path: root/ext/dsent/tech/
diff options
authorNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
committerNilay Vaish <>2014-10-11 15:02:23 -0500
commite8ed7b1d1b5bef31e9874f679a5797c2e00d06f1 (patch)
tree421c9c50377aa664958685914f5504c4c019e21f /ext/dsent/tech/
parenta098fad174d8559037602b248b8e6f7f46bfebbb (diff)
ext: add the source code for DSENT
This patch adds a tool called DSENT to the ext/ directory. DSENT is a tool that models power and area for on-chip networks. The next patch adds a script for using the tool.
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/dsent/tech/')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/dsent/tech/ b/ext/dsent/tech/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5922177ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/tech/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#include "tech/TechModel.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "model/std_cells/StdCellLib.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ TechModel::TechModel()
+ : Config(), m_std_cell_lib_(NULL), m_available_wire_layers_(NULL)
+ {}
+ TechModel::~TechModel()
+ {}
+ void TechModel::setStdCellLib(const StdCellLib* std_cell_lib_)
+ {
+ m_std_cell_lib_ = std_cell_lib_;
+ return;
+ }
+ const StdCellLib* TechModel::getStdCellLib() const
+ {
+ return m_std_cell_lib_;
+ }
+ TechModel* TechModel::clone() const
+ {
+ return new TechModel(*this);
+ }
+ void TechModel::readFile(const String& filename_)
+ {
+ // Read the main technology file
+ LibUtil::Config::readFile(filename_);
+ // Search for "INCLUDE" to include more technology files
+ StringMap::ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const String& key = it->first;
+ if(, 8, "INCLUDE_") == 0)
+ {
+ const String& include_filename = it->second;
+ LibUtil::Config::readFile(include_filename);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the available wire layers
+ const vector<String>& available_wire_layer_vector = get("Wire->AvailableLayers").split("[,]");
+ m_available_wire_layers_ = new std::set<String>;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < available_wire_layer_vector.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_available_wire_layers_->insert(available_wire_layer_vector[i]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Transistor Related Functions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //Returns the leakage current of NMOS transistors, given the transistor stakcing, transistor widths, and input combination
+ double TechModel::calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(unsigned int num_stacks_, double uni_stacked_mos_width_, unsigned int input_vector_) const
+ {
+ vector<double> stacked_mos_widths_(num_stacks_, uni_stacked_mos_width_);
+ return calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(num_stacks_, stacked_mos_widths_, input_vector_);
+ }
+ //Returns the leakage current of NMOS transistors, given the transistor stakcing, transistor widths, and input combination
+ double TechModel::calculateNmosLeakageCurrent(unsigned int num_stacks_, const vector<double>& stacked_mos_widths_, unsigned int input_vector_) const
+ {
+ // Get technology parameters
+ double vdd = get("Vdd");
+ double temp = get("Temperature");
+ double char_temp = get("Nmos->CharacterizedTemperature");
+ double min_off_current = get("Nmos->MinOffCurrent");
+ double off_current = get("Nmos->OffCurrent");
+ double subthreshold_swing = get("Nmos->SubthresholdSwing");
+ double dibl = get("Nmos->DIBL");
+ double temp_swing = get("Nmos->SubthresholdTempSwing");
+ // Map dibl to a swing value for easier calculation
+ double dibl_swing = subthreshold_swing / dibl;
+ //Calculate the leakage current factor
+ double leakage_current_factor = calculateLeakageCurrentFactor(num_stacks_, stacked_mos_widths_, input_vector_, vdd, subthreshold_swing, dibl_swing);
+ // Calcualte actual leakage current at characterized temperature
+ double leakage_current_char_tmp = stacked_mos_widths_[0] * off_current * std::pow(10.0, leakage_current_factor);
+ leakage_current_char_tmp = std::max(min_off_current, leakage_current_char_tmp);
+ // Calculate actual leakage current at temp
+ double leakage_current = leakage_current_char_tmp * std::pow(10.0, (temp - char_temp) / temp_swing);
+ return leakage_current;
+ }
+ double TechModel::calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(unsigned int num_stacks_, double uni_stacked_mos_width_, unsigned int input_vector_) const
