path: root/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Acpi/BootScriptExecutorDxe/X64/SetIdtEntry.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-27MdeModulePkg BootScriptExecutorDxe: Reduce reserved memory consumptionStar Zeng
2013-11-25MdeModulePkg BootScriptExecutorDxe: Fix S3 failure When PcdUse1GPageTable def...Star Zeng
2013-11-221. DxeIplPeim will locate Vector Handoff Table PPI and build GUIDed HOB if it...Jeff Fan
2013-01-17Fix ICC11(VS2005) build failure.lzeng14
2012-11-16Use IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR defined in BaseLib instead of local struct INTER...lzeng14
2012-08-16Add validation on ACPI_S3_CONTEXT.S3DebugBufferAddress, moreover only debug t...vanjeff
2012-08-16Add missing function commentsjyao1
2012-08-14Create 4G page table by default, and using PF to handle >4G MMIO access, to i...jyao1
2012-03-151. Introduced CPU Exception Handler Library to provide the CPU exception hand...vanjeff
2011-08-29MdeModulePkg: Add BootScriptExecutorDxe driverjljusten