path: root/ext/dsent/
diff options
authorNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
committerNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
commite8ed7b1d1b5bef31e9874f679a5797c2e00d06f1 (patch)
tree421c9c50377aa664958685914f5504c4c019e21f /ext/dsent/
parenta098fad174d8559037602b248b8e6f7f46bfebbb (diff)
ext: add the source code for DSENT
This patch adds a tool called DSENT to the ext/ directory. DSENT is a tool that models power and area for on-chip networks. The next patch adds a script for using the tool.
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/dsent/')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/dsent/ b/ext/dsent/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..576cbbebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#include "DSENT.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace DSENT
+ Model* DSENT::ms_model_ = NULL;
+ bool DSENT::ms_is_verbose_ = false;
+ void DSENT::run(int argc_, char** argv_)
+ {
+ // Initialize DSENT framework (setup log file, config file, ...)
+ initialize(argc_, argv_);
+ // Build the specified model in the config file
+ buildModel();
+ // Process the specified queries
+ processQuery();
+ // Process the specified evaluation
+ processEvaluate();
+ // Finalize DSENT framework (close log file, ...)
+ finalize();
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::setRuntimeOptions(OptionParser* option_parser_)
+ {
+ option_parser_->addOption("-cfg", "ConfigFilename", true, "filename", false, "",
+ "Specify the config filename.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-available_models", "IsListModels", false, "", true, "false",
+ "List available DSENT models.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-log", "LogFilename", true, "filename", true, "./dsent.log",
+ "Specify the log filename.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-overwrite", "OverwriteString", true, "options", true, "",
+ "Overwrite dynamically the options set in the config file. Options are separated by a comma (;).");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-overwrite_tech", "OverwriteTechString", true, "options", true, "",
+ "Overwrite dynamically the options set in the technology file. Options are separated by a comma (;).");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-print_config", "IsPrintConfig", false, "", true, "false",
+ "Print the config used at DSENT runtime.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-query", "QueryString", true, "query string", true, "",
+ "Specify the list of items to query. This command is the same as owerwriting the 'QueryString'.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-eval", "EvaluateString", true, "evaluate string", true, "",
+ "Specify the list of statements to evaluate. This command is the same as owerwriting the 'EvaluateString'.");
+ option_parser_->addOption("-verbose", "IsVerbose", false, "", true, "false",
+ "Enable verbose mode which prints out more detailed messages.");
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::initialize(int argc_, char** argv_)
+ {
+ OptionParser* option_parser = new OptionParser();
+ // Init the option parser and setup available options
+ setRuntimeOptions(option_parser);
+ // Parse the options
+ option_parser->parseArguments(argc_, argv_);
+ // If -available_models is specified, print out a list of available
+ // models and exit DSENT.
+ if(option_parser->get("IsListModels").toBool())
+ {
+ ModelGen::printAvailableModels();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // Init the log file
+ Log::allocate(option_parser->get("LogFilename"));
+ // Init the config file
+ Config::allocate(option_parser->get("ConfigFilename"));
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ // Overwrite the existing options
+ dsent_config->readString(option_parser->get("OverwriteString"));
+ // Overwrite the technology file
+ dsent_config->constructTechModel(option_parser->get("OverwriteTechString"));
+ ms_is_verbose_ = option_parser->get("IsVerbose").toBool();
+ // Overwrite the query string if it is specified from command line
+ if(option_parser->get("QueryString").size() != 0)
+ {
+ dsent_config->set("QueryString", option_parser->get("QueryString"));
+ }
+ // Overwrite the evaluation string if it is specified from command line
+ if(option_parser->get("EvaluateString").size() != 0)
+ {
+ dsent_config->set("EvaluateString", option_parser->get("EvaluateString"));
+ }
+ // Print the config used for this run
+ if(option_parser->get("IsPrintConfig").toBool())
+ {
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "Configuration:" << endl;
