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-1. Measures Governments Can Use to Promote Free Software {#measures-governments-can-use-to-promote-free-software .chapter}
## 政府推动自由软件的措施
-@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip Copyright © 2011–2014 Free
-Software Foundation, Inc.\
- {This article was first published on <>, in 2011. This
-version is part of @fsfsthreecite}
> Copyright © 2011–2014 自由软件基金会,此文首发于2011年 <>。
-This article suggests policies for a strong and firm effort to promote
-free software within the state, and to lead the rest of the country
-towards software freedom.
-The mission of the state is to organize society for the freedom and
-well-being of the people. One aspect of this mission, in the computing
-field, is to encourage users to adopt free software: software that
-respects the users’ freedom.[(1)](#FOOT1) A proprietary (nonfree)
-program tramples the freedom of those that use it; it is a social
-problem that the state should work to eradicate.
-@firstcopyingnotice{{@footnoterule @smallskip Copyright © 2011–2014 Free
-Software Foundation, Inc.\
- {This article was first published on <>, in 2011. This
-version is part of @fsfsthreecite}
-The state needs to insist on free software in its own computing for the
-sake of its computational sovereignty (the state’s control over its own
-computing). All users deserve control over their computing, but the
-state has a responsibility to the people to maintain control over the
-computing it does on their behalf. Most government activities now depend
-on computing, and its control over those activities depends on its
-control over that computing. Losing this control in an agency whose
-mission is critical undermines national security.
-Moving state agencies to free software can also provide secondary
-benefits, such as saving money and encouraging local software-support
-In this text, “state entities” refers to all levels of government, and
-means public agencies including schools, public-private partnerships,
-largely state-funded activities such as charter schools, and “private”
-corporations controlled by the state or established with special
-privileges or functions by the state.
-### Education {#education .subheading}
### 教育领域
-The most important policy concerns education, since that shapes the
-future of the country:
-- **Teach only free software**\
- Educational activities, or at least those of state entities, must
- teach only free software (thus, they should never lead students to
- use a nonfree program), and should teach the civic reasons for
- insisting on free software. To teach a nonfree program is to teach
- dependence, which is contrary to the mission of the school.
- **只能教授自由软件**
-### The State and the Public {#the-state-and-the-public .subheading}
### 国家与公众
-Also crucial are state policies that influence what software individuals
-and organizations use:
-- **Never require nonfree programs**\
- Laws and public sector practices must be changed so that they never
- require or pressure individuals or organizations to use a
- nonfree program. They should also discourage communication and
- publication practices that imply such consequences (including
- Digital Restrictions Management[(2)](#FOOT2)).
- **永远不要求非自由程序**
法律和公共部门实践活动必须改革永远不能要求或施压给个人或组织使用非自由程序。他们还必须不能在通信或出版行业引入类似的规定(包括数字限制管理 Digital Restrictions Management[^2])。
-- **Distribute only free software**\
- Whenever a state entity distributes software to the public,
- including programs included in or specified by its web pages, it
- must be distributed as free software, and must be capable of running
- on a platform containing exclusively free software.
- **只散播自由软件**
-- **State web sites**\
- State entity web sites and network services must be designed so
- that users can use them, without disadvantage, by means of free
- software exclusively.
- **政府网站**
-- **Free formats and protocols**\
- State entities must use only file formats and communication
- protocols that are well supported by free software, preferably with
- published specifications. (We do not state this in terms of
- “standards” because it should apply to nonstandardized interfaces as
- well as standardized ones.) For example, they must not distribute
- audio or video recordings in formats that require Flash or nonfree
- codecs, and public libraries must not distribute works with Digital
- Restrictions Management.
- **自由的格式和协议**
国家实体必须只使用自由软件广泛支持的文件格式和通信协议,特别是已经公开的规格(我们并不说“标准”,因为它应该适用于标准和非标准的接口)。例如,他们必须不能散播使用 Flash 或者非自由解码器播放的音频或视频文件,对外公布的库必须不能包含数字限制管理。
-- **Untie computers from licenses**\
- Sale of computers must not require purchase of a proprietary
- software license. The seller should be required by law to offer the
- purchaser the option of buying the computer without the proprietary
- software and without paying the license fee. The imposed payment is
- a secondary wrong, and should not distract us from the essential
- injustice of proprietary software, the loss of freedom which results
- from using it. Nonetheless, the abuse of forcing users to pay for it
- gives certain proprietary software developers an additional unfair
- advantage, detrimental to users’ freedom. It is proper for the state
- to prevent this abuse.
