path: root/configs
diff options
authorRon Dreslinski <>2006-10-20 19:53:52 -0400
committerRon Dreslinski <>2006-10-20 19:53:52 -0400
commite198e58e1e165ab46fb6ca73d9b35e296dd15599 (patch)
treeca819cd8c577e8a7a96621cbcb864dfd2b0e4c23 /configs
parentad783962c5e9ab5ee69e8b42d6c1385ef9a3b42f (diff)
Clean up splash2 so it works in v2.0
configs/splash2/ Update the splash2 file --HG-- extra : convert_revision : b57ef1ab4b8fd1eaf281358db623b7581b96546b
Diffstat (limited to 'configs')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/configs/splash2/ b/configs/splash2/
index ebbe14939..615fd3c7b 100644
--- a/configs/splash2/
+++ b/configs/splash2/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -26,54 +26,234 @@
# Authors: Ron Dreslinski
-from m5 import *
-import Splash2
-if 'SYSTEM' not in env:
- panic("The SYSTEM environment variable must be set!\ne.g -ESYSTEM=Detailed\n")
-if env['SYSTEM'] == 'Simple':
- from SimpleConfig import *
- BaseCPU.workload = Parent.workload
- SimpleStandAlone.cpu = [ CPU() for i in xrange(int(env['NP'])) ]
- root = SimpleStandAlone()
-elif env['SYSTEM'] == 'Detailed':
- from DetailedConfig import *
- BaseCPU.workload = Parent.workload
- DetailedStandAlone.cpu = [ DetailedCPU() for i in xrange(int(env['NP'])) ]
- root = DetailedStandAlone()
+# Splash2 Run Script
+import m5
+from m5.objects import *
+import os, optparse, sys
+# --------------------
+# Define Command Line Options
+# ====================
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-d", "--detailed", action="store_true")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--timing", action="store_true")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--maxtick", type="int")
+parser.add_option("-n", "--numcpus",
+ help="Number of cpus in total", type="int")
+parser.add_option("-f", "--frequency",
+ help="Frequency of each CPU")
+parser.add_option("-p", "--protocol",
+ default="moesi",
+ help="The coherence protocol to use for the L1'a (i.e. MOESI, MOSI)")
+ help="ROot directory of Splash2",
+ default="../../Splash2/codes")
+parser.add_option("-b", "--benchmark",
+ help="Splash 2 benchmark to run")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if args:
+ print "Error: script doesn't take any positional arguments"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# --------------------
+# Define Splash2 Benchmarks
+# ====================
+class Cholesky(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + '/kernels/cholesky/CHOLESKY'
+ cmd = 'CHOLESKY -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' '\
+ + options.rootdir + '/kernels/cholesky/inputs/tk23.O'
+class FFT(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'kernels/fft/FFT'
+ cmd = 'FFT -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' -m18'
+class LU_contig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'kernels/lu/contiguous_blocks/LU'
+ cmd = 'LU -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class LU_noncontig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'kernels/lu/non_contiguous_blocks/LU'
+ cmd = 'LU -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Radix(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'kernels/radix/RADIX'
+ cmd = 'RADIX -n524288 -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Barnes(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/barnes/BARNES'
+ cmd = 'BARNES'
+ input = options.rootdir + 'apps/barnes/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class FMM(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/fmm/FMM'
+ cmd = 'FMM'
+ input = options.rootdir + 'apps/fmm/inputs/input.2048.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Ocean_contig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/ocean/contiguous_partitions/OCEAN'
+ cmd = 'OCEAN -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Ocean_noncontig(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/ocean/non_contiguous_partitions/OCEAN'
+ cmd = 'OCEAN -p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Raytrace(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/raytrace/RAYTRACE'
+ cmd = 'RAYTRACE -p' + str(options.numcpus) + ' ' \
+ + options.rootdir + 'apps/raytrace/inputs/teapot.env'
+class Water_nsquared(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/water-nsquared/WATER-NSQUARED'
+ input = options.rootdir + 'apps/water-nsquared/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+class Water_spatial(LiveProcess):
+ executable = options.rootdir + 'apps/water-spatial/WATER-SPATIAL'
+ input = options.rootdir + 'apps/water-spatial/input.p' + str(options.numcpus)
+# --------------------
+# Base L1 Cache Definition
+# ====================
+class L1(BaseCache):
+ latency = options.l1latency
+ block_size = 64
+ mshrs = 12
+ tgts_per_mshr = 8
+ protocol = CoherenceProtocol(protocol=options.protocol)