+ {
+ vector<double> stacked_mos_widths_(num_stacks_, uni_stacked_mos_width_);
+ return calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(num_stacks_, stacked_mos_widths_, input_vector_);
+ }
+ //Returns the leakage current of PMOS transistors, given the transistor stakcing, transistor widths, and input combination
+ double TechModel::calculatePmosLeakageCurrent(unsigned int num_stacks_, const vector<double>& stacked_mos_widths_, unsigned int input_vector_) const
+ {
+ // Get technology parameters
+ double vdd = get("Vdd");
+ double temp = get("Temperature");
+ double char_temp = get("Pmos->CharacterizedTemperature");
+ double min_off_current = get("Pmos->MinOffCurrent");
+ double off_current = get("Pmos->OffCurrent");
+ double dibl = get("Pmos->DIBL");
+ double subthreshold_swing = get("Pmos->SubthresholdSwing");
+ double temp_swing = get("Nmos->SubthresholdTempSwing");
+ // Map dibl to a swing value for easier calculation
+ double dibl_swing = subthreshold_swing / dibl;
+ //Calculate the leakage current factor
+ double leakage_current_factor = calculateLeakageCurrentFactor(num_stacks_, stacked_mos_widths_, input_vector_, vdd, subthreshold_swing, dibl_swing);
+ // Calcualte actual leakage current at characterized temperature
+ double leakage_current_char_tmp = stacked_mos_widths_[0] * off_current * std::pow(10.0, leakage_current_factor);
+ leakage_current_char_tmp = std::max(min_off_current, leakage_current_char_tmp);
+ // Calculate actual leakage current at temp
+ double leakage_current = leakage_current_char_tmp * std::pow(10.0, (temp - char_temp) / temp_swing);
+ return leakage_current;
+ }
+ //Returns the leakage current, given the transistor stakcing, transistor widths, input combination,
+ //and technology information (vdd, subthreshold swing, subthreshold dibl swing)
+ double TechModel::calculateLeakageCurrentFactor(unsigned int num_stacks_, const vector<double>& stacked_mos_widths_, unsigned int input_vector_, double vdd_, double subthreshold_swing_, double dibl_swing_) const
+ {
+ // check everything is valid
+ ASSERT(num_stacks_ >= 1, "[Error] Number of stacks must be >= 1!");
+ ASSERT(stacked_mos_widths_.size() == num_stacks_, "[Error] Mismatch in number of stacks and the widths specified!");
+ //Use short name in this method
+ const double s1 = subthreshold_swing_;
+ const double s2 = dibl_swing_;
+ // Decode input combinations from input_vector_
+ std::vector<double> vs(num_stacks_, 0.0);
+ for(int i = 0; i < (int)num_stacks_; ++i)
+ {
+ double current_input = (double(input_vector_ & 0x1))*vdd_;
+ vs[i] = (current_input);
+ input_vector_ >>= 1;
+ }
+ // If the widths pointer is NULL, width is set to 1 by default
+ vector<double> ws = stacked_mos_widths_;
+ //Solve voltages at internal nodes of stacked transistors
+ // v[0] = 0
+ // v[num_stacks_] = vdd_
+ // v[i] = (1.0/(2*s1 + s2))*((s1 + s2)*v[i - 1] + s1*v[i + 1]
+ // + s2*(vs[i + 1] - vs[i]) + s1*s2*log10(ws[i + 1]/ws[i]))
+ //Use tri-matrix solver to solve the above linear system
+ double A = -(s1 + s2);
+ double B = 2*s1 + s2;
+ double C = -s1;
+ std::vector<double> a(num_stacks_ - 1, 0);
+ std::vector<double> b(num_stacks_ - 1, 0);
+ std::vector<double> c(num_stacks_ - 1, 0);
+ std::vector<double> d(num_stacks_ - 1, 0);
+ std::vector<double> v(num_stacks_ + 1, 0);
+ unsigned int eff_num_stacks = num_stacks_;
+ bool is_found_valid_v = false;
+ do
+ {
+ //Set boundary condition
+ v[0] = 0;
+ v[eff_num_stacks] = vdd_;
+ //If the effective number of stacks is 1, no matrix needs to be solved
+ if(eff_num_stacks == 1)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //Setup the tri-matrix
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for(int i = 0; i < (int)eff_num_stacks-2; ++i)
+ {
+ a[i + 1] = A;
+ c[i] = C;
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < (int)eff_num_stacks-1; ++i)
+ {
+ b[i] = B;
+ d[i] = s2*(vs[i + 1] - vs[i]) + s1*s2*std::log10(ws[i + 1]/ws[i]);
+ if(i == ((int)eff_num_stacks - 2))
+ {
+ d[i] -= C*vdd_;
+ }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //Solve the tri-matrix
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for(int i = 1; i < (int)eff_num_stacks-1; ++i)
+ {
+ double m = a[i]/b[i - 1];
+ b[i] -= m*c[i - 1];
+ d[i] -= m*d[i - 1];
+ }
+ v[eff_num_stacks - 1] = d[eff_num_stacks - 2]/b[eff_num_stacks - 2];
