Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2007-10-22 | Update following library class/Protocol for puting 'Framework' as prefix | klu2 |
2007-10-05 | added the CpuLib | vprabhal |
2007-09-26 | 1) Add library classes of S3Lib and RecoveryLib in MdeModulePkg | klu2 |
2007-08-30 | Update all INF, DEC and DSC file to confirm to newest INF spec 0.44, DEC spec... | qhuang8 |
2007-08-16 | Added support for UART and Terminal PCD settings | AJFISH |
2007-08-14 | Fix missing PCD issue for IntelFrameworkModulePkg.dsc | klu2 |
2007-08-13 | Add VariablePei into IntelFrameworkModulePkg | klu2 |
2007-08-10 | 1) Move EFI_DEBUG_INFO structure to IntelFrameworkModule/Include/DebugInfo.h ... | klu2 |
2007-08-06 | Remove duplicate module in IntelFrameworkModulePkg | klu2 |
2007-08-06 | Remove ${WORKSPACE} | klu2 |
2007-07-27 | Removed unneeded $(WORKSPACE)\ in *.DSC files. Also synced MdePkg.dec file wi... | AJFISH |
2007-07-25 | 1) Add PcatSingleSegmentPciCfg2Pei in MdeModulePkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-20 | Cleanup the license header | klu2 |
2007-07-20 | PcdIoBlockBaseAddressForIpf is required by IPF platform so need add it back | klu2 |
2007-07-19 | Remove unused library instance | klu2 |
2007-07-19 | Clean up the unused PCD from IntelFrameworkModulePkg | klu2 |
2007-07-19 | Clean up the Isa related DXE in IntelFrameworkMoudlePkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-19 | Move PcatCompatible/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe module to MdeModulePkg from Intel... | klu2 |
2007-07-18 | 1) Add _MSC_VER judgment for usage of #pragma intrinsic | klu2 |
2007-07-18 | Adjust directory structures. | qhuang8 |
2007-07-17 | Updated modules reference for different Arch. | vanjeff |
2007-07-16 | mass cleanup inf name | qwang12 |
2007-07-16 | rename Ps2keyboard.inf to Ps2keyboardDxe.inf | qwang12 |
2007-07-16 | Modules clean up. | vanjeff |
2007-07-13 | Add in VgaMiniPortDxe | qwang12 |
2007-07-13 | Add in VgaClassDxe | qwang12 |
2007-07-12 | Change the path for IsaFloppyDxe | klu2 |
2007-07-12 | Remove BootScriptLib from IntelFrameworkPkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-11 | git-svn-id: 6f1... | klu2 |
2007-07-10 | Import IsaSerialDxe in IntelFrameworkModulePkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-10 | Import IsaFloppy Dxe and Pei in IntelFrameworkModulePkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-09 | add in RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe | qwang12 |
2007-07-09 | Use () but not {} in dsc file for file path. | klu2 |
2007-07-06 | Add in Ps2keyboard.inf and Ps2Mouse.inf to IntelFrameworkModuelPkg | qwang12 |
2007-07-06 | Added the SkuIds section | jwang36 |
2007-07-05 | Change section pcd from [PcdsDynamic] to [PcdsDynamicDefault] as defined in spec | hche10x |
2007-07-02 | Add DxeBootScriptLibNull in IntelFrameworkPkg. | yshang1 |
2007-07-02 | 1. Add FrameworkFormBrowser.h | vanjeff |
2007-06-29 | Port DriverSample.inf, HiiDatabase.inf and SetupBrowser.inf | vanjeff |
2007-06-29 | Add PciBus Module | qhuang8 |
2007-06-29 | add in GraphicsLib | qwang12 |
2007-06-29 | remove EdkSerialPortLibNull.inf from IntelFrameworkModulePkg | vanjeff |
2007-06-29 | 1. add EdkSerialPortLibNull.inf | vanjeff |
2007-06-28 | Add PciBus & IdeBus | qhuang8 |
2007-06-27 | Add IntelFrameworkModulePkg to build its libraries and modules. | qhuang8 |