path: root/Tools/Python/buildgen/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Python/buildgen/')
1 files changed, 1549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Python/buildgen/ b/Tools/Python/buildgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29aaa8398e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/Python/buildgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,1549 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
+# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
+"""Framework SurfaceArea Elemments"""
+# TODO: FFS layout, Flash, FV, PCD
+import os, sys, re, getopt, string, glob, xml.dom.minidom, pprint, time, copy, shelve
+from XmlRoutines import *
+import FrameworkElement
+import BuildConfig
+## Convert given list to a string in the format like: [a, b, c]
+def ListString(lst):
+ return "[%s]" % ",".join(lst)
+class SurfaceAreaElement:
+ """Base class for Surface Area XML element"""
+ _ModuleTypes = ('BASE', 'SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM', 'DXE_CORE', 'DXE_DRIVER',
+ _Archs = ('EBC', 'IA32', 'X64', 'IPF', 'ARM', 'PPC')
+ _FileTypes = {
+ ".c" : "CCode",
+ ".C" : "CCode",
+ ".cpp" : "CCode",
+ ".Cpp" : "CCode",
+ ".CPP" : "CCode",
+ ".h" : "CHeader",
+ ".H" : "CHeader",
+ ".asm" : "ASM",
+ ".Asm" : "Assembly",
+ ".ASM" : "Assembly",
+ ".s" : "IpfAssembly",
+ ".S" : "GccAssembly",
+ ".uni" : "UNI",
+ ".Uni" : "Unicode",
+ ".UNI" : "Unicode",
+ ".vfr" : "VFR",
+ ".Vfr" : "VFR",
+ ".VFR" : "VFR",
+ ".dxs" : "DPX",
+ ".Dxs" : "DPX",
+ ".DXS" : "DPX",
+ ".fv" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".Fv" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".FV" : "FirmwareVolume",
+ ".efi" : "EFI",
+ ".Efi" : "EFI",
+ ".EFI" : "EFI",
+ ".SEC" : "FFS",
+ ".PEI" : "FFS",
+ ".DXE" : "FFS",
+ ".APP" : "FFS",
+ ".FYI" : "FFS",
+ ".FFS" : "FFS",
+ ".bmp" : "BMP",
+ ".i" : "PPCode",
+ ".asl" : "ASL",
+ ".Asl" : "ASL",
+ ".ASL" : "ASL",
+ }
+ _ToolMapping = {
+ "CCode" : "CC",
+ "CHeader" : "",
+ "ASM" : "ASM",
+ "Assembly" : "ASM",
+ "IpfAssembly" : "ASM",
+ "GccAssembly" : "ASM",
+ "UNI" : "",
+ "Unicode" : "",
+ "VFR" : "",
+ "DPX" : "",
+ "FirmwareVolume" : "",
+ "EFI" : "",
+ "FFS" : "",
+ "PPCode" : "PP",
+ "BMP" : "",
+ }
+ _BuildableFileTypes = ("CCode", "ASM", "Assembly", "IpfAssembly", "GccAssembly", "UNI", "Unicode", "VFR", "DPX", "EFI")
+ def __init__(self, workspace, owner=None, dom=None, parse=True, postprocess=True):
+ self._Workspace = workspace
+ if owner == None: self._Owner = ""
+ else: self._Owner = owner
+ if dom == None: self._Root = ""
+ else: self._Root = dom
+ self._Elements = {}
+ if parse: self.Parse()
+ if postprocess: self.Postprocess()
+ def Parse(self):
+ """Parse the XML element in DOM form"""
+ pass
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ """Re-organize the original information form XML DOM into a format which can be used directly"""
+ pass
+ def GetArchList(self, dom):
+ """Parse the SupArchList attribute. If not spcified, return all ARCH supported"""
+ archs = XmlAttribute(dom, "SupArchList").split()
+ if archs == []:
+ if self._Owner.Archs != []:
+ archs = self._Owner.Archs
+ elif self._Workspace.ActiveArchs != []:
+ archs = self._Workspace.ActiveArchs
+ elif self._Workspace.ActivePlatform != "" and self._Workspace.ActivePlatform.Archs != []:
+ archs = self._Workspace.ActivePlatform.Archs
+ else:
+ archs = self._Archs
+ return archs
+ def GetModuleTypeList(self, dom):
+ """Parse the SupModuleList attribute. If not specified, return all supported module types"""
+ moduleTypes = XmlAttribute(dom, "SupModuleList").split()
+ if moduleTypes == []:
+ moduleTypes = self._ModuleTypes
+ return moduleTypes
+ def GetGuidTypeList(self, dom):
+ """Parse GuidTypeList attribute. Default to GUID if not specified"""
+ guidTypes = XmlAttribute(dom, "GuidTypeList")
+ if guidTypes == []:
+ guidTypes = ["GUID"]
+ return guidTypes
+ def GetFeatureList(self, dom):
+ """Parse FeatureFlag attribute"""
+ return XmlAttribute(dom, "FeatureFlag").split()
+ def GetToolchainTagList(self, dom):
+ """Parse TagName attribute. Return all defined toolchains defined in tools_def.txt if not given"""
+ toolchainTagString = XmlAttribute(dom, "TagName")
+ if toolchainTagString == "":
+ return self._Workspace.ToolConfig.Toolchains
+ return toolchainTagString.split()
+ def GetToolchainFamilyList(self, dom):
+ """Parse ToolChainFamily attribute. Return all defined toolchain families in tools_def.txt if not given"""
+ familyString = XmlAttribute(dom, "ToolChainFamily")
+ if familyString != "":
+ return familyString.split()
+ return self._Workspace.ToolConfig.Families
+ def GetTargetList(self, dom):
+ """Parse BuildTargets attribute. Return all build targets defined in tools_def.txt if not given"""
+ targetList = XmlAttribute(dom, "BuildTargets").split()
+ if targetList == []:
+ targetList = self._Workspace.ToolConfig.Targets
+ return targetList
+ def GetUsage(self, dom):
+ """Parse Usage attribute. Default to ALWAYS_CONSUMED if not given"""
+ usageString = XmlAttribute(dom, "Usage")
+ if usageString == "":
+ return usageString
+ def GetBuildOptionList(self, dom):
+ """Parse Options/Option element. Return a options dictionay with keys as (toolchain, target, arch, toolcode, attr)"""
+ optionList = XmlList(dom, "/Options/Option")
+ buildOptions = {}
+ for option in optionList:
+ targets = self.GetTargetList(option)
+ toolchainFamilies = self.GetToolchainFamilyList(option)
+ toolchainTags = self.GetToolchainTagList(option)
+ toolcode = XmlAttribute(option, "ToolCode")
+ archs = self.GetArchList(option)
+ flag = XmlElementData(option)
+ # print flag
+ toolchains = []
+ if toolchainTags != []:
+ toolchains = toolchainTags
+ elif toolchainFamilies != []:
+ toolchains = toolchainFamilies
+ else:
+ raise Exception("No toolchain specified for a build option: " + self._Owner.Name)
+ if targets == []: targets = self._Workspace.ActiveTargets
+ if archs == []: archs = self._Workspace.ActiveArchs
+ for toolchain in toolchains:
+ for target in targets:
+ for arch in archs:
+ buildOptions[(toolchain, target, arch, toolcode, "FLAGS")] = flag
+ return buildOptions
+ def GetFvBindingList(self, dom):
+ """Parse FvBinding element. If not specified, return NULL FV"""
+ fvBindingList = XmlElementData(dom).split()
+ if fvBindingList == []:
+ fvBindingList = ["NULL"]
+ return fvBindingList
+ def IsBuildable(self, type):
+ """Test if a file with the type can be built by a tool"""
+ return type in self._BuildableFileTypes