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ cout << *dsent_config;
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ delete option_parser;
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::buildModel()
+ {
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ // Create the model specified
+ const String& model_name = dsent_config->get("ModelName");
+ ms_model_ = ModelGen::createModel(model_name, model_name, dsent_config->getTechModel());
+ // Construct the model
+ // Read all parameters the model requires
+ const vector<String>* parameter_names = ms_model_->getParameterNames();
+ // For all parameters, grab values from the config file
+ for(vector<String>::const_iterator it = parameter_names->begin(); it != parameter_names->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const String& parameter_name = *it;
+ // If it exists in the config file, set the parameter
+ if(dsent_config->keyExist(parameter_name))
+ {
+ ms_model_->setParameter(parameter_name, dsent_config->get(parameter_name));
+ }
+ }
+ ms_model_->construct();
+ // Update the model
+ // Read all properties the model requires
+ const vector<String>* property_names = ms_model_->getPropertyNames();
+ // For all properties, grab values from the config file
+ for(vector<String>::const_iterator it = property_names->begin(); it != property_names->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const String& property_name = *it;
+ // If it exists in the config file, set the parameter
+ if(dsent_config->keyExist(property_name))
+ {
+ ms_model_->setProperty(property_name, dsent_config->get(property_name));
+ }
+ }
+ ms_model_->update();
+ // Evaluate the model
+ // Perform timing optimization if needed
+ if(dsent_config->getIfKeyExist("IsPerformTimingOptimization", "false").toBool())
+ {
+ performTimingOpt();
+ }
+ ms_model_->evaluate();
+ // Report timing if needed
+ if(dsent_config->getIfKeyExist("IsReportTiming", "false").toBool())
+ {
+ reportTiming();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::processQuery()
+ {
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ vector<String> queries = dsent_config->get("QueryString").split(" ;\r\n");
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "Query results:" << endl;
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < queries.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const String& curr_query = queries[i];
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ String str = "Process query: '" + curr_query + "'";
+ cout << str << endl;
+ cout << String(str.size(), '-') << endl;
+ }
+ processQuery(curr_query, true);
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const void* DSENT::processQuery(const String& query_str_, bool is_print_)
+ {
+ vector<String> type_split = query_str_.splitByString(Model::TYPE_SEPARATOR);
+ ASSERT((type_split.size() == 2), "[Error] Invalid query format: " + query_str_);
+ String query_type = type_split[0];
+ vector<String> detail_split = type_split[1].splitByString(Model::DETAIL_SEPARATOR);
+ ASSERT((detail_split.size() == 2), "[Error] Invalid query format: " + query_str_);
+ String query_detail = detail_split[1];
+ vector<String> subfield_split = detail_split[0].splitByString(Model::SUBFIELD_SEPARATOR);
+ ASSERT(((subfield_split.size() == 2) || (subfield_split.size() == 1)), "[Error] Invalid query format: " + query_str_);
+ String query_hier = subfield_split[0];
+ String query_subfield = "";
+ if(subfield_split.size() == 2)
+ {
+ query_subfield = subfield_split[1];
+ }
+ const void* query_result = ms_model_->parseQuery(query_type, query_hier, query_subfield);
+ if(query_type == "Property")
+ {
+ const PropertyMap* property = (const PropertyMap*)query_result;
+ if(is_print_)
+ {
+ cout << *property;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(query_type == "Parameter")
+ {
+ const ParameterMap* parameter = (const ParameterMap*)query_result;
+ if(is_print_)
+ {
+ cout << *parameter;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(query_type.contain("Hier"))
+ {
+ const Model* model = (const Model*)query_result;
+ if(is_print_)
+ {
+ model->printHierarchy(query_type, query_subfield, "", query_detail, cout);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Result* result = (const Result*)query_result;
+ if(is_print_)
+ {
+ result->print(query_type + Model::TYPE_SEPARATOR + query_hier +
+ Model::SUBFIELD_SEPARATOR + query_subfield, query_detail, cout);
+ }
+ }
+ return query_result;
+ }
+ void DSENT::finalize()
+ {
+ // Release the constructed model
+ delete ms_model_;
+ ms_model_ = NULL;
