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authorTong Hui <>2016-09-23 00:15:23 +0800
committerTong Hui <>2016-09-23 00:15:23 +0800
commit169c9e16fd20c8d0452e49e344735a3906d55514 (patch)
parent269ea9d87904efdbcefe07a8df8635f789a371b2 (diff)
proofread misinterpreting-copyright
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index a7d7ab6..e9d962f 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
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> (国会应当拥有权力)通过在一段限定的时间内保证作者和发明者对其作品或发明拥有专属权利,以促进自然科学和文学艺术的进步。
-美国最高法院已经一再强调,促进进步意味着保护那些版权作品的使用者的利益。例如,在 *Fox Film 起诉 Doyal 的案例*[(1)](#FOOT1)中,法庭说道:
+美国最高法院已经一再强调,促进进步意味着保护那些版权作品的使用者的利益。例如,在 *Fox Film 起诉 Doyal 的案例*[^1](#FOOT1)中,法庭说道:
> 美国的根本利益以及赋予(版权)垄断权的主要目的是基于那些由公众得来、通过作者的劳动获得的普遍利益。
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
@@ -68,495 +68,123 @@
### 具有欺骗性的最大化
-In practice, the goal of maximizing publication regardless of the cost
-to freedom is supported by widespread rhetoric which asserts that public
-copying is illegitimate, unfair, and intrinsically wrong. For instance,
-the publishers call people who copy “pirates,” a smear term designed to
-equate sharing information with your neighbor with attacking a ship.
-(This smear term was formerly used by authors to describe publishers who
-found lawful ways to publish unauthorized editions; its modern use by
-the publishers is almost the reverse.) This rhetoric directly rejects
-the constitutional basis for copyright, but presents itself as
-representing the unquestioned tradition of the American legal system.
-The “pirate” rhetoric is typically accepted because it so pervades the
-media that few people realize how radical it is. It is effective because
-if copying by the public is fundamentally illegitimate, we can never
-object to the publishers’ demand that we surrender our freedom to do so.
-In other words, when the public is challenged to show why publishers
-should not receive some additional power, the most important reason of
-all—“We want to copy”—is disqualified in advance.
-This leaves no way to argue against increasing copyright power except
-using side issues. Hence, opposition to stronger copyright powers today
-almost exclusively cites side issues, and never dares cite the freedom
-to distribute copies as a legitimate public value.
-As a practical matter, the goal of maximization enables publishers to
-argue that “A certain practice is reducing our sales—or we think it
-might—so we presume it diminishes publication by some unknown amount,
-and therefore it should be prohibited.” We are led to the outrageous
-conclusion that the public good is measured by publishers’ sales: What’s
-good for General Media is good for the USA.
-### The Third Error: Maximizing Publishers’ Power {#the-third-error-maximizing-publishers-power .subheading}
### 第三个错误:最大化出版商的权力
-Once the publishers have obtained assent to the policy goal of
-maximizing publication output at any cost, their next step is to infer
-that this requires giving them the maximum possible powers—making
-copyright cover every imaginable use of a work, or applying some other
-legal tool such as “shrink wrap” licenses to equivalent effect. This
-goal, which entails the abolition of “fair use” and the “right of first
-sale,” is being pressed at every available level of government, from
-states of the US to international bodies.
-This step is erroneous because strict copyright rules obstruct the
-creation of useful new works. For instance, Shakespeare borrowed the
-plots of some of his plays from works others had published a few decades
-before, so if today’s copyright law had been in effect, his plays would
-have been illegal.
+### 三大错误的后果
-Even if we wanted the highest possible rate of publication, regardless
-of cost to the public, maximizing publishers’ power is the wrong way to
-get it. As a means of promoting progress, it is self-defeating.
+例如,参议员 Hatch 在介绍 S.483 法案[^3]时如是说,这条于 1995 年通过的法案将版权的期限延长了 20 年。
-### The Results of the Three Errors {#the-results-of-the-three-errors .subheading}
+> 我相信我们现在需要搞清楚这个问题:当前的版权期限是否足以保护作者的利益,以及与之相关的另一个问题:当前的版权保护期限是否足以继续为作者创作新作品提供足够的激励。[^4]
-### 三大错误的后果
+这一法案延长了那些自 20 世纪 20 年代以后创作的已发表的作品的版权期限。这一改变是对出版商的慷慨赠予,而不可能为公众带来任何好处,由于现在不可能以任何方式逆动地增加当时的出版量。然而,这剥夺了公众的一项在今天看来非常有意义的自由——再分发当时出版的作品的自由。注意,他们所鼓吹的“保护”[^5]一词的用法中包含了三大错误中的第二项。
-The current trend in copyright legislation is to hand publishers broader
-powers for longer periods of time. The conceptual basis of copyright, as
-it emerges distorted from the series of errors, rarely offers a basis
-for saying no. Legislators give lip service to the idea that copyright
-serves the public, while in fact giving publishers whatever they ask
-For example, here is what Senator Hatch said when introducing S.
