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@@ -237,6 +237,8 @@ companies that are pushing unjust laws on us.
### “Consume” {#consume .subheading}
+### 消费(Consume)
“Consume” refers to what we do with food: we ingest it, after which the
food as such no longer exists. By analogy, we employ the same word for
other products whose use *uses them up.* Applying it to durable goods,
@@ -246,6 +248,8 @@ a file), whose nature is to last indefinitely and which can be run,
played or read any number of times, is simply an error. Playing a
recording, or running a program, does not consume it.
The term “consume” is associated with the economics of uncopyable
material products, and leads people to transfer its conclusions
unconsciously to copyable digital works—an error that proprietary
@@ -253,22 +257,30 @@ software developers (and other publishers) dearly wish to encourage.
Their twisted viewpoint comes through clearly in a Business Insider
article,[(12)](#FOOT12) which also refers to publications as “content.”
+“消费”一词是与不可复制的实物产品的经济层面相关联的,而引导人们在毫无察觉的情况下将这一结论套用到可复制的数字作品上——这种错误正是私有软件开发者(以及其他出版商)所热切希望并且积极推动的。它们的这种扭曲的观点在一篇 Business Insider 文章中暴露无遗。[(12)](#FOOT12)这篇文章还将出版的作品称为“内容”。
The narrow thinking associated with the idea that we “consume content”
paves the way for laws such as the DMCA that forbid users to break the
Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) facilities in digital devices. If
users think what they do with these devices is “consume,” they may see
such restrictions as natural.
It also encourages the acceptation of “streaming” services, which use
DRM to limit use of digital recordings to a form that fits the word
+它还鼓励人们将利用 DRM 对数字唱片的使用进行限制的“串流”服务也认可为一种适用于“消费”这一概念的形式。
Why is this perverse usage spreading? Some may feel that the term sounds
sophisticated; if that attracts you, rejecting it with cogent reasons
can appear even more sophisticated. Others may be acting from business
interests (their own, or their employers’). Their use of the term in
prestigious forums gives the impression that it’s the “correct” term.
To speak of “consuming” music, fiction, or any other artistic works is
to treat them as products rather than as art. If you don’t want to
spread that attitude, you would do well to reject using the term
@@ -276,29 +288,43 @@ spread that attitude, you would do well to reject using the term
artistic work or a work stating a point of view, and that someone “uses”
a practical work.
### “Consumer” {#consumer .subheading}
+### 消费者(Consumer)
The term “consumer,” when used to refer to the users of computing, is
loaded with assumptions we should reject. Some come from the idea that
using the program “consumes” the program (see the previous entry), which
leads people to impose on copyable digital works the economic
conclusions that were drawn about uncopyable material products.
In addition, describing the users of software as “consumers” refers to a
framing in which people are limited to selecting between whatever
“products” are available in the “market.” There is no room in this
framing for the idea that users can directly exercise control over what
a program does.[(13)](#FOOT13)
To describe people who are not limited to passive use of works, we
suggest terms such as “individuals” and “citizens,” rather than
This problem with the word “consumer” has been noted
### “Content” {#content .subheading}
+### 内容(Content)
If you want to describe a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, by all
means say you are “content,” but using the word as a noun to describe
publications and works of authorship adopts an attitude you might rather
@@ -306,6 +332,8 @@ avoid: it treats them as a commodity whose purpose is to fill a box and
make money. In effect, it disparages the works themselves. If you don’t
agree with that attitude, you can call them “works” or “publications.”
Those who use the term “content” are often the publishers that push for
increased copyright power in the name of the authors (“creators,” as
they say) of the works. The term “content” reveals their real attitude
@@ -314,21 +342,31 @@ to Steve Case[(15)](#FOOT15) and search for “content provider” in that
page. Alas, Ms. Love is unaware that the term “intellectual property” is
also biased and confusing.[(16)](#FOOT16))
+那些使用“内容”一词的人们通常是那些以作者(它们称之为“创造者”,creator)之名攫取更多版权权力的出版商。“内容”一词暴露了它们对于这些作品及其作者的真实态度。(参见 Courtney Love 致 Steve Case 的公开信[(15)](#FOOT15)并且在页面中搜索 content provider(内容提供商)。哎呀,Love 女士没有注意到“知识产权”一词也是带有偏见和欺骗性的。[(16)](#FOOT16))
However, as long as other people use the term “content provider,”
political dissidents can well call themselves “malcontent providers.”
The term “content management” takes the prize for vacuity. “Content”
means “some sort of information,” and “management” in this context means
“doing something with it.” So a “content management system” is a system
for doing something to some sort of information. Nearly all programs fit
that description.
+“内容管理”(content management)这一短语的涵义的空泛性无出其右。“内容”指代“某种信息”,而“管理”在此上下文中指代“对它们做一些事情”。因此某种“内容管理系统”是一种用于对某种信息做出某种事情的系统。几乎所有计算机程序都符合这个定义。
In most cases, that term really refers to a system for updating pages on
a web site. For that, we recommend the term “web site revision system”
### “Creative Commons Licensed” {#creative-commons-licensed .subheading}
+### 创作共用许可的(Creative Commons Licensed)
The most important licensing characteristic of a work is whether it is
free. Creative Commons publishes seven licenses; three are free (CC BY,
CC BY-SA and CC0) and the rest are nonfree. Thus, to describe a work as
@@ -336,13 +374,19 @@ CC BY-SA and CC0) and the rest are nonfree. Thus, to describe a work as
suggests that the question is not important. The statement may be
accurate, but the omission is harmful.
