path: root/ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h
diff options
authorNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
committerNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
commite8ed7b1d1b5bef31e9874f679a5797c2e00d06f1 (patch)
tree421c9c50377aa664958685914f5504c4c019e21f /ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h
parenta098fad174d8559037602b248b8e6f7f46bfebbb (diff)
ext: add the source code for DSENT
This patch adds a tool called DSENT to the ext/ directory. DSENT is a tool that models power and area for on-chip networks. The next patch adds a script for using the tool.
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h b/ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0352c8634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/libutil/Map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#ifndef __MAP_H__
+#define __MAP_H__
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include "String.h"
+#include "Assert.h"
+namespace LibUtil
+ using std::map;
+ template<class T> class Map
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef typename map<String, T>::iterator Iterator;
+ typedef typename map<String, T>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
+ typedef typename map<String, T>::size_type SizeType;
+ public:
+ Map();
+ virtual ~Map();
+ public:
+ // Return a new copy of this Map instance
+ Map* clone() const;
+ // Copy map_ to this instance
+ void copyFrom(const Map<T>* map_);
+ // Return the size of the map
+ SizeType size() const;
+ // Check if the map is empty
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ // Check if the key exists
+ bool keyExist(const String& key_) const;
+ // Get the value_ corresponding to the key_
+ const T& get(const String& key_) const;
+ // Get the value_ corresponding to the key_ if the key_ exist, otherwise, the default_value_is returned
+ const T& getIfKeyExist(const String& key_, const T& default_value_ = T()) const;
+ // Add/Update a <key_, value_> entry
+ void set(const String& key_, const T& value_);
+ // Get iterator to the element
+ Iterator find(const String& key_);
+ ConstIterator find(const String& key_) const;
+ // Remove an entry corresponding to key_
+ void remove(const String& key_);
+ // Remove an entry at 'it'
+ void remove(Iterator it);
+ // Remove all keys
+ void clear();
+ // Merge a map. Values with same key will be overwritten.
+ void merge(const Map<T>* map_);
+ // Returns a MapIterator referring to the first element in the map
+ Iterator begin();
+ ConstIterator begin() const;
+ // Returns a MapIterator referring to the past-the-end element in the map
+ Iterator end();
+ ConstIterator end() const;
+ protected:
+ Map(const Map& map_);
+ protected:
+ map<String, T> mMap;
+ };
+ template<class T> Map<T>::Map()
+ {}
+ template<class T> Map<T>::~Map()
+ {}
+ template<class T> Map<T>* Map<T>::clone() const
+ {
+ return new Map<T>(*this);
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::copyFrom(const Map<T>* map_)
+ {
+ // Remove all keys (it won't free the content if T is a pointer)
+ mMap.clear();
+ // Copy the contents
+ mMap = map_->mMap;
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::SizeType Map<T>::size() const
+ {
+ return mMap.size();
+ }
+ template<class T> bool Map<T>::isEmpty() const
+ {
+ return (mMap.empty());
+ }
+ template<class T> bool Map<T>::keyExist(const String& key_) const
+ {
+ ConstIterator it = mMap.find(key_);
+ return (it != mMap.end());
+ }
+ template<class T> const T& Map<T>::get(const String& key_) const
+ {
+ ConstIterator it;
+ it = mMap.find(key_);
+ ASSERT((it != mMap.end()), "Key not found: " + key_);
+ return (it->second);
+ }
+ template<class T> const T& Map<T>::getIfKeyExist(const String& key_, const T& default_value_) const
+ {
+ if(keyExist(key_))
+ {
+ return get(key_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return default_value_;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::set(const String& key_, const T& value_)
+ {
+ mMap[key_] = value_;
+ return;
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::Iterator Map<T>::find(const String& key_)
+ {
+ return mMap.find(key_);
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::ConstIterator Map<T>::find(const String& key_) const
+ {
+ return mMap.find(key_);
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::remove(const String& key_)
+ {
+ mMap.erase(key_);
+ return;
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::remove(Iterator it)
+ {
+ mMap.erase(it);
+ return;
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::clear()
+ {
+ mMap.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ template<class T> void Map<T>::merge(const Map<T>* map_)
+ {
+ ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = map_->begin(); it != map_->end(); it++)
+ {
+ const String& key = it->first;
+ const T& value = it->second;
+ set(key, value);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::Iterator Map<T>::begin()
+ {
+ return mMap.begin();
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::ConstIterator Map<T>::begin() const
+ {
+ return mMap.begin();
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::Iterator Map<T>::end()
+ {
+ return mMap.end();
+ }
+ template<class T> typename Map<T>::ConstIterator Map<T>::end() const
+ {
+ return mMap.end();
+ }
+ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& ost_, const Map<String>& map_)
+ {
+ Map<String>::ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = map_.begin(); it != map_.end(); it++)
+ {
+ ost_ << it->first << " = " << it->second << std::endl;
+ }
+ return ost_;
+ }
+ template<class T> Map<T>::Map(const Map<T>& map_)
+ : mMap(map_.mMap)
+ {}
+ typedef Map<String> StringMap;
+ // Handy function to delete all pointers in a map
+ template<class T> void clearPtrMap(Map<T*>* map_)
+ {
+ for(typename Map<T*>::Iterator it = map_->begin(); it != map_->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ T* temp_T = it->second;
+ delete temp_T;
+ }
+ map_->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handy function to delete all pointers in a map and the map itself
+ template<class T> void deletePtrMap(Map<T*>* map_)
+ {
+ clearPtrMap<T>(map_);
+ delete map_;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handy function to clone all pointers in a map
+ template<class T> Map<T*>* clonePtrMap(const Map<T*>* map_)
+ {
+ Map<T*>* new_T_map = new Map<T*>;
+ for(typename Map<T*>::ConstIterator it = map_->begin(); it != map_->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const String& temp_name = it->first;
+ const T* temp_T = it->second;
+ new_T_map->set(temp_name, temp_T->clone());
+ }
+ return new_T_map;
+ }
+#endif // __MAP_H__