-483,[(3)](#FOOT3) a 1995 bill to increase the term of copyright by 20
-例如,参议员 Hatch 在介绍 S.483 法案时如是说,这条于 1995 年通过的法案将版权的期限延长了 20 年。
-> I believe we are now at such a point with respect to the question of
-> whether the current term of copyright adequately protects the
-> interests of authors and the related question of whether the term of
-> protection continues to provide a sufficient incentive for the
-> creation of new works of authorship.[(4)](#FOOT4)
-> 我相信我们现在需要搞清楚这个问题:当前的版权期限是否足以保护作者的利益,以及与之相关的另一个问题:当前的版权保护期限是否足以继续为作者创作新作品提供足够的激励。[(4)](#FOOT4)
-This bill extended the copyright on already published works written
-since the 1920s. This change was a giveaway to publishers with no
-possible benefit to the public, since there is no way to retroactively
-increase now the number of books published back then. Yet it cost the
-public a freedom that is meaningful today—the freedom to redistribute
-books from that era. Note the use of the propaganda term,
-“protect,”[(5)](#FOOT5) which embodies the second of the three errors.
-这一法案延长了那些自 20 世纪 20 年代以后创作的已发表的作品的版权期限。这一改变是对出版商的慷慨赠予,而不可能为公众带来任何好处,由于现在不可能以任何方式逆动地增加当时的出版量。然而,这剥夺了公众的一项在今天看来非常有意义的自由——再分发当时出版的作品的自由。注意,他们所鼓吹的“保护”[(5)](#FOOT5)一词的用法中包含了三大错误中的第二项。
-The bill also extended the copyrights of works yet to be written. For
-works made for hire, copyright would last 95 years instead of the
-present 75 years. Theoretically this would increase the incentive to
-write new works; but any publisher that claims to need this extra
-incentive should be required to substantiate the claim with projected
-balance sheets for 75 years in the future.
-这条法案同时延长了将要被创作的作品的版权期限,对于出资聘用的作者创作的作品,版权期限将会持续 95 年而非当前的 75 年。理论上这将会增加对创作新作品的激励;但是,任何宣称需要这项额外刺激的出版商应当被要求以未来 75 年预期的财务状况表来证明这一要求的合理性。
-Needless to say, Congress did not question the publishers’ arguments: a
-law extending copyright was enacted in 1998. It was officially called
-the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, named after one of its
-sponsors who died earlier that year. We usually call it the Mickey Mouse
-Copyright Act, since we presume its real motive was to prevent the
-copyright on the appearance of Mickey Mouse from expiring. Bono’s widow,
-who served the rest of his term, made this statement:
-不言而喻的是,国会并不会质疑出版商的论证:一项版权延长法律于 1998 年实施。它的官方名称是 Sonny Bono 版权期限延长法案,它是以它的一位在当年早些时候去世的支持者命名的。我们通常称之为米老鼠版权法案,由于我们认为它的真实动机是防止米老鼠的形象的版权过期。Bono 的遗孀以他的名义完成了剩下的工作,并作了如下声明:
-> Actually, Sonny wanted the term of copyright protection to last
-> forever. I am informed by staff that such a change would violate the
-> Constitution. I invite all of you to work with me to strengthen our
-> copyright laws in all of the ways available to us. As you know, there
-> is also Jack Valenti’s[(6)](#FOOT6) proposal for term to last forever
-> less one day. Perhaps the Committee may look at that next
-> Congress.[(7)](#FOOT7)
-> 事实上,Sonny 希望版权保护期限持续到永远。我被一位工作人员告知这样一种改变将会违反宪法。我现在邀请各位与我共同努力,以所有可能的方式强化我们的版权法。你们应当知道,还有 Jack Valenti [(6)](#FOOT6)的提案建议版权的保护期限为比永远少一天。也许委员会可以期待下一届国会。[(7)](#FOOT7)
-The Supreme Court later heard a case that sought to overturn the law on
-the grounds that the retroactive extension fails to serve the
-Constitution’s goal of promoting progress. The court responded by
-abdicating its responsibility to judge the question; on copyright, the
-Constitution requires only lip service.
