduleGuid;
- ///
- /// The package CName: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String packageName;
- ///
- /// The package Guid: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String packageGuid;
- ///
- /// Module's Arch: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String arch;
- ///
- /// Module's version: one key of Identification
- ///
- public String version;
- ///
- /// Module's type
- ///
- public String moduleType;
- /**
- Constructor function for UsageIdentification class.
- @param moduleName The key of module's name
- @param moduleGuid The key of module's GUID string
- @param packageName The key of package's name
- @param packageGuid The key of package's Guid
- @param arch The architecture string
- @param version The version String
- @param moduleType The module type
- **/
- public UsageIdentification (String moduleName,
- String moduleGuid,
- String packageName,
- String packageGuid,
- String arch,
- String version,
- String moduleType) {
- this.moduleName = moduleName;
- this.moduleGuid = moduleGuid;
- this.packageName = packageName;
- this.packageGuid = packageGuid;
- this.arch = arch;
- this.version = version;
- this.moduleType = moduleType;
- }
- /**
- Generate the string for UsageIdentification
- @return the string value for UsageIdentification
- **/
- public String toString() {
- //
- // Because currently transition schema not require write moduleGuid, package Name, Packge GUID in
- // <ModuleSA> section, So currently no expect all paramter must be valid.
- // BUGBUG: Because currently we can not get version from MSA, So ignore verison.
- //
- return(moduleName + "_" +
- ((moduleGuid != null) ? moduleGuid.toLowerCase() : "NullModuleGuid") + "_" +
- ((packageName != null) ? packageName : "NullPackageName") + "_" +
- ((packageGuid != null) ? packageGuid.toLowerCase() : "NullPackageGuid") + "_" +
- ((arch != null) ? arch : "NullArch") + "_" +
- "NullVersion");
- }
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index 2484453149..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- UsageInstance class.
- This class indicate an usage instance for a PCD token. This instance maybe a module
- or platform setting. When a module produce or cosume a PCD token, then this module
- is an usage instance for this PCD token.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.entity;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.CommonDefinition;
-import org.tianocore.pcd.entity.UsageIdentification;
- This class indicate an usage instance for a PCD token. This instance maybe a module
- or platform setting. When a module produce or cosume a PCD token, then this module
- is an usage instance for this PCD token.
-public class UsageInstance {
- ///
- /// This parent that this usage instance belongs to.
- ///
- public Token parentToken;
- ///
- /// ModuleIdentification for Usage Instance
- ///
- public UsageIdentification usageId;
- ///
- /// Arch also is a key for a UsageInstance
- ///
- public String arch;
- ///
- /// The PCD type defined for module
- ///
- public Token.PCD_TYPE modulePcdType;
- ///
- /// The value of the PCD in this usage instance.
- ///
- public String datum;
- ///
- /// The maxDatumSize could be different for same PCD in different module
- /// But this case is allow for FeatureFlag, FixedAtBuild, PatchableInModule
- /// type.
- ///
- public int maxDatumSize;
- ///
- /// Autogen string for header file.
- ///
- public String hAutogenStr;
- ///
- /// Auotgen string for C code file.
- ///
- public String cAutogenStr;
- /**
- Constructure function for UsageInstance
- @param parentToken The token instance for this usgaInstance
- @param usageId The identification for usage instance
- @param modulePcdType The PCD type for this usage instance
- @param value The value of this PCD in this usage instance
- @param maxDatumSize The max datum size of this PCD in this usage
- instance.
- **/
- public UsageInstance(Token parentToken,
- UsageIdentification usageId,
- Token.PCD_TYPE modulePcdType,
- String value,
- int maxDatumSize) {
- this.parentToken = parentToken;
- this.usageId = usageId;
- this.modulePcdType = modulePcdType;
- this.datum = value;
- this.maxDatumSize = maxDatumSize;
- }
- /**
- Get the primary key for usage instance array for every token.
- @param usageId The identification of UsageInstance
- @retval String The primary key for this usage instance
- **/
- public static String getPrimaryKey(UsageIdentification usageId) {
- return usageId.toString();
- }
- /**
- Get primary key string for this usage instance
- @return String primary key string
- **/
- public String getPrimaryKey() {
- return UsageInstance.getPrimaryKey(usageId);
- }
- /**
- Judget whether current module is PEI driver
- @return boolean whether current module is PEI driver
- **/
- public boolean isPeiPhaseComponent() {
- int moduleType = CommonDefinition.getModuleType(usageId.moduleType);
- if ((moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeiCore) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypePeim)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Judge whether current module is DXE driver.
