path: root/ext/googlemock/test/
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authorGiacomo Travaglini <>2018-12-03 11:37:51 +0000
committerGiacomo Travaglini <>2018-12-06 11:52:57 +0000
commit202a4c37ee88e47c614a61db5fe0f134f9f6ea1a (patch)
tree204540a1eb55ea0f2d7cdf28139530c337b62326 /ext/googlemock/test/
parent44551545affd785804a3dde8f0e88b3bcf9bf904 (diff)
ext: Build googlemock with googletest
googlemock needs to be built together with googletest. This patch is enabling it by doing the following things * Moving googletest and googlemock under the same top level directory, so that we have a single SConscript for building them. This also matches googletest directory structure: googletest |_googletest |_googlemock * Adding a shared SConscript which is building gmock and gtest as libgtest * Removing googletest/SConscript Change-Id: I88accbdd2e80fb47efaa17819233371fbad6acaa Signed-off-by: Giacomo Travaglini <> Reviewed-by: Ciro Santilli <> Reviewed-by: Nikos Nikoleris <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Gabe Black <> Maintainer: Gabe Black <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/googlemock/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2644 deletions
diff --git a/ext/googlemock/test/ b/ext/googlemock/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ea87c89..000000000
--- a/ext/googlemock/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2644 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
-// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
-// This file tests the spec builder syntax.
-#include "gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h"
-#include <ostream> // NOLINT
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
-#include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
-namespace testing {
-namespace internal {
-// Helper class for testing the Expectation class template.
-class ExpectationTester {
- public:
- // Sets the call count of the given expectation to the given number.
- void SetCallCount(int n, ExpectationBase* exp) {
- exp->call_count_ = n;
- }
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace testing
-namespace {
-using testing::_;
-using testing::AnyNumber;
-using testing::AtLeast;
-using testing::AtMost;
-using testing::Between;
-using testing::Cardinality;
-using testing::CardinalityInterface;
-using testing::ContainsRegex;
-using testing::Const;
-using testing::DoAll;
-using testing::DoDefault;
-using testing::Eq;
-using testing::Expectation;
-using testing::ExpectationSet;
-using testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose);
-using testing::Gt;
-using testing::InSequence;
-using testing::Invoke;
-using testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
-using testing::IsNotSubstring;
-using testing::IsSubstring;
-using testing::Lt;
-using testing::Message;
-using testing::Mock;
-using testing::NaggyMock;
-using testing::Ne;
-using testing::Return;
-using testing::Sequence;
-using testing::SetArgPointee;
-using testing::internal::ExpectationTester;
-using testing::internal::FormatFileLocation;
-using testing::internal::kErrorVerbosity;
-using testing::internal::kInfoVerbosity;
-using testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
-using testing::internal::linked_ptr;
-using testing::internal::string;
-using testing::HasSubstr;
-using testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
-using testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
-class Incomplete;
-class MockIncomplete {
- public:
- // This line verifies that a mock method can take a by-reference
- // argument of an incomplete type.
- MOCK_METHOD1(ByRefFunc, void(const Incomplete& x));
-// Tells Google Mock how to print a value of type Incomplete.
-void PrintTo(const Incomplete& x, ::std::ostream* os);
-TEST(MockMethodTest, CanInstantiateWithIncompleteArgType) {
- // Even though this mock class contains a mock method that takes
- // by-reference an argument whose type is incomplete, we can still
- // use the mock, as long as Google Mock knows how to print the
- // argument.
- MockIncomplete incomplete;
- EXPECT_CALL(incomplete, ByRefFunc(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
-// The definition of the printer for the argument type doesn't have to
-// be visible where the mock is used.
-void PrintTo(const Incomplete& /* x */, ::std::ostream* os) {
- *os << "incomplete";
-class Result {};
-// A type that's not default constructible.