+这条法案同时延长了将要被创作的作品的版权期限,对于出资聘用作者创作的作品,版权期限将会持续 95 年而非当前的 75 年。理论上这将会增加对创作新作品的激励;但是,任何宣称需要这项额外刺激的出版商应当被要求以未来 75 年预期的财务状况表来证明这一要求的合理性。
+不言而喻的是,国会并不会质疑出版商的论证:一项版权延长法律于 1998 年实施。它的官方名称是 Sonny Bono 版权期限延长法案,它是以一位当年早些时候去世的支持者命名的。我们通常称之为米老鼠版权法案,由于我们认为它的真实动机是防止米老鼠的形象的版权过期。Bono 的遗孀以他的名义完成了剩下的工作,并作了如下声明:
-Another law, passed in 1997, made it a felony to make sufficiently many
-copies of any published work, even if you give them away to friends just
-to be nice. Previously this was not a crime in the US at all.
+> 事实上,Sonny 希望版权保护期限持续到永远。我被一位工作人员告知这样一种改变将会违反宪法。我现在邀请各位与我共同努力,以所有可能的方式强化我们的版权法。你们应当知道,还有 Jack Valenti [^6]的提案建议版权的保护期限为比永远少一天。也许委员会可以期待下一届国会。[^7]
另一条于 1997 年通过的法律使得为任何已发表作品复制达到一定数量的副本成为一项重罪,即使您将它们送给遵纪守法的朋友。而在此之前,这在美国甚至不是一项罪行。
-An even worse law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), was
-designed to bring back what was then called “copy protection”—now known
-as DRM (Digital Restrictions Management)[(8)](#FOOT8)—which users
-already detested, by making it a crime to defeat the restrictions, or
-even publish information about how to defeat them. This law ought to be
-called the “Domination by Media Corporations Act” because it effectively
-offers publishers the chance to write their own copyright law. It says
-they can impose any restrictions whatsoever on the use of a work, and
-these restrictions take the force of law provided the work contains some
-sort of encryption or license manager to enforce them.
-一条更坏的法律,数字千年版权法案(DMCA),被设计为重新带回一种当时被称为“复制保护”的东西——现在称之为数字限制管理(DRM)[(8)](#FOOT8)——这是一种已经被用户所唾弃的东西,它使得破解这些限制规则,甚至只是发表关于如何破解它们的信息成为犯罪行为。这条法律应当被称作“媒体公司支配法案”(Domination by Media Corporations Act),由于它事实上赋予了出版商编写自家版权法的权力。它宣称它们可以对作品的使用强行施加任何限制,并且这些限制将具有法律效力,如果该作品包含某种加密或者许可证管理器之类的强制实行措施。
-One of the arguments offered for this bill was that it would implement a
-recent treaty to increase copyright powers. The treaty was promulgated
-by the World “Intellectual Property”[(9)](#FOOT9) Organization, an
-organization dominated by copyright- and patent-holding interests, with
-the aid of pressure from the Clinton administration; since the treaty
-only increases copyright power, whether it serves the public interest in
-any country is doubtful. In any case, the bill went far beyond what the
-treaty required.
-Libraries were a key source of opposition to this bill, especially to
-the aspects that block the forms of copying that are considered fair
-use. How did the publishers respond? Former representative Pat
-Schroeder, now a lobbyist for the Association of American Publishers,
-said that the publishers “could not live with what \[the libraries
-were\] asking for.” Since the libraries were asking only to preserve
-part of the status quo, one might respond by wondering how the
-publishers had survived until the present day.
