diff options
authorGabe Black <>2006-10-23 09:44:58 -0400
committerGabe Black <>2006-10-23 09:44:58 -0400
commit466c3873184a0112de3f656d4a99eb80372ea513 (patch)
parent274d2670a1b23bdd2ec38a6f63bd48413e4e3b5c (diff)
parentd2856c2fde201ab1d41507ba09d088e51b35cf6c (diff)
into --HG-- extra : convert_revision : cb15101d24ef2969e1819d6bdeeb2dd1f23f02d1
15 files changed, 472 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/configs/boot/mutex-test.rcS b/configs/boot/mutex-test.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acf875368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/mutex-test.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+cd /benchmarks/tests
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+./pthread_mutex_test 4 10000
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/common/ b/configs/common/
index 1f272517a..eda0e80f9 100644
--- a/configs/common/
+++ b/configs/common/
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ Benchmarks = {
'ValStreamScale': [SysConfig('micro_streamscale.rcS', '512MB')],
'ValStreamCopy': [SysConfig('micro_streamcopy.rcS', '512MB')],
+ 'MutexTest': [SysConfig('mutex-test.rcS', '128MB')],
'bnAn': [SysConfig('/z/saidi/work/m5.newmem.head/configs/boot/bn-app.rcS',
'128MB', '/z/saidi/work/bottleneck/bnimg.img')]
diff --git a/configs/splash2/ b/configs/splash2/
index ebbe14939..93b166d77 100644
--- a/configs/splash2/
+++ b/configs/splash2/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -26,54 +26,243 @@
# Authors: Ron Dreslinski
-from m5 import *
-import Splash2
-if 'SYSTEM' not in env:
- panic("The SYSTEM environment variable must be set!\ne.g -ESYSTEM=Detailed\n")
-if env['SYSTEM'] == 'Simple':
- from SimpleConfig import *
- BaseCPU.workload = Parent.workload
- SimpleStandAlone.cpu = [ CPU() for i in xrange(int(env['NP'])) ]
- root = SimpleStandAlone()
-elif env['SYSTEM'] == 'Detailed':
- from DetailedConfig import *
- BaseCPU.workload = Parent.workload
- DetailedStandAlone.cpu = [ DetailedCPU() for i in xrange(int(env['NP'])) ]
- root = DetailedStandAlone()
+# Splash2 Run Script
+import m5
+from m5.objects import *
+import os, optparse, sys
+# --------------------
+# Define Command Line Options
+# ====================
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-d", "--detailed", action="store_true")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--timing", action="store_true")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--maxtick", type="int")
+parser.add_option("-n", "--numcpus",
+ help="Number of cpus in total", type="int")
+parser.add_option("-f", "--frequency",
+ default = "1GHz",
+ help="Frequency of each CPU")
+parser.add_option("-p", "--protocol",
+ default="moesi",
+ help="The coherence protocol to use for the L1'a (i.e. MOESI, MOSI)")
+ default = "32kB")
+ default = 1)
+ default = "256kB")
+ default = 10)
+ help="ROot directory of Splash2",
+ default="/dist/splash2/codes")
+parser.add_option("-b", "--benchmark",
+ help="Splash 2 benchmark to run")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if args:
+ print "Error: script doesn't take any positional arguments"
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not options.numcpus:
+ print "Specify the number of cpus with -n"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# --------------------
+# Define Splash2 Benchmarks
+# ====================
+class Cholesky(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/cholesky/CHOLESKY'
+ cmd = 'CHOLESKY -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' '\
+ + options.rootdir + '/kernels/cholesky/inputs/tk23.O'
+class FFT(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/fft/FFT'
+ cmd = 'FFT -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' -m18'
+class LU_contig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/lu/contiguous_blocks/LU'
+ cmd = 'LU -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class LU_noncontig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/lu/non_contiguous_blocks/LU'