-class NonDefaultConstructible {
- public:
- explicit NonDefaultConstructible(int /* dummy */) {}
-class MockA {
- public:
- MockA() {}
- MOCK_METHOD1(DoA, void(int n));
- MOCK_METHOD1(ReturnResult, Result(int n));
- MOCK_METHOD0(ReturnNonDefaultConstructible, NonDefaultConstructible());
- MOCK_METHOD2(Binary, bool(int x, int y));
- MOCK_METHOD2(ReturnInt, int(int x, int y));
- private:
-class MockB {
- public:
- MockB() {}
- MOCK_METHOD1(DoB, int(int n)); // NOLINT
- private:
-class ReferenceHoldingMock {
- public:
- ReferenceHoldingMock() {}
- MOCK_METHOD1(AcceptReference, void(linked_ptr<MockA>*));
- private:
-// Tests that EXPECT_CALL and ON_CALL compile in a presence of macro
-// redefining a mock method name. This could happen, for example, when
-// the tested code #includes Win32 API headers which define many APIs
-// as macros, e.g. #define TextOut TextOutW.
-#define Method MethodW
-class CC {
- public:
- virtual ~CC() {}
- virtual int Method() = 0;
-class MockCC : public CC {
- public:
- MockCC() {}
- MOCK_METHOD0(Method, int());
- private:
-// Tests that a method with expanded name compiles.
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, CompilesWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
- MockCC cc;
- ON_CALL(cc, Method());
-// Tests that the method with expanded name not only compiles but runs
-// and returns a correct value, too.
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WorksWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
- MockCC cc;
- ON_CALL(cc, Method()).WillByDefault(Return(42));
- EXPECT_EQ(42, cc.Method());
-// Tests that a method with expanded name compiles.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, CompilesWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
- MockCC cc;
- EXPECT_CALL(cc, Method());
- cc.Method();
-// Tests that it works, too.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WorksWithMethodNameExpandedFromMacro) {
- MockCC cc;
- EXPECT_CALL(cc, Method()).WillOnce(Return(42));
- EXPECT_EQ(42, cc.Method());
-#undef Method // Done with macro redefinition tests.
-// Tests that ON_CALL evaluates its arguments exactly once as promised
-// by Google Mock.
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesFirstArgumentOnce) {
- MockA a;
- MockA* pa = &a;
- ON_CALL(*pa++, DoA(_));
- EXPECT_EQ(&a + 1, pa);
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
- MockA a;
- int n = 0;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(n++));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, n);
-// Tests that the syntax of ON_CALL() is enforced at run time.
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .WillByDefault(Return());
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .With(_)
- .WillByDefault(Return());
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .With(_)
- .With(_)
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an ON_CALL()");
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultIsMandatory) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5));
- a.DoA(5);
- }, "");
-TEST(OnCallSyntaxTest, WillByDefaultCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .WillByDefault(Return())
- .WillByDefault(Return());
- }, ".WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL()");
-// Tests that EXPECT_CALL evaluates its arguments exactly once as
-// promised by Google Mock.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesFirstArgumentOnce) {
- MockA a;
- MockA* pa = &a;
- EXPECT_CALL(*pa++, DoA(_));
- a.DoA(0);
- EXPECT_EQ(&a + 1, pa);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, EvaluatesSecondArgumentOnce) {
- MockA a;
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(n++));
- a.DoA(0);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, n);
-// Tests that the syntax of EXPECT_CALL() is enforced at run time.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))
- .Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .With(_)
- .Times(0);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .With(_)
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
- a.DoA(6);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WithMustBeFirstClause) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(1)
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
- a.DoA(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .With(_);
- }, ".With() must be the first clause in an EXPECT_CALL()");
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanBeInferred) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesCanAppearAtMostOnce) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(1)
- .Times(2);
- }, ".Times() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL()");
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, TimesMustBeBeforeInSequence) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s)
- .Times(1);
- }, ".Times() cannot appear after ");
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .InSequence(s);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s1, s2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s1, s2)
- .InSequence(s1);
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeAfter) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e)
- .InSequence(s);
- }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, InSequenceMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .InSequence(s);
- }, ".InSequence() cannot appear after ");
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, AfterMustBeBeforeWillOnce) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .After(e);
- }, ".After() cannot appear after ");
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillCanAppearMultipleTimes) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillOnce(Return());
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillMustBeBeforeWillRepeatedly) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return())
- .WillOnce(Return());
- }, ".WillOnce() cannot appear after ");
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .WillOnce(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an "
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WillRepeatedlyMustBeBeforeRetiresOnSaturation) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation()
- .WillRepeatedly(Return());
- }, ".WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after ");
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationIsOptional) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, RetiresOnSaturationCannotAppearMultipleTimes) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation()
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- }, ".RetiresOnSaturation() cannot appear more than once");
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DefaultCardinalityIsOnce) {
- {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- a.DoA(1);
- }
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- }, "to be called once");
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(1);
- }, "to be called once");
-// Tests that Google Mock doesn't print a warning when the number of
-// WillOnce() is adequate.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, DoesNotWarnOnAdequateActionCount) {
- CaptureStdout();
- {
- MockB b;
- // It's always fine to omit WillOnce() entirely.
