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authorRadhika Jagtap <>2015-12-07 16:42:15 -0600
committerRadhika Jagtap <>2015-12-07 16:42:15 -0600
commit7d3600c309b8730afda8e0dc5655ca046464a012 (patch)
parent36bb84810488edb5236aba92bd0427e1d478382d (diff)
cpu: Add TraceCPU to playback elastic traces
This patch defines a TraceCPU that replays trace generated using the elastic trace probe attached to the O3 CPU model. The elastic trace is an execution trace with data dependencies and ordering dependencies annoted to it. It also replays fixed timestamp instruction fetch trace that is also generated by the elastic trace probe. The TraceCPU inherits from BaseCPU as a result of which some methods need to be defined. It has two port subclasses inherited from MasterPort for instruction and data ports. It issues the memory requests deducing the timing from the trace and without performing real execution of micro-ops. As soon as the last dependency for an instruction is complete, its computational delay, also provided in the input trace is added. The dependency-free nodes are maintained in a list, called 'ReadyList', ordered by ready time. Instructions which depend on load stall until the responses for read requests are received thus achieving elastic replay. If the dependency is not found when adding a new node, it is assumed complete. Thus, if this node is found to be completely dependency-free its issue time is calculated and it is added to the ready list immediately. This is encapsulated in the subclass ElasticDataGen. If ready nodes are issued in an unconstrained way there can be more nodes outstanding which results in divergence in timing compared to the O3CPU. Therefore, the Trace CPU also models hardware resources. A sub-class to model hardware resources is added which contains the maximum sizes of load buffer, store buffer and ROB. If resources are not available, the node is not issued. The 'depFreeQueue' structure holds nodes that are pending issue. Modeling the ROB size in the Trace CPU as a resource limitation is arguably the most important parameter of all resources. The ROB occupancy is estimated using the newly added field 'robNum'. We need to use ROB number as sequence number is at times much higher due to squashing and trace replay is focused on correct path modeling. A map called 'inFlightNodes' is added to track nodes that are not only in the readyList but also load nodes that are executed (and thus removed from readyList) but are not complete. ReadyList handles what and when to execute next node while the inFlightNodes is used for resource modelling. The oldest ROB number is updated when any node occupies the ROB or when an entry in the ROB is released. The ROB occupancy is equal to the difference in the ROB number of the newly dependency-free node and the oldest ROB number in flight. If no node dependends on a non load/store node then there is no reason to track it in the dependency graph. We filter out such nodes but count them and add a weight field to the subsequent node that we do include in the trace. The weight field is used to model ROB occupancy during replay. The depFreeQueue is chosen to be FIFO so that child nodes which are in program order get pushed into it in that order and thus issued in the in program order, like in the O3CPU. This is also why the dependents is made a sequential container, std::set to std::vector. We only check head of the depFreeQueue as nodes are issued in order and blocking on head models that better than looping the entire queue. An alternative choice would be to inspect top N pending nodes where N is the issue-width. This is left for future as the timing correlation looks good as it is. At the start of an execution event, first we attempt to issue such pending nodes by checking if appropriate resources have become available. If yes, we compute the execute tick with respect to the time then. Then we proceed to complete nodes from the readyList. When a read response is received, sometimes a dependency on it that was supposed to be released when it was issued is still not released. This occurs because the dependent gets added to the graph after the read was sent. So the check is made less strict and the dependency is marked complete on read response instead of insisting that it should have been removed on read sent. There is a check for requests spanning two cache lines as this condition triggers an assert fail in the L1 cache. If it does then truncate the size to access only until the end of that line and ignore the remainder. Strictly-ordered requests are skipped and the dependencies on such requests are handled by simply marking them complete immediately. The simulated seconds can be calculated as the difference between the final_tick stat and the tickOffset stat. A CountedExitEvent that contains a static int belonging to the Trace CPU class as a down counter is used to implement multi Trace CPU simulation exit.
4 files changed, 2638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cpu/trace/SConscript b/src/cpu/trace/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa450b14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/trace/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if env['TARGET_ISA'] == 'null':
+ Return()
+# Only build TraceCPU if we have support for protobuf as TraceCPU relies on it
+if env['HAVE_PROTOBUF']:
+ SimObject('')
+ Source('')
diff --git a/src/cpu/trace/ b/src/cpu/trace/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1c02ae63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/trace/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 ARM Limited
+# All rights reserved.
+# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Radhika Jagtap
+# Andreas Hansson
+# Thomas Grass
+from m5.params import *
+from BaseCPU import BaseCPU
+class TraceCPU(BaseCPU):
+ """Trace CPU model which replays traces generated in a prior simulation
+ using DerivO3CPU or its derived classes. It interfaces with L1 caches.
+ """
+ type = 'TraceCPU'
+ cxx_header = "cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh"
+ @classmethod
+ def memory_mode(cls):
+ return 'timing'
+ @classmethod
+ def require_caches(cls):
+ return True
+ def addPMU(self, pmu = None):
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def support_take_over(cls):
+ return True
+ instTraceFile = Param.String("", "Instruction trace file")
+ dataTraceFile = Param.String("", "Data dependency trace file")
+ sizeStoreBuffer = Param.Unsigned(16, "Number of entries in the store "\
+ "buffer")
+ sizeLoadBuffer = Param.Unsigned(16, "Number of entries in the load buffer")
+ sizeROB = Param.Unsigned(40, "Number of entries in the re-order buffer")
diff --git a/src/cpu/trace/ b/src/cpu/trace/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e989f6ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/trace/
@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 ARM Limited
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: Radhika Jagtap
+ * Andreas Hansson
+ * Thomas Grass
+ */
+#include "cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh"
+#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
+// Declare and initialize the static counter for number of trace CPUs.
+int TraceCPU::numTraceCPUs = 0;
+TraceCPU::TraceCPU(TraceCPUParams *params)
+ : BaseCPU(params),
+ icachePort(this),
+ dcachePort(this),
+ instMasterID(params->system->getMasterId(name() + ".inst")),
+ dataMasterID(params->system->getMasterId(name() + ".data")),
+ instTraceFile(params->instTraceFile),
+ dataTraceFile(params->dataTraceFile),
+ icacheGen(*this, ".iside", icachePort, instMasterID, instTraceFile),
+ dcacheGen(*this, ".dside", dcachePort, dataMasterID, dataTraceFile,
+ params->sizeROB, params->sizeStoreBuffer,
+ params->sizeLoadBuffer),
+ icacheNextEvent(this),
+ dcacheNextEvent(this),
+ oneTraceComplete(false),
+ firstFetchTick(0),
+ execCompleteEvent(nullptr)
+ // Increment static counter for number of Trace CPUs.
+ ++TraceCPU::numTraceCPUs;
+ // Check that the python parameters for sizes of ROB, store buffer and load
+ // buffer do not overflow the corresponding C++ variables.
+ fatal_if(params->sizeROB > UINT16_MAX, "ROB size set to %d exceeds the "
+ "max. value of %d.\n", params->sizeROB, UINT16_MAX);
+ fatal_if(params->sizeStoreBuffer > UINT16_MAX, "ROB size set to %d "
+ "exceeds the max. value of %d.\n", params->sizeROB,
+ UINT16_MAX);
+ fatal_if(params->sizeLoadBuffer > UINT16_MAX, "Load buffer size set to"
+ " %d exceeds the max. value of %d.\n",
+ params->sizeLoadBuffer, UINT16_MAX);
+ return new TraceCPU(this);
+TraceCPU::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU)
+ // Unbind the ports of the old CPU and bind the ports of the TraceCPU.
+ assert(!getInstPort().isConnected());
+ assert(oldCPU->getInstPort().isConnected());
+ BaseSlavePort &inst_peer_port = oldCPU->getInstPort().getSlavePort();
+ oldCPU->getInstPort().unbind();
+ getInstPort().bind(inst_peer_port);
+ assert(!getDataPort().isConnected());
+ assert(oldCPU->getDataPort().isConnected());
+ BaseSlavePort &data_peer_port = oldCPU->getDataPort().getSlavePort();
+ oldCPU->getDataPort().unbind();
+ getDataPort().bind(data_peer_port);
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Instruction fetch request trace file is \"%s\"."
+ "\n", instTraceFile);
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Data memory request trace file is \"%s\".\n",
+ dataTraceFile);
+ BaseCPU::init();
+ // Get the send tick of the first instruction read request and schedule
+ // icacheNextEvent at that tick.
+ Tick first_icache_tick = icacheGen.init();
+ schedule(icacheNextEvent, first_icache_tick);
+ // Get the send tick of the first data read/write request and schedule
+ // dcacheNextEvent at that tick.
+ Tick first_dcache_tick = dcacheGen.init();
+ schedule(dcacheNextEvent, first_dcache_tick);
+ // The static counter for number of Trace CPUs is correctly set at this
+ // point so create an event and pass it.
+ execCompleteEvent = new CountedExitEvent("end of all traces reached.",
+ numTraceCPUs);
+ // Save the first fetch request tick to dump it as tickOffset
+ firstFetchTick = first_icache_tick;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "IcacheGen event.\n");
+ // Try to send the current packet or a retry packet if there is one
+ bool sched_next = icacheGen.tryNext();
+ // If packet sent successfully, schedule next event
+ if (sched_next) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Scheduling next icacheGen event "
+ "at %d.\n", curTick() + icacheGen.tickDelta());
+ schedule(icacheNextEvent, curTick() + icacheGen.tickDelta());
+ ++numSchedIcacheEvent;
+ } else {
+ // check if traceComplete. If not, do nothing because sending failed
+ // and next event will be scheduled via RecvRetry()
+ if (icacheGen.isTraceComplete()) {
+ // If this is the first trace to complete, set the variable. If it
+ // is already set then both traces are complete to exit sim.
+ checkAndSchedExitEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "DcacheGen event.\n");
+ dcacheGen.execute();
+ if (dcacheGen.isExecComplete()) {
+ checkAndSchedExitEvent();
+ }
+ if (!oneTraceComplete) {
+ oneTraceComplete = true;
+ } else {
+ // Schedule event to indicate execution is complete as both
+ // instruction and data access traces have been played back.
+ inform("%s: Execution complete.\n", name());
+ // Record stats which are computed at the end of simulation
+ tickOffset = firstFetchTick;
+ numCycles = (clockEdge() - firstFetchTick) / clockPeriod();
+ numOps = dcacheGen.getMicroOpCount();
+ schedule(*execCompleteEvent, curTick());
+ }
+ BaseCPU::regStats();
+ numSchedDcacheEvent
+ .name(name() + ".numSchedDcacheEvent")
+ .desc("Number of events scheduled to trigger data request generator")
+ ;
+ numSchedIcacheEvent
+ .name(name() + ".numSchedIcacheEvent")
+ .desc("Number of events scheduled to trigger instruction request generator")
+ ;
+ numOps
+ .name(name() + ".numOps")
+ .desc("Number of micro-ops simulated by the Trace CPU")
+ ;
+ cpi
+ .name(name() + ".cpi")
+ .desc("Cycles per micro-op used as a proxy for CPI")
+ .precision(6)
+ ;
+ cpi = numCycles/numOps;
+ tickOffset
+ .name(name() + ".tickOffset")
+ .desc("The first execution tick for the root node of elastic traces")
+ ;
+ icacheGen.regStats();
+ dcacheGen.regStats();
+ using namespace Stats;
+ maxDependents
+ .name(name() + ".maxDependents")
+ .desc("Max number of dependents observed on a node")
+ ;
+ maxReadyListSize
+ .name(name() + ".maxReadyListSize")
+ .desc("Max size of the ready list observed")
+ ;
+ numSendAttempted
+ .name(name() + ".numSendAttempted")
+ .desc("Number of first attempts to send a request")
+ ;
+ numSendSucceeded
+ .name(name() + ".numSendSucceeded")
+ .desc("Number of successful first attempts")
+ ;
+ numSendFailed
+ .name(name() + ".numSendFailed")
+ .desc("Number of failed first attempts")
+ ;
+ numRetrySucceeded
+ .name(name() + ".numRetrySucceeded")
+ .desc("Number of successful retries")
+ ;
+ numSplitReqs
+ .name(name() + ".numSplitReqs")
+ .desc("Number of split requests")
+ ;
+ numSOLoads
+ .name(name() + ".numSOLoads")
+ .desc("Number of strictly ordered loads")
+ ;
+ numSOStores
+ .name(name() + ".numSOStores")
+ .desc("Number of strictly ordered stores")
+ ;
+ dataLastTick
+ .name(name() + ".dataLastTick")
+ .desc("Last tick simulated from the elastic data trace")
+ ;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Initializing data memory request generator "
+ "DcacheGen: elastic issue with retry.\n");
+ if (!readNextWindow())
+ panic("Trace has %d elements. It must have at least %d elements.\n",
+ depGraph.size(), 2 * windowSize);
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "After 1st read, depGraph size:%d.\n",
+ depGraph.size());
+ if (!readNextWindow())
+ panic("Trace has %d elements. It must have at least %d elements.\n",
+ depGraph.size(), 2 * windowSize);
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "After 2st read, depGraph size:%d.\n",
+ depGraph.size());
+ // Print readyList
+ if (DTRACE(TraceCPUData)) {
+ printReadyList();
+ }
+ auto free_itr = readyList.begin();
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Execute tick of the first dependency free node %lli"
+ " is %d.\n", free_itr->seqNum, free_itr->execTick);
+ // Return the execute tick of the earliest ready node so that an event
+ // can be scheduled to call execute()
+ return (free_itr->execTick);
+ trace.reset();
+ // Read and add next window
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Reading next window from file.\n");
+ if (traceComplete) {
+ // We are at the end of the file, thus we have no more records.
+ // Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Start read: Size of depGraph is %d.\n",
+ depGraph.size());
+ uint32_t num_read = 0;
+ while (num_read != windowSize) {
+ // Create a new graph node
+ GraphNode* new_node = new GraphNode;
+ // Read the next line to get the next record. If that fails then end of
+ // trace has been reached and traceComplete needs to be set in addition
+ // to returning false.
+ if (! {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "\tTrace complete!\n");
+ traceComplete = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Annotate the ROB dependencies of the new node onto the parent nodes.
+ addDepsOnParent(new_node, new_node->robDep, new_node->numRobDep);
+ // Annotate the register dependencies of the new node onto the parent
+ // nodes.
+ addDepsOnParent(new_node, new_node->regDep, new_node->numRegDep);
+ num_read++;
+ // Add to map
+ depGraph[new_node->seqNum] = new_node;
+ if (new_node->numRobDep == 0 && new_node->numRegDep == 0) {
+ // Source dependencies are already complete, check if resources
+ // are available and issue. The execution time is approximated
+ // to current time plus the computational delay.
+ checkAndIssue(new_node);
+ }
+ }
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "End read: Size of depGraph is %d.\n",
+ depGraph.size());
+ return true;
+template<typename T> void
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::addDepsOnParent(GraphNode *new_node,
+ T& dep_array, uint8_t& num_dep)
+ for (auto& a_dep : dep_array) {
+ // The convention is to set the dependencies starting with the first
+ // index in the ROB and register dependency arrays. Thus, when we reach
+ // a dependency equal to the initialisation value of zero, we know have
+ // iterated over all dependencies and can break.
+ if (a_dep == 0)
+ break;
+ // We look up the valid dependency, i.e. the parent of this node
+ auto parent_itr = depGraph.find(a_dep);
+ if (parent_itr != depGraph.end()) {
+ // If the parent is found, it is yet to be executed. Append a
+ // pointer to the new node to the dependents list of the parent
+ // node.
+ parent_itr->second->dependents.push_back(new_node);
+ auto num_depts = parent_itr->second->dependents.size();
+ maxDependents = std::max<double>(num_depts, maxDependents.value());
+ } else {
+ // The dependency is not found in the graph. So consider
+ // the execution of the parent is complete, i.e. remove this
+ // dependency.
+ a_dep = 0;
+ num_dep--;
+ }
+ }
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Execute start occupancy:\n");
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tdepGraph = %d, readyList = %d, "
+ "depFreeQueue = %d ,", depGraph.size(), readyList.size(),
+ depFreeQueue.size());
+ hwResource.printOccupancy();
+ // Read next window to make sure that dependents of all dep-free nodes
+ // are in the depGraph
+ if (nextRead) {
+ readNextWindow();
+ nextRead = false;
+ }
+ // First attempt to issue the pending dependency-free nodes held
+ // in depFreeQueue. If resources have become available for a node,
+ // then issue it, i.e. add the node to readyList.
+ while (!depFreeQueue.empty()) {
+ if (checkAndIssue(depFreeQueue.front(), false)) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Removing from depFreeQueue: seq. num "
+ "%lli.\n", (depFreeQueue.front())->seqNum);
+ depFreeQueue.pop();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Proceed to execute from readyList
+ auto graph_itr = depGraph.begin();
+ auto free_itr = readyList.begin();
+ // Iterate through readyList until the next free node has its execute
+ // tick later than curTick or the end of readyList is reached
+ while (free_itr->execTick <= curTick() && free_itr != readyList.end()) {
+ // Get pointer to the node to be executed
+ graph_itr = depGraph.find(free_itr->seqNum);
+ assert(graph_itr != depGraph.end());
+ GraphNode* node_ptr = graph_itr->second;
+ // If there is a retryPkt send that else execute the load
+ if (retryPkt) {
+ // The retryPkt must be the request that was created by the
+ // first node in the readyList.
+ if (retryPkt->req->getReqInstSeqNum() != node_ptr->seqNum) {
+ panic("Retry packet's seqence number does not match "
+ "the first node in the readyList.\n");
+ }
+ if (port.sendTimingReq(retryPkt)) {
+ ++numRetrySucceeded;
+ retryPkt = nullptr;
+ }
+ } else if (node_ptr->isLoad || node_ptr->isStore) {
+ // If there is no retryPkt, attempt to send a memory request in
+ // case of a load or store node. If the send fails, executeMemReq()
+ // returns a packet pointer, which we save in retryPkt. In case of
+ // a comp node we don't do anything and simply continue as if the
+ // execution of the comp node succedded.
+ retryPkt = executeMemReq(node_ptr);
+ }
+ // If the retryPkt or a new load/store node failed, we exit from here
+ // as a retry from cache will bring the control to execute(). The
+ // first node in readyList then, will be the failed node.
+ if (retryPkt) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Proceed to remove dependencies for the successfully executed node.
+ // If it is a load which is not strictly ordered and we sent a
+ // request for it successfully, we do not yet mark any register
+ // dependencies complete. But as per dependency modelling we need
+ // to mark ROB dependencies of load and non load/store nodes which
+ // are based on successful sending of the load as complete.
+ if (node_ptr->isLoad && !node_ptr->isStrictlyOrdered()) {
+ // If execute succeeded mark its dependents as complete
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Node seq. num %lli sent. Waking up "
+ "dependents..\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ auto child_itr = (node_ptr->dependents).begin();
+ while (child_itr != (node_ptr->dependents).end()) {
+ // ROB dependency of a store on a load must not be removed
+ // after load is sent but after response is received
+ if (!(*child_itr)->isStore &&
+ (*child_itr)->removeRobDep(node_ptr->seqNum)) {
+ // Check if the child node has become dependency free
+ if ((*child_itr)->numRobDep == 0 &&
+ (*child_itr)->numRegDep == 0) {
+ // Source dependencies are complete, check if
+ // resources are available and issue
+ checkAndIssue(*child_itr);
+ }
+ // Remove this child for the sent load and point to new
+ // location of the element following the erased element
+ child_itr = node_ptr->dependents.erase(child_itr);
+ } else {
+ // This child is not dependency-free, point to the next
+ // child
+ child_itr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If it is a strictly ordered load mark its dependents as complete
+ // as we do not send a request for this case. If it is a store or a
+ // comp node we also mark all its dependents complete.