+ cmd = 'LU -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Radix(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/radix/RADIX'
+ cmd = 'RADIX -n524288 -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Barnes(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/barnes/BARNES'
+ cmd = 'BARNES'
+ input = options.rootdir + '/apps/barnes/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class FMM(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/fmm/FMM'
+ cmd = 'FMM'
+ input = options.rootdir + '/apps/fmm/inputs/input.2048.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Ocean_contig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/ocean/contiguous_partitions/OCEAN'
+ cmd = 'OCEAN -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Ocean_noncontig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/ocean/non_contiguous_partitions/OCEAN'
+ cmd = 'OCEAN -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Raytrace(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/raytrace/RAYTRACE'
+ cmd = 'RAYTRACE -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' ' \
+ + options.rootdir + 'apps/raytrace/inputs/teapot.env'
+class Water_nsquared(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/water-nsquared/WATER-NSQUARED'
+ input = options.rootdir + '/apps/water-nsquared/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Water_spatial(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/apps/water-spatial/WATER-SPATIAL'
+ input = options.rootdir + '/apps/water-spatial/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+# --------------------
+# Base L1 Cache Definition
+# ====================
+class L1(BaseCache):
+ latency = options.l1latency
+ block_size = 64
+ mshrs = 12
+ tgts_per_mshr = 8
+ protocol = CoherenceProtocol(protocol=options.protocol)
+# ----------------------
+# Base L2 Cache Definition
+# ----------------------
+class L2(BaseCache):
+ block_size = 64
+ latency = options.l2latency
+ mshrs = 92
+ tgts_per_mshr = 16
+ write_buffers = 8
+# ----------------------
+# Define the cpus
+# ----------------------
+busFrequency = Frequency(options.frequency)
+if options.timing:
+ cpus = [TimingSimpleCPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
+elif options.detailed:
+ cpus = [DerivO3CPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
- panic("The SYSTEM environment variable was set to something improper.\n Use Simple or Detailed\n")
-if 'BENCHMARK' not in env:
- panic("The BENCHMARK environment variable must be set!\ne.g. -EBENCHMARK=Cholesky\n")
-if env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Cholesky':
- root.workload = Splash2.Cholesky()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'FFT':
- root.workload = Splash2.FFT()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'LUContig':
- root.workload = Splash2.LU_contig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'LUNoncontig':
- root.workload = Splash2.LU_noncontig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Radix':
- root.workload = Splash2.Radix()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Barnes':
- root.workload = Splash2.Barnes()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'FMM':
- root.workload = Splash2.FMM()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'OceanContig':
- root.workload = Splash2.Ocean_contig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'OceanNoncontig':
- root.workload = Splash2.Ocean_noncontig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Raytrace':
- root.workload = Splash2.Raytrace()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'WaterNSquared':
- root.workload = Splash2.Water_nsquared()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'WaterSpatial':
- root.workload = Splash2.Water_spatial()
+ cpus = [AtomicSimpleCPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
+# ----------------------