- .Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .Times(AtMost(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(1)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
- // It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to equal the upper bound.
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3))
- .Times(Between(1, 2))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- // It's fine for the number of WillOnce()s to be smaller than the
- // upper bound when there is a WillRepeatedly().
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
- .Times(AtMost(3))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- // Satisfies the above expectations.
- b.DoB(2);
- b.DoB(3);
- }
- EXPECT_STREQ("", GetCapturedStdout().c_str());
-// Tests that Google Mock warns on having too many actions in an
-// expectation compared to its cardinality.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooManyActions) {
- CaptureStdout();
- {
- MockB b;
- // Warns when the number of WillOnce()s is larger than the upper bound.
- .Times(0)
- .WillOnce(Return(1)); // #1
- .Times(AtMost(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2)); // #2
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2))
- .RetiresOnSaturation(); // #3
- // Warns when the number of WillOnce()s equals the upper bound and
- // there is a WillRepeatedly().
- .Times(0)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1)); // #4
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2)); // #5
- // Satisfies the above expectations.
- b.DoB(1);
- b.DoB(2);
- }
- const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be never called, but has 1 WillOnce().",
- output); // #1
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be called at most once, "
- "but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
- output); // #2
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))...\n"
- "Expected to be called once, but has 2 WillOnce()s.",
- output); // #3
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be never called, but has 0 WillOnce()s "
- "and a WillRepeatedly().",
- output); // #4
- IsSubstring,
- "Too many actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))...\n"
- "Expected to be called once, but has 1 WillOnce() "
- "and a WillRepeatedly().",
- output); // #5
-// Tests that Google Mock warns on having too few actions in an
-// expectation compared to its cardinality.
-TEST(ExpectCallSyntaxTest, WarnsOnTooFewActions) {
- MockB b;
- .Times(Between(2, 3))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- CaptureStdout();
- b.DoB();
- const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- IsSubstring,
- "Too few actions specified in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Expected to be called between 2 and 3 times, "
- "but has only 1 WillOnce().",
- output);
- b.DoB();
-// Tests the semantics of ON_CALL().
-// Tests that the built-in default action is taken when no ON_CALL()
-// is specified.
-TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCall) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
-// Tests that the built-in default action is taken when no ON_CALL()
-// matches the invocation.
-TEST(OnCallTest, TakesBuiltInDefaultActionWhenNoOnCallMatches) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(2));
-// Tests that the last matching ON_CALL() action is taken.
-TEST(OnCallTest, PicksLastMatchingOnCall) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(3));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB(2));
-// Tests the semantics of EXPECT_CALL().
-// Tests that any call is allowed when no EXPECT_CALL() is specified.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, AllowsAnyCallWhenNoSpec) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
- // There is no expectation on DoB(int).
- b.DoB();
- // DoB(int) can be called any number of times.