+ def GetToolCode(self, type):
+ """Get the toolcode which must be used to build files with the type"""
+ toolcode = ""
+ if type in self._ToolMapping:
+ toolcode = self._ToolMapping[type]
+ return toolcode
+ def GetBoolean(self, dom):
+ """Transate true/false in string form to python's True/False value"""
+ boolString = XmlElementData(dom).upper()
+ if boolString == "" or boolString == "FALSE" or boolString == "NO":
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+class LibraryDeclaration(FrameworkElement.LibraryInterface, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.LibraryInterface.__init__(self)
+ self.Package = package
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Name = XmlAttribute(dom, "Name")
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/LibraryClass/IncludeHeader")))
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ attribute = XmlAttribute(dom, "RecommendedInstanceGuid")
+ if attribute is not '':
+ self.FavoriteIntance = FrameworkElement.Module()
+ self.FavoriteIntance.Guid = attribute
+ attribute = XmlAttribute(dom, "RecommendedInstanceVersion")
+ if attribute is not '':
+ if self.FavoriteIntance == "":
+ raise "No GUID for the recommened library instance"
+ self.FavoriteIntance.Version = attribute
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.ModuleTypes = self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
+class LibraryClass(FrameworkElement.LibraryClass, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.LibraryClass.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/LibraryClass/Keyword"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ attribute = XmlAttribute(dom, "RecommendedInstanceGuid")
+ if attribute is not '':
+ self.FavoriteIntance = FrameworkElement.Module()
+ self.FavoriteIntance.Guid = attribute
+ attribute = XmlAttribute(dom, "RecommendedInstanceVersion")
+ if attribute is not '':
+ if self.FavoriteIntance == "":
+ self.FavoriteIntance = FrameworkElement.Module()
+ self.FavoriteIntance.Version = attribute
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ self.Interface = self._Workspace.GetLibraryInterface(self.Name)
+class SourceFile(FrameworkElement.SourceFile, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.SourceFile.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(dom))
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ self.Type = self.GetFileType()
+ self.Toolchains = self.GetToolchainTagList(dom)
+ self.Families = self.GetToolchainFamilyList(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def GetFileType(self):
+ type = XmlAttribute(self._Root, "ToolCode")
+ if type == "":
+ fileName = os.path.basename(self.Path)
+ self.BaseName,self.Ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
+ if self.Ext in self._FileTypes:
+ type = self._FileTypes[self.Ext]
+ else:
+ type = ""
+ return type
+class PackageDependency(FrameworkElement.PackageDependency, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.PackageDependency.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.GuidValue = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageGuid").upper()
+ self.Version = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageVersion")
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ self.Package = self._Workspace.GetPackage(self.GuidValue, self.Version)
+ if self.Package == "": raise "No package with GUID=" + self.GuidValue + "VERSION=" + self.Version
+class Protocol(FrameworkElement.Protocol, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Protocol.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Protocol/ProtocolCName"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ for pd in self._Owner._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ if self.CName not in pd.Package.Protocols: continue
+ self.GuidValue = pd.Package.Protocols[self.CName]
+class ProtocolNotify(FrameworkElement.ProtocolNotify, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.ProtocolNotify.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ProtocolNotify/ProtocolCName"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ for pd in self._Owner._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ if self.CName not in pd.Package.Protocols: continue
+ self.GuidValue = pd.Package.Protocols[self.CName]
+class Ppi(FrameworkElement.Ppi, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Ppi.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Ppi/PpiCName"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ for pd in self._Owner._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ if self.CName not in pd.Package.Ppis: continue
+ self.GuidValue = pd.Package.Ppis[self.CName]
+class PpiNotify(FrameworkElement.PpiNotify, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.PpiNotify.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PpiNotify/PpiCName"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ for pd in self._Owner._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ if self.CName not in pd.Package.Ppis: continue
+ self.GuidValue = pd.Package.Ppis[self.CName]
+class Guid(FrameworkElement.Guid, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Guid.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/GuidCNames/GuidCName"))
+ self.Usage = self.GetUsage(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ for pd in self._Owner._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ if self.CName not in pd.Package.Guids: continue
+ self.GuidValue = pd.Package.Guids[self.CName]
+class Extern(FrameworkElement.Extern, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, module, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Extern.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, module, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.Features = self.GetFeatureList(dom)
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ModuleEntryPoint")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.ModuleEntryPoints.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ModuleUnloadImage")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.ModuleUnloadImages.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/Constructor")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.Constructors.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/Destructor")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.Destructors.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverBinding")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.DriverBindings.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ComponentName")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.ComponentNames.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverConfig")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.DriverConfigs.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/DriverDiag")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.DriverDiags.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/SetVirtualAddressMapCallBacks")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.SetVirtualAddressMapCallBacks.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+ extern = XmlElement(dom, "/Extern/ExitBootServicesCallBack")