+一条更坏的法律,数字千年版权法案(Digital Millennium Copyright Act,DMCA),被设计为重新带回一种当时被称为“复制保护”的东西——现在称之为数字限制管理(DRM)[^8]——这是一种已经被用户所唾弃的东西,它使得破解这些限制规则,甚至只是发表关于如何破解它们的信息成为犯罪行为。这条法律应当被称作“媒体公司支配法案”(Domination by Media Corporations Act),由于它事实上赋予了出版商编写自家版权法的权力。它宣称它们可以对作品的使用强行施加任何限制,并且这些限制将具有法律效力,如果该作品包含某种加密或者许可证管理器之类的强制实行措施。
-图书馆曾经是反对此法案的重要来源,尤其针对该法案中禁止某种可被视为合理使用的复制行为这一方面。那么出版商一方是如何回应的呢?前代理人 Pat Schroeder,现在作为美国出版商协会(AAP)的说客如是说:“出版商与图书馆的诉求不共戴天”。由于图书馆的诉求只是维持部分现状,人们可以以此作为回应:出版商到底是怎样活到今天的。
-Congressman Barney Frank, in a meeting with me and others who opposed
-this bill, showed how far the US Constitution’s view of copyright has
-been disregarded. He said that new powers, backed by criminal penalties,
-were needed urgently because the “movie industry is worried,” as well as
-the “music industry” and other “industries.” I asked him, “But is this
-in the public interest?” His response was telling: “Why are you talking
-about the public interest? These creative people don’t have to give up
-their rights for the public interest!” The “industry” has been
-identified with the “creative people” it hires, copyright has been
-treated as its entitlement, and the Constitution has been turned upside
+图书馆曾经是反对此法案的重要来源,尤其针对该法案中禁止某种可被视为合理使用的复制行为这一方面。那么出版商一方是如何回应的呢?前代理人 Pat Schroeder,现在作为美国出版商协会(AAP)的说客如是说:“出版商与图书馆的诉求不共戴天”。由于图书馆的诉求只是维持部分现状,人们可以以此作为回应:出版商到底是怎样活到今天的。
国会议员 Barney Frank 在一次与我和其他反对该法案的人士举行会谈时,展示了美国宪法中关于版权的观点在多大程度上被无视了。他宣称由犯罪刑罚所支撑的新的版权权力是急迫需要的,由于“电影行业感到担忧”,同样还有“音乐行业”和其他“行业”。我问他:“但是,这是为了公众的利益吗?”他如此回应:“你有什么资格谈公众利益?那些富有创造性的人们不需要为了公众利益而牺牲他们的权利!”“行业”被视同它所雇佣的“富有创造性的人们”,版权被视为它应有的权利,而宪法的本意则被彻底颠倒了。
-The DMCA was enacted in 1998. As enacted, it says that fair use remains
-nominally legitimate, but allows publishers to prohibit all software or
-hardware that you could practice it with. Effectively, fair use is
DMCA 于 1998 年被实施。随之,它宣称合理使用在名义上尚属合法,但它允许出版商禁止所有那些您可能对其进行合理使用的软硬件。事实上,合理使用已被禁止。
-Based on this law, the movie industry has imposed censorship on free
-software for reading and playing DVDs, and even on the information about
-how to read them. In April 2001, Professor Edward Felten of Princeton
-University was intimidated by lawsuit threats from the Recording
-Industry Association of America (RIAA) into withdrawing a scientific
-paper stating what he had learned about a proposed encryption system for
-restricting access to recorded music.
基于这一法律,电影业对用于读取和播放数码多功能影音光盘(DVD)的自由软件,乃至关于如何读取它们的信息强行实施了审查。2001 年四月,普林斯顿大学 Edward Felten 教授受到来自美国唱片业协会(RIAA)的法律诉讼的威胁以撤销一篇关于他从一种被提议用于限制对录制音乐访问的加密系统中所学到的东西的科研论文。
-We are also beginning to see e-books that take away many of readers’
-traditional freedoms—for instance, the freedom to lend a book to your
-friend, to sell it to a used book store, to borrow it from a library, to
-buy it without giving your name to a corporate data bank, even the
-freedom to read it twice. Encrypted e-books generally restrict all these
-activities—you can read them only with special secret software designed
-to restrict you.
-I will never buy one of these encrypted, restricted e-books, and I hope
-you will reject them too. If an e-book doesn’t give you the same
-freedoms as a traditional paper book, don’t accept it!
+任何人擅自发布可用于阅读受限的电子书的软件将面临被起诉的风险。一位俄国程序员 Dmitry Sklyarov 于 2001 年访问美国期间参加一次会议演讲时被逮捕,由于此人在俄国编写了一款这样的程序,而这当时在俄国尚属合法。现在俄国正准备通过一条法律以禁止这种行为,而欧盟最近已经采纳了这样的一条法律。
+面向大量最终用户销售的电子书目前看来在商业上并不很成功,但这并非由于读者选择捍卫他们的自由;而是由于其他原因不受欢迎,例如计算机屏幕并不是一种适合于轻松阅读的平面。我们不可能长期依赖这种好的缺陷来保护我们自己;用于促销电子书的下一步尝试是使用电子纸——一种像书本一样的东西,可以向其中下载加密、受限的电子书。如果这种像纸一样的平面能够提供比现在的显示屏更有吸引力,我们将不得不捍卫我们的自由以便继续拥有它。与此同时,电子书正在利基市场(niche market)中觅得商机:纽约大学(NYU)和其他牙科学校要求其学生以受限的电子书格式购买它们的教材。
-Anyone independently releasing software that can read restricted e-books
-risks prosecution. A Russian programmer, Dmitry Sklyarov, was arrested
-in 2001 while visiting the US to speak at a conference, because he had
-written such a program in Russia, where it was lawful to do so. Now
-Russia is preparing a law to prohibit it too, and the European Union
-recently adopted one.
