path: root/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/GenericBdsLib/Performance.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-09-30IntelFrameworkModulePkg GenericBdsLib: Do not assume perf entry count has no ...Star Zeng
2015-07-07IntelFrameworkModulePkg GenericBdsLib: Resolve array size mismatchHao Wu
2015-06-30IntelFrameworkModulePkg GenericBdsLib: Use safe string functionsHao Wu
2013-05-23Move the memory allocation and variable set to BdsEntry, use VariableLock pro...lzeng14
2012-06-19Align the perf data between FPDT and DP.lzeng14
2010-04-23Update the copyright notice formathhtian
2010-02-08Assume Tick value 1 as the beginning time of boot.jgong5
2010-02-04Performance.c in GenericBdsLib is updated not to filter log entries that donā...jgong5
2009-08-141. Log performance data below 4Gqhuang8
2009-08-11Do not use EfiACPIReclaimMemory type to log performance data because some OS ...qhuang8
2009-02-23Update for the performance infrastructure changes:qhuang8
2009-01-23Move BdsDxe and GenericBdsLib to IntelFrameworkModulePkg, these modules need ...klu2