+ if extern is not None and extern is not '':
+ self.ExitBootServicesCallBacks.append(XmlElementData(extern))
+class IndustryStdHeader(FrameworkElement.IncludeFile, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.IncludeFile.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/IndustryStdHeader/IncludeHeader")))
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.ModuleTypes = self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
+class PackageHeader(FrameworkElement.IncludeFile, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.IncludeFile.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(dom))
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ self.ModuleType = XmlAttribute(dom, "ModuleType")
+class GuidDeclaration(FrameworkElement.Guid, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Guid.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Entry/C_Name"))
+ self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/Entry/GuidValue")).upper()
+ self.Name = XmlAttribute(dom, "Name")
+ self.Types = self.GetGuidTypeList(dom)
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.ModuleTypes = self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ pass
+class ProtocolDeclaration(GuidDeclaration, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ pass
+class PpiDeclaration(GuidDeclaration, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ pass
+class PcdDeclaration(FrameworkElement.Pcd, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.Pcd.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.Types = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/ValidUsage")).split()
+ self.CName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/C_Name"))
+ self.Token = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/Token"))
+ self.TokenSpace = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/TokenSpaceGuidCName"))
+ self.DatumType = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/DatumType"))
+ self.Default = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PcdEntry/DefaultValue"))
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self.ModuleTypes= self.GetModuleTypeList(dom)
+class LibraryInstance(FrameworkElement.PlatformModule, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, platformModule, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.PlatformModule.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, platformModule, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.GuidValue = XmlAttribute(dom, "ModuleGuid").upper()
+ self.Version = XmlAttribute(dom, "ModuleVersion")
+ self._Elements["PackageGuid"] = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageGuid").upper()
+ self._Elements["PackageVersion"] = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageVersion")
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ self.Module = self._Workspace.GetModule(self.GuidValue, self.Version,
+ self._Elements["PackageGuid"], self._Elements["PackageVersion"])
+ self.Platform = self._Owner.Platform
+ self.Archs = self._Owner.Archs
+ self.Pcds = self._Owner.Pcds
+ self.BuildType = "lib"
+class PlatformModule(FrameworkElement.PlatformModule, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, platform, dom):
+ FrameworkElement.PlatformModule.__init__(self)
+ self.Platform = platform
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, platform, dom)
+ def Parse(self):
+ dom = self._Root
+ self.GuidValue = XmlAttribute(dom, "ModuleGuid").upper()
+ self.Version = XmlAttribute(dom, "ModuleVersion")
+ self.Archs = self.GetArchList(dom)
+ self._Elements["PackageGuid"] = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageGuid").upper()
+ self._Elements["PackageVersion"] = XmlAttribute(dom, "PackageVersion")
+ libraryList = XmlList(dom, "/ModuleSA/Libraries/Instance")
+ for lib in libraryList:
+ self.Libraries.append(LibraryInstance(self._Workspace, self, lib))
+ dom = XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSA/ModuleSaBuildOptions")
+ self.FvBindings = self.GetFvBindingList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FvBinding"))
+ self.FfsLayouts = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/FfsFormatKey")).split()
+ self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleSaBuildOptions/Options"))
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ self.Module = self._Workspace.GetModule(self.GuidValue, self.Version,
+ self._Elements["PackageGuid"], self._Elements["PackageVersion"])
+ if self.Module == "":
+ raise Exception("No module found: \n\t\tGUID=%s \n\t\tVERSION=%s \n\t\tPACKAGE_GUID=%s \n\t\tPACKAGE_VERSION=%s" % (
+ self.GuidValue, self.Version, self._Elements["PackageGuid"], self._Elements["PackageVersion"]))
+## def SetupEnvironment(self):
+## self.Environment = {
+## "ARCH" : "",
+## "LIBS" : "",
+## "SOURCE_FILES" : "",
+## "ENTRYPOINT" : "_ModuleEntryPoint",
+## } # name/value pairs
+## self.Environment["MODULE_BUILD_TARGET"] = "platform_module_build"
+class ModuleSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Module, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, package, path):
+ FrameworkElement.Module.__init__(self)
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ self.FileBaseName,_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.Path))
+ self.Package = package
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, package)
+ def _MsaHeader(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleName"))
+ self.Type = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/ModuleType"))
+ self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
+ self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/MsaHeader/Version"))
+ def _ModuleDefinitions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
+ self.IsBinary = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/BinaryModule"))