-任何人擅自发布可用于阅读受限的电子书的软件将面临被起诉的风险。一位俄国程序员 Dmitry Sklyarov 在于 2001 年访问美国期间参加一次会议演讲时被逮捕,由于此人在俄国编写了一款这样的程序,而这当时在俄国尚属合法。现在俄国正准备通过一条法律以禁止这种行为,而欧盟最近已经采纳了这样的一条法律。
-Mass-market e-books have been a commercial failure so far, but not
-because readers chose to defend their freedom; they were unattractive
-for other reasons, such as that computer display screens are not easy
-surfaces to read from. We can’t rely on this happy accident to protect
-us in the long term; the next attempt to promote e-books will use
-“electronic paper”—book-like objects into which an encrypted, restricted
-e-book can be downloaded. If this paper-like surface proves more
-appealing than today’s display screens, we will have to defend our
-freedom in order to keep it. Meanwhile, e-books are making inroads in
-niches: NYU and other dental schools require students to buy their
-textbooks in the form of restricted e-books.
-面向大量最终用户销售的电子书目前看来在商业上并不很成功,但这并非由于读者选择捍卫他们的自由;它们是由于其他原因不受欢迎,例如计算机屏幕并不是一种适合于轻松阅读的平面。我们不可能长期依赖这种好的缺陷来保护我们自己;用于促销电子书的下一步尝试是使用电子纸——一种像书本一样的东西,可以向其中下载加密、受限的电子书。如果这种像纸一样的平面能够提供比现在的显示屏更多的吸引力,我们将不得不捍卫我们的自由以便继续拥有它。与此同时,电子书正在利基市场(niche market)中觅得商机:纽约大学(NYU)和其他牙科学校要求其学生以受限的电子书的格式购买它们的教材。
-The media companies are not satisfied yet. In 2001, Disney-funded
-Senator Hollings proposed a bill called the “Security Systems Standards
-and Certification Act” (SSSCA),[(10)](#FOOT10) which would require all
-computers (and other digital recording and playback devices) to have
-government-mandated copy-restriction systems. That is their ultimate
-goal, but the first item on their agenda is to prohibit any equipment
-that can tune digital HDTV unless it is designed to be impossible for
-the public to “tamper with” (i.e., modify for their own purposes). Since
-free software is software that users can modify, we face here for the
-first time a proposed law that explicitly prohibits free software for a
-certain job. Prohibition of other jobs will surely follow. If the FCC
-adopts this rule, existing free software such as GNU Radio would be
-媒体公司对此仍不满足。2001 年,由迪士尼赞助的参议员 Hollings 提议了一条“安全系统标准与认证法案”)(SSSCA)[(10)](#FOOT10),它要求所有计算机(及其他数字录制与回放设备)必须带有政府强制要求的限制复制系统。这是它们的最终目的,但它们的日程上的第一件事是禁止任何可以调谐数字高清电视(HDTV)的设备,除非它被设计为使得公众不可能对其进行“恶意篡改”(即以公众自己的目的进行修改)。由于自由软件是用户可以修改的,我们在此首次遭遇了这样一种被提议的法律,它将明确禁止自由软件被用于某种特定任务。可以预见对于其他任务的自由软件禁令也一定会随之而来。如果美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)采纳这一规则,现存的自由软件诸如 GNU Radio 将会被审查。
-To block these bills and rules requires political action.[(11)](#FOOT11)
-### Finding the Right Bargain {#finding-the-right-bargain .subheading}
+媒体公司对此仍不满足。2001 年,由迪士尼赞助的参议员 Hollings 提议了一条“安全系统标准与认证法案”(Security Systems Standardsand Certification Act,SSSCA)[^10],它要求所有计算机(及其他数字录制与回放设备)必须带有政府强制要求的限制复制系统。这是它们的最终目的,但它们日程上的第一件事是禁止任何可以调谐数字高清电视(HDTV)的设备,除非它被设计为使得公众不可能对其进行“恶意篡改”(即以公众自己的目的进行修改)。由于自由软件是用户可以修改的,我们在此首次遭遇了这样一种被提议的法律,它将明确禁止自由软件被用于某种特定任务。可以预见对于其他任务的自由软件禁令也一定会随之而来。如果美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)采纳这一规则,现存的自由软件诸如 GNU Radio 将会被审查。
-### 寻找正确的版权交易
-What is the proper way to decide copyright policy? If copyright is a
-bargain made on behalf of the public, it should serve the public
-interest above all. The government’s duty when selling the public’s
-freedom is to sell only what it must, and sell it as dearly as possible.