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Node seq. num %lli done. Waking"
+ " up dependents..\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ for (auto child : node_ptr->dependents) {
+ // If the child node is dependency free removeDepOnInst()
+ // returns true.
+ if (child->removeDepOnInst(node_ptr->seqNum)) {
+ // Source dependencies are complete, check if resources
+ // are available and issue
+ checkAndIssue(child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // After executing the node, remove from readyList and delete node.
+ readyList.erase(free_itr);
+ // If it is a cacheable load which was sent, don't delete
+ // just yet. Delete it in completeMemAccess() after the
+ // response is received. If it is an strictly ordered
+ // load, it was not sent and all dependencies were simply
+ // marked complete. Thus it is safe to delete it. For
+ // stores and non load/store nodes all dependencies were
+ // marked complete so it is safe to delete it.
+ if (!node_ptr->isLoad || node_ptr->isStrictlyOrdered()) {
+ // Release all resources occupied by the completed node
+ hwResource.release(node_ptr);
+ // clear the dynamically allocated set of dependents
+ (node_ptr->dependents).clear();
+ // delete node
+ delete node_ptr;
+ // remove from graph
+ depGraph.erase(graph_itr);
+ }
+ // Point to first node to continue to next iteration of while loop
+ free_itr = readyList.begin();
+ } // end of while loop
+ // Print readyList, sizes of queues and resource status after updating
+ if (DTRACE(TraceCPUData)) {
+ printReadyList();
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Execute end occupancy:\n");
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tdepGraph = %d, readyList = %d, "
+ "depFreeQueue = %d ,", depGraph.size(), readyList.size(),
+ depFreeQueue.size());
+ hwResource.printOccupancy();
+ }
+ if (retryPkt) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Not scheduling an event as expecting a retry"
+ "event from the cache for seq. num %lli.\n",
+ retryPkt->req->getReqInstSeqNum());
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the size of the dependency graph is less than the dependency window
+ // then read from the trace file to populate the graph next time we are in
+ // execute.
+ if (depGraph.size() < windowSize && !traceComplete)
+ nextRead = true;
+ // If cache is not blocked, schedule an event for the first execTick in
+ // readyList else retry from cache will schedule the event. If the ready
+ // list is empty then check if the next pending node has resources
+ // available to issue. If yes, then schedule an event for the next cycle.
+ if (!readyList.empty()) {
+ Tick next_event_tick = std::max(readyList.begin()->execTick,
+ curTick());
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Attempting to schedule @%lli.\n",
+ next_event_tick);
+ owner.schedDcacheNextEvent(next_event_tick);
+ } else if (readyList.empty() && !depFreeQueue.empty() &&
+ hwResource.isAvailable(depFreeQueue.front())) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Attempting to schedule @%lli.\n",
+ owner.clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
+ owner.schedDcacheNextEvent(owner.clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
+ }
+ // If trace is completely read, readyList is empty and depGraph is empty,
+ // set execComplete to true
+ if (depGraph.empty() && readyList.empty() && traceComplete &&
+ !hwResource.awaitingResponse()) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "\tExecution Complete!\n");
+ execComplete = true;
+ dataLastTick = curTick();
+ }
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::executeMemReq(GraphNode* node_ptr)
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Executing memory request %lli (addr %d, pc %#x, "
+ "size %d, flags %d).\n", node_ptr->seqNum, node_ptr->addr,
+ node_ptr->pc, node_ptr->size, node_ptr->flags);
+ // If the request is strictly ordered, do not send it. Just return nullptr
+ // as if it was succesfully sent.
+ if (node_ptr->isStrictlyOrdered()) {
+ node_ptr->isLoad ? ++numSOLoads : ++numSOStores;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Skipping strictly ordered request %lli.\n",
+ node_ptr->seqNum);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Check if the request spans two cache lines as this condition triggers
+ // an assert fail in the L1 cache. If it does then truncate the size to
+ // access only until the end of that line and ignore the remainder. The
+ // stat counting this is useful to keep a check on how frequently this
+ // happens. If required the code could be revised to mimick splitting such
+ // a request into two.
+ unsigned blk_size = owner.cacheLineSize();
+ Addr blk_offset = (node_ptr->addr & (Addr)(blk_size - 1));
+ if (!(blk_offset + node_ptr->size <= blk_size)) {
+ node_ptr->size = blk_size - blk_offset;
+ ++numSplitReqs;
+ }
+ // Create a request and the packet containing request
+ Request* req = new Request(node_ptr->addr, node_ptr->size, node_ptr->flags,
+ masterID, node_ptr->seqNum,
+ ContextID(0), ThreadID(0));
+ req->setPC(node_ptr->pc);
+ PacketPtr pkt;
+ uint8_t* pkt_data = new uint8_t[req->getSize()];
+ if (node_ptr->isLoad) {
+ pkt = Packet::createRead(req);
+ } else {
+ pkt = Packet::createWrite(req);
+ memset(pkt_data, 0xA, req->getSize());
+ }
+ pkt->dataDynamic(pkt_data);
+ // Call MasterPort method to send a timing request for this packet
+ bool success = port.sendTimingReq(pkt);
+ ++numSendAttempted;
+ if (!success) {
+ // If it fails, return the packet to retry when a retry is signalled by
+ // the cache
+ ++numSendFailed;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Send failed. Saving packet for retry.\n");
+ return pkt;
+ } else {
+ // It is succeeds, return nullptr
+ ++numSendSucceeded;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::checkAndIssue(const GraphNode* node_ptr, bool first)
+ // Assert the node is dependency-free
+ assert(node_ptr->numRobDep == 0 && node_ptr->numRegDep == 0);
+ // If this is the first attempt, print a debug message to indicate this.
+ if (first) {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tseq. num %lli(%s) with rob num %lli is now"
+ " dependency free.\n", node_ptr->seqNum,
+ node_ptr->isLoad ? "L" : (node_ptr->isStore ? "S" : "C"),
+ node_ptr->robNum);
+ }
+ // Check if resources are available to issue the specific node
+ if (hwResource.isAvailable(node_ptr)) {
+ // If resources are free only then add to readyList
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tResources available for seq. num %lli. Adding"
+ " to readyList, occupying resources.\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ // Compute the execute tick by adding the compute delay for the node
+ // and add the ready node to the ready list
+ addToSortedReadyList(node_ptr->seqNum,
+ owner.clockEdge() + node_ptr->compDelay);
+ // Account for the resources taken up by this issued node.
+ hwResource.occupy(node_ptr);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (first) {
+ // Although dependencies are complete, resources are not available.
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tResources unavailable for seq. num %lli."
+ " Adding to depFreeQueue.\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ depFreeQueue.push(node_ptr);
+ } else {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tResources unavailable for seq. num %lli. "
+ "Still pending issue.\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::completeMemAccess(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Release the resources for this completed node.
+ if (pkt->isWrite()) {
+ // Consider store complete.
+ hwResource.releaseStoreBuffer();
+ // If it is a store response then do nothing since we do not model
+ // dependencies on store completion in the trace. But if we were
+ // blocking execution due to store buffer fullness, we need to schedule
+ // an event and attempt to progress.
+ } else {
+ // If it is a load response then release the dependents waiting on it.
+ // Get pointer to the completed load
+ auto graph_itr = depGraph.find(pkt->req->getReqInstSeqNum());
+ assert(graph_itr != depGraph.end());
+ GraphNode* node_ptr = graph_itr->second;
+ // Release resources occupied by the load
+ hwResource.release(node_ptr);
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Load seq. num %lli response received. Waking up"
+ " dependents..\n", node_ptr->seqNum);
+ for (auto child : node_ptr->dependents) {
+ if (child->removeDepOnInst(node_ptr->seqNum)) {
+ checkAndIssue(child);
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the dynamically allocated set of dependents
+ (node_ptr->dependents).clear();
+ // delete node
+ delete node_ptr;
+ // remove from graph
+ depGraph.erase(graph_itr);
+ }
+ if (DTRACE(TraceCPUData)) {
+ printReadyList();
+ }
+ // If the size of the dependency graph is less than the dependency window
+ // then read from the trace file to populate the graph next time we are in
+ // execute.
+ if (depGraph.size() < windowSize && !traceComplete)
+ nextRead = true;
+ // If not waiting for retry, attempt to schedule next event
+ if (!retryPkt) {
+ // We might have new dep-free nodes in the list which will have execute
+ // tick greater than or equal to curTick. But a new dep-free node might
+ // have its execute tick earlier. Therefore, attempt to reschedule. It
+ // could happen that the readyList is empty and we got here via a
+ // last remaining response. So, either the trace is complete or there
+ // are pending nodes in the depFreeQueue. The checking is done in the
+ // execute() control flow, so schedule an event to go via that flow.
+ Tick next_event_tick = readyList.empty() ? owner.clockEdge(Cycles(1)) :
+ std::max(readyList.begin()->execTick, owner.clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Attempting to schedule @%lli.\n",
+ next_event_tick);
+ owner.schedDcacheNextEvent(next_event_tick);
+ }
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::addToSortedReadyList(NodeSeqNum seq_num,
+ Tick exec_tick)
+ ReadyNode ready_node;
+ ready_node.seqNum = seq_num;
+ ready_node.execTick = exec_tick;
+ // Iterator to readyList
+ auto itr = readyList.begin();
+ // If the readyList is empty, simply insert the new node at the beginning
+ // and return
+ if (itr == readyList.end()) {
+ readyList.insert(itr, ready_node);
+ maxReadyListSize = std::max<double>(readyList.size(),
+ maxReadyListSize.value());
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the new node has its execution tick equal to the first node in the
+ // list then go to the next node. If the first node in the list failed
+ // to execute, its position as the first is thus maintained.