+# Create a system, and add system wide objects
+# ----------------------
+system = System(cpu = cpus, physmem = PhysicalMemory(),
+ membus = Bus(clock = busFrequency))
+system.toL2bus = Bus(clock = busFrequency)
+system.l2 = L2(size = options.l2size, assoc = 8)
+# ----------------------
+# Connect the L2 cache and memory together
+# ----------------------
+system.physmem.port = system.membus.port
+system.l2.cpu_side = system.toL2bus.port
+system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.port
+# ----------------------
+# Connect the L2 cache and clusters together
+# ----------------------
+for cpu in cpus:
+ cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(L1(size = options.l1size, assoc = 1),
+ L1(size = options.l1size, assoc = 4))
+ cpu.mem = cpu.dcache
+ # connect cpu level-1 caches to shared level-2 cache
+ cpu.connectMemPorts(system.toL2bus)
+# ----------------------
+# Define the root
+# ----------------------
+root = Root(system = system)
+# --------------------
+# Pick the correct Splash2 Benchmarks
+# ====================
+if options.benchmark == 'Cholesky':
+ root.workload = Cholesky()
+elif options.benchmark == 'FFT':
+ root.workload = FFT()
+elif options.benchmark == 'LUContig':
+ root.workload = LU_contig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'LUNoncontig':
+ root.workload = LU_noncontig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Radix':
+ root.workload = Radix()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Barnes':
+ root.workload = Barnes()
+elif options.benchmark == 'FMM':
+ root.workload = FMM()
+elif options.benchmark == 'OceanContig':
+ root.workload = Ocean_contig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'OceanNoncontig':
+ root.workload = Ocean_noncontig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Raytrace':
+ root.workload = Raytrace()
+elif options.benchmark == 'WaterNSquared':
+ root.workload = Water_nsquared()
+elif options.benchmark == 'WaterSpatial':
+ root.workload = Water_spatial()
- panic("The BENCHMARK environment variable was set to something" \
+ panic("The --benchmark environment variable was set to something" \
+" improper.\nUse Cholesky, FFT, LUContig, LUNoncontig, Radix" \
+", Barnes, FMM, OceanContig,\nOceanNoncontig, Raytrace," \
+" WaterNSquared, or WaterSpatial\n")
+# --------------------
+# Assign the workload to the cpus
+# ====================
+for cpu in cpus:
+ cpu.workload = root.workload
+# ----------------------
+# Run the simulation
+# ----------------------
+if options.timing or options.detailed:
+ root.system.mem_mode = 'timing'
+# instantiate configuration
+# simulate until program terminates
+if options.maxtick:
+ exit_event = m5.simulate(options.maxtick)
+ exit_event = m5.simulate()
+print 'Exiting @ tick', m5.curTick(), 'because', exit_event.getCause()
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/ b/src/arch/alpha/
index eef4361fd..7179bf025 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/
@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ void PageTableFault::invoke(ThreadContext *tc)
// We've accessed the next page
if (vaddr > p->stack_min - PageBytes) {
- warn("Increasing stack %#x:%#x to %#x:%#x because of access to %#x",
+ DPRINTF(Stack,
+ "Increasing stack %#x:%#x to %#x:%#x because of access to %#x",
p->stack_min, p->stack_base, p->stack_min - PageBytes,
p->stack_base, vaddr);
p->stack_min -= PageBytes;
@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ void PageTableFault::invoke(ThreadContext *tc)
fatal("Over max stack size for one thread\n");
p->pTable->allocate(p->stack_min, PageBytes);
} else {
+ warn("Page fault on address %#x\n", vaddr);
diff --git a/src/base/ b/src/base/
index 298d22c2b..2402cf361 100644
--- a/src/base/
+++ b/src/base/
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ baseFlags = [
+ 'Quiesce',
diff --git a/src/cpu/ b/src/cpu/
index 8dd20db02..fa79e6d1e 100644
--- a/src/cpu/
