path: root/EdkModulePkg/Universal/Console/GraphicsConsole/Dxe/GraphicsConsole.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-06-25Add some definitions for efi event in Uefi/UefiSpec.h to follow spec.vanjeff
2007-04-11Fix run broken issue for EdkUnixPkgklu2
2007-03-14Clean up the gBS sevice (CopyMem, SetMem, AllocatePool, FreePool) with the co...lgao4
2007-03-12Add a lock to protect the critical region in Service APIs for gEfiSimpleTextO...qwang12
2007-01-31Make EdkModulePkg pass Intel IPF compiler with /W4 /WX switches, solving warn...xli24
2007-01-25Partially make EdkModulePkg pass intel IPF compiler with /W4 /WX switched on.xli24
2007-01-19Fix component name bugs when input Controller Name is invalidqhuang8
2007-01-12To fix,xgu3
2006-12-13Fix the bug that GraphicsConsole try to update mode 1 (80, 50) UgaWidth and U...xgu3
2006-12-12Fix linux/cygwin build issue.klu2
2006-12-12Merge GOP related code from r8->r9. wuyizhong
2006-07-26Removed cross references from PciCf8Lib and PciExpressLib class to PciLib cla...ajfish
2006-04-21Initial import.bbahnsen