+ if (retryPkt)
+ if (retryPkt->req->getReqInstSeqNum() == itr->seqNum)
+ itr++;
+ // Increment the iterator and compare the node pointed to by it to the new
+ // node till the position to insert the new node is found.
+ bool found = false;
+ while (!found && itr != readyList.end()) {
+ // If the execution tick of the new node is less than the node then
+ // this is the position to insert
+ if (exec_tick < itr->execTick)
+ found = true;
+ // If the execution tick of the new node is equal to the node then
+ // sort in ascending order of sequence numbers
+ else if (exec_tick == itr->execTick) {
+ // If the sequence number of the new node is less than the node
+ // then this is the position to insert
+ if (seq_num < itr->seqNum)
+ found = true;
+ // Else go to next node
+ else
+ itr++;
+ }
+ // If the execution tick of the new node is greater than the node then
+ // go to the next node
+ else
+ itr++;
+ }
+ readyList.insert(itr, ready_node);
+ // Update the stat for max size reached of the readyList
+ maxReadyListSize = std::max<double>(readyList.size(),
+ maxReadyListSize.value());
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::printReadyList() {
+ auto itr = readyList.begin();
+ if (itr == readyList.end()) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "readyList is empty.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Printing readyList:\n");
+ while (itr != readyList.end()) {
+ auto graph_itr = depGraph.find(itr->seqNum);
+ GraphNode* node_ptr M5_VAR_USED = graph_itr->second;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t%lld(%s), %lld\n", itr->seqNum,
+ node_ptr->isLoad ? "L" : (node_ptr->isStore ? "S" : "C"),
+ itr->execTick);
+ itr++;
+ }
+ uint16_t max_rob, uint16_t max_stores, uint16_t max_loads)
+ : sizeROB(max_rob),
+ sizeStoreBuffer(max_stores),
+ sizeLoadBuffer(max_loads),
+ oldestInFlightRobNum(UINT64_MAX),
+ numInFlightLoads(0),
+ numInFlightStores(0)
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::HardwareResource::occupy(const GraphNode* new_node)
+ // Occupy ROB entry for the issued node
+ // Merely maintain the oldest node, i.e. numerically least robNum by saving
+ // it in the variable oldestInFLightRobNum.
+ inFlightNodes[new_node->seqNum] = new_node->robNum;
+ oldestInFlightRobNum = inFlightNodes.begin()->second;
+ // Occupy Load/Store Buffer entry for the issued node if applicable
+ if (new_node->isLoad) {
+ ++numInFlightLoads;
+ } else if (new_node->isStore) {
+ ++numInFlightStores;
+ } // else if it is a non load/store node, no buffer entry is occupied
+ printOccupancy();
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::HardwareResource::release(const GraphNode* done_node)
+ assert(!inFlightNodes.empty());
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tClearing done seq. num %d from inFlightNodes..\n",
+ done_node->seqNum);
+ assert(inFlightNodes.find(done_node->seqNum) != inFlightNodes.end());
+ inFlightNodes.erase(done_node->seqNum);
+ if (inFlightNodes.empty()) {
+ // If we delete the only in-flight node and then the
+ // oldestInFlightRobNum is set to it's initialized (max) value.
+ oldestInFlightRobNum = UINT64_MAX;
+ } else {
+ // Set the oldest in-flight node rob number equal to the first node in
+ // the inFlightNodes since that will have the numerically least value.
+ oldestInFlightRobNum = inFlightNodes.begin()->second;
+ }
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tCleared. inFlightNodes.size() = %d, "
+ "oldestInFlightRobNum = %d\n", inFlightNodes.size(),
+ oldestInFlightRobNum);
+ // A store is considered complete when a request is sent, thus ROB entry is
+ // freed. But it occupies an entry in the Store Buffer until its response
+ // is received. A load is considered complete when a response is received,
+ // thus both ROB and Load Buffer entries can be released.
+ if (done_node->isLoad) {
+ assert(numInFlightLoads != 0);
+ --numInFlightLoads;
+ }
+ // For normal writes, we send the requests out and clear a store buffer
+ // entry on response. For writes which are strictly ordered, for e.g.
+ // writes to device registers, we do that within release() which is called
+ // when node is executed and taken off from readyList.
+ if (done_node->isStore && done_node->isStrictlyOrdered()) {
+ releaseStoreBuffer();
+ }
+ assert(numInFlightStores != 0);
+ --numInFlightStores;
+ const GraphNode* new_node) const
+ uint16_t num_in_flight_nodes;
+ if (inFlightNodes.empty()) {
+ num_in_flight_nodes = 0;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tChecking resources to issue seq. num %lli:"
+ " #in-flight nodes = 0", new_node->seqNum);
+ } else if (new_node->robNum > oldestInFlightRobNum) {
+ // This is the intuitive case where new dep-free node is younger
+ // instruction than the oldest instruction in-flight. Thus we make sure
+ // in_flight_nodes does not overflow.
+ num_in_flight_nodes = new_node->robNum - oldestInFlightRobNum;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tChecking resources to issue seq. num %lli:"
+ " #in-flight nodes = %d - %d = %d", new_node->seqNum,
+ new_node->robNum, oldestInFlightRobNum, num_in_flight_nodes);
+ } else {
+ // This is the case where an instruction older than the oldest in-
+ // flight instruction becomes dep-free. Thus we must have already
+ // accounted for the entry in ROB for this new dep-free node.
+ // Immediately after this check returns true, oldestInFlightRobNum will
+ // be updated in occupy(). We simply let this node issue now.
+ num_in_flight_nodes = 0;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\t\tChecking resources to issue seq. num %lli:"
+ " new oldestInFlightRobNum = %d, #in-flight nodes ignored",
+ new_node->seqNum, new_node->robNum);
+ }
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ", LQ = %d/%d, SQ = %d/%d.\n",
+ numInFlightLoads, sizeLoadBuffer,
+ numInFlightStores, sizeStoreBuffer);
+ // Check if resources are available to issue the specific node
+ if (num_in_flight_nodes >= sizeROB) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (new_node->isLoad && numInFlightLoads >= sizeLoadBuffer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (new_node->isStore && numInFlightStores >= sizeStoreBuffer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::HardwareResource::awaitingResponse() const {
+ // Return true if there is at least one read or write request in flight
+ return (numInFlightStores != 0 || numInFlightLoads != 0);
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::HardwareResource::printOccupancy() {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "oldestInFlightRobNum = %d, "
+ "LQ = %d/%d, SQ = %d/%d.\n",
+ oldestInFlightRobNum,
+ numInFlightLoads, sizeLoadBuffer,
+ numInFlightStores, sizeStoreBuffer);
+ using namespace Stats;
+ numSendAttempted
+ .name(name() + ".numSendAttempted")
+ .desc("Number of first attempts to send a request")
+ ;
+ numSendSucceeded
+ .name(name() + ".numSendSucceeded")
+ .desc("Number of successful first attempts")
+ ;
+ numSendFailed
+ .name(name() + ".numSendFailed")
+ .desc("Number of failed first attempts")
+ ;
+ numRetrySucceeded
+ .name(name() + ".numRetrySucceeded")
+ .desc("Number of successful retries")
+ ;
+ instLastTick
+ .name(name() + ".instLastTick")
+ .desc("Last tick simulated from the fixed inst trace")
+ ;
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Initializing instruction fetch request generator"
+ " IcacheGen: fixed issue with retry.\n");
+ if (nextExecute()) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "\tFirst tick = %d.\n", currElement.tick);
+ return currElement.tick;
+ } else {
+ panic("Read of first message in the trace failed.\n");
+ return MaxTick;
+ }
+ // If there is a retry packet, try to send it
+ if (retryPkt) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Trying to send retry packet.\n");
+ if (!port.sendTimingReq(retryPkt)) {
+ // Still blocked! This should never occur.
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Retry packet sending failed.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++numRetrySucceeded;
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Trying to send packet for currElement.\n");
+ // try sending current element
+ assert(currElement.isValid());
+ ++numSendAttempted;
+ if (!send(currElement.addr, currElement.blocksize,
+ currElement.cmd, currElement.flags, currElement.pc)) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "currElement sending failed.\n");
+ ++numSendFailed;
+ // return false to indicate not to schedule next event
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ ++numSendSucceeded;
+ }
+ }
+ // If packet was sent successfully, either retryPkt or currElement, return
+ // true to indicate to schedule event at current Tick plus delta. If packet
+ // was sent successfully and there is no next packet to send, return false.
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Packet sent successfully, trying to read next "
+ "element.\n");
+ retryPkt = nullptr;
+ // Read next element into currElement, currElement gets cleared so save the
+ // tick to calculate delta
+ Tick last_tick = currElement.tick;
+ if (nextExecute()) {
+ assert(currElement.tick >= last_tick);
+ delta = currElement.tick - last_tick;
+ }
+ return !traceComplete;
+ trace.reset();
+ if (traceComplete)
+ // We are at the end of the file, thus we have no more messages.
+ // Return false.
+ return false;
+ //Reset the currElement to the default values
+ currElement.clear();
+ // Read the next line to get the next message. If that fails then end of
+ // trace has been reached and traceComplete needs to be set in addition
+ // to returning false. If successful then next message is in currElement.