-At the very least, we should pare back the extent of copyright as much
-as possible while maintaining a comparable level of publication.
+### 寻找正确的版权交易
-Since we cannot find this minimum price in freedom through competitive
-bidding, as we do for construction projects, how can we find it?
-One possible method is to reduce copyright privileges in stages, and
-observe the results. By seeing if and when measurable diminutions in
-publication occur, we will learn how much copyright power is really
-necessary to achieve the public’s purposes. We must judge this by actual
-observation, not by what publishers say will happen, because they have
-every incentive to make exaggerated predictions of doom if their powers
-are reduced in any way.
-Copyright policy includes several independent dimensions, which can be
-adjusted separately. After we find the necessary minimum for one policy
-dimension, it may still be possible to reduce other dimensions of
-copyright while maintaining the desired publication level.
-One important dimension of copyright is its duration, which is now
-typically on the order of a century. Reducing the monopoly on copying to
-ten years, starting from the date when a work is published, would be a
-good first step. Another aspect of copyright, which covers the making of
-derivative works, could continue for a longer period.
版权的一个重要方面是它的持续时期,而现在的版权期限通常是以一个世纪作为数量级的。将这种对复制的垄断权缩短到 10 年,从该作品发表日期开始计算可能是一种合理的第一步。而版权的另一方面,即覆盖了创作其衍生作品的方面,可以持续稍长一段时间。
-Why count from the date of publication? Because copyright on unpublished
-works does not directly limit readers’ freedom; whether we are free to
-copy a work is moot when we do not have copies. So giving authors a
-longer time to get a work published does no harm. Authors (who generally
-do own the copyright prior to publication) will rarely choose to delay
-publication just to push back the end of the copyright term.
-Why ten years? Because that is a safe proposal; we can be confident on
-practical grounds that this reduction would have little impact on the
-overall viability of publishing today. In most media and genres,
-successful works are very profitable in just a few years, and even
-successful works are usually out of print well before ten. Even for
-reference works, whose useful life may be many decades, ten-year
-copyright should suffice: updated editions are issued regularly, and
-many readers will buy the copyrighted current edition rather than copy a
-ten-year-old public domain version.
-为何是 10 年?由于这是一种安全的提案;我们能够以基于实践的理由确信这一期限的减少并不会为当今的总体出版活力带来什么冲击。在大部分媒体和流派当中,成功的作品只在短短的几年之内能够带来丰厚利润,并且即使是成功的作品通常也会在远未到达 10 年期限之时绝版。即使是对于参考文献类的作品,它们的有用生命周期可能长达几十年,10 年的版权期限也是足够的:由于更新的版本还将正常出版,并且很多读者将会愿意购买仍然受到版权保护的当前版本而非复制一份已经处于公有领域中的十多年前的旧版的副本。
-Ten years may still be longer than necessary; once things settle down,
-we could try a further reduction to tune the system. At a panel on
-copyright at a literary convention, where I proposed the ten-year term,
-a noted fantasy author sitting beside me objected vehemently, saying
-that anything beyond five years was intolerable.
+为何是 10 年?由于这是一种安全的提案;我们能够以基于实践的理由确信这一期限的减少并不会为当今的总体出版活力带来什么冲击。在大部分媒体和流派当中,成功的作品只在短短的几年之内能够带来丰厚利润,并且即使是成功的作品通常也会在远未到达 10 年期限之时绝版。即使是对于参考文献类的作品,它们的有用生命周期可能长达几十年,10 年的版权期限也是足够的:由于更新的版本还将正常出版,并且很多读者将会愿意购买仍然受到版权保护的当前版本而非复制一份已经处于公有领域中的,十多年前的旧版副本。
10 年也许仍然比真正必需的时间要长;一旦这个问题得到解决,我们可以尝试进一步缩短这一期限来对版权体系进行调整。在一次有关文学作品版权惯例的研讨会上,我提出了 10 年期限的提议,坐在我身旁的一位著名科幻作家表示强烈反对,他认为超过 5 年期限的任何限制条件都是不可容忍的。
-But we don’t have to apply the same time span to all kinds of works.
-Maintaining the utmost uniformity of copyright policy is not crucial to
-the public interest, and copyright law already has many exceptions for
-specific uses and media. It would be foolish to pay for every highway
-project at the rates necessary for the most difficult projects in the
-most expensive regions of the country; it is equally foolish to “pay”
-for all kinds of art with the greatest price in freedom that we find
-necessary for any one kind.