+ self.BaseName = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleDefinitions/OutputFileBasename"))
+ def _LibraryClassDefinitions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ lcList = []
+ for lc in XmlList(dom, "/LibraryClassDefinitions/LibraryClass"):
+ lcList.append(LibraryClass(self._Workspace, self, lc))
+ self._Elements["LibraryClassDefinitions"] = lcList
+ def _SourceFiles(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ srcList = []
+ for f in XmlList(dom, "/SourceFiles/Filename"):
+ srcList.append(SourceFile(self._Workspace, self, f))
+ self._Elements["SourceFiles"] = srcList
+ def _NonProcessedFiles(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ for f in XmlList(dom, "/NonProcessedFiles/Filename"):
+ self.NonProcessedFiles.append(SourceFile(self._Workspace, self, f))
+ def _PackageDependencies(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ pdList = []
+ for pkg in XmlList(dom, "/PackageDependencies/Package"):
+ pdList.append(PackageDependency(self._Workspace, self, pkg))
+ self._Elements["PackageDependencies"] = pdList
+ def _Protocols(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ protocolList = []
+ for p in XmlList(dom, "/Protocols/Protocol"):
+ protocolList.append(Protocol(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ for p in XmlList(dom, "/Protocols/ProtocolNotify"):
+ protocolList.append(ProtocolNotify(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ self._Elements["Protocols"] = protocolList
+ def _Ppis(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ ppiList = []
+ for p in XmlList(dom, "/PPIs/Ppi"):
+ ppiList.append(Ppi(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ for p in XmlList(dom, "/PPIs/PpiNotify"):
+ ppiList.append(PpiNotify(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ self._Elements["PPIs"] = ppiList
+ def _Guids(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ guidList = []
+ for g in XmlList(dom, "/Guids/GuidCNames"):
+ guidList.append(Guid(self._Workspace, self, g))
+ self._Elements["Guids"] = guidList
+ def _Externs(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.PcdIsDriver = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/Externs/PcdIsDriver"))
+ self.NeedsFlashMap_h = self.GetBoolean(XmlElement(dom, "/Externs/TianoR8FlashMap_h"))
+ externList = []
+ specs = FrameworkElement.Extern()
+ specs.Archs = self._Archs
+ externList.append(specs)
+ for spec in XmlList(dom, "/Externs/Specification"):
+ specs.Specifications.append(XmlElementData(spec))
+ for ext in XmlList(dom, "/Externs/Extern"):
+ externList.append(Extern(self._Workspace, self, ext))
+ self._Elements["Externs"] = externList
+ def _ModuleBuildOptions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/ModuleBuildOptions/Options"))
+ def _UserExtensions(self, xpath):
+ domList = XmlList(self._Root, xpath)
+ if domList == []: return
+ for extension in domList:
+ userId = XmlAttribute(extension, "UserID")
+ identifier = XmlAttribute(extension, "Identifier")
+ if userId == '' or identifier == '':
+ raise Exception("No UserId or Identifier specified")
+ if userId != "TianoCore": continue
+ if identifier not in self.UserExtensions:
+ self.UserExtensions[identifier] = []
+ contentList = self.UserExtensions[identifier]
+ for node in extension.childNodes:
+ #print node.nodeType
+ contentList.append(node.cloneNode(True))
+ def Parse(self):
+ fileFullPath = self._Workspace.SubPath(os.path.dirname(self.Package.Path), self.Path)
+ self._Root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(fileFullPath)
+ assert self._Root.documentElement.tagName == "ModuleSurfaceArea"
+ # print " Parsing...",self.Path
+ self._MsaHeader("/ModuleSurfaceArea/MsaHeader")
+ self._ModuleDefinitions("/ModuleSurfaceArea/ModuleDefinitions")
+ self._PackageDependencies("/ModuleSurfaceArea/PackageDependencies")
+ self._LibraryClassDefinitions("/ModuleSurfaceArea/LibraryClassDefinitions")
+ self._SourceFiles("/ModuleSurfaceArea/SourceFiles")
+ self._NonProcessedFiles("/ModuleSurfaceArea/NonProcessedFiles")
+ self._Protocols("/ModuleSurfaceArea/Protocols")
+ self._Ppis("/ModuleSurfaceArea/Ppis")
+ self._Guids("/ModuleSurfaceArea/Guids")
+ self._Externs("/ModuleSurfaceArea/Externs")
+ self._ModuleBuildOptions("/ModuleSurfaceArea/ModuleBuildOptions")
+ self._UserExtensions("/ModuleSurfaceArea/UserExtensions")
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ # resolve package dependency
+ if self._Elements.has_key("PackageDependencies"):
+ for pd in self._Elements["PackageDependencies"]:
+ package = pd.Package
+ if self.Type not in package.PackageIncludes:
+ print "! Module type %s is not supported in the package %s" % (self.Type, package.Name)
+ for arch in pd.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.IncludePaths:
+ self.IncludePaths[arch] = []
+ self.IncludePaths[arch].append(package.SubPath("Include"))
+ self.IncludePaths[arch].append(package.SubPath("Include", arch.capitalize()))
+ if arch not in self.IncludeFiles:
+ self.IncludeFiles[arch] = []
+ if self.Type in package.PackageIncludes:
+ for path in package.PackageIncludes[self.Type]:
+ self.IncludeFiles[arch].append(package.SubPath(path))
+ # resolve library class
+ if self._Elements.has_key("LibraryClassDefinitions"):
+ for lc in self._Elements["LibraryClassDefinitions"]:
+ lc.Interface = self._Workspace.GetLibraryInterface(lc.Name)
+ if "ALWAYS_PRODUCED" in lc.Usage:
+ self.IsLibrary = True
+ lc.Interface.Instances.append(self)
+ else:
+ lc.Interface.Consumers.append(self)
+ for arch in lc.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.LibraryClasses:
+ self.LibraryClasses[arch] = []
+ self.LibraryClasses[arch].append(lc)
+ # expand source files
+ if self._Elements.has_key("SourceFiles"):
+ for src in self._Elements["SourceFiles"]:
+ for arch in src.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.SourceFiles:
+ self.SourceFiles[arch] = {}
+ if src.Type not in self.SourceFiles[arch]:
+ self.SourceFiles[arch][src.Type] = []
+ self.SourceFiles[arch][src.Type].append(src)
+ # expand guids
+ if self._Elements.has_key("Guids"):
+ for guid in self._Elements["Guids"]:
+ for arch in guid.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.Guids:
+ self.Guids[arch] = []
+ self.Guids[arch].append(guid)
+ # expand protocol
+ if self._Elements.has_key("Protocols"):
+ for protocol in self._Elements["Protocols"]:
+ for arch in protocol.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.Protocols:
+ self.Protocols[arch] = []
