path: root/Nt32Pkg/Nt32.dsc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-06-29git-svn-id: 6f1...AJFISH
2007-06-29Rename Frame*Lib to *LibFramework to improve the speed that a module could be...qwang12
2007-06-29Add PciBus & Crc32SectionExtract to Nt32 buildqhuang8
2007-06-29comment CpuRuntimeDxe driver to not break Nt32Pkg buildklu2
2007-06-29Add ScsiDiskDxe driver for Nt32Pkg klu2
2007-06-29Porting ScsiBus module for Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-29add in CpuRuntimeDxeqwang12
2007-06-28add helloworld, diskio, partition and varibleruntime modules in Nt32.dscvanjeff
2007-06-28Add IdeBus, DataHub, DataHubStdErr to Nt32 buildqhuang8
2007-06-28Enable VariablePei into DSC file.klu2
2007-06-28Add variablePei module into MdeModulePkg.klu2
2007-06-281) Add MdeModulePkg\Universal\WatchDogTimerDxe driver. Because this driver us...klu2
2007-06-28add in a few modulesqwang12
2007-06-28git-svn-id: 6f1...qwang12
2007-06-28Remove the Includes section from a few INF file and Nt32.dsc buildable by com...qwang12
2007-06-28Include several modules in MdeModulePkgqhuang8
2007-06-28git-svn-id: 6f1...klu2
2007-06-28Change some file name for WinNtThunkPPIToProtocolPei driverklu2
2007-06-27Use / in place of \ in pathklu2
2007-06-27Add FvbServicesRuntimeDxe into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtSerialIoDxe driver into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtGop driver into Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-27add in MiscSubClassPlatformDxeqwang12
2007-06-27Add WinNtSimpleFileSystemDxe driver into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtConsole driver into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtBusDriverDxe into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-27Add WinNtBlockIoDxe module into Nt32Pkg.klu2
2007-06-271) Add include path into MdeModulePkg.decklu2
2007-06-271) Porting the original WinNtStuff Peim to new Nt32Pkgklu2
2007-06-26Success to build first Nt32 module.klu2
2007-06-26Initialize the dsc and dec file for Nt32Pkgklu2