+++ b/src/cpu/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
* Authors: Kevin Lim
+#include "cpu/base.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "cpu/quiesce_event.hh"
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ EndQuiesceEvent::EndQuiesceEvent(ThreadContext *_tc)
+ DPRINTF(Quiesce, "activating %s\n", tc->getCpuPtr()->name());
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 4f1771ff9..23761cd10 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ IsaFake::read(PacketPtr pkt)
DPRINTF(Tsunami, "read va=%#x size=%d\n", pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
switch (pkt->getSize()) {
+ case sizeof(uint64_t):
case sizeof(uint32_t):
diff --git a/src/kern/tru64/tru64.hh b/src/kern/tru64/tru64.hh
index 2ee4014db..6d6d0d96d 100644
--- a/src/kern/tru64/tru64.hh
+++ b/src/kern/tru64/tru64.hh
@@ -544,12 +544,19 @@ class Tru64 : public OperatingSystem
process->next_thread_stack_base -= stack_size;
- stack_base = roundDown(stack_base, VMPageSize);
+ Addr rounded_stack_base = roundDown(stack_base, VMPageSize);
+ Addr rounded_stack_size = roundUp(stack_size, VMPageSize);
+ DPRINTF(SyscallVerbose,
+ "stack_create: allocating stack @ %#x size %#x "
+ "(rounded from %#x, %#x)\n",
+ rounded_stack_base, rounded_stack_size,
+ stack_base, stack_size);
// map memory
- process->pTable->allocate(stack_base, roundUp(stack_size, VMPageSize));
+ process->pTable->allocate(rounded_stack_base, rounded_stack_size);
- argp->address = gtoh(stack_base);
+ argp->address = gtoh(rounded_stack_base);
return 0;
diff --git a/src/mem/cache/cache_impl.hh b/src/mem/cache/cache_impl.hh
index 66a9ee554..3c47762f6 100644
--- a/src/mem/cache/cache_impl.hh
+++ b/src/mem/cache/cache_impl.hh
@@ -231,8 +231,16 @@ Cache<TagStore,Buffering,Coherence>::access(PacketPtr &pkt)
exitSimLoop("A cache reached the maximum miss count");
- missQueue->handleMiss(pkt, size, curTick + hitLatency);
-// return MA_CACHE_MISS;
+ if (pkt->flags & SATISFIED) {
+ // happens when a store conditional fails because it missed
+ // the cache completely
+ if (pkt->needsResponse())
+ respond(pkt, curTick+lat);
+ } else {
+ missQueue->handleMiss(pkt, size, curTick + hitLatency);
+ }
return true;
@@ -585,7 +593,7 @@ Cache<TagStore,Buffering,Coherence>::probe(PacketPtr &pkt, bool update,
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Success);
return 0;
- } else if (!blk) {
+ } else if (!blk && !(pkt->flags & SATISFIED)) {
// update the cache state and statistics
if (mshr || !writes.empty()){
// Can't handle it, return pktuest unsatisfied.
@@ -653,18 +661,20 @@ return 0;
return memSidePort->sendAtomic(pkt);
} else {
- // There was a cache hit.
- // Handle writebacks if needed
- while (!writebacks.empty()){
- memSidePort->sendAtomic(writebacks.front());
- writebacks.pop_front();
- }
+ if (blk) {
+ // There was a cache hit.
+ // Handle writebacks if needed
+ while (!writebacks.empty()){
+ memSidePort->sendAtomic(writebacks.front());
+ writebacks.pop_front();
+ }
- hits[pkt->cmdToIndex()][0/*pkt->req->getThreadNum()*/]++;
+ hits[pkt->cmdToIndex()][0/*pkt->req->getThreadNum()*/]++;
+ }
return hitLatency;
- fatal("Probe not handled.\n");
return 0;
diff --git a/src/mem/cache/coherence/ b/src/mem/cache/coherence/
index 52beb0880..3d7721805 100644
--- a/src/mem/cache/coherence/
+++ b/src/mem/cache/coherence/
@@ -206,8 +206,7 @@ bool
CoherenceProtocol::supplyTrans(BaseCache *cache, PacketPtr &pkt,
CacheBlk *blk,
MSHR *mshr,
- CacheBlk::State & new_state
- )
+ CacheBlk::State & new_state)
return true;
@@ -263,182 +262,106 @@ CoherenceProtocol::CoherenceProtocol(const string &name,
const bool doUpgrades)
: SimObject(name)
- if ((protocol == "mosi" || protocol == "moesi") && !doUpgrades) {
- cerr << "CoherenceProtocol: ownership protocols require upgrade transactions"
- << "(write miss on owned block generates ReadExcl, which will clobber dirty block)"
- << endl;
- fatal("");
+ // Python should catch this, but in case it doesn't...