+ self.Protocols[arch].append(protocol)
+ # expand ppi
+ if self._Elements.has_key("PPIs"):
+ for ppi in self._Elements["PPIs"]:
+ for arch in ppi.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.Ppis:
+ self.Ppis[arch] = []
+ self.Ppis[arch].append(ppi)
+ # expand extern
+ if self._Elements.has_key("Externs"):
+ for extern in self._Elements["Externs"]:
+ for arch in extern.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.Externs:
+ self.Externs[arch] = []
+ self.Externs[arch].append(extern)
+## def SetupEnvironment(self):
+## self.Environment["MODULE"] = self.Name
+## self.Environment["MODULE_GUID"] = self.GuidValue
+## self.Environment["MODULE_VERSION"] = self.Version
+## self.Environment["MODULE_TYPE"] = self.Type
+## self.Environment["MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME"] = os.path.basename(self.Path).split(".")[0]
+## self.Environment["MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR"] = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+## self.Environment["BASE_NAME"] = self.OutputName
+class Workspace(FrameworkElement.Workspace, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ _Db = "Tools/Conf/FrameworkDatabase.db"
+ _Target = "Tools/Conf/Target.txt"
+ _PlatformBuildPath = "Tools/Conf/platform_build_path.txt"
+ _ModuleBuildPath = "Tools/Conf/module_build_path.txt"
+ def __init__(self, path, fpdList=None, msaList=None):
+ FrameworkElement.Workspace.__init__(self)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, self, None, None, False, False)
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ self._Elements["PlatformList"] = fpdList
+ self._Elements["ModuleList"] = msaList
+ self.Parse()
+ self.Postprocess()
+ def _FdbHeader(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/DatabaseName"))
+ self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
+ self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/FdbHeader/Version"))
+ def _PackageList(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ fileList = XmlList(dom, "/PackageList/Filename")
+ packages = []
+ for f in fileList:
+ packages.append(os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(f)))
+ self._Elements["PackageList"] = packages
+ def _PlatformList(self, xpath):
+ if len(self._Elements["PlatformList"]) > 0:
+ return
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ fileList = XmlList(dom, "/PlatformList/Filename")
+ platforms = []
+ for f in fileList:
+ platforms.append(os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(f)))
+ self._Elements["PlatformList"] = platforms
+ def _FarList(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ fileList = XmlList(dom, "/FarList/Filename")
+ fars = []
+ for f in fileList:
+ fars.append(os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(f)))
+ self._Elements["FarList"] = fars
+ def ParseWorkspaceDatabase(self):
+ # parse frameworkdatabase.db
+ self._Root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.SubPath(self._Db))
+ assert self._Root.documentElement.tagName == "FrameworkDatabase"
+ self._FdbHeader("/FrameworkDatabase/FdbHeader")
+ self._PackageList("/FrameworkDatabase/PackageList")
+ self._PlatformList("/FrameworkDatabase/PlatformList")
+ self._FarList("/FrameworkDatabase/FarList")
+ def ParseConfig(self):
+ # parse target.txt
+ self.ParseTargetConfig()
+ # parse tools_def.txt
+ self.ParseToolConfig()
+ # parse platform/module_build_path.txt
+ # active toolchain
+ # print self.TargetConfig
+ self.ActiveToolchain = self.TargetConfig["TOOL_CHAIN_TAG"]
+ if self.ActiveToolchain not in self.ToolConfig.Toolchains:
+ raise "Not supported tool chain tag %s" % self.ActiveToolchain
+ # active toolchain family
+ self.ActiveFamilies = []
+ for key in self.ToolConfig:
+ if self.ActiveToolchain in key and "FAMILY" in key:
+ family = self.ToolConfig[key]
+ if family not in self.ActiveFamilies:
+ self.ActiveFamilies.append(family)
+ def ParsePackage(self, packagePaths=None):
+ if packagePaths == None:
+ return
+ for packagePath in packagePaths:
+ self.Packages.append(PackageSurfaceArea(self, packagePath))
+ def ParsePlatform(self, platformPaths=None):
+ # Only one active platform is allowed
+ activePlatformPath = ""
+ if self.TargetConfig["ACTIVE_PLATFORM"] == "":
+ if platformPaths != None and len(platformPaths) == 1:
+ activePlatformPath = platformPaths[0]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("No active platform specified or implied!")
+ else:
+ activePlatformPath = os.path.normpath(self.TargetConfig["ACTIVE_PLATFORM"])
+ self.ActivePlatform = PlatformSurfaceArea(self, activePlatformPath)
+ self.Platforms.append(self.ActivePlatform)
+ def ParseTargetConfig(self):
+ self.TargetConfig = BuildConfig.TargetConfig(self.SubPath(self._Target))
+ # print self.TargetConfig
+ def ParseToolConfig(self):
+ self.ToolConfig = BuildConfig.ToolConfig(self.SubPath(self.TargetConfig["TOOL_CHAIN_CONF"]))
+ def GetModule(self, guid, version, packageGuid, packageVersion):
+ moduleGuidIndex = self.ModuleXref["GUID"]
+ if guid not in moduleGuidIndex:
+ print "! No module has GUID=" + guid
+ return ""
+ moduleVersionList = moduleGuidIndex[guid]
+ # print moduleVersionList
+ moduleList = []
+ module = ""
+ if version != "":
+ if version in moduleVersionList:
+ moduleList = moduleVersionList[version]
+ else:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ ## no version given, return the first one
+ version = "0.0"
+ for ver in moduleVersionList:
+ if ver > version: version = ver
+ moduleList = moduleVersionList[version]
+ if packageGuid == "":
+ ## if no package GUID given, just return the latest one
+ version = "0.0"
+ for m in moduleList:
+ if m.Package.Version > version:
+ version = m.Package.Version
+ module = m
+ else:
+ version = "0.0"
+ for m in moduleList:
+ if m.Package.GuidValue != packageGuid: continue
+ if packageVersion == "":
+ ## if no version given, just return the latest
+ if m.Package.Version > version:
+ version = m.Package.Version
+ module = m
+ elif packageVersion == m.Package.Version:
+ module = m
+ break;
+ return module
+ def GetModuleByPath(self, path):
+ ownerPackage = ""
+ ownerPackageFullPath = ""
+ for package in self.Packages:
+ ownerPackageFullPath = self.SubPath(package.Path)
+ if path.startswith(packageFullPath): break
+ if ownerPackage == "":
+ return ""
+ for module in ownerPackage.Modules:
+ moduleFullPath = os.path.join(ownerPackageFullPath, module.Path)
+ if moduleFullPath == path:
+ return module
+ return ""
+ def GetPackage(self, guid, version):
