path: root/docs
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authornadebula <>2016-09-14 23:55:58 +0800
committerGitHub <>2016-09-14 23:55:58 +0800
commiteb6d5f4837c688757d41b4455adbe69fe9fabc60 (patch)
tree46ec38574535ef3046b4305fa9d3282b3aef8ca9 /docs
parenta199a25de1eab9800b8ccc67d2babea886b1d1e1 (diff)
Initial update
Partly translated by Nadebula on Sep. 14th
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index ebd64fd..b73fe9b 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ resource-type: document
title: Untitled Document
-1. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care)\
-Because They Are Loaded or Confusing {#words-to-avoid-or-use-with-care-becausetheyareloadedorconfusing .chapter}
+1. Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing {#words-to-avoid-or-use-with-care-becausetheyareloadedorconfusing .chapter}
There are a number of words and phrases that we recommend avoiding, or
avoiding in certain contexts and usages. Some are ambiguous or
misleading; others presuppose a viewpoint that we disagree with, and we
@@ -18,11 +20,17 @@ hope you disagree with it too. (See also “Categories of Free and Nonfree
Software” (@pageref{Categories}) and “Why Call It the Swindle?”
+有些单词或短语是我们建议避免使用或者避免在特定上下文或应用场景使用的。其中的一些词语具有歧义或误导性;而其他一些词语则预设了某种我们所不赞同的观点,并且我们希望您也不会同意那些观点。(参见“Categories of Free and Nonfree Software” (@pageref{Categories}) 和 “Why Call It the Swindle?” (@pageref{Swindle})两篇文章。)
### “Access” {#access .subheading}
+### 可获得性(Access)
It is a common misunderstanding to think free software means that the
public has “access” to a program. That is not what free software means.
The criterion for free software[(1)](#FOOT1) is not about who has
“access” to the program; the four essential freedoms concern what a user
that has a copy of the program can do with it. For instance, freedom 2
@@ -30,20 +38,23 @@ says that that user is free to make another copy and give or sell it to
you. But no user is *obligated* to do that for you; you do not have a
*right* to demand a copy of that program from any user.
-@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip Copyright © 1996–1999,
-2001–2004, 2007–2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\
- {This list was first published on <>, in 1996. This
-version is part of @fsfsthreecite}
+@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip 著作权所有 (C) 1996–1999,2001–2004,2007–2015,自由软件基金会。{本列单最初于 1996 年发表于 <>,此版本是 @fsfsthreecite 的一部分。}
In particular, if you write a program yourself and never offer a copy to
anyone else, that program is free software (in a trivial way) because
you (the sole user that has it) have the four essential freedoms.
In practice, when many users have copies of a program, someone is sure
to post it on the internet, giving everyone access to it. We think
people ought to do that, if the program is useful. But this isn’t a
requirement of free software.
There is one specific point in which a question of having access is
directly pertinent to free software: the GNU GPL permits giving a
particular user access to download a program’s source code as a
@@ -51,33 +62,49 @@ substitute for physically giving that user a copy of the source. This
applies to the special case in which the user already has a copy of the
program in non-source form.
+确实有一种特殊情况,此时是否拥有可获得性与自由软件直接相关:GNU 通用公共许可证(GNU GPL)允许赋予一位特定用户下载程序源代码的访问权,作为以实物载体的形式为该用户提供源代码副本的替代方案。这条规则也适用于用户已经拥有一份非源代码形式的副本这一特例。
### “Alternative” {#alternative .subheading}
+### 可选择物(Alternative)
We don’t describe free software as an “alternative” to proprietary,
because that word presumes all the “alternatives” are legitimate and
each additional one makes users better off. In effect, it assumes that
free software ought to coexist with software that does not respect
users’ freedom.
We believe that distribution as free software is the only ethical way to
make software available for others to use. The other methods, nonfree
software and {@parfillskip=0pt@par Service as a Software Substitute
subjugate their users.[(2)](#FOOT2) We do not think it is good to offer
users those “alternatives” to free software.
### “BSD-Style” {#bsd-style .subheading}
+### BSD 风格(BSD-Style)
The expression “BSD-style license” leads to confusion because it lumps
together licenses that have important differences.[(3)](#FOOT3) For
instance, the original BSD license with the advertising clause is
incompatible with the GNU General Public License, but the revised BSD
license is compatible with the GPL.
+“BSD 风格许可证”这一表述将会引起混淆,由于它将具有显著不同的许可证混为一谈。[(3)](#FOOT3)例如,最初的 BSD 许可证由于带有广告条款从而与 GNU GPL 不兼容,但是改进过的 BSD 许可证与 GPL 兼容。
To avoid confusion, it is best to name the specific license in
question[(4)](#FOOT4) and avoid the vague term “BSD-style.”