-So perhaps novels, dictionaries, computer programs, songs, symphonies,
-and movies should have different durations of copyright, so that we can
-reduce the duration for each kind of work to what is necessary for many
-such works to be published. Perhaps movies over one hour long could have
-a 20-year copyright, because of the expense of producing them. In my own
-field, computer programming, three years should suffice, because product
-cycles are even shorter than that.
因此也许小说、字典、计算机程序、歌曲、交响乐、电影等等应当具有不同的版权期限,于是我们可以将任何一类作品的版权期限缩短到众多待发表的同类作品所必需的程度。也许一小时以上的电影可以拥有 20 年的版权,考虑到创作它的开销。在我本人的领域,计算机编程,3 年应当足够,由于产品的生命周期远比这一时限更短。
-Another dimension of copyright policy is the extent of fair use: some
-ways of reproducing all or part of a published work that are legally
-permitted even though it is copyrighted. The natural first step in
-reducing this dimension of copyright power is to permit occasional
-private small-quantity noncommercial copying and distribution among
-individuals. This would eliminate the intrusion of the copyright police
-into people’s private lives, but would probably have little effect on
-the sales of published works. (It may be necessary to take other legal
-steps to ensure that shrink-wrap licenses cannot be used to substitute
-for copyright in restricting such copying.) The experience of Napster
-shows that we should also permit noncommercial verbatim redistribution
-to the general public—when so many of the public want to copy and share,
-and find it so useful, only draconian measures will stop them, and the
-public deserves to get what it wants.
-版权政策的另一方面是合理使用的限度:对已发表的作品的全部或部分进行复制的某些方式为法律所许可,即使该作品受版权保护。减少这方面的版权权力的第一步自然是允许私人进行偶尔的小批量非商业性复制并且对个人用户分发。这将阻止版权警察对人们的私人生活的入侵,但对于已发布的作品的销售很可能并不会造成什么影响。(可能有必要采取其他法律步骤以保证拆封包装许可不能被用于取代版权并且藉此限制这种复制的权利。)Napster 的经验显示我们还应允许面向公众的非商业性逐字再分发——由于公众之中有那么多的人想要复制和分享,并且他们发现这是那么有用,只有德拉古式的暴政才会禁止这些,而公众理应得到他们所想要的。
-For novels, and in general for works that are used for entertainment,
-noncommercial verbatim redistribution may be sufficient freedom for the
-readers. Computer programs, being used for functional purposes (to get
-jobs done), call for additional freedoms beyond that, including the
-freedom to publish an improved version. See “The Free Software
-Definition,” in this book, for an explanation of the freedoms that
-software users should have. But it may be an acceptable compromise for
-these freedoms to be universally available only after a delay of two or
-three years from the program’s publication.
-Changes like these could bring copyright into line with the public’s
-wish to use digital technology to copy. Publishers will no doubt find
-these proposals “unbalanced”; they may threaten to take their marbles
-and go home, but they won’t really do it, because the game will remain
-profitable and it will be the only game in town.
-As we consider reductions in copyright power, we must make sure media
-companies do not simply replace it with end-user license agreements. It
-would be necessary to prohibit the use of contracts to apply
-restrictions on copying that go beyond those of copyright. Such
-limitations on what mass-market nonnegotiated contracts can require are
-a standard part of the US legal system.
-### A Personal Note {#a-personal-note .subheading}
-### 个人注记
-I am a software designer, not a legal scholar. I’ve become concerned
-with copyright issues because there’s no avoiding them in the world of
-computer networks, such as the Internet. As a user of computers and
-networks for 30 years, I value the freedoms that we have lost, and the
-ones we may lose next. As an author, I can reject the romantic mystique
-of the author as semidivine creator, often cited by publishers to
-justify increased copyright powers for authors—powers which these
-authors will then sign away to publishers.