+ packageGuidIndex = self.PackageXref["GUID"]
+ if guid not in packageGuidIndex:
+ # raise Exception("No package has GUID=" + guid)
+ return ""
+ packageList = packageGuidIndex[guid]
+ package = ""
+ if version != "":
+ if version in packageList:
+ package = packageList[version]
+ else:
+ ## no version given, return the latest one
+ version = "0.0"
+ for ver in packageList:
+ if ver > version: version = ver
+ package = packageList[version]
+ return package
+ def GetPlatform(self, guid, version):
+ pass
+ def GetPlatformByPath(self, path):
+ for platform in self.Platforms:
+ platformFullPath = self.SubPath(platform.Path)
+ if platformFullPath == path:
+ return platform
+ return ""
+ def GetLibraryInterface(self, name):
+ if name not in self.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"]:
+ return ""
+ return self.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"][name]
+ def SubPath(self, *relativePathList):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Path, *relativePathList))
+ def SetupCrossRef(self):
+ ##
+ ## setup platform cross reference as nest-dict
+ ## guid -> {version -> platform}
+ ##
+ ## platformList = self.Platforms
+ ## for p in platformList:
+ ## guid = p.GuidValue
+ ## version = p.Version
+ ## if guid not in self.PlatformIndex:
+ ## self.PlatformIndex[guid] = {}
+ ## if version in self.PlatformIndex[guid]:
+ ## raise Exception("Duplicate platform")
+ ## self.PlatformIndex[guid][version] = p
+ ##
+ ## setup package cross reference as nest-dict
+ ## guid -> {version -> package}
+ ## name -> [package list]
+ ## path -> package
+ ##
+ packageList = self.Packages
+ for p in packageList:
+ guid = p.GuidValue
+ version = p.Version
+ packageGuidIndex = self.PackageXref["GUID"]
+ if guid not in packageGuidIndex:
+ packageGuidIndex[guid] = {}
+ if version in packageGuidIndex[guid]:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate package: %s-%s [%s]" % p.Name, version, guid)
+ packageGuidIndex[guid][version] = p
+ packageNameIndex = self.PackageXref["NAME"]
+ name = p.Name
+ if name not in packageNameIndex:
+ packageNameIndex[name] = []
+ packageNameIndex[name].append(p)
+ packagePathIndex = self.PackageXref["PATH"]
+ path = p.Path
+ if path in packagePathIndex:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate package: %s %s" % p.Name, p.Path)
+ packagePathIndex[path] = p.Path
+ ##
+ ## setup library class cross reference as
+ ## library class name -> library class object
+ ##
+ for lcname in p.LibraryInterfaces:
+ if lcname in self.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"]:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate library class: %s in package %s" % (lcname, name))
+ lcInterface = p.LibraryInterfaces[lcname]
+ self.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"][lcname] = lcInterface
+ if lcInterface not in self.LibraryInterfaceXref["PATH"]:
+ self.LibraryInterfaceXref["PATH"][lcInterface] = []
+ self.LibraryInterfaceXref["PATH"][lcInterface].append(lcname)
+ ##
+ ## setup package cross reference as nest-dict
+ ## guid -> {version -> [module list]}
+ ## name -> [module list]
+ ## path -> module
+ for p in packageList:
+ p.ParseMsaFile()
+ moduleList = p.Modules
+ for m in moduleList:
+ name = m.Name
+ path = m.Path
+ guid = m.GuidValue
+ version = m.Version
+ moduleGuidIndex = self.ModuleXref["GUID"]
+ if guid not in moduleGuidIndex:
+ moduleGuidIndex[guid] = {}
+ else:
+ print "! Duplicate module GUID found:", guid, path
+ if version not in moduleGuidIndex[guid]:
+ moduleGuidIndex[guid][version] = []
+ if m in moduleGuidIndex[guid][version]:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate modules in the same package: %s-%s [%s]" % (name, version, guid))
+ moduleGuidIndex[guid][version].append(m)
+ modulePathIndex = self.ModuleXref["PATH"]
+ path = p.SubPath(m.Path)
+ if path in modulePathIndex:
+ raise Exception("Duplicate modules in the same package: %s %s" % (name, path))
+ modulePathIndex[path] = m
+ moduleNameIndex = self.ModuleXref["NAME"]
+ if name not in moduleNameIndex:
+ moduleNameIndex[name] = []
+ moduleNameIndex[name].append(m)
+ def GetToolDef(self, toolchain, target, arch, toolcode, attr):
+ return self.ToolConfig[(toolchain, target, arch, toolcode, attr)]
+ def Parse(self):
+ self.ParseConfig()
+ self.ParseWorkspaceDatabase()
+ def SetupBuild(self):
+ # active archs
+ self.ActiveArchs = self.TargetConfig["TARGET_ARCH"].split()
+ if self.ActiveArchs == []:
+ self.ActiveArchs = self.ActivePlatform.Archs
+ # active targets
+ self.ActiveTargets = self.TargetConfig["TARGET"].split()
+ if self.ActiveTargets == []:
+ self.ActiveTargets = self.ActivePlatform.Targets
+ # active modules
+ for msa in self._Elements["ModuleList"]:
+ module = self.GetModuleByPath(msa)
+ if module == "":
+ raise Exception(msa + " is not in any package!")
+ self.ActiveModules.append(module)
+ self.IndividualModuleBuild = True
+ if self.TargetConfig["MULTIPLE_THREAD"].upper() == "ENABLE":
+ self.MultiThreadBuild = True
+ if "MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER" in self.TargetConfig:
+ self.ThreadCount = self.TargetConfig["MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER"]
+ else:
+ self.ThreadCount = "1"
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ self.ParsePackage(self._Elements["PackageList"])
+ self.SetupCrossRef()
+ self.ParsePlatform(self._Elements["PlatformList"])
+ self.SetupBuild()
+## def SetupEnvironment(self):
+## config = BuildConfig.Config(self.SubPath(self._PlatformBuildPath))
+## for name in config:
+## self.Environment[name] = config[name]
+## config = BuildConfig.Config(self.SubPath(self._ModuleBuildPath))
+## for name in config:
+## self.Environment[name] = config[name]
+## multiThread = self.TargetConfig["MULTIPLE_THREAD"].upper()
+## threadNumber = self.TargetConfig["MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER"]
+## if multiThread == "" or multiThread == "FALSE":
+## self.Environment["MULTIPLE_THREAD"] = False
+## self.Environment["MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER"] = 1
+## else:
+## self.Environment["MULTIPLE_THREAD"] = True
+## if threadNumber != "":
+## self.Environment["MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER"] = threadNumber
+## else:
+## self.Environment["MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER"] = 2
+class PackageSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Package, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, path):
+ FrameworkElement.Package.__init__(self)