- @return boolean whether current module is DXE driver
- **/
- public boolean isDxePhaseComponent() {
- int moduleType = CommonDefinition.getModuleType(usageId.moduleType);
- if ((moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeDriver) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeRuntimeDriver) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSalDriver) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeDxeSmmDriver) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiDriver) ||
- (moduleType == CommonDefinition.ModuleTypeUefiApplication)
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- Generate autogen string for header file and C code file.
- @param isBuildUsedLibrary whether the autogen is for library.
- **/
- public void generateAutoGen(boolean isBuildUsedLibrary) {
- String guidStringCName = null;
- boolean isByteArray = false;
- String printDatum = null;
- String tokenNumberString = null;
- hAutogenStr = "";
- cAutogenStr = "";
- if (this.modulePcdType == Token.PCD_TYPE.DYNAMIC_EX) {
- //
- // For DYNAMIC_EX type PCD, use original token number in SPD or FPD to generate autogen
- //
- tokenNumberString = Long.toString(parentToken.dynamicExTokenNumber, 16);
- } else {
- //
- // For Others type PCD, use autogenerated token number to generate autogen
- //
- tokenNumberString = Long.toString(parentToken.tokenNumber, 16);
- }
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_TOKEN_%s 0x%s\r\n", parentToken.cName, tokenNumberString);
- //
- // Judge the value of this PCD is byte array type
- //
- if (!isBuildUsedLibrary && !parentToken.isDynamicPCD) {
- if (datum.trim().charAt(0) == '{') {
- isByteArray = true;
- }
- }
- //
- // "ULL" should be added to value's tail for UINT64 value
- //
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.UINT64) {
- printDatum = this.datum + "ULL";
- } else {
- printDatum = this.datum;
- }
- switch (modulePcdType) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "extern const BOOLEAN _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("extern const BOOLEAN _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s;\r\n",
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "//#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken ASSERT(FALSE) If is not allowed to set value...";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("//#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s ASSERT(FALSE) If is not allowed to set value for a FEATURE_FLAG PCD\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- if (!isBuildUsedLibrary) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken 0x1000"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_VALUE_%s %s\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- printDatum);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const BOOLEAN _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken = _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const BOOLEAN _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s = _PCD_VALUE_%s;\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- break;
- if (isByteArray) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "extern const BOOLEAN _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("extern const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s[];\r\n",
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken (VOID*)_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s (VOID*)_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "extern const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("extern const %s _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s;\r\n",
- Token.getAutogendatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "//#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken ASSERT(FALSE) If is not allowed to set value...";
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("//#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s ASSERT(FALSE) // It is not allowed to set value for a FIXED_AT_BUILD PCD\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- if (!isBuildUsedLibrary) {
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- if (isByteArray) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken (VOID*)_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_VALUE_%s (VOID*)_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken[] = 'dfdf';"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s[] = %s;\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- printDatum);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken 0x222"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_VALUE_%s %s\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- printDatum);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken[] = _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const %s _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s = _PCD_VALUE_%s;\r\n",
- Token.getAutogendatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken 0x222"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_VALUE_%s %s\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- printDatum);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdSampleToken[] = _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const %s _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_%s = _PCD_VALUE_%s;\r\n",
- Token.getAutogendatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- }
- break;
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "extern UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken[];"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("extern UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s[];\r\n",
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken (VOID*)_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s (VOID*)_gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) CopyMem (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken, (Buffer), (SizeOfBuffer))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_PATCHABLE_%s_SIZE %d\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.datumSize);
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) "+
- "LibPatchPcdSetPtr (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s, (UINTN)_PCD_PATCHABLE_%s_SIZE, "+
- "(SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "extern UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("extern %s _gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s;\r\n",