+ if (!(protocol == "msi" || protocol == "mesi" ||
+ protocol == "mosi" || protocol == "moesi")) {
+ fatal("CoherenceProtocol: unrecognized protocol %s\n", protocol);
- Packet::Command writeToSharedCmd = doUpgrades ? Packet::UpgradeReq : Packet::ReadExReq;
- Packet::Command writeToSharedResp = doUpgrades ? Packet::UpgradeReq : Packet::ReadExResp;
-//@todo add in hardware prefetch to this list
- if (protocol == "msi") {
- // incoming requests: specify outgoing bus request
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadExReq);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- //Prefetching causes a read
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::SoftPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::HardPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- // on response to given request: specify new state
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadResp].onResponse(Shared);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Shared][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- // bus snoop transition functions
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoSharedTrans);
- //Tansitions on seeing a DMA (writeInv(samelevel) or DMAInv)
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- if (doUpgrades) {
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- }
+ bool hasOwned = (protocol == "mosi" || protocol == "moesi");
+ bool hasExclusive = (protocol == "mesi" || protocol == "moesi");
+ if (hasOwned && !doUpgrades) {
+ fatal("CoherenceProtocol: ownership protocols require upgrade "
+ "transactions\n(write miss on owned block generates ReadExcl, "
+ "which will clobber dirty block)\n");
- else if(protocol == "mesi") {
- // incoming requests: specify outgoing bus request
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadExReq);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- //Prefetching causes a read
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::SoftPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::HardPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- // on response to given request: specify new state
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadResp].onResponse(Exclusive);
- //It will move into shared if the shared line is asserted in the
- //getNewState function
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Shared][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- // bus snoop transition functions
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoSharedTrans);
- //Tansitions on seeing a DMA (writeInv(samelevel) or DMAInv)
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- if (doUpgrades) {
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- }
+ // set up a few shortcuts to save typing & visual clutter
+ typedef Packet P;
+ StateTransition (&tt)[stateMax+1][NUM_MEM_CMDS] = transitionTable;
+ P::Command writeToSharedCmd = doUpgrades ? P::UpgradeReq : P::ReadExReq;
+ P::Command writeToSharedResp = doUpgrades ? P::UpgradeReq : P::ReadExResp;
+ // Note that all transitions by default cause a panic.
+ // Override the valid transitions with the appropriate actions here.
+ //
+ // ----- incoming requests: specify outgoing bus request -----
+ //
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadReq].onRequest(P::ReadReq);
+ // we only support write allocate right now
+ tt[Invalid][P::WriteReq].onRequest(P::ReadExReq);
+ tt[Shared][P::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
+ if (hasOwned) {
+ tt[Owned][P::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- else if(protocol == "mosi") {
- // incoming requests: specify outgoing bus request
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadExReq);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- //Prefetching causes a read
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::SoftPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::HardPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- // on response to given request: specify new state
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadResp].onResponse(Shared);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Shared][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Owned][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- // bus snoop transition functions
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- //Tansitions on seeing a DMA (writeInv(samelevel) or DMAInv)
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ // Prefetching causes a read
+ tt[Invalid][P::SoftPFReq].onRequest(P::ReadReq);
+ tt[Invalid][P::HardPFReq].onRequest(P::ReadReq);
+ //
+ // ----- on response to given request: specify new state -----
+ //
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadExResp].onResponse(Modified);
+ tt[Shared][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
+ // Go to Exclusive state on read response if we have one (will
+ // move into shared if the shared line is asserted in the
+ // getNewState function)
+ //
+ // originally had this as:
+ // tt[Invalid][P::ReadResp].onResponse(hasExclusive ? Exclusive: Shared);
+ // ...but for some reason that caused a link error...
+ if (hasExclusive) {
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadResp].onResponse(Exclusive);
+ } else {
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadResp].onResponse(Shared);
+ }
+ if (hasOwned) {
+ tt[Owned][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- else if(protocol == "moesi") {
- // incoming requests: specify outgoing bus request
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadExReq);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::WriteReq].onRequest(writeToSharedCmd);