+ if (! {
+ traceComplete = true;
+ instLastTick = curTick();
+ return false;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "inst fetch: %c addr %d pc %#x size %d tick %d\n",
+ currElement.cmd.isRead() ? 'r' : 'w',
+ currElement.addr,
+ currElement.pc,
+ currElement.blocksize,
+ currElement.tick);
+ return true;
+TraceCPU::FixedRetryGen::send(Addr addr, unsigned size, const MemCmd& cmd,
+ Request::FlagsType flags, Addr pc)
+ // Create new request
+ Request* req = new Request(addr, size, flags, masterID);
+ req->setPC(pc);
+ // If this is not done it triggers assert in L1 cache for invalid contextId
+ req->setThreadContext(ContextID(0), ThreadID(0));
+ // Embed it in a packet
+ PacketPtr pkt = new Packet(req, cmd);
+ uint8_t* pkt_data = new uint8_t[req->getSize()];
+ pkt->dataDynamic(pkt_data);
+ if (cmd.isWrite()) {
+ memset(pkt_data, 0xA, req->getSize());
+ }
+ // Call MasterPort method to send a timing request for this packet
+ bool success = port.sendTimingReq(pkt);
+ if (!success) {
+ // If it fails, save the packet to retry when a retry is signalled by
+ // the cache
+ retryPkt = pkt;
+ }
+ return success;
+ // Schedule an event to go through the control flow in the same tick as
+ // retry is received
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUInst, "Icache retry received. Scheduling next IcacheGen"
+ " event @%lli.\n", curTick());
+ schedule(icacheNextEvent, curTick());
+ // Schedule an event to go through the execute flow in the same tick as
+ // retry is received
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Dcache retry received. Scheduling next DcacheGen"
+ " event @%lli.\n", curTick());
+ schedule(dcacheNextEvent, curTick());
+TraceCPU::schedDcacheNextEvent(Tick when)
+ if (!dcacheNextEvent.scheduled()) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Scheduling next DcacheGen event at %lli.\n",
+ when);
+ schedule(dcacheNextEvent, when);
+ ++numSchedDcacheEvent;
+ } else if (when < dcacheNextEvent.when()) {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Re-scheduling next dcache event from %lli"
+ " to %lli.\n", dcacheNextEvent.when(), when);
+ reschedule(dcacheNextEvent, when);
+ }
+TraceCPU::IcachePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // All responses on the instruction fetch side are ignored. Simply delete
+ // the request and packet to free allocated memory
+ delete pkt->req;
+ delete pkt;
+ return true;
+ owner->icacheRetryRecvd();
+TraceCPU::dcacheRecvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Received timing response from Dcache.\n");
+ dcacheGen.completeMemAccess(pkt);
+TraceCPU::DcachePort::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+ // Handle the responses for data memory requests which is done inside the
+ // elastic data generator
+ owner->dcacheRecvTimingResp(pkt);
+ // After processing the response delete the request and packet to free
+ // memory
+ delete pkt->req;
+ delete pkt;
+ return true;
+ owner->dcacheRetryRecvd();
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::InputStream::InputStream(const std::string& filename)
+ : trace(filename),
+ microOpCount(0)
+ // Create a protobuf message for the header and read it from the stream
+ ProtoMessage::InstDepRecordHeader header_msg;
+ if (! {
+ panic("Failed to read packet header from %s\n", filename);
+ if (header_msg.tick_freq() != SimClock::Frequency) {
+ panic("Trace %s was recorded with a different tick frequency %d\n",
+ header_msg.tick_freq());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Assign window size equal to the field in the trace that was recorded
+ // when the data dependency trace was captured in the o3cpu model
+ windowSize = header_msg.window_size();
+ }
+ trace.reset();
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::InputStream::read(GraphNode* element)
+ ProtoMessage::InstDepRecord pkt_msg;
+ if ( {
+ // Required fields
+ element->seqNum = pkt_msg.seq_num();
+ element->isLoad = pkt_msg.load();
+ element->isStore =;
+ element->compDelay = pkt_msg.comp_delay();
+ // Repeated field robDepList
+ element->clearRobDep();
+ assert((pkt_msg.rob_dep()).size() <= element->maxRobDep);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (pkt_msg.rob_dep()).size(); i++) {
+ element->robDep[element->numRobDep] = pkt_msg.rob_dep(i);
+ element->numRobDep += 1;
+ }
+ // Repeated field
+ element->clearRegDep();
+ assert((pkt_msg.reg_dep()).size() <= TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (pkt_msg.reg_dep()).size(); i++) {
+ // There is a possibility that an instruction has both, a register
+ // and order dependency on an instruction. In such a case, the
+ // register dependency is omitted
+ bool duplicate = false;
+ for (int j = 0; j < element->numRobDep; j++) {
+ duplicate |= (pkt_msg.reg_dep(i) == element->robDep[j]);
+ }
+ if (!duplicate) {
+ element->regDep[element->numRegDep] = pkt_msg.reg_dep(i);
+ element->numRegDep += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Optional fields
+ if (pkt_msg.has_addr())
+ element->addr = pkt_msg.addr();
+ else
+ element->addr = 0;
+ if (pkt_msg.has_size())
+ element->size = pkt_msg.size();
+ else
+ element->size = 0;
+ if (pkt_msg.has_flags())
+ element->flags = pkt_msg.flags();
+ else
+ element->flags = 0;
+ if (pkt_msg.has_pc())
+ element->pc = pkt_msg.pc();
+ else
+ element->pc = 0;
+ // ROB occupancy number
+ ++microOpCount;
+ if (pkt_msg.has_weight()) {
+ microOpCount += pkt_msg.weight();
+ }
+ element->robNum = microOpCount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We have reached the end of the file
+ return false;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::removeRegDep(NodeSeqNum reg_dep)
+ for (auto& own_reg_dep : regDep) {
+ if (own_reg_dep == reg_dep) {
+ // If register dependency is found, make it zero and return true
+ own_reg_dep = 0;
+ --numRegDep;
+ assert(numRegDep >= 0);
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tFor %lli: Marking register dependency %lli "
+ "done.\n", seqNum, reg_dep);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return false if the dependency is not found
+ return false;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::removeRobDep(NodeSeqNum rob_dep)
+ for (auto& own_rob_dep : robDep) {
+ if (own_rob_dep == rob_dep) {
+ // If the rob dependency is found, make it zero and return true
+ own_rob_dep = 0;
+ --numRobDep;
+ assert(numRobDep >= 0);
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\tFor %lli: Marking ROB dependency %lli "
+ "done.\n", seqNum, rob_dep);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::clearRegDep() {
+ for (auto& own_reg_dep : regDep) {
+ own_reg_dep = 0;
+ }
+ numRegDep = 0;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::clearRobDep() {
+ for (auto& own_rob_dep : robDep) {
+ own_rob_dep = 0;
+ }
+ numRobDep = 0;
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::removeDepOnInst(NodeSeqNum done_seq_num)
+ // If it is an rob dependency then remove it
+ if (!removeRobDep(done_seq_num)) {
+ // If it is not an rob dependency then it must be a register dependency
+ // If the register dependency is not found, it violates an assumption
+ // and must be caught by assert.
+ bool regdep_found M5_VAR_USED = removeRegDep(done_seq_num);
+ assert(regdep_found);
+ }
+ // Return true if the node is dependency free
+ return (numRobDep == 0 && numRegDep == 0);
+TraceCPU::ElasticDataGen::GraphNode::writeElementAsTrace() const
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "%lli", seqNum);
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%s", (isLoad ? "True" : "False"));
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%s", (isStore ? "True" : "False"));
+ if (isLoad || isStore) {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%i", addr);
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%i", size);
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%i", flags);
+ }
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%lli", compDelay);
+ int i = 0;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "robDep:");
+ while (robDep[i] != 0) {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%lli", robDep[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "regDep:");
+ while (regDep[i] != 0) {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ",%lli", regDep[i]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ auto child_itr = dependents.begin();
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "dependents:");
+ while (child_itr != dependents.end()) {
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, ":%lli", (*child_itr)->seqNum);
+ child_itr++;
+ }
+ DPRINTFR(TraceCPUData, "\n");
+TraceCPU::FixedRetryGen::InputStream::InputStream(const std::string& filename)
+ : trace(filename)
+ // Create a protobuf message for the header and read it from the stream
+ ProtoMessage::PacketHeader header_msg;
+ if (! {
+ panic("Failed to read packet header from %s\n", filename);
+ if (header_msg.tick_freq() != SimClock::Frequency) {
+ panic("Trace %s was recorded with a different tick frequency %d\n",
+ header_msg.tick_freq());
+ }
+ }
+ trace.reset();
+TraceCPU::FixedRetryGen::InputStream::read(TraceElement* element)
+ ProtoMessage::Packet pkt_msg;
+ if ( {
+ element->cmd = pkt_msg.cmd();
+ element->addr = pkt_msg.addr();
+ element->blocksize = pkt_msg.size();
+ element->tick = pkt_msg.tick();
+ element->flags = pkt_msg.has_flags() ? pkt_msg.flags() : 0;
+ element->pc = pkt_msg.has_pc() ? pkt_msg.pc() : 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We have reached the end of the file
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh b/src/cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a869ebe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 ARM Limited
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: Radhika Jagtap
+ * Andreas Hansson
+ * Thomas Grass
+ */
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <queue>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "arch/registers.hh"
+#include "base/statistics.hh"
+#include "cpu/base.hh"
+#include "debug/TraceCPUData.hh"
+#include "debug/TraceCPUInst.hh"
+#include "params/TraceCPU.hh"
+#include "proto/inst_dep_record.pb.h"
+#include "proto/packet.pb.h"
+#include "proto/protoio.hh"
+#include "sim/sim_events.hh"
+ * The trace cpu replays traces generated using the elastic trace probe
+ * attached to the O3 CPU model. The elastic trace is an execution trace with
+ * register data dependencies and ordering dependencies annotated to it. The
+ * trace cpu also replays a fixed timestamp fetch trace that is also generated
+ * by the elastic trace probe. This trace cpu model aims at achieving faster
+ * simulation compared to the detailed cpu model and good correlation when the
+ * same trace is used for playback on different memory sub-systems.