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace, workspace, None, True, True)
+ def _SpdHeader(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/PackageName"))
+ self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
+ self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/SpdHeader/Version"))
+ def _PackageDefinitions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ self.ReadOnly = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/ReadOnly"))
+ self.Repackage = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PackageDefinitions/RePackage"))
+ def _LibraryClassDeclarations(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ lcdList = XmlList(dom, "/LibraryClassDeclarations/LibraryClass")
+ lcds = []
+ for lc in lcdList:
+ lcds.append(LibraryDeclaration(self._Workspace, self, lc))
+ self._Elements["LibraryClassDeclarations"] = lcds
+ def _IndustryStdIncludes(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ headerList = XmlList(dom, "/IndustryStdIncludes/IndustryStdHeader")
+ headers = []
+ for h in headerList:
+ headers.append(IndustryStdHeader(self._Workspace, self, h))
+ self._Elements["IndustryStdIncludes"] = headers
+ def _MsaFiles(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ msaFileList = XmlList(dom, "/MsaFiles/Filename")
+ msaFiles = []
+ for msa in msaFileList:
+ filePath = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(msa))
+ msaFiles.append(filePath)
+ self._Elements["MsaFiles"] = msaFiles
+ def _PackageHeaders(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ headerList = XmlList(dom, "/PackageHeaders/IncludePkgHeader")
+ headers = []
+ for h in headerList:
+ headers.append(PackageHeader(self._Workspace, self, h))
+ self._Elements["PackageHeaders"] = headers
+ def _GuidDeclarations(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ guidList = XmlList(dom, "/GuidDeclarations/Entry")
+ guids = []
+ for guid in guidList:
+ guids.append(GuidDeclaration(self._Workspace, self, guid))
+ self._Elements["GuidDeclarations"] = guids
+ def _ProtocolDeclarations(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ protocolList = XmlList(dom, "/ProtocolDeclarations/Entry")
+ protocols = []
+ for p in protocolList:
+ protocols.append(ProtocolDeclaration(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ self._Elements["ProtocolDeclarations"] = protocols
+ def _PpiDeclarations(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ ppiList = XmlList(dom, "/PpiDeclarations/Entry")
+ ppis = []
+ for p in ppiList:
+ ppis.append(PpiDeclaration(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ self._Elements["PpiDeclarations"] = ppis
+ def _PcdDeclarations(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ pcdList = XmlList(dom, "/PcdDeclarations/PcdEntry")
+ pcds = []
+ for p in pcdList:
+ pcds.append(PcdDeclaration(self._Workspace, self, p))
+ self._Elements["PcdDeclarations"] = pcds
+ def SubPath(self, *relativePathList):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Dir, *relativePathList))
+ def Parse(self):
+ self._Root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self._Workspace.SubPath(self.Path))
+ assert self._Root.documentElement.tagName == "PackageSurfaceArea"
+ # print "Parsing...",self.Path
+ self._SpdHeader("/PackageSurfaceArea/SpdHeader")
+ self._PackageDefinitions("/PackageSurfaceArea/PackageDefinitions")
+ self._LibraryClassDeclarations("/PackageSurfaceArea/LibraryClassDeclarations")
+ self._IndustryStdIncludes("/PackageSurfaceArea/IndustryStdIncludes")
+ self._MsaFiles("/PackageSurfaceArea/MsaFiles")
+ self._PackageHeaders("/PackageSurfaceArea/PackageHeaders")
+ self._GuidDeclarations("/PackageSurfaceArea/GuidDeclarations")
+ self._ProtocolDeclarations("/PackageSurfaceArea/ProtocolDeclarations")
+ self._PpiDeclarations("/PackageSurfaceArea/PpiDeclarations")
+ self._PcdDeclarations("/PackageSurfaceArea/PcdDeclarations")
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ # setup guid, protocol, ppi
+ for guid in self._Elements["GuidDeclarations"]:
+ if guid.CName in self.Guids:
+ print "! Duplicate GUID CName (%s) in package %s" % (guid.CName, self.Path)
+ self.Guids[guid.CName] = guid
+ for protocol in self._Elements["ProtocolDeclarations"]:
+ if protocol.CName in self.Protocols:
+ print "! Duplicate Protocol CName (%s) in package %s" % (protocol.CName, self.Path)
+ self.Protocols[protocol.CName] = protocol
+ for ppi in self._Elements["PpiDeclarations"]:
+ if ppi.CName in self.Ppis:
+ print "! Duplicate PPI CName (%s) in package (%s)" % (ppi.CName, self.Path)
+ self.Ppis[ppi.CName] = ppi
+ # package header
+ for inc in self._Elements["PackageHeaders"]:
+ if inc.ModuleType not in self.PackageIncludes:
+ self.PackageIncludes[inc.ModuleType] = []
+ self.PackageIncludes[inc.ModuleType].append(inc.Path)
+ # library class
+ for lcd in self._Elements["LibraryClassDeclarations"]:
+ if lcd.Name in self.LibraryInterfaces:
+ raise "Duplicate library class: " + lcd.Name
+ self.LibraryInterfaces[lcd.Name] = lcd
+ # parse mas files
+ # self.ParseMsaFile()
+ # resolve RecommendedInstance
+ def ParseMsaFile(self):
+ for msaFilePath in self._Elements["MsaFiles"]:
+ self.Modules.append(ModuleSurfaceArea(self._Workspace, self, msaFilePath))
+class PlatformSurfaceArea(FrameworkElement.Platform, SurfaceAreaElement):
+ def __init__(self, workspace, path):
+ FrameworkElement.Platform.__init__(self)
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ self.Dir = os.path.dirname(self.Path)
+ SurfaceAreaElement.__init__(self, workspace)
+ def _PlatformHeader(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.Name = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/PlatformName"))
+ self.GuidValue = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/GuidValue")).upper()
+ self.Version = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformHeader/Version"))
+ def _PlatformDefinitions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.Archs = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/SupportedArchitectures")).split()
+ if self.Archs == []:
+ raise Exception("No ARCH specified in platform " + self.Path)
+ self.Targets = XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/BuildTargets")).split()
+ self.OutputPath = os.path.normpath(XmlElementData(XmlElement(dom, "/PlatformDefinitions/OutputDirectory")))
+ def _Flash(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ def _FrameworkModules(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ moduleList = XmlList(dom, "/FrameworkModules/ModuleSA")