- //Prefetching causes a read
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::SoftPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::HardPFReq].onRequest(Packet::ReadReq);
- // on response to given request: specify new state
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadResp].onResponse(Exclusive);
- //It will move into shared if the shared line is asserted in the
- //getNewState function
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Shared][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- transitionTable[Owned][writeToSharedResp].onResponse(Modified);
- // bus snoop transition functions
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- //Transitions on seeing a DMA (writeInv(samelevel) or DMAInv)
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Invalid][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Shared][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Exclusive][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Modified][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- transitionTable[Owned][Packet::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ //
+ // ----- bus snoop transition functions -----
+ //
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
+ tt[Invalid][P::ReadExReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
+ tt[Invalid][P::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Invalid][P::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Shared][P::ReadReq].onSnoop(hasExclusive
+ ? assertShared : nullTransition);
+ tt[Shared][P::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Shared][P::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Shared][P::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ if (doUpgrades) {
+ tt[Invalid][P::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(nullTransition);
+ tt[Shared][P::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ }
+ tt[Modified][P::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
+ tt[Modified][P::ReadReq].onSnoop(hasOwned
+ ? supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans
+ : supplyAndGotoSharedTrans);
+ tt[Modified][P::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Modified][P::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ if (hasExclusive) {
+ tt[Exclusive][P::ReadReq].onSnoop(assertShared);
+ tt[Exclusive][P::ReadExReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Exclusive][P::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Exclusive][P::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
- else {
- cerr << "CoherenceProtocol: unrecognized protocol " << protocol
- << endl;
- fatal("");
+ if (hasOwned) {
+ tt[Owned][P::ReadReq].onSnoop(supplyAndGotoOwnedTrans);
+ tt[Owned][P::ReadExReq].onSnoop(supplyAndInvalidateTrans);
+ tt[Owned][P::UpgradeReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Owned][P::InvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ tt[Owned][P::WriteInvalidateReq].onSnoop(invalidateTrans);
+ // @todo add in hardware prefetch to this list
diff --git a/src/mem/cache/coherence/coherence_protocol.hh b/src/mem/cache/coherence/coherence_protocol.hh
index b30fb053b..481277523 100644
--- a/src/mem/cache/coherence/coherence_protocol.hh
+++ b/src/mem/cache/coherence/coherence_protocol.hh
@@ -211,31 +211,25 @@ class CoherenceProtocol : public SimObject
friend class CoherenceProtocol::StateTransition;
/** Mask to select status bits relevant to coherence protocol. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- stateMask = BlkValid | BlkWritable | BlkDirty;
+ static const int stateMask = BlkValid | BlkWritable | BlkDirty;
/** The Modified (M) state. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- Modified = BlkValid | BlkWritable | BlkDirty;
+ static const int Modified = BlkValid | BlkWritable | BlkDirty;
/** The Owned (O) state. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- Owned = BlkValid | BlkDirty;
+ static const int Owned = BlkValid | BlkDirty;
/** The Exclusive (E) state. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- Exclusive = BlkValid | BlkWritable;
+ static const int Exclusive = BlkValid | BlkWritable;
/** The Shared (S) state. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- Shared = BlkValid;
+ static const int Shared = BlkValid;
/** The Invalid (I) state. */
- const static CacheBlk::State
- Invalid = 0;
+ static const int Invalid = 0;
* Maximum state encoding value (used to size transition lookup
* table). Could be more than number of states, depends on
* encoding of status bits.
- const static int stateMax = stateMask;
+ static const int stateMax = stateMask;
* The table of all possible transitions, organized by starting state and
diff --git a/src/mem/packet.hh b/src/mem/packet.hh
index d8ad49bdb..cb97dd036 100644
--- a/src/mem/packet.hh
+++ b/src/mem/packet.hh
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ typedef uint8_t* PacketDataPtr;
typedef std::list<PacketPtr> PacketList;
//Coherence Flags
-#define NACKED_LINE 1 << 0
-#define SATISFIED 1 << 1
-#define SHARED_LINE 1 << 2
-#define CACHE_LINE_FILL 1 << 3
-#define COMPRESSED 1 << 4
-#define NO_ALLOCATE 1 << 5
-#define SNOOP_COMMIT 1 << 6
+#define NACKED_LINE (1 << 0)
+#define SATISFIED (1 << 1)
+#define SHARED_LINE (1 << 2)
+#define CACHE_LINE_FILL (1 << 3)
+#define COMPRESSED (1 << 4)
+#define NO_ALLOCATE (1 << 5)
+#define SNOOP_COMMIT (1 << 6)
//for now. @todo fix later
-#define NUM_MEM_CMDS 1 << 11
+#define NUM_MEM_CMDS (1 << 11)
* A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in
* the memory system (e.g., the L1 and L2 cache). (In contrast, a
@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@ class Packet
// as well.