+ *
+ * The TraceCPU inherits from BaseCPU so some virtual methods need to be
+ * defined. It has two port subclasses inherited from MasterPort for
+ * instruction and data ports. It issues the memory requests deducing the
+ * timing from the trace and without performing real execution of micro-ops. As
+ * soon as the last dependency for an instruction is complete, its
+ * computational delay, also provided in the input trace is added. The
+ * dependency-free nodes are maintained in a list, called 'ReadyList', ordered
+ * by ready time. Instructions which depend on load stall until the responses
+ * for read requests are received thus achieving elastic replay. If the
+ * dependency is not found when adding a new node, it is assumed complete.
+ * Thus, if this node is found to be completely dependency-free its issue time
+ * is calculated and it is added to the ready list immediately. This is
+ * encapsulated in the subclass ElasticDataGen.
+ *
+ * If ready nodes are issued in an unconstrained way there can be more nodes
+ * outstanding which results in divergence in timing compared to the O3CPU.
+ * Therefore, the Trace CPU also models hardware resources. A sub-class to
+ * model hardware resources contains the maximum sizes of load buffer, store
+ * buffer and ROB. If resources are not available, the node is not issued. Such
+ * nodes that are pending issue are held in the 'depFreeQueue' structure.
+ *
+ * Modeling the ROB size in the Trace CPU as a resource limitation is arguably
+ * the most important parameter of all resources. The ROB occupancy is
+ * estimated using the newly added field 'robNum'. We need to use ROB number as
+ * sequence number is at times much higher due to squashing and trace replay is
+ * focused on correct path modeling.
+ *
+ * A map called 'inFlightNodes' is added to track nodes that are not only in
+ * the readyList but also load nodes that are executed (and thus removed from
+ * readyList) but are not complete. ReadyList handles what and when to execute
+ * next node while the inFlightNodes is used for resource modelling. The oldest
+ * ROB number is updated when any node occupies the ROB or when an entry in the
+ * ROB is released. The ROB occupancy is equal to the difference in the ROB
+ * number of the newly dependency-free node and the oldest ROB number in
+ * flight.
+ *
+ * If no node depends on a non load/store node then there is no reason to
+ * track it in the dependency graph. We filter out such nodes but count them
+ * and add a weight field to the subsequent node that we do include in the
+ * trace. The weight field is used to model ROB occupancy during replay.
+ *
+ * The depFreeQueue is chosen to be FIFO so that child nodes which are in
+ * program order get pushed into it in that order and thus issued in program
+ * order, like in the O3CPU. This is also why the dependents is made a
+ * sequential container, std::set to std::vector. We only check head of the
+ * depFreeQueue as nodes are issued in order and blocking on head models that
+ * better than looping the entire queue. An alternative choice would be to
+ * inspect top N pending nodes where N is the issue-width. This is left for
+ * future as the timing correlation looks good as it is.
+ *
+ * At the start of an execution event, first we attempt to issue such pending
+ * nodes by checking if appropriate resources have become available. If yes, we
+ * compute the execute tick with respect to the time then. Then we proceed to
+ * complete nodes from the readyList.
+ *
+ * When a read response is received, sometimes a dependency on it that was
+ * supposed to be released when it was issued is still not released. This
+ * occurs because the dependent gets added to the graph after the read was
+ * sent. So the check is made less strict and the dependency is marked complete
+ * on read response instead of insisting that it should have been removed on
+ * read sent.
+ *
+ * There is a check for requests spanning two cache lines as this condition
+ * triggers an assert fail in the L1 cache. If it does then truncate the size
+ * to access only until the end of that line and ignore the remainder.
+ * Strictly-ordered requests are skipped and the dependencies on such requests
+ * are handled by simply marking them complete immediately.
+ *
+ * The simulated seconds can be calculated as the difference between the
+ * final_tick stat and the tickOffset stat. A CountedExitEvent that contains a
+ * static int belonging to the Trace CPU class as a down counter is used to
+ * implement multi Trace CPU simulation exit.
+ */
+class TraceCPU : public BaseCPU
+ public:
+ TraceCPU(TraceCPUParams *params);
+ ~TraceCPU();
+ void init();
+ /**
+ * This is a pure virtual function in BaseCPU. As we don't know how many
+ * insts are in the trace but only know how how many micro-ops are we
+ * cannot count this stat.
+ *
+ * @return 0
+ */
+ Counter totalInsts() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return totalOps as the number of committed micro-ops plus the
+ * speculatively issued loads that are modelled in the TraceCPU replay.
+ *
+ * @return number of micro-ops i.e. nodes in the elastic data generator
+ */
+ Counter totalOps() const
+ {
+ return dcacheGen.getMicroOpCount();
+ }
+ /* Pure virtual function in BaseCPU. Do nothing. */
+ void wakeup(ThreadID tid = 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * When resuming from checkpoint in FS mode, the TraceCPU takes over from
+ * the old cpu. This function overrides the takeOverFrom() function in the
+ * BaseCPU. It unbinds the ports of the old CPU and binds the ports of the
+ * TraceCPU.
+ */
+ void takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU);
+ /**
+ * When instruction cache port receives a retry, schedule event
+ * icacheNextEvent.
+ */
+ void icacheRetryRecvd();
+ /**
+ * When data cache port receives a retry, schedule event
+ * dcacheNextEvent.
+ */
+ void dcacheRetryRecvd();
+ /**
+ * When data cache port receives a response, this calls the dcache
+ * generator method handle to complete the load writeback.
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ */
+ void dcacheRecvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt);
+ /**
+ * Schedule event dcacheNextEvent at the given tick
+ *
+ * @param when Tick at which to schedule event
+ */
+ void schedDcacheNextEvent(Tick when);
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * IcachePort class that interfaces with L1 Instruction Cache.
+ */
+ class IcachePort : public MasterPort
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Default constructor. */
+ IcachePort(TraceCPU* _cpu)
+ : MasterPort(_cpu->name() + ".icache_port", _cpu),
+ owner(_cpu)
+ { }
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Receive the timing reponse and simply delete the packet since
+ * instruction fetch requests are issued as per the timing in the trace
+ * and responses are ignored.
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ * @return true
+ */
+ bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt);
+ /**
+ * Required functionally but do nothing.
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ */
+ void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt) { }
+ /**
+ * Handle a retry signalled by the cache if instruction read failed in
+ * the first attempt.
+ */
+ void recvReqRetry();
+ private:
+ TraceCPU* owner;
+ };
+ /**
+ * DcachePort class that interfaces with L1 Data Cache.
+ */
+ class DcachePort : public MasterPort
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Default constructor. */
+ DcachePort(TraceCPU* _cpu)
+ : MasterPort(_cpu->name() + ".dcache_port", _cpu),
+ owner(_cpu)
+ { }
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Receive the timing reponse and call dcacheRecvTimingResp() method
+ * of the dcacheGen to handle completing the load
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ * @return true
+ */
+ bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt);
+ /**
+ * Required functionally but do nothing.
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ */
+ void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt)
+ { }
+ /**
+ * Required functionally but do nothing.
+ *
+ * @param pkt Pointer to packet received
+ */
+ void recvFunctionalSnoop(PacketPtr pkt)
+ { }
+ /**
+ * Handle a retry signalled by the cache if data access failed in the
+ * first attempt.
+ */
+ void recvReqRetry();
+ /**
+ * Required functionally.
+ *
+ * @return true since we have to snoop
+ */
+ bool isSnooping() const { return true; }
+ private:
+ TraceCPU* owner;
+ };
+ /** Port to connect to L1 instruction cache. */
+ IcachePort icachePort;
+ /** Port to connect to L1 data cache. */
+ DcachePort dcachePort;
+ /** Master id for instruction read requests. */
+ const MasterID instMasterID;
+ /** Master id for data read and write requests. */
+ const MasterID dataMasterID;
+ /** File names for input instruction and data traces. */
+ std::string instTraceFile, dataTraceFile;
+ /**
+ * Generator to read protobuf trace containing memory requests at fixed
+ * timestamps, perform flow control and issue memory requests. If L1 cache
+ * port sends packet succesfully, determine the tick to send the next
+ * packet else wait for retry from cache.
+ */
+ class FixedRetryGen
+ {
+ private:
+ /**
+ * This struct stores a line in the trace file.
+ */
+ struct TraceElement {
+ /** Specifies if the request is to be a read or a write */
+ MemCmd cmd;
+ /** The address for the request */
+ Addr addr;
+ /** The size of the access for the request */
+ Addr blocksize;
+ /** The time at which the request should be sent */
+ Tick tick;
+ /** Potential request flags to use */
+ Request::FlagsType flags;
+ /** Instruction PC */
+ Addr pc;
+ /**
+ * Check validity of this element.
+ *
+ * @return if this element is valid
+ */
+ bool isValid() const {
+ return cmd != MemCmd::InvalidCmd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make this element invalid.
+ */
+ void clear() {
+ cmd = MemCmd::InvalidCmd;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * The InputStream encapsulates a trace file and the
+ * internal buffers and populates TraceElements based on
+ * the input.
+ */
+ class InputStream
+ {
+ private:
+ // Input file stream for the protobuf trace
+ ProtoInputStream trace;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Create a trace input stream for a given file name.
+ *
+ * @param filename Path to the file to read from
+ */
+ InputStream(const std::string& filename);
+ /**
+ * Reset the stream such that it can be played once
+ * again.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /**
+ * Attempt to read a trace element from the stream,
+ * and also notify the caller if the end of the file
+ * was reached.
+ *
+ * @param element Trace element to populate
+ * @return True if an element could be read successfully
+ */
+ bool read(TraceElement* element);
+ };
+ public:
+ /* Constructor */
+ FixedRetryGen(TraceCPU& _owner, const std::string& _name,
+ MasterPort& _port, MasterID master_id,
+ const std::string& trace_file)
+ : owner(_owner),
+ port(_port),
+ masterID(master_id),
+ trace(trace_file),
+ genName( + ".fixedretry" + _name),
+ retryPkt(nullptr),
+ delta(0),
+ traceComplete(false)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called from TraceCPU init(). Reads the first message from the
+ * input trace file and returns the send tick.