- **解除对计算机的限制性许可证**
-### Computational Sovereignty {#computational-sovereignty .subheading}
### 国家计算主权
-Several policies affect the computational sovereignty of the state.
-State entities must maintain control over their computing, not cede
-control to private hands. These points apply to all computers, including
-- **Migrate to free software**\
- State entities must migrate to free software, and must not install,
- or continue using, any nonfree software except under a
- temporary exception. Only one agency should have the authority to
- grant these temporary exceptions, and only when shown
- compelling reasons. This agency’s goal should be to reduce the
- number of exceptions to zero.
- **迁移到自由软件**
-- **Develop free IT solutions**\
- When a state entity pays for development of a computing solution,
- the contract must require it be delivered as free software, and that
- it be designed such that one can both run it and develop it on a
- 100-percent-free environment. All contracts must require this, so
- that if the developer does not comply with these requirements, the
- work cannot be paid for.
- **开发自由的 IT 解决方案**
-- **Choose computers for free software**\
- When a state entity buys or leases computers, it must choose among
- the models that come closest, in their class, to being capable of
- running without any proprietary software. The state should maintain,
- for each class of computers, a list of the models authorized based
- on this criterion. Models available to both the public and the state
- should be preferred to models available only to the state.
- **为自由软件选配计算机**
- 当政府实体购买或租借计算机时,必须在其等级中选择几乎无需专有软件即可运行的型号。政府需要为每个等级的计算机维护一个按此标准认证过的型号的列表。对于公开型号和政府型号,应该选择只对政府开放的型号。
-- **Negotiate with manufacturers**\
- The state should negotiate actively with manufacturers to bring
- about the availability in the market (to the state and the public)
- of suitable hardware products, in all pertinent product areas, that
- require no proprietary software.
+ 当政府实体购买或租借计算机时,必须在其等级中选择几乎无需专有软件即可运行的型号。政府需要为每个等级的计算机维护一个按此标准授过权的型号的列表。对于公开型号和政府型号,应该选择只对政府开放的型号。
- **与厂商协商**
-- **Unite with other states**\
- The state should invite other states to negotiate collectively with
- manufacturers about suitable hardware products. Together they will
- have more clout.
- **与其他国家联合**
-### Computational Sovereignty II {#computational-sovereignty-ii .subheading}
### 国家计算主权之二
-The computational sovereignty (and security) of the state includes
-control over the computers that do the state’s work. This requires
-avoiding Service as a Software Substitute,[(3)](#FOOT3) unless the
-service is run by a state agency under the same branch of government, as
-well as other practices that diminish the state control over its
-computing. Therefore,
国家计算主权(和安全)包括控制计算机做国家的事情。这需要避免“替代软件的服务”(Service as a Software Substitute)[^3]——除非这类服务是运行在国家机关的同一分支机构,以及其他降低国家对计算资源控制的实用形式。因此:
-- **State must control its computers**\
- Every computer that the state uses must belong to or be leased by
- the same branch of government that uses it, and that branch must not
- cede to outsiders the right to decide who has physical access to the
- computer, who can do maintenance (hardware or software) on it, or
- what software should be installed in it. If the computer is not
- portable, then while in use it must be in a physical space of which
- the state is the occupant (either as owner or as tenant).
- **国家必须控制其计算机**
- 每一台国家使用的计算机必须从属于或租借自政府的同一个分支机构,而这个政府分支机构必须不能把谁有权物理访问计算机,谁能维护(软件和硬件),或者能够安装什么软件的权力放弃给外人。如果计算机不可移动,那么计算机所在的物理空间必须是国家所有(无论是所有者或者承租人)。
-### Influence Development {#influence-development .subheading}
+ 每一台国家使用的计算机必须从属于政府的同一个要使用它们的分支机构或由此机构租借,而这个政府分支机构必须不能把谁有权物理访问计算机,谁能维护(软件和硬件),或者能够安装什么软件的权力放弃给外人。如果计算机不可移动,那么计算机所在的物理空间必须是国家所有(无论是所有者或者承租人)。
### 对开发的影响
-State policy affects free and nonfree software development:
-- **Encourage free**\
- The state should encourage developers to create or enhance free
- software and make it available to the public, e.g. by tax breaks and
- other financial incentive. Contrariwise, no such incentives should
- be granted for development, distribution or use of nonfree software.