- b.DoB(1);
- b.DoB(2);
-// Tests that the last matching EXPECT_CALL() fires.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, PicksLastMatchingExpectCall) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests lower-bound violation.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, CatchesTooFewCalls) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))
- .Times(AtLeast(2));
- b.DoB(5);
- }, "Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(5))...\n"
- " Expected: to be called at least twice\n"
- " Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active");
-// Tests that the cardinality can be inferred when no Times(...) is
-// specified.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinalityWhenThereIsNoWillRepeatedly) {
- {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- }
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- }, "to be called twice");
- { // NOLINT
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(b.DoB(), "to be called twice");
- }
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, InfersCardinality1WhenThereIsWillRepeatedly) {
- {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- }
- { // NOLINT
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- }
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- }, "to be called at least once");
-// Tests that the n-th action is taken for the n-th matching
-// invocation.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, NthMatchTakesNthAction) {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2))
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(3, b.DoB());
-// Tests that the WillRepeatedly() action is taken when the WillOnce(...)
-// list is exhausted.
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesRepeatedActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
-// Tests that the default action is taken when the WillOnce(...) list is
-// exhausted and there is no WillRepeatedly().
-TEST(ExpectCallTest, TakesDefaultActionWhenWillListIsExhausted) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .Times(1);
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillOnce(Return(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- CaptureStdout();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1)); // Shouldn't generate a warning as the
- // expectation has no action clause at all.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b.DoB());
- const std::string output1 = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_STREQ("", output1.c_str());
- CaptureStdout();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
- HasSubstr("Actions ran out in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Called 3 times, but only 2 WillOnce()s are specified"
- " - returning default value."));
- EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
- HasSubstr("Actions ran out in EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())...\n"
- "Called 4 times, but only 2 WillOnce()s are specified"
- " - returning default value."));
-TEST(FunctionMockerMessageTest, ReportsExpectCallLocationForExhausedActions) {
- MockB b;
- std::string expect_call_location = FormatFileLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB()).Times(AnyNumber()).WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b.DoB());
- CaptureStdout();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- // The warning message should contain the call location.
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, expect_call_location, output);
- ReportsDefaultActionLocationOfUninterestingCallsForNaggyMock) {
- std::string on_call_location;
- CaptureStdout();
- {
- NaggyMock<MockB> b;
- on_call_location = FormatFileLocation(__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
- b.DoB(0);
- }
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, on_call_location, GetCapturedStdout());
-// Tests that an uninteresting call performs the default action.
-TEST(UninterestingCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
- // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
- // should be taken.
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(a.Binary(1, 2));
- // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
- // should be returned.
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
-// Tests that an unexpected call performs the default action.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
- // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
- // should be taken.
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
- a.Binary(0, 0);
- bool result = false;
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = a.Binary(1, 2),
- "Unexpected mock function call");
- EXPECT_TRUE(result);
- // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
- // should be returned.
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .Times(0);
- int n = -1;
- "Unexpected mock function call");
- EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
-// Tests that when an unexpected void function generates the right
-// failure message.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, GeneratesFailureForVoidFunction) {
- // First, tests the message when there is only one EXPECT_CALL().
- MockA a1;
- EXPECT_CALL(a1, DoA(1));
- a1.DoA(1);
- // Ideally we should match the failure message against a regex, but
- // EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE doesn't support that, so we test for
- // multiple sub-strings instead.
- a1.DoA(9),
- "Unexpected mock function call - returning directly.\n"
- " Function call: DoA(9)\n"
- "Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:");
- a1.DoA(9),
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
- " Actual: 9\n"
- " Expected: to be called once\n"
- " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
- // Next, tests the message when there are more than one EXPECT_CALL().