+ *
+ * @return Tick when first packet must be sent
+ */
+ Tick init();
+ /**
+ * This tries to send current or retry packet and returns true if
+ * successfull. It calls nextExecute() to read next message.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if packet is sent successfully
+ */
+ bool tryNext();
+ /** Returns name of the FixedRetryGen instance. */
+ const std::string& name() const { return genName; }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new request assigning the request parameters passed by the
+ * arguments. Calls the port's sendTimingReq() and returns true if
+ * the packet was sent succesfully. It is called by tryNext()
+ *
+ * @param addr address of request
+ * @param size size of request
+ * @param cmd if it is a read or write request
+ * @param flags associated request flags
+ * @param pc instruction PC that generated the request
+ *
+ * @return true if packet was sent successfully
+ */
+ bool send(Addr addr, unsigned size, const MemCmd& cmd,
+ Request::FlagsType flags, Addr pc);
+ /** Exit the FixedRetryGen. */
+ void exit();
+ /**
+ * Reads a line of the trace file. Returns the tick
+ * when the next request should be generated. If the end
+ * of the file has been reached, it returns false.
+ *
+ * @return bool false id end of file has been reached
+ */
+ bool nextExecute();
+ /**
+ * Returns the traceComplete variable which is set when end of the
+ * input trace file is reached.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if traceComplete is set, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool isTraceComplete() { return traceComplete; }
+ int64_t tickDelta() { return delta; }
+ void regStats();
+ private:
+ /** Reference of the TraceCPU. */
+ TraceCPU& owner;
+ /** Reference of the port to be used to issue memory requests. */
+ MasterPort& port;
+ /** MasterID used for the requests being sent. */
+ const MasterID masterID;
+ /** Input stream used for reading the input trace file. */
+ InputStream trace;
+ /** String to store the name of the FixedRetryGen. */
+ std::string genName;
+ /** PacketPtr used to store the packet to retry. */
+ PacketPtr retryPkt;
+ /**
+ * Stores the difference in the send ticks of the current and last
+ * packets. Keeping this signed to check overflow to a negative value
+ * which will be caught by assert(delta > 0)
+ */
+ int64_t delta;
+ /**
+ * Set to true when end of trace is reached.
+ */
+ bool traceComplete;
+ /** Store an element read from the trace to send as the next packet. */
+ TraceElement currElement;
+ /** Stats for instruction accesses replayed. */
+ Stats::Scalar numSendAttempted;
+ Stats::Scalar numSendSucceeded;
+ Stats::Scalar numSendFailed;
+ Stats::Scalar numRetrySucceeded;
+ /** Last simulated tick by the FixedRetryGen */
+ Stats::Scalar instLastTick;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The elastic data memory request generator to read protobuf trace
+ * containing execution trace annotated with data and ordering
+ * dependencies. It deduces the time at which to send a load/store request
+ * by tracking the dependencies. It attempts to send a memory request for a
+ * load/store without performing real execution of micro-ops. If L1 cache
+ * port sends packet succesfully, the generator checks which instructions
+ * became dependency free as a result of this and schedules an event
+ * accordingly. If it fails to send the packet, it waits for a retry from
+ * the cache.
+ */
+ class ElasticDataGen
+ {
+ private:
+ /** Node sequence number type. */
+ typedef uint64_t NodeSeqNum;
+ /** Node ROB number type. */
+ typedef uint64_t NodeRobNum;
+ /**
+ * The struct GraphNode stores an instruction in the trace file. The
+ * format of the trace file favours constructing a dependency graph of
+ * the execution and this struct is used to encapsulate the request
+ * data as well as pointers to its dependent GraphNodes.
+ */
+ class GraphNode {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * The maximum no. of ROB dependencies. There can be at most 2
+ * order dependencies which could exist for a store. For a load
+ * and comp node there can be at most one order dependency.
+ */
+ static const uint8_t maxRobDep = 2;
+ /** Typedef for the array containing the ROB dependencies */
+ typedef std::array<NodeSeqNum, maxRobDep> RobDepArray;
+ /** Typedef for the array containing the register dependencies */
+ typedef std::array<NodeSeqNum, TheISA::MaxInstSrcRegs> RegDepArray;
+ /** Instruction sequence number */
+ NodeSeqNum seqNum;
+ /** ROB occupancy number */
+ NodeRobNum robNum;
+ /** If instruction is a load */
+ bool isLoad;
+ /** If instruction is a store */
+ bool isStore;
+ /** The address for the request if any */
+ Addr addr;
+ /** Size of request if any */
+ uint32_t size;
+ /** Request flags if any */
+ Request::Flags flags;
+ /** Instruction PC */
+ Addr pc;
+ /** Array of order dependencies. */
+ RobDepArray robDep;
+ /** Number of order dependencies */
+ uint8_t numRobDep;
+ /** Computational delay */
+ uint64_t compDelay;
+ /**
+ * Array of register dependencies (incoming) if any. Maximum number
+ * of source registers used to set maximum size of the array
+ */
+ RegDepArray regDep;
+ /** Number of register dependencies */
+ uint8_t numRegDep;
+ /**
+ * A vector of nodes dependent (outgoing) on this node. A
+ * sequential container is chosen because when dependents become
+ * free, they attempt to issue in program order.
+ */
+ std::vector<GraphNode *> dependents;
+ /** Initialize register dependency array to all zeroes */
+ void clearRegDep();
+ /** Initialize register dependency array to all zeroes */
+ void clearRobDep();
+ /** Remove completed instruction from register dependency array */
+ bool removeRegDep(NodeSeqNum reg_dep);
+ /** Remove completed instruction from order dependency array */
+ bool removeRobDep(NodeSeqNum rob_dep);
+ /** Check for all dependencies on completed inst */
+ bool removeDepOnInst(NodeSeqNum done_seq_num);
+ /** Return true if node has a request which is strictly ordered */
+ bool isStrictlyOrdered() const {
+ return (flags.isSet(Request::STRICT_ORDER));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write out element in trace-compatible format using debug flag
+ * TraceCPUData.
+ */
+ void writeElementAsTrace() const;
+ };
+ /** Struct to store a ready-to-execute node and its execution tick. */
+ struct ReadyNode
+ {
+ /** The sequence number of the ready node */
+ NodeSeqNum seqNum;
+ /** The tick at which the ready node must be executed */
+ Tick execTick;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The HardwareResource class models structures that hold the in-flight
+ * nodes. When a node becomes dependency free, first check if resources
+ * are available to issue it.
+ */
+ class HardwareResource
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor that initializes the sizes of the structures.
+ *
+ * @param max_rob size of the Reorder Buffer
+ * @param max_stores size of Store Buffer
+ * @param max_loads size of Load Buffer
+ */
+ HardwareResource(uint16_t max_rob, uint16_t max_stores,
+ uint16_t max_loads);
+ /**
+ * Occupy appropriate structures for an issued node.
+ *
+ * @param node_ptr pointer to the issued node
+ */
+ void occupy(const GraphNode* new_node);
+ /**
+ * Release appropriate structures for a completed node.
+ *
+ * @param node_ptr pointer to the completed node
+ */
+ void release(const GraphNode* done_node);
+ /** Release store buffer entry for a completed store */
+ void releaseStoreBuffer();
+ /**
+ * Check if structures required to issue a node are free.
+ *
+ * @param node_ptr pointer to the node ready to issue
+ * @return true if resources are available
+ */
+ bool isAvailable(const GraphNode* new_node) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if there are any outstanding requests, i.e. requests for
+ * which we are yet to receive a response.
+ *
+ * @return true if there is at least one read or write request
+ * outstanding
+ */
+ bool awaitingResponse() const;
+ /** Print resource occupancy for debugging */
+ void printOccupancy();
+ private:
+ /**
+ * The size of the ROB used to throttle the max. number of in-flight
+ * nodes.
+ */
+ const uint16_t sizeROB;
+ /**
+ * The size of store buffer. This is used to throttle the max. number
+ * of in-flight stores.
+ */
+ const uint16_t sizeStoreBuffer;
+ /**
+ * The size of load buffer. This is used to throttle the max. number
+ * of in-flight loads.
+ */
+ const uint16_t sizeLoadBuffer;
+ /**
+ * A map from the sequence number to the ROB number of the in-
+ * flight nodes. This includes all nodes that are in the readyList
+ * plus the loads for which a request has been sent which are not
+ * present in the readyList. But such loads are not yet complete
+ * and thus occupy resources. We need to query the oldest in-flight
+ * node and since a map container keeps all its keys sorted using
+ * the less than criterion, the first element is the in-flight node
+ * with the least sequence number, i.e. the oldest in-flight node.
+ */
+ std::map<NodeSeqNum, NodeRobNum> inFlightNodes;
+ /** The ROB number of the oldest in-flight node */
+ NodeRobNum oldestInFlightRobNum;
+ /** Number of ready loads for which request may or may not be sent */
+ uint16_t numInFlightLoads;
+ /** Number of ready stores for which request may or may not be sent */
+ uint16_t numInFlightStores;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The InputStream encapsulates a trace file and the
+ * internal buffers and populates GraphNodes based on
+ * the input.
+ */
+ class InputStream
+ {
+ private:
+ /** Input file stream for the protobuf trace */
+ ProtoInputStream trace;
+ /** Count of committed ops read from trace plus the filtered ops */
+ uint64_t microOpCount;
+ /**
+ * The window size that is read from the header of the protobuf
+ * trace and used to process the dependency trace
+ */
+ uint32_t windowSize;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Create a trace input stream for a given file name.
+ *
+ * @param filename Path to the file to read from
+ */
+ InputStream(const std::string& filename);
+ /**
+ * Reset the stream such that it can be played once
+ * again.