+ for(int i = eff_num_stacks - 3; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ v[i + 1] = (d[i] - c[i]*v[i + 2])/b[i];
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //Check if the internal voltages are in increasing order
+ is_found_valid_v = true;
+ for(int i = 1; i <= (int)eff_num_stacks; ++i)
+ {
+ //If the ith internal voltage is not in increasing order
+ //(i-1)th transistor is in triode region
+ //Remove the transistors in triode region as it does not exist
+ if(v[i] < v[i - 1])
+ {
+ is_found_valid_v = false;
+ eff_num_stacks--;
+ vs.erase(vs.begin() + i - 1);
+ ws.erase(ws.begin() + i - 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(!is_found_valid_v);
+ //Calculate the leakage current of the bottom transistor (first not in triode region)
+ double vgs = vs[0] - v[0];
+ double vds = v[1] - v[0];
+ double leakage_current_factor = vgs/s1 + (vds - vdd_)/s2;
+ //TODO - Check if the leakage current calculate for other transistors is identical
+ return leakage_current_factor;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Wire Related Functions
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool TechModel::isWireLayerExist(const String& layer_name_) const
+ {
+ std::set<String>::const_iterator it;
+ it = m_available_wire_layers_->find(layer_name_);
+ return (it != m_available_wire_layers_->end());
+ }
+ const std::set<String>* TechModel::getAvailableWireLayers() const
+ {
+ return m_available_wire_layers_;
+ }
+ double TechModel::calculateWireCapacitance(const String& layer_name_, double width_, double spacing_, double length_) const
+ {
+ // Get technology parameter
+ double min_width = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->MinWidth").toDouble();
+ double min_spacing = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->MinSpacing").toDouble();
+ double metal_thickness = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->MetalThickness").toDouble();
+ double dielec_thickness = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->DielectricThickness").toDouble();
+ double dielec_const = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->DielectricConstant").toDouble();
+ ASSERT(width_ >= min_width, "[Error] Wire width must be >= " + (String) min_width + "!");
+ ASSERT(spacing_ >= min_spacing, "[Error] Wire spacing must be >= " + (String) min_spacing + "!");
+ ASSERT(length_ >= 0, "[Error] Wire length must be >= 0!");
+ double A, B, C;
+ // Calculate ground capacitance
+ A = width_ / dielec_thickness;
+ B = 2.04*std::pow((spacing_ / (spacing_ + 0.54 * dielec_thickness)), 1.77);
+ C = std::pow((metal_thickness / (metal_thickness + 4.53 * dielec_thickness)), 0.07);
+ double unit_gnd_cap = dielec_const * 8.85e-12 * (A + B * C);
+ A = 1.14 * (metal_thickness / spacing_) * std::exp(-4.0 * spacing_ / (spacing_ + 8.01 * dielec_thickness));
+ B = 2.37 * std::pow((width_ / (width_ + 0.31 * spacing_)), 0.28);
+ C = std::pow((dielec_thickness / (dielec_thickness + 8.96 * spacing_)), 0.76) *
+ std::exp(-2.0 * spacing_ / (spacing_ + 6.0 * dielec_thickness));
+ double unit_coupling_cap = dielec_const * 8.85e-12 * (A + B * C);
+ double total_cap = 2 * (unit_gnd_cap + unit_coupling_cap) * length_;
+ return total_cap;
+ }
+ double TechModel::calculateWireResistance(const String& layer_name_, double width_, double length_) const
+ {
+ // Get technology parameter
+ double min_width = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->MinWidth");
+ //double barrier_thickness = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->BarrierThickness");
+ double resistivity = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->Resistivity");
+ double metal_thickness = get("Wire->" + layer_name_ + "->MetalThickness");
+ ASSERT(width_ >= min_width, "[Error] Wire width must be >= " + (String) min_width + "!");
+ ASSERT(length_ >= 0, "[Error] Wire length must be >= 0!");
+ // Calculate Rho
+ // double rho = 2.202e-8 + (1.030e-15 / (width_ - 2.0 * barrier_thickness));
+ double unit_res = resistivity / (width_ * metal_thickness);
+ //double unit_res = rho / ((width_ - 2.0 * barrier_thickness) * (metal_thickness - barrier_thickness));
+ double total_res = unit_res * length_;
+ return total_res;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TechModel::TechModel(const TechModel& tech_model_)
+ : Config(tech_model_), m_std_cell_lib_(tech_model_.m_std_cell_lib_)
+ {}
+} // namespace DSENT