enum CommandAttribute
- IsRead = 1 << 0,
- IsWrite = 1 << 1,
- IsPrefetch = 1 << 2,
- IsInvalidate = 1 << 3,
- IsRequest = 1 << 4,
- IsResponse = 1 << 5,
- NeedsResponse = 1 << 6,
+ IsRead = 1 << 0,
+ IsWrite = 1 << 1,
+ IsPrefetch = 1 << 2,
+ IsInvalidate = 1 << 3,
+ IsRequest = 1 << 4,
+ IsResponse = 1 << 5,
+ NeedsResponse = 1 << 6,
IsSWPrefetch = 1 << 7,
IsHWPrefetch = 1 << 8,
IsUpgrade = 1 << 9,
- HasData = 1 << 10
+ HasData = 1 << 10
@@ -190,27 +190,27 @@ class Packet
enum Command
InvalidCmd = 0,
- ReadReq = IsRead | IsRequest | NeedsResponse,
+ ReadReq = IsRead | IsRequest | NeedsResponse,
WriteReq = IsWrite | IsRequest | NeedsResponse | HasData,
- WriteReqNoAck = IsWrite | IsRequest | HasData,
+ WriteReqNoAck = IsWrite | IsRequest | HasData,
ReadResp = IsRead | IsResponse | NeedsResponse | HasData,
- WriteResp = IsWrite | IsResponse | NeedsResponse,
+ WriteResp = IsWrite | IsResponse | NeedsResponse,
Writeback = IsWrite | IsRequest | HasData,
SoftPFReq = IsRead | IsRequest | IsSWPrefetch | NeedsResponse,
HardPFReq = IsRead | IsRequest | IsHWPrefetch | NeedsResponse,
SoftPFResp = IsRead | IsResponse | IsSWPrefetch
- | NeedsResponse | HasData,
+ | NeedsResponse | HasData,
HardPFResp = IsRead | IsResponse | IsHWPrefetch
- | NeedsResponse | HasData,
+ | NeedsResponse | HasData,
InvalidateReq = IsInvalidate | IsRequest,
- WriteInvalidateReq = IsWrite | IsInvalidate | IsRequest
- | HasData | NeedsResponse,
- WriteInvalidateResp = IsWrite | IsInvalidate | IsRequest | NeedsResponse
- | IsResponse,
+ WriteInvalidateReq = IsWrite | IsInvalidate | IsRequest
+ | HasData | NeedsResponse,
+ WriteInvalidateResp = IsWrite | IsInvalidate | IsRequest
+ | NeedsResponse | IsResponse,
UpgradeReq = IsInvalidate | IsRequest | IsUpgrade,
ReadExReq = IsRead | IsInvalidate | IsRequest | NeedsResponse,
ReadExResp = IsRead | IsInvalidate | IsResponse
- | NeedsResponse | HasData
+ | NeedsResponse | HasData
/** Return the string name of the cmd field (for debugging and
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ class Packet
* multiple transactions. */
void reinitFromRequest() {
+ flags = 0;
addr = req->paddr;
size = req->size;
time = req->time;
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index 650b728f7..cea35482a 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
void FaultBase::invoke(ThreadContext * tc)
- fatal("fault (%s) detected @ PC 0x%08p", name(), tc->readPC());
+ fatal("fault (%s) detected @ PC %p", name(), tc->readPC());
void FaultBase::invoke(ThreadContext * tc)
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index addf897c6..4eb0866a5 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -87,10 +87,15 @@ namespace AlphaPseudo
EndQuiesceEvent *quiesceEvent = tc->getQuiesceEvent();
+ Tick resume = curTick + Clock::Int::ns * ns;
if (quiesceEvent->scheduled())
- quiesceEvent->reschedule(curTick + Clock::Int::ns * ns);
+ quiesceEvent->reschedule(resume);
- quiesceEvent->schedule(curTick + Clock::Int::ns * ns);
+ quiesceEvent->schedule(resume);
+ DPRINTF(Quiesce, "%s: quiesceNs(%d) until %d\n",
+ tc->getCpuPtr()->name(), ns, resume);
if (tc->getKernelStats())
@@ -105,12 +110,15 @@ namespace AlphaPseudo
EndQuiesceEvent *quiesceEvent = tc->getQuiesceEvent();
+ Tick resume = curTick + tc->getCpuPtr()->cycles(cycles);
if (quiesceEvent->scheduled())
- quiesceEvent->reschedule(curTick +
- tc->getCpuPtr()->cycles(cycles));
+ quiesceEvent->reschedule(resume);
- quiesceEvent->schedule(curTick +
- tc->getCpuPtr()->cycles(cycles));
+ quiesceEvent->schedule(resume);
+ DPRINTF(Quiesce, "%s: quiesceCycles(%d) until %d\n",
+ tc->getCpuPtr()->name(), cycles, resume);
if (tc->getKernelStats())
diff --git a/util/tracediff b/util/tracediff
index f2377a999..b25efe9b2 100755
--- a/util/tracediff
+++ b/util/tracediff
@@ -33,23 +33,63 @@
# ******Note that you need to enable some trace flags in the args in order
# to do anything useful!******
-# If you want to pass different arguments to the two instances of m5,
-# you can embed them in the simulator arguments like this:
+# Script arguments are handled uniformly as follows:
+# - If the argument does not contain a '|' character, it is appended
+# to both command lines.