-我是软件设计者而非法学学者。我之所以对版权问题感到担忧是由于这在计算机网络世界,例如互联网中,是无法回避的。作为计算机和网络的 30 多年的用户,我衡量了我们已经失去的以及将要失去的自由的价值。作为一位作者,我有权拒绝将作者比作半神的创造者这一富有幻想性的神话,而出版商经常援引这一点作为依据以支持增加作者的版权权力——然而作者随后就会把这些权力出让给出版商。
-Most of this article consists of facts and reasoning that you can check,
-and proposals on which you can form your own opinions. But I ask you to
-accept one thing on my word alone: that authors like me don’t deserve
-special power over you. If you wish to reward me further for the
-software or books I have written, I would gratefully accept a check—but
-please don’t surrender your freedom in my name. @endgroup
+版权政策的另一方面是合理使用的限度:对已发表的作品的全部或部分进行复制的某些方式为法律所许可,即使该作品受版权保护。减少这方面的版权权力的第一步自然是允许私人进行偶尔的小批量非商业性复制并且对个人用户分发。这将阻止版权警察对人们私人生活的入侵,但对于已发布的作品的销售很可能并不会造成什么影响(可能有必要采取其他法律步骤以保证拆封包装许可不能被用于取代版权并且藉此限制这种复制的权利)。Napster 的经验显示我们还应允许面向公众的非商业性逐字再分发——由于公众之中有那么多的人想要复制和分享,并且他们发现这是那么有用,只有德拉古式的暴政才会禁止这些,而公众理应得到他们想要的。
-<div class="footnote">
-### Footnotes
-### [(1)](#DOCF1)
-@raggedright Fox Film Corp. v. Doyal, 286 US 123, 1932. @end raggedright
-### [(2)](#DOCF2)
-@raggedright 参见 Julian Sanchez 的文章 “The Trouble with ‘Balance’ Metaphors” (4 February 2011, [](以获得关于“合理判断与平衡权重之间的类比能够怎样以有害的方式限制我们的思考”这一问题的深入调查。@end raggedright
-### [(3)](#DOCF3)
-@raggedright Congressional Record, S. 483, “The Copyright Term Extension Act of 1995,” 2 March 1995, pp. S3390–4. @end raggedright
-### [(4)](#DOCF4)
-@raggedright Congressional Record, “Statement on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions,” 2 March 1995, p. S3390, <>. @end raggedright
-### [(5)](#DOCF5)
+### 个人注记
-@raggedright 参见 @pageref{Protection} 以获知为何在与版权相关联时应当避免使用“保护”一词。 @end raggedright
+我是软件设计者而非法学学者。我之所以对版权问题感到担忧是由于这在计算机网络世界,例如互联网中,是无法回避的。作为一个用了计算机和网络 30 多年的用户,我衡量了我们已经失去的以及将要失去的自由的价值。作为一位作者,我有权拒绝将作者比作半神的创造者这一富有幻想性的神话,而出版商经常援引这一点作为依据以支持增加作者的版权权力——然而作者随后就会把这些权力出让给出版商。
-### [(6)](#DOCF6)
-@raggedright Jack Valenti 是美国电影协会(MPAA)常任主席。 @end raggedright
-### [(7)](#DOCF7)
+ [^]: Fox Film Corp. v. Doyal, 286 US 123, 1932.
-@raggedright Congressional Record, remarks of Rep. Bono, 7 October 1998, p. H9952, <>. @end raggedright
+ [^2]: 参见 Julian Sanchez 的文章 “The Trouble with ‘Balance’ Metaphors” (4 February 2011, <>以获得关于“合理判断与平衡权重之间的类比能够怎样以有害的方式限制我们的思考”这一问题的深入调查。
-### [(8)](#DOCF8)
+ [^3]: Congressional Record, S. 483, “The Copyright Term Extension Act of 1995,” 2 March 1995, pp. S3390–4.
-@raggedright 参见 <> 以获得关于这一问题的更多信息。 @end raggedright
+ [^4]: Congressional Record, “Statement on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions,” 2 March 1995, p. S3390, <>.
-### [(9)](#DOCF9)
+ [^5]: 参见《应避免使用(或慎用)的词语》一文以获知为何在与版权相关联时应当避免使用“保护”一词。
-@raggedright 参见 “Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage”( @pageref{Not IPR})一文以获知为何这一短语是有问题的。 @end raggedright
+ [^6]: Jack Valenti 是美国电影协会(MPAA)常任主席。
-### [(10)](#DOCF10)
+ [^7]: Congressional Record, remarks of Rep. Bono, 7 October 1998, p. H9952, <>.
-@raggedright 由于它被更名为不可拼读的 CBDTPA,一种有助于理解和记忆的解读是“消灭但不要尝试编程法案”(Consume, But Don’t Try Programming Anything),而其真正名称是“消费者宽带和数字电视促进法案”(Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act) @end raggedright
+ [^8]: 参见 <> 以获得关于这一问题的更多信息。
-### [(11)](#DOCF11)
+ [^9]: 参见《您说过“知识产权”吗?这是一种迷惑性的幻景》一文以获知为何这一短语是有问题的。
-如果您真的想要提供帮助,我推荐以下网站:<>, <>, and <>.
+ [^10]: 由于它被更名为不可拼读的 CBDTPA,一种有助于理解和记忆的解读是“消灭但不要尝试编程法案”(Consume, But Don’t Try Programming Anything),而其真正名称是“消费者宽带和数字电视促进法案”(Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act)
+ [^11]: 如果您真的想要提供帮助,我推荐以下网站:<>, <>, and <>.
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