+为了避免混淆,最好在谈论中明确给出许可证的名字[(4)](#FOOT4)并且避免使用含混不清的短语“BSD 风格”。
### “Closed” {#closed .subheading}
+### 闭源(Closed)
Describing nonfree software as “closed” clearly refers to the term “open
source.” In the free software movement, we do not want to be confused
with the open source camp, so we are careful to avoid saying things that
@@ -85,8 +112,12 @@ would encourage people to lump us in with them.[(5)](#FOOT5) For
instance, we avoid describing nonfree software as “closed.” We call it
“nonfree” or “proprietary.”[(6)](#FOOT6)
### “Cloud Computing” {#cloud-computing .subheading}
+### 云计算(Cloud Computing)
The term “cloud computing” (or just “cloud,” in the context of
computing) is a marketing buzzword with no coherent meaning. It is used
for a range of different activities whose only common characteristic is
@@ -94,25 +125,37 @@ that they use the internet for something beyond transmitting files.
Thus, the term spreads confusion. If you base your thinking on it, your
thinking will be confused.
When thinking about or responding to a statement someone else has made
using this term, the first step is to clarify the topic. What scenario
is the statement about? What is a good, clear term for that scenario?
Once the topic is clearly formulated, coherent discussion is possible.
One of the many meanings of “cloud computing” is storing your data in
online services. In most scenarios, that is foolish because it exposes
you to surveillance.[(7)](#FOOT7)
Another meaning (which overlaps that but is not the same thing) is
Service as a Software Substitute, which denies you control over your
computing. You should never use SaaSS.[(8)](#FOOT8)
+另一种可能的涵义(与上一条有所重叠但又不完全相同)是“服务作为软件替代品”(SaaSS),它拒绝了您对于您自己的计算的控制权。您应该从不使用 SaaSS。[(8)](#FOOT8)
Another meaning is renting a remote physical server, or virtual server.
These practices are OK under certain circumstances.
Another meaning is accessing your own server from your own mobile
device. That raises no particular ethical issues.
The NIST definition of “cloud computing” [(9)](#FOOT9) mentions three
scenarios that raise different ethical issues: Software as a Service,
Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. However, that
@@ -122,22 +165,32 @@ as defined by NIST overlaps considerably with Service as a Software
Substitute, which mistreats the user, but the two concepts are not
+美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)为“云计算”的定义[(9)](#FOOT9)提出了三种场景,它们会带来不同的伦理问题:软件即服务(SaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)、基础设施即服务(IaaS)。然而,这种定义与“云计算”通常的用法并不匹配,由于它并未包括向在线服务中存储数据。由 NIST 定义的 SaaS 在很大程度上与 SaaSS 重叠,后者虐待它的用户,但这两个概念并不等同。
These different computing practices don’t even belong in the same
discussion. The best way to avoid the confusion the term “cloud
computing” spreads is not to use the term “cloud” in connection with
computing. Talk about the scenario you mean, and call it by a specific
Curiously, Larry Ellison, a proprietary software developer, also noted
the vacuity of the term “cloud computing.”[(10)](#FOOT10) He decided to
use the term anyway because, as a proprietary software developer, he
isn’t motivated by the same ideals as we are.
+有趣的是,Larry Ellison,一位私有软件开发者也注意到了“云计算”这一概念的空泛性。[(10)](#FOOT10)他决定仍然使用这一概念,由于作为一位私有软件开发者,此人与我们不是由相同理念所驱使的。
### “Commercial” {#commercial .subheading}
+### 商业(Commercial)
Please don’t use “commercial” as a synonym for “nonfree.” That confuses
two entirely different issues.
A program is commercial if it is developed as a business activity. A
commercial program can be free or nonfree, depending on its manner of
distribution. Likewise, a program developed by a school or an individual
@@ -145,31 +198,43 @@ can be free or nonfree, depending on its manner of distribution. The two
questions—what sort of entity developed the program and what freedom its
users have—are independent.
In the first decade of the free software movement, free software
packages were almost always noncommercial; the components of the
GNU/Linux operating system were developed by individuals or by nonprofit
organizations such as the FSF and universities. Later, in the 1990s,
free commercial software started to appear.
+在自由软件运动的最初十年,自由软件包几乎都是非商业的;GNU/Linux 操作系统的组件由个人或者诸如自由软件基金会(FSF)和大学的非盈利性组织所开发。其后,在 20 世纪 90 年代,自由的商业软件开始出现。
Free commercial software is a contribution to our community, so we
should encourage it. But people who think that “commercial” means
“nonfree” will tend to think that the “free commercial” combination is
self-contradictory, and dismiss the possibility. Let’s be careful not to
use the word “commercial” in that way.
### “Compensation” {#compensation .subheading}
+### 补偿(Compensation)
To speak of “compensation for authors” in connection with copyright
carries the assumptions that (1) copyright exists for the sake of
authors and (2) whenever we read something, we take on a debt to the
author which we must then repay. The first assumption is simply
false,[(11)](#FOOT11) and the second is outrageous.
“Compensating the rights-holders” adds a further swindle: you’re
supposed to imagine that means paying the authors, and occasionally it
does, but most of the time it means a subsidy for the same publishing
companies that are pushing unjust laws on us.
### “Consume” {#consume .subheading}
“Consume” refers to what we do with food: we ingest it, after which the