Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2015-07-02 | MdeModulePkg: Update DxeCore to handle LoadFile DevicePath | Liming Gao |
2015-06-09 | MdeModulePkg DxeCore: Call UnregisterMemoryProfileImage correctly. | Star Zeng |
2015-06-05 | Add UEFI 2.5 properties table support in DXE core. | Yao, Jiewen |
2014-11-12 | MdeModulePkg DxeCore/PiSmmCore: Add UEFI memory and SMRAM profile support. | Star Zeng |
2014-07-28 | Update code to support VS2013 tool chain. | Eric Dong |
2012-09-07 | Fix the memory leak issue and enhance the check for CoreReadImageFile return. | lzeng14 |
2012-09-06 | Check the return code from CoreLocateDevicePath() in MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Im... | lzeng14 |
2012-08-22 | Add PI1.2.1 SAP2 support and UEFI231B mantis 896 | lgao4 |
2012-05-30 | Record LoadImage perf log for LoadImageEx() and use NULL as Handle to record ... | lzeng14 |
2012-05-08 | Fix the potential issue that NULL pointer may be referred in LoadImage(). | lgao4 |
2012-04-24 | Validate some fields in PE image to make sure not access violation for later ... | ydong10 |
2011-09-27 | Fix ICC9 build break. | lgao4 |
2011-09-26 | Remove ASSERT (EFI_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_SUPPORTED (Image->Machine)) in StartImage. | lgao4 |
2011-06-10 | Set *ImageHandle to NULL when LoadImage() returns EFI_ACCESS_DENIED. | niruiyu |
2011-02-12 | Updates function description per UEFI2.3d. No impact is for functionality. Th... | lgao4 |
2010-08-06 | Move registration of DXE Core with PeCoffExtraActionLib after the lib constru... | mdkinney |
2010-08-03 | Update DXE Core so its own PE/COFF image is passed to the PeCoffExtraActionLib | mdkinney |
2010-04-24 | Update the copyright notice format | hhtian |
2010-03-10 | The patch attached is to fix the issue that LMFA feature is failed on OVMF. ... | jchen20 |
2010-02-26 | Add more code robustness check for modules under MdeModulePkg. | rsun3 |
2010-02-10 | revise the debug message to add 0x in front of the HEX number for consistency | jchen20 |
2010-02-09 | change the GetPcd64 to FixedGetPcd64 to pass ECC | jchen20 |
2010-02-05 | Enable the Load Module At fixed Address feature | jchen20 |
2009-12-22 | Produce LoadPeImage protocol only in framework compatibility mode. | lgao4 |
2009-12-01 | Correct error status to EFI_NOT_FOUND when the image can't be got. | lgao4 |
2009-11-26 | Apply GetFileBufferByFilePath API of DxeServicesLib to replace local CoreOpen... | lgao4 |
2009-09-17 | Make ASSERT statement more meaningful. | lgao4 |
2009-09-16 | Enhance PeiCore and DxeCore check whether the image machine type is supported... | lgao4 |
2009-04-22 | Update DxeCore to support to install gEfiHiiPackageListProtocolGuid in LoadIm... | qhuang8 |
2009-04-17 | retain gEfiLoadPeImageProtocolGuid, and only published by DxeCore to keep bac... | eric_tian |
2009-04-16 | remove the gEfiLoadPeImageProtocolGuid and replace all references for it with... | eric_tian |
2009-03-11 | Fix build error caused by the unused local variable | lgao4 |
2009-03-11 | Fix build error caused by the unused local variable | lgao4 |
2009-03-10 | Retire TCG platform protocol, which will be replaced by PI Security Architect... | lgao4 |
2009-02-23 | Update DxeCore for the performance infrastructure updates: Use Raw sting to r... | qhuang8 |
2009-02-02 | enhance the condition branch to handle Unix style file path. and avoid array ... | eric_tian |
2008-12-18 | check the usage of %d,%x,%ld,%lx and so on in debug print statement. | jji4 |
2008-12-05 | Simplify call to FUNCTION_ENTRY_POINT() based on updates to that macro | mdkinney |
2008-10-30 | Measure time spent in Driver Binding Supported() calls | mdkinney |
2008-10-27 | Make use of correct format String: | qwang12 |
2008-09-23 | move header files in MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe except DxeMain.h into their corres... | eric_tian |
2008-09-23 | Don't align image address for TeImage, because TeImage section alignment is u... | lgao4 |
2008-09-17 | Remove the unnecessary spin_lock protection around CoreUnloadImage. There is ... | qwang12 |
2008-09-09 | Remove the prototype of internal functions to avoid the sync efforts. | qhuang8 |
2008-09-08 | Remove NULL_HANDLE. NULL_HANDLE should be replaced with NULL as consistency. ... | qwang12 |
2008-08-27 | Clean up DxeCore to remove duplicate memory allocation & device path utility ... | qhuang8 |
2008-08-01 | Increase size of function addresses printed in DEBUG messages from 10 to 11 c... | mdkinney |
2008-08-01 | Using Spin lock instead of using RaiseTpl() to prevent UnloadImage() re-entra... | vanjeff |
2008-07-24 | Code Scrub for Dxe Core. | qhuang8 |
2008-07-18 | Code scrub for DxeCore | qhuang8 |