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /**
+ * Attempt to read a trace element from the stream,
+ * and also notify the caller if the end of the file
+ * was reached.
+ *
+ * @param element Trace element to populate
+ * @param size of register dependency array stored in the element
+ * @return True if an element could be read successfully
+ */
+ bool read(GraphNode* element);
+ /** Get window size from trace */
+ uint32_t getWindowSize() const { return windowSize; }
+ /** Get number of micro-ops modelled in the TraceCPU replay */
+ uint64_t getMicroOpCount() const { return microOpCount; }
+ };
+ public:
+ /* Constructor */
+ ElasticDataGen(TraceCPU& _owner, const std::string& _name,
+ MasterPort& _port, MasterID master_id,
+ const std::string& trace_file, uint16_t max_rob,
+ uint16_t max_stores, uint16_t max_loads)
+ : owner(_owner),
+ port(_port),
+ masterID(master_id),
+ trace(trace_file),
+ genName( + ".elastic" + _name),
+ retryPkt(nullptr),
+ traceComplete(false),
+ nextRead(false),
+ execComplete(false),
+ windowSize(trace.getWindowSize()),
+ hwResource(max_rob, max_stores, max_loads)
+ {
+ DPRINTF(TraceCPUData, "Window size in the trace is %d.\n",
+ windowSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called from TraceCPU init(). Reads the first message from the
+ * input trace file and returns the send tick.
+ *
+ * @return Tick when first packet must be sent
+ */
+ Tick init();
+ /** Returns name of the ElasticDataGen instance. */
+ const std::string& name() const { return genName; }
+ /** Exit the ElasticDataGen. */
+ void exit();
+ /**
+ * Reads a line of the trace file. Returns the tick when the next
+ * request should be generated. If the end of the file has been
+ * reached, it returns false.
+ *
+ * @return bool false if end of file has been reached else true
+ */
+ bool readNextWindow();
+ /**
+ * Iterate over the dependencies of a new node and add the new node
+ * to the list of dependents of the parent node.
+ *
+ * @param new_node new node to add to the graph
+ * @tparam dep_array the dependency array of type rob or register,
+ * that is to be iterated, and may get modified
+ * @param num_dep the number of dependencies set in the array
+ * which may get modified during iteration
+ */
+ template<typename T> void addDepsOnParent(GraphNode *new_node,
+ T& dep_array,
+ uint8_t& num_dep);
+ /**
+ * This is the main execute function which consumes nodes from the
+ * sorted readyList. First attempt to issue the pending dependency-free
+ * nodes held in the depFreeQueue. Insert the ready-to-issue nodes into
+ * the readyList. Then iterate through the readyList and when a node
+ * has its execute tick equal to curTick(), execute it. If the node is
+ * a load or a store call executeMemReq() and if it is neither, simply
+ * mark it complete.
+ */
+ void execute();
+ /**
+ * Creates a new request for a load or store assigning the request
+ * parameters. Calls the port's sendTimingReq() and returns a packet
+ * if the send failed so that it can be saved for a retry.
+ *
+ * @param node_ptr pointer to the load or store node to be executed
+ *
+ * @return packet pointer if the request failed and nullptr if it was
+ * sent successfully
+ */
+ PacketPtr executeMemReq(GraphNode* node_ptr);
+ /**
+ * Add a ready node to the readyList. When inserting, ensure the nodes
+ * are sorted in ascending order of their execute ticks.
+ *
+ * @param seq_num seq. num of ready node
+ * @param exec_tick the execute tick of the ready node
+ */
+ void addToSortedReadyList(NodeSeqNum seq_num, Tick exec_tick);
+ /** Print readyList for debugging using debug flag TraceCPUData. */
+ void printReadyList();
+ /**
+ * When a load writeback is received, that is when the load completes,
+ * release the dependents on it. This is called from the dcache port
+ * recvTimingResp().
+ */
+ void completeMemAccess(PacketPtr pkt);
+ /**
+ * Returns the execComplete variable which is set when the last
+ * node is executed.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if execComplete is set, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool isExecComplete() const { return execComplete; }
+ /**
+ * Attempts to issue a node once the node's source dependencies are
+ * complete. If resources are available then add it to the readyList,
+ * otherwise the node is not issued and is stored in depFreeQueue
+ * until resources become available.
+ *
+ * @param node_ptr pointer to node to be issued
+ * @param first true if this is the first attempt to issue this node
+ * @return true if node was added to readyList
+ */
+ bool checkAndIssue(const GraphNode* node_ptr, bool first = true);
+ /** Get number of micro-ops modelled in the TraceCPU replay */
+ uint64_t getMicroOpCount() const { return trace.getMicroOpCount(); }
+ void regStats();
+ private:
+ /** Reference of the TraceCPU. */
+ TraceCPU& owner;
+ /** Reference of the port to be used to issue memory requests. */
+ MasterPort& port;
+ /** MasterID used for the requests being sent. */
+ const MasterID masterID;
+ /** Input stream used for reading the input trace file. */
+ InputStream trace;
+ /** String to store the name of the FixedRetryGen. */
+ std::string genName;
+ /** PacketPtr used to store the packet to retry. */
+ PacketPtr retryPkt;
+ /** Set to true when end of trace is reached. */
+ bool traceComplete;
+ /** Set to true when the next window of instructions need to be read */
+ bool nextRead;
+ /** Set true when execution of trace is complete */
+ bool execComplete;
+ /**
+ * Window size within which to check for dependencies. Its value is
+ * made equal to the window size used to generate the trace which is
+ * recorded in the trace header. The dependency graph must be
+ * populated enough such that when a node completes, its potential
+ * child node must be found and the dependency removed before the
+ * completed node itself is removed. Thus as soon as the graph shrinks
+ * to become smaller than this window, we read in the next window.
+ */
+ const uint32_t windowSize;
+ /**
+ * Hardware resources required to contain in-flight nodes and to
+ * throttle issuing of new nodes when resources are not available.
+ */
+ HardwareResource hwResource;
+ /** Store the depGraph of GraphNodes */
+ std::unordered_map<NodeSeqNum, GraphNode*> depGraph;
+ /**
+ * Queue of dependency-free nodes that are pending issue because
+ * resources are not available. This is chosen to be FIFO so that
+ * dependent nodes which become free in program order get pushed
+ * into the queue in that order. Thus nodes are more likely to
+ * issue in program order.
+ */
+ std::queue<const GraphNode*> depFreeQueue;
+ /** List of nodes that are ready to execute */
+ std::list<ReadyNode> readyList;
+ /** Stats for data memory accesses replayed. */
+ Stats::Scalar maxDependents;
+ Stats::Scalar maxReadyListSize;
+ Stats::Scalar numSendAttempted;
+ Stats::Scalar numSendSucceeded;
+ Stats::Scalar numSendFailed;
+ Stats::Scalar numRetrySucceeded;
+ Stats::Scalar numSplitReqs;
+ Stats::Scalar numSOLoads;
+ Stats::Scalar numSOStores;
+ /** Tick when ElasticDataGen completes execution */
+ Stats::Scalar dataLastTick;
+ };
+ /** Instance of FixedRetryGen to replay instruction read requests. */
+ FixedRetryGen icacheGen;
+ /** Instance of ElasticDataGen to replay data read and write requests. */
+ ElasticDataGen dcacheGen;
+ /**
+ * This is the control flow that uses the functionality of the icacheGen to
+ * replay the trace. It calls tryNext(). If it returns true then next event
+ * is scheduled at curTick() plus delta. If it returns false then delta is
+ * ignored and control is brought back via recvRetry().
+ */
+ void schedIcacheNext();
+ /**
+ * This is the control flow that uses the functionality of the dcacheGen to
+ * replay the trace. It calls execute(). It checks if execution is complete
+ * and schedules an event to exit simulation accordingly.
+ */
+ void schedDcacheNext();
+ /** Event for the control flow method schedIcacheNext() */
+ EventWrapper<TraceCPU, &TraceCPU::schedIcacheNext> icacheNextEvent;
+ /** Event for the control flow method schedDcacheNext() */
+ EventWrapper<TraceCPU, &TraceCPU::schedDcacheNext> dcacheNextEvent;
+ /** This is called when either generator finishes executing from the trace */
+ void checkAndSchedExitEvent();
+ /** Set to true when one of the generators finishes replaying its trace. */
+ bool oneTraceComplete;
+ /**
+ * This is stores the tick of the first instruction fetch request
+ * which is later used for dumping the tickOffset stat.
+ */
+ Tick firstFetchTick;
+ /**
+ * Number of Trace CPUs in the system used as a shared variable and passed
+ * to the CountedExitEvent event used for counting down exit events. It is
+ * incremented in the constructor call so that the total is arrived at
+ * automatically.
+ */
+ static int numTraceCPUs;
+ /**
+ * A CountedExitEvent which when serviced decrements the counter. A sim
+ * exit event is scheduled when the counter equals zero, that is all
+ * instances of Trace CPU have had their execCompleteEvent serviced.
+ */
+ CountedExitEvent *execCompleteEvent;
+ Stats::Scalar numSchedDcacheEvent;
+ Stats::Scalar numSchedIcacheEvent;
+ /** Stat for number of simulated micro-ops. */
+ Stats::Scalar numOps;
+ /** Stat for the CPI. This is really cycles per micro-op and not inst. */
+ Stats::Formula cpi;
+ /**
+ * The first execution tick is dumped as a stat so that the simulated
+ * seconds for a trace replay can be calculated as a difference between the
+ * final_tick stat and the tickOffset stat
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar tickOffset;
+ public:
+ /** Used to get a reference to the icache port. */
+ MasterPort &getInstPort() { return icachePort; }
+ /** Used to get a reference to the dcache port. */
+ MasterPort &getDataPort() { return dcachePort; }
+ void regStats();
+#endif // __CPU_TRACE_TRACE_CPU_HH__