+对于一篇作品的许可证,最重要的方面是它是否自由。创作共用发布了七种许可证;其中三种(CC BY、CC BY-SA 和 CC0)是自由的,而其他几种则是非自由的。因此,将一篇作品描述为“创作共用许可的”未能说明它是否是自由的,并且暗示这个问题并不重要。这一论述也许是准确的,但它对于自由的省略是有害的。
To encourage people to pay attention to the most important distinction,
always specify *which* Creative Commons license is used, as in “licensed
under CC BY-SA.” If you don’t know which license a certain work uses,
find out and then make your statement.
+为了鼓励人们关注最重要的区别,务必具体指定哪种创作共用许可证被使用,例如“使用 CC BY-SA 许可证”。如果您不知道一篇特定的作品应该使用哪种许可证,您需要设法获知这一点才能做出您的论述。
### “Creator” {#creator .subheading}
+### 创造者(Creator)
The term “creator” as applied to authors implicitly compares them to a
deity (“the creator”). The term is used by publishers to elevate
authors’ moral standing above that of ordinary people in order to
@@ -352,8 +396,12 @@ However, in many cases “copyright holder” is what you really mean. These
two terms are not equivalent: often the copyright holder is not the
### “Digital Goods” {#digital-goods .subheading}
+### 数字物品(Digital Goods)
The term “digital goods,” as applied to copies of works of authorship,
identifies them with physical goods—which cannot be copied, and which
therefore have to be manufactured in quantity and sold. This metaphor
@@ -362,13 +410,19 @@ based on their views and intuitions about physical goods. It also frames
issues in terms of economics, whose shallow and limited values don’t
include freedom and community.
### “Digital Locks” {#digital-locks .subheading}
+### 数字锁(Digital Locks)
“Digital locks” is used to refer to Digital Restrictions Management by
some who criticize it. The problem with this term is that it fails to do
justice to the badness of DRM. The people who adopted that term did not
think it through.
+“数字锁”这一短语被某些批评者用于指代数字限制管理(DRM)。这一短语的问题在于它未能批判 DRM 的危害。而那些接受这一概念的人们未能对其进行透彻的思考。
Locks are not necessarily oppressive or bad. You probably own several
locks, and their keys or codes as well; you may find them useful or
troublesome, but they don’t oppress you, because you can open and close
@@ -376,10 +430,14 @@ them. Likewise, we find encryption[(17)](#FOOT17) invaluable for
protecting our digital files. That too is a kind of digital lock that
you have control over.
DRM is like a lock placed on you by someone else, who refuses to give
you the key—in other words, like *handcuffs.* Therefore, the proper
metaphor for DRM is “digital handcuffs,” not “digital locks.”
+而 DRM 就像是由其他人为您安置的锁,他们拒绝给您钥匙——换言之,就像手铐。因此,对于 DRM 的恰当的比喻是“数字手铐”而非“数字锁”。
A number of opposition campaigns have chosen the unwise term “digital
locks”; to get things back on the right track, we must firmly insist on
correcting this mistake. The FSF can support a campaign that opposes
@@ -387,8 +445,12 @@ correcting this mistake. The FSF can support a campaign that opposes
support, we conspicuously replace the term with “digital handcuffs” and
say why.
+一系列反对 DRM 的运动为其选择了不明智的术语“数字锁”;为了让事情重回正轨,我们必须坚持改正这一错误。FSF 可以为一场反对“数字锁”的运动提供支持,如果我们同意其基本立场;然而,当我们表示我们的支持的时候,我们将会引人注目地将该短语更改为“数字手铐”,并且解释为何如此做。
### “Digital Rights Management” {#digital-rights-management .subheading}
+### 数字版权管理(Digital Rights Management)
“Digital Rights Management” (abbreviated “DRM”) refers to technical
mechanisms designed to impose restrictions on computer users. The use of
the word “rights” in this term is propaganda, designed to lead you
@@ -396,18 +458,28 @@ unawares into seeing the issue from the viewpoint of the few that impose
the restrictions, and ignoring that of the general public on whom these
restrictions are imposed.
+“数字版权管理”(简写为 DRM)是指那些被设计用于对计算机用于强行施加限制条件的技术机制。其中“权利”(rights)一词的使用是一种鼓吹,其用意是诱使您在不经意间以那些施加这些限制的少数人的观点来看待这一问题,并且忽略被强行施加了这些限制的公众。
Good alternatives include “Digital Restrictions Management,” and
“digital handcuffs.”
@raggedright Please sign up to support our campaign to abolish DRM, at
[]( @end raggedright
+请您签名支持我们致力于废除 DRM 的运动,它位于[](。
### “Ecosystem” {#ecosystem .subheading}
+### 生态系统(Ecosystem)
It is inadvisable to describe the free software community, or any human
community, as an “ecosystem,” because that word implies the absence of
ethical judgment.
The term “ecosystem” implicitly suggests an attitude of nonjudgmental
observation: don’t ask how what *should* happen, just study and
understand what *does* happen. In an ecosystem, some organisms consume
@@ -417,12 +489,16 @@ they do so. Species’ populations grow or shrink according to the
conditions; this is neither right nor wrong, merely an ecological
phenomenon, even if it goes so far as the extinction of a species.
By contrast, beings that adopt an ethical stance towards their
surroundings can decide to preserve things that, without their
intervention, might vanish—such as civil society, democracy, human
rights, peace, public health, a stable climate, clean air and water,
endangered species, traditional arts…and computer users’ freedom.
### “FLOSS” {#floss .subheading}
The term “FLOSS,” meaning “Free/Libre and Open Source Software,” was