+ modules = []
+ for m in moduleList:
+ modules.append(PlatformModule(self._Workspace, self, m))
+ self._Elements["FrameworkModules"] = modules
+ def _DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ def _BuildOptions(self, xpath):
+ dom = XmlElement(self._Root, xpath)
+ if dom == '': return
+ self.BuildOptions = self.GetBuildOptionList(XmlElement(dom, "/BuildOptions/Options"))
+ # print self.BuildOptions
+ def _UserExtensions(self, xpath):
+ domList = XmlList(self._Root, xpath)
+ if domList == []: return
+ for extension in domList:
+ userId = XmlAttribute(extension, "UserID")
+ identifier = XmlAttribute(extension, "Identifier")
+ if userId == '' or identifier == '':
+ raise Exception("No UserId or Identifier specified")
+ if userId != "TianoCore": continue
+ if identifier not in self.UserExtensions:
+ self.UserExtensions[identifier] = []
+ contentList = self.UserExtensions[identifier]
+ for node in extension.childNodes:
+ # print node.nodeType
+ contentList.append(node.cloneNode(True))
+ def Parse(self):
+ self._Root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self._Workspace.SubPath(self.Path))
+ assert self._Root.documentElement.tagName == "PlatformSurfaceArea"
+ self._PlatformHeader("/PlatformSurfaceArea/PlatformHeader")
+ self._PlatformDefinitions("/PlatformSurfaceArea/PlatformDefinitions")
+ self._Flash("/PlatformSurfaceArea/Flash")
+ self._FrameworkModules("/PlatformSurfaceArea/FrameworkModules")
+ self._DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions("/PlatformSurfaceArea/DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions")
+ self._BuildOptions("/PlatformSurfaceArea/BuildOptions")
+ self._UserExtensions("/PlatformSurfaceArea/UserExtensions")
+ def Postprocess(self):
+ # summarize all library modules for build
+ for module in self._Elements["FrameworkModules"]:
+ for arch in module.Archs:
+ if arch not in self.Modules:
+ self.Modules[arch] = []
+ self.Modules[arch].append(module)
+ if arch not in self.Libraries:
+ self.Libraries[arch] = []
+ for li in module.Libraries:
+ if li in self.Libraries[arch]: continue
+ self.Libraries[arch].append(li)
+ # FV
+ for fvName in module.FvBindings:
+ if fvName not in self.Fvs:
+ self.Fvs[fvName] = []
+ self.Fvs[fvName].append(module)
+ # build options
+ # user extension
+## def SetupEnvironment(self):
+## self.Environment["PLATFORM"] = self.Name
+## self.Environment["PLATFORM_GUID"] = self.GuidValue
+## self.Environment["PLATFORM_VERSION"] = self.Version
+## self.Environment["PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR"] = self.Path
+## self.Environment["PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR"] = self.OutputPath
+def PrintWorkspace(ws):
+ print "\nPlatforms:\n"
+ for guid in ws.PlatformXref["GUID"]:
+ for ver in ws.PlatformXref["GUID"][guid]:
+ platform = ws.PlatformXref["GUID"][guid][ver]
+ print " %s %s-%s" % (guid, platform.Name, ver)
+ for pm in platform.Modules:
+ print " %-40s %-10s <%s-%s>" % (pm.Module.Name+"-"+pm.Module.Version,
+ ListString(pm.Archs), pm.Module.Package.Name,
+ pm.Module.Package.Version)
+ for li in pm.Libraries:
+ print " %-47s <%s-%s>" % (li.Module.Name+"-"+li.Module.Version,
+ li.Module.Package.Name, li.Module.Package.Version)
+ print ""
+ print "\nPackages:\n"
+ for guid in ws.PackageXref["GUID"]:
+ for ver in ws.PackageXref["GUID"][guid]:
+ print " %s %s-%s" % (guid, ws.PackageXref["GUID"][guid][ver].Name, ver)
+ print "\nModules:\n"
+ for guid in ws.ModuleXref["GUID"]:
+ for ver in ws.ModuleXref["GUID"][guid]:
+ for module in ws.ModuleXref["GUID"][guid][ver]:
+ print " %s %-40s [%s-%s]" % (guid, module.Name+"-"+ver, module.Package.Name, module.Package.Version)
+ print " Depending on packages:"
+ for arch in module.IncludePaths:
+ print " ", arch, ":"
+ for path in module.IncludePaths[arch]:
+ print " ", path
+ print "\n"
+ for arch in module.IncludeFiles:
+ print " ", arch, ":"
+ for path in module.IncludeFiles[arch]:
+ print " ", path
+ print "\n"
+ print " Source files:"
+ for arch in module.SourceFiles:
+ print " ", arch, ":"
+ for type in module.SourceFiles[arch]:
+ for src in module.SourceFiles[arch][type]:
+ print " %-40s (%s)" % (src.Path, src.Type)
+ print "\n"
+ print "\nLibrary Classes:"
+ for name in ws.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"]:
+ lc = ws.LibraryInterfaceXref["NAME"][name]
+ pkgPath = os.path.dirname(lc.Package.Path)
+ print "\n [%s] <%s>" % (lc.Name, pkgPath + os.path.sep + lc.Path)
+ print " Produced By:"
+ for li in lc.Instances:
+ print " %-40s <%s>" % (li.Name+"-"+li.Version, li.Package.SubPath(li.Path))
+ print " Consumed By:"
+ for li in lc.Consumers:
+ print " %-40s <%s>" % (li.Name+"-"+li.Version, li.Package.SubPath(li.Path))
+ print "\nActive Platform:"
+ for arch in ws.ActivePlatform.Libraries:
+ print " Library Instances (%s) (%d libraries)" % (arch , len(ws.ActivePlatform.Libraries[arch]))
+ for li in ws.ActivePlatform.Libraries[arch]:
+ print " %s-%s (%s-%s)" % (li.Module.Name, li.Module.Version,
+ li.Module.Package.Name, li.Module.Package.Version)
+ for arch in ws.ActivePlatform.Modules:
+ print " Driver Modules (%s) (%d modules)" % (arch, len(ws.ActivePlatform.Modules[arch]))
+ for m in ws.ActivePlatform.Modules[arch]:
+ print " %s-%s (%s-%s)" % (m.Module.Name, m.Module.Version,
+ m.Module.Package.Name, m.Module.Package.Version)
+ for fv in ws.ActivePlatform.Fvs:
+ print
+ print " Firmware Volume (%s) (%d modules)" % (fv, len(ws.ActivePlatform.Fvs[fv]))
+ for m in ws.ActivePlatform.Fvs[fv]:
+ print " %s-%s (%s-%s)" % (m.Module.Name, m.Module.Version,
+ m.Module.Package.Name, m.Module.Package.Version)
+# for test
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # os.environ["WORKSPACE"]
+ workspacePath = os.getenv("WORKSPACE", os.getcwd())
+ saFile = ""
+ if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
+ saFile = os.path.join(workspacePath, "Tools/Conf/FrameworkDatabase.db")
+ else:
+ saFile = sys.argv[1]
+ print "Parsing ... %s\n" % saFile
+ startTime = time.clock()
+ sa = Workspace(workspacePath, [], [])
+## dbak = None
+## if os.path.exists("workspace.bak"):
+## dbak ="workspace.bak", protocol=2)
+## sa = dbak.db
+## dbak.close()
+## else:
+## sa = FrameworkDatabase(saFile)
+## dbak ="workspace.bak", protocol=2)
+## dbak.db = sa
+## dbak.close()
+ # sa = PackageSurfaceArea(saFile)
+ # sa = PlatformSurfaceArea(saFile)
+ # sa = ModuleSurfaceArea(saFile)
+ # print sa
+ PrintWorkspace(sa)
+ print "\n[Finished in %fs]" % (time.clock() - startTime)