- **鼓励自由**
-- **Don’t encourage nonfree**\
- In particular, proprietary software developers should not be able
- to “donate” copies to schools and claim a tax write-off for the
- nominal value of the software. Proprietary software is not
- legitimate in a school.
- **不要鼓励非自由**
- 特别的,专有软件开发者不应该“捐献”软件副本给学校并减少税务的义务。专有软件在学校是不合法的。
-### E-Waste {#e-waste .subheading}
+ 特别的,专有软件开发者不应该“捐献”软件副本给学校并由软件的名义价值得以减税。专有软件在学校是不合法的。
### 电子垃圾
-Freedom should not imply e-waste:
-- **Replaceable software**\
- Many modern computers are designed to make it impossible to replace
- their preloaded software with free software. Thus, the only way to
- free them is to junk them. This practice is harmful to society.
- Therefore, it should be illegal, or at least substantially
- discouraged through heavy taxation, to sell, import or distribute in
- quantity a new computer (that is, not second-hand) or computer-based
- product for which secrecy about hardware interfaces or intentional
- restrictions prevent users from developing, installing and using
- replacements for any and all of the installed software that the
- manufacturer could upgrade. This would apply, in particular, to any
- device on which “jailbreaking” is needed to install a different
- operating system, or in which the interfaces for some peripherals
- are secret.
- **可替代性软件**
- 因此,大量销售、进口或分发硬件接口保密或有意设限,因而阻碍用户开发、安装或使用任何其内可由制造方升级的预装软件的替代品的新(即,非二手)计算机或基于计算机的产品应该是非法的,或者至少课以重税来劝退。这特别适用于任何需要“越狱”方可在其上安装不同操作系统的设备,或包含接口保密的外设的设备。
-### Technological Neutrality {#technological-neutrality .subheading}
+ 因此,大量销售、进口或分发硬件接口保密或有意设限,因而阻碍用户开发、安装或使用任何可取代其内可由制造方升级的预装软件的替代品的新(即,非二手)计算机或基于计算机的产品应该是非法的,或者至少课以重税来劝退。这特别适用于任何需要“越狱”方可在其上安装不同操作系统的设备,或包含接口保密的外设的设备。
### 技术中立
-With the measures in this article, the state can recover control over
-its computing, and lead the country’s citizens, businesses and
-organizations towards control over their computing. However, some object
-on the grounds that this would violate the “principle” of technological
-The idea of technological neutrality is that the state should not impose
-arbitrary preferences on technical choices. Whether that is a valid
-principle is disputable, but it is limited in any case to issues that
-are merely technical. The measures advocated here address issues of
-ethical, social and political importance, so they are outside the scope
-of *technological* neutrality.[(4)](#FOOT4) Only those who wish to
-subjugate a country would suggest that its government be “neutral” about
-its sovereignty or its citizens’ freedom.
### [(1)](#DOCF1)
-@raggedright See @pageref{Definition} for the full definition of free
-software. @end raggedright
[^1]: 参见《自由软件定义》一文了解自由软件的定义
### [(2)](#DOCF2)
-@raggedright See both our anti-DRM campaigns page, at
-what\_is\_drm](, and
-@pageref{DRM} for more on this issue. @end raggedright
[^2]: 参见反 DRM 活动网站[\_is\_drm](以及《DRM》一文了解相关问题。
### [(3)](#DOCF3)
-@raggedright See “Who Does That Server Really Serve?” (@pageref{Server})
-for more on SaaSS. @end raggedright
[^3]: 参见《服务器》一文的“服务器真正为谁服务?”相关章节,了解 SaaSS。
### [(4)](#DOCF4)
-@raggedright See my article “Technological Neutrality and Free
-Software,” at [http://www.\](,
-for more on this issue. @end raggedright
[^4]: 参见我的文章“Technological Neutrality and Free Software” [](