- MockA a2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(3));
- a2.DoA(1);
- a2.DoA(2),
- "Unexpected mock function call - returning directly.\n"
- " Function call: DoA(2)\n"
- "Google Mock tried the following 2 expectations, but none matched:");
- a2.DoA(2),
- "tried expectation #0: EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(1))...\n"
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
- " Actual: 2\n"
- " Expected: to be called once\n"
- " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
- a2.DoA(2),
- "tried expectation #1: EXPECT_CALL(a2, DoA(3))...\n"
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 3\n"
- " Actual: 2\n"
- " Expected: to be called once\n"
- " Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active");
- a2.DoA(3);
-// Tests that an unexpected non-void function generates the right
-// failure message.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, GeneartesFailureForNonVoidFunction) {
- MockB b1;
- EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(1));
- b1.DoB(1);
- b1.DoB(2),
- "Unexpected mock function call - returning default value.\n"
- " Function call: DoB(2)\n"
- " Returns: 0\n"
- "Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match:");
- b1.DoB(2),
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
- " Actual: 2\n"
- " Expected: to be called once\n"
- " Actual: called once - saturated and active");
-// Tests that Google Mock explains that an retired expectation doesn't
-// match the call.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, RetiredExpectation) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- b.DoB(1);
- b.DoB(1),
- " Expected: the expectation is active\n"
- " Actual: it is retired");
-// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation that doesn't
-// match the arguments doesn't match the call.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnmatchedArguments) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1));
- b.DoB(2),
- " Expected arg #0: is equal to 1\n"
- " Actual: 2\n");
- b.DoB(1);
-// Tests that Google Mock explains that an expectation with
-// unsatisfied pre-requisites doesn't match the call.
-TEST(UnexpectedCallTest, UnsatisifiedPrerequisites) {
- Sequence s1, s2;
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(3))
- .InSequence(s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(4))
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
- ::testing::TestPartResultArray failures;
- {
- ::testing::ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter reporter(&failures);
- b.DoB(4);
- // Now 'failures' contains the Google Test failures generated by
- // the above statement.
- }
- // There should be one non-fatal failure.
- ASSERT_EQ(1, failures.size());
- const ::testing::TestPartResult& r = failures.GetTestPartResult(0);
- EXPECT_EQ(::testing::TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure, r.type());
- // Verifies that the failure message contains the two unsatisfied
- // pre-requisites but not the satisfied one.
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- // PCRE has trouble using (.|\n) to match any character, but
- // supports the (?s) prefix for using . to match any character.
- "(?s)the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
- ".*: pre-requisite #0\n"
- ".*: pre-requisite #1"));
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- // POSIX RE doesn't understand the (?s) prefix, but has no trouble
- // with (.|\n).
- "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:\n"
- "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #0\n"
- "(.|\n)*: pre-requisite #1"));
- // We can only use Google Test's own simple regex.
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(
- "the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:"));
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #0"));
- EXPECT_THAT(r.message(), ContainsRegex(": pre-requisite #1"));
-#endif // GTEST_USES_PCRE
- b.DoB(1);
- b.DoB(3);
- b.DoB(4);
- ReturnValueIsMandatoryWhenNotDefaultConstructible) {
- MockA a;
- // TODO( We should really verify the output message,
- // but we cannot yet due to that EXPECT_DEATH only captures stderr
- // while Google Mock logs to stdout.
- EXPECT_ANY_THROW(a.ReturnNonDefaultConstructible());
- EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(a.ReturnNonDefaultConstructible(), "");
-// Tests that an excessive call (one whose arguments match the
-// matchers but is called too many times) performs the default action.
-TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, DoesDefaultAction) {
- // When there is an ON_CALL() statement, the action specified by it
- // should be taken.
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(0, 0));
- a.Binary(0, 0);
- bool result = false;
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = a.Binary(0, 0),
- "Mock function called more times than expected");
- EXPECT_TRUE(result);
- // When there is no ON_CALL(), the default value for the return type
- // should be returned.
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .Times(0);
- int n = -1;
- "Mock function called more times than expected");
- EXPECT_EQ(0, n);
-// Tests that when a void function is called too many times,
-// the failure message contains the argument values.
-TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, GeneratesFailureForVoidFunction) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .Times(0);
- a.DoA(9),
- "Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.\n"
- " Function call: DoA(9)\n"
- " Expected: to be never called\n"
- " Actual: called once - over-saturated and active");
-// Tests that when a non-void function is called too many times, the
-// failure message contains the argument values and the return value.