- Token.getAutogendatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s _gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(Value) (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken = (Value))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(Value) (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s = (Value))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- if (!isBuildUsedLibrary) {
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- printDatum = parentToken.getByteArrayForPointerDatum(printDatum);
- }
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken 0x111"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_VALUE_%s %s\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- printDatum);
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken[] = _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s[%d] = _PCD_VALUE_%s;\r\n",
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.datumSize,
- parentToken.cName);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINT8 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSampleToken[] = _PCD_VALUE_PcdSampleToken;"
- //
- cAutogenStr += String.format("GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED %s _gPcd_BinaryPatch_%s = _PCD_VALUE_%s;\r\n",
- Token.getAutogendatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DYNAMIC:
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken LibPcdGet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken)"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s LibPcdGet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_%s)\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) LibPcdSet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken, (SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) LibPcdSet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_%s, (SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(Value) LibPcdSet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken, (Value))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(Value) LibPcdSet%s(_PCD_TOKEN_%s, (Value))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- break;
- case DYNAMIC_EX:
- guidStringCName = "_gPcd_TokenSpaceGuid_" +
- parentToken.tokenSpaceName.toString().replaceAll("-", "_");
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_GET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken LibPcdGetEx%s(&_gPcd_TokenSpaceGuid_00_00_00, _PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken)"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_GET_MODE_%s_%s LibPcdGetEx%s(&%s, _PCD_TOKEN_%s)\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- guidStringCName,
- parentToken.cName);
- if (parentToken.datumType == Token.DATUM_TYPE.POINTER) {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) LibPcdSetEx%s(&_gPcd_TokenSpaceGuid_00_00_00, _PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken, (SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) LibPcdSetEx%s(&%s, _PCD_TOKEN_%s, (SizeOfBuffer), (Buffer))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- guidStringCName,
- parentToken.cName);
- } else {
- //
- // Example autogen string for following generation:
- // "#define _PCD_SET_MODE_8_PcdSampleToken(Value) LibPcdSetEx%s(&_gPcd_TokenSpaceGuid_00_00_00, _PCD_TOKEN_PcdSampleToken, (Value))"
- //
- hAutogenStr += String.format("#define _PCD_SET_MODE_%s_%s(Value) LibPcdSetEx%s(&%s, _PCD_TOKEN_%s, (Value))\r\n",
- Token.GetAutogenDefinedatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- parentToken.cName,
- Token.getAutogenLibrarydatumTypeString(parentToken.datumType),
- guidStringCName,
- parentToken.cName);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- Get the autogen string for header file.
- @return The string of header file.
- **/
- public String getHAutogenStr() {
- return hAutogenStr;
- }
- /**
- Get the autogen string for C code file.
- @return The string of C Code file.
- **/
- public String getCAutogenStr() {
- return cAutogenStr;
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd4e63fef..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- BuildActionException class.
- BuildAction Exception deals with all build action exceptions.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.exception;
- BuildAction Exception deals with all build action exceptions.
-public class BuildActionException extends BuildException {
- static final long serialVersionUID = -7034897190740066939L;
- /**
- Constructure function
- @param reason exception message string.
- **/
- public BuildActionException(String reason) {
- super(reason);
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5316cba554..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- EntityException class.
- The class handle the exception throwed by entity class.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.exception;
- The class handle the exception throwed by entity class.
-public class EntityException extends Exception {
- static final long serialVersionUID = -8034897190740066939L;
- /**
- Constructure function
- @param expStr exception message string.
- **/
- public EntityException(String expStr) {
- super("[PCD Tool Internal Error]:" + expStr);
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69b50c8f2f..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- PlatformPcdPreprocessException class.
- The class handle the exception throwed by PlatformPcdPreprocessAction class.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.exception;
-public class PlatformPcdPreprocessException extends Exception {
- /**
- serial version ID
- **/
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 2858398552845888282L;
- /**
- Constructure function
- @param expStr exception message string.
- **/
- public PlatformPcdPreprocessException(String expStr) {
- super("\r\n[PlatformPcdPreprocess Failure] #############################\r\n" + expStr);
- }
- public PlatformPcdPreprocessException() {
- super();
- }
diff --git a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/ b/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
deleted file mode 100644
index 377a8a4b1d..0000000000
--- a/Tools/Java/Source/PcdTools/org/tianocore/pcd/exception/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- UIException class.
- The class handle the exception throwed by UI action class.
-Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation
-All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
-which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
-package org.tianocore.pcd.exception;
- The class handle the exception throwed by UI action class.
-public class UIException extends Exception {
- static final long serialVersionUID = -7034897190740066930L;
- /**
- Constructure function
- @param reason exception message string.
- **/
- public UIException(String reason) {
- super(reason);
- }