+# ----------------------
+# Base L2 Cache Definition
+# ----------------------
+class L2(BaseCache):
+ block_size = 64
+ latency = options.l2latency
+ mshrs = 92
+ tgts_per_mshr = 16
+ write_buffers = 8
+# ----------------------
+# Define the cpus
+# ----------------------
+busFrequency = Frequency(options.frequency)
+if options.timing:
+ cpus = [TimingSimpleCPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
+elif options.detailed:
+ cpus = [DerivO3CPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
- panic("The SYSTEM environment variable was set to something improper.\n Use Simple or Detailed\n")
-if 'BENCHMARK' not in env:
- panic("The BENCHMARK environment variable must be set!\ne.g. -EBENCHMARK=Cholesky\n")
-if env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Cholesky':
- root.workload = Splash2.Cholesky()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'FFT':
- root.workload = Splash2.FFT()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'LUContig':
- root.workload = Splash2.LU_contig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'LUNoncontig':
- root.workload = Splash2.LU_noncontig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Radix':
- root.workload = Splash2.Radix()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Barnes':
- root.workload = Splash2.Barnes()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'FMM':
- root.workload = Splash2.FMM()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'OceanContig':
- root.workload = Splash2.Ocean_contig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'OceanNoncontig':
- root.workload = Splash2.Ocean_noncontig()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'Raytrace':
- root.workload = Splash2.Raytrace()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'WaterNSquared':
- root.workload = Splash2.Water_nsquared()
-elif env['BENCHMARK'] == 'WaterSpatial':
- root.workload = Splash2.Water_spatial()
+ cpus = [AtomicSimpleCPU(cpu_id = i,
+ clock=options.frequency)
+ for i in xrange(options.numcpus)]
+# ----------------------
+# Create a system, and add system wide objects
+# ----------------------
+system = System(cpu = cpus, physmem = PhysicalMemory(),
+ membus = Bus(clock = busFrequency))
+system.toL2bus = Bus(clock = busFrequency)
+system.l2 = L2(size = options.l2size, assoc = 8)
+# ----------------------
+# Connect the L2 cache and memory together
+# ----------------------
+system.physmem.port = system.membus.port
+system.l2.cpu_side = system.toL2bus.port
+system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.port
+# ----------------------
+# Connect the L2 cache and clusters together
+# ----------------------
+for cpu in cpus:
+ cpu.addPrivateSplitL1Caches(L1(size = options.l1size, assoc = 1),
+ L1(size = options.l1size, assoc = 4))
+ cpu.mem = cpu.dcache
+ # connect cpu level-1 caches to shared level-2 cache
+ cpu.connectMemPorts(system.toL2bus)
+# ----------------------
+# Define the root
+# ----------------------
+root = Root(system = system)
+# --------------------
+# Pick the correct Splash2 Benchmarks
+# ====================
+if options.benchmark == 'Cholesky':
+ root.workload = Cholesky()
+elif options.benchmark == 'FFT':
+ root.workload = FFT()
+elif options.benchmark == 'LUContig':
+ root.workload = LU_contig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'LUNoncontig':
+ root.workload = LU_noncontig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Radix':
+ root.workload = Radix()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Barnes':
+ root.workload = Barnes()
+elif options.benchmark == 'FMM':
+ root.workload = FMM()
+elif options.benchmark == 'OceanContig':
+ root.workload = Ocean_contig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'OceanNoncontig':
+ root.workload = Ocean_noncontig()
+elif options.benchmark == 'Raytrace':
+ root.workload = Raytrace()
+elif options.benchmark == 'WaterNSquared':
+ root.workload = Water_nsquared()
+elif options.benchmark == 'WaterSpatial':
+ root.workload = Water_spatial()
- panic("The BENCHMARK environment variable was set to something" \
+ panic("The --benchmark environment variable was set to something" \
+" improper.\nUse Cholesky, FFT, LUContig, LUNoncontig, Radix" \
+", Barnes, FMM, OceanContig,\nOceanNoncontig, Raytrace," \
+" WaterNSquared, or WaterSpatial\n")
+# --------------------
+# Assign the workload to the cpus
+# ====================
+for cpu in cpus:
+ cpu.workload = root.workload
+# ----------------------
+# Run the simulation
+# ----------------------
+if options.timing or options.detailed:
+ root.system.mem_mode = 'timing'
+# instantiate configuration
+# simulate until program terminates
+if options.maxtick:
+ exit_event = m5.simulate(options.maxtick)
+ exit_event = m5.simulate()
+print 'Exiting @ tick', m5.curTick(), 'because', exit_event.getCause()