+ // Release the config file
+ Config::release();
+ // Release the log file
+ Log::release();
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::performTimingOpt()
+ {
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ // Get the frequency it is optimizing to
+ double freq = dsent_config->get("Frequency").toDouble();
+ // Get all the starting net names
+ const vector<String>& start_net_names = dsent_config->get("TimingOptimization->StartNetNames").split("[,]");
+ ASSERT((start_net_names.size() > 0), "[Error] Expecting net names in TimingOptimization->StartNetNames");
+ if(start_net_names[0] == "*")
+ {
+ // Optimize from all input ports
+ ElectricalModel* electrical_model = (ElectricalModel*)ms_model_;
+ ElectricalTimingOptimizer timing_optimizer("Optimizer", electrical_model->getTechModel());
+ timing_optimizer.setModel(electrical_model);
+ timing_optimizer.construct();
+ timing_optimizer.update();
+ ElectricalTimingTree timing_tree(timing_optimizer.getInstanceName(), &timing_optimizer);
+ const Map<PortInfo*>* input_ports = timing_optimizer.getInputs();
+ Map<PortInfo*>::ConstIterator it_begin = input_ports->begin();
+ Map<PortInfo*>::ConstIterator it_end = input_ports->end();
+ Map<PortInfo*>::ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = it_begin; it != it_end; ++it)
+ {
+ const String& net_name = it->first;
+ Log::printLine("Optimizing net: " + net_name);
+ timing_tree.performTimingOpt(timing_optimizer.getNet(net_name, makeNetIndex(0)), 1.0 / freq);
+ //timing_tree.performTimingOpt(electrical_model->getNet(net_name, makeNetIndex(0)), 1.0 / freq);
+ }
+ // Loop the second times
+ for(it = it_begin; it != it_end; ++it)
+ {
+ const String& net_name = it->first;
+ Log::printLine("Optimizing net: " + net_name);
+ //timing_tree.performTimingOpt(timing_optimizer.getNet(net_name, makeNetIndex(0)), 1.0 / freq);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO : parse the net name so that we could do hierarchical optimization
+ // Currently we can only optimize timing at the top level
+ ElectricalModel* electrical_model = (ElectricalModel*)ms_model_;
+ ElectricalTimingTree timing_tree(electrical_model->getInstanceName(), electrical_model);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < start_net_names.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const String& net_name = start_net_names[i];
+ timing_tree.performTimingOpt(electrical_model->getNet(net_name), 1.0 / freq);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::reportTiming()
+ {
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ // Get all the starting net names
+ const vector<String>& start_net_names = dsent_config->get("ReportTiming->StartNetNames").split("[,]");
+ ElectricalModel* electrical_model = (ElectricalModel*)ms_model_;
+ ElectricalTimingTree timing_tree(electrical_model->getInstanceName(), electrical_model);
+ cout << "Report timing:" << endl;
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < start_net_names.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const String& net_name = start_net_names[i];
+ double timing = timing_tree.performCritPathExtract(electrical_model->getNet(net_name));
+ cout << net_name << " = " << timing << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ void DSENT::processEvaluate()
+ {
+ Config* dsent_config = Config::getSingleton();
+ // Return if EvaluatString is empty or not exists
+ if(!dsent_config->keyExist("EvaluateString")) return;
+ String eval_str = dsent_config->get("EvaluateString");
+ if(eval_str == "") return;
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "Eval results:" << endl;
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ //if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ //{
+ // String str = "Process evaluation: '" + eval_str + "'";
+ // cout << str << endl;
+ // cout << String(str.size(), '-') << endl;
+ //}
+ DSENTCalculator calc;
+ calc.evaluateString(eval_str);
+ if(ms_is_verbose_)
+ {
+ cout << "==============" << endl;
+ }
+ return;
+ return;
+ }
+ DSENT::DSENTCalculator::DSENTCalculator()
+ {}
+ DSENT::DSENTCalculator::~DSENTCalculator()
+ {}
+ double DSENT::DSENTCalculator::getEnvVar(const String& var_name_) const
+ {
+ if(m_var_.keyExist(var_name_))
+ {
+ return m_var_.get(var_name_);
+ }
+ else if(Config::getSingleton()->keyExist(var_name_))
+ {
+ return Config::getSingleton()->get(var_name_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Result* result = (const Result*)DSENT::processQuery(var_name_ + "@0", false);
+ return result->calculateSum();
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace DSENT