+# - If the argument has a '|' character in it, the text on either side
+# of the '|' is appended to the respective command lines. Note that
+# you'll have to quote the arg or escape the '|' with a backslash
+# so that the shell doesn't think you're doing a pipe.
-# % tracediff "m5.opt --option1" "m5.opt --option2" [common args]
+# In other words, the arguments should look like the command line you
+# want to run, with "|" used to list the alternatives for the parts
+# that you want to differ between the two runs.
+# For example:
+# % tracediff m5.opt --opt1 "--opt2|--opt3" --opt4
+# would compare these two runs:
+# m5.opt --opt1 --opt2 --opt4
+# m5.opt --opt1 --opt3 --opt4
+# If you want to compare two different simulator binaries, put a '|'
+# in the first script argument ("path1/m5.opt|path2/m5.opt"). If you
+# want to add arguments to one run only, just put a '|' in with text
+# only on one side ("--onlyOn1|"). You can do this with multiple
+# arguments together too ("|-a -b -c" adds three args to the second
+# run only).
if (@ARGV < 2) {
- die "Usage: tracediff sim1 sim2 [--root.trace.flags=X args...]\n";
+ die "Usage: tracediff \"sim1|sim2\" [common-arg \"arg1|arg2\" ...]\n";
+foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
+ @pair = split('\|', $arg, -1); # -1 enables null trailing fields
+ if ($#pair > 0) {
+ push @cmd1, $pair[0];
+ push @cmd2, $pair[1];
+ } else {
+ push @cmd1, $arg;
+ push @cmd2, $arg;
+ }
# First two args are the two simulator binaries to compare
-$sim1 = shift;
-$sim2 = shift;
+$sim1 = shift @cmd1;
+$sim2 = shift @cmd2;
+# Everything else is a simulator arg.
+$args1 = join(' ', @cmd1);
+$args2 = join(' ', @cmd2);
-# Everything else on the command line is taken to be an m5 argument to
-# be given to both invocations
-$simargs = '"' . join('" "', @ARGV) . '"';
+# Common mistake: if you don't set any traceflags this often isn't
+# doing what you want.
+if ($args1 !~ /--trace-flags/) {
+ print "****\n";
+ print "**** WARNING: no trace flags set... you may not be diffing much!\n";
+ print "****\n";
# Run individual invocations in separate dirs so output and intermediate
# files (particularly and config.ini) don't conflict.
@@ -58,8 +98,8 @@ $dir2 = "tracediff-$$-2";
mkdir($dir1) or die "Can't create dir $dir1\n";
mkdir($dir2) or die "Can't create dir $dir2\n";
-$cmd1 = "$sim1 -d $dir1 $simargs 2>&1 |";
-$cmd2 = "$sim2 -d $dir2 $simargs 2>&1 |";
+$cmd1 = "$sim1 -d $dir1 $args1 2>&1 |";
+$cmd2 = "$sim2 -d $dir2 $args2 2>&1 |";
# This only works if you have rundiff in your path. I just edit it
# with an explicit path if necessary.