uses the enhanced XmlRoutines.py written by Bruce.
The functionalities include:
- parse all packages(.spd) and modules(.msa)
- parse active platform(.fpd). You must set active platform in target.txt otherwise nothing will be parsed.
- parse tools_def.txt and target.txt
- generate Ant build files for active platform and its modules. The generated build file is re-designed and can be called separately once generated.
- multi-thread build
The functionalities which haven't been implemented include:
- AutoGen. No AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c will be generated. If you want run the build file, you have to run the "build" command in advance to generate the AutoGen.h/.c files and remove the any other intermediate files.
- generate FFS and FV files. Only compiling will be done by the generated build file.
- type "python ${WORKSPACE}/Tools/Python/buildgen/BuildFile.py" in shell to generate build file
- goto "${WORKSPACE}/Build/${platform}/${target}_${toolchaintag}/", type "ant" to run the build file
git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@2278 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524