-TEST(ExcessiveCallTest, GeneratesFailureForNonVoidFunction) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_));
- b.DoB(1);
- b.DoB(2),
- "Mock function called more times than expected - "
- "returning default value.\n"
- " Function call: DoB(2)\n"
- " Returns: 0\n"
- " Expected: to be called once\n"
- " Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active");
-// Tests using sequences.
-TEST(InSequenceTest, AllExpectationInScopeAreInSequence) {
- MockA a;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- }
- a.DoA(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
-TEST(InSequenceTest, NestedInSequence) {
- MockA a;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- {
- InSequence dummy2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
- }
- }
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(3);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(3);
-TEST(InSequenceTest, ExpectationsOutOfScopeAreNotAffected) {
- MockA a;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
- a.DoA(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(3);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
-// Tests that any order is allowed when no sequence is used.
-TEST(SequenceTest, AnyOrderIsOkByDefault) {
- {
- MockA a;
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- a.DoA(1);
- b.DoB();
- }
- { // NOLINT
- MockA a;
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- b.DoB();
- a.DoA(1);
- }
-// Tests that the calls must be in strict order when a complete order
-// is specified.
-TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo1) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .InSequence(s);
- a.ReturnResult(1);
- // May only be called after a.ReturnResult(2).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.ReturnResult(2);
- a.ReturnResult(3);
-// Tests that the calls must be in strict order when a complete order
-// is specified.
-TEST(SequenceTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSaidSo2) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(2))
- .InSequence(s);
- // May only be called after a.ReturnResult(1).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.ReturnResult(1);
- a.ReturnResult(2);
-// Tests specifying a DAG using multiple sequences.
-class PartialOrderTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- PartialOrderTest() {
- ON_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- // Specifies this partial ordering:
- //
- // a.ReturnResult(1) ==>
- // a.ReturnResult(2) * n ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
- // b.DoB() * 2 ==>
- Sequence x, y;
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(1))
- .InSequence(x);
- EXPECT_CALL(b_, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .InSequence(y);
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(x, y);
- EXPECT_CALL(a_, ReturnResult(3))
- .InSequence(x);
- }
- MockA a_;
- MockB b_;
-TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag1) {
- a_.ReturnResult(1);
- b_.DoB();
- // May only be called after the second DoB().
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- b_.DoB();
- a_.ReturnResult(3);
-TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag2) {
- // May only be called after ReturnResult(1).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a_.ReturnResult(1);
- b_.DoB();
- b_.DoB();
- a_.ReturnResult(3);
-TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag3) {
- // May only be called last.
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a_.ReturnResult(1);
- b_.DoB();
- b_.DoB();
- a_.ReturnResult(3);
-TEST_F(PartialOrderTest, CallsMustConformToSpecifiedDag4) {
- a_.ReturnResult(1);
- b_.DoB();
- b_.DoB();
- a_.ReturnResult(3);
- // May only be called before ReturnResult(3).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a_.ReturnResult(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
-TEST(SequenceTest, Retirement) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .InSequence(s)
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .InSequence(s);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(1);
-// Tests Expectation.
-TEST(ExpectationTest, ConstrutorsWork) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e1; // Default ctor.
- // Ctor from various forms of EXPECT_CALL.
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3)).With(_);
- {
- Sequence s;
- Expectation e4 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4)).Times(1);
- Expectation e5 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5)).InSequence(s);
- }
- Expectation e6 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6)).After(e2);
- Expectation e7 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(7)).WillOnce(Return());
- Expectation e8 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(8)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
- Expectation e9 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(9)).RetiresOnSaturation();
- Expectation e10 = e2; // Copy ctor.
- EXPECT_THAT(e1, Ne(e2));
- EXPECT_THAT(e2, Eq(e10));
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(3);
- a.DoA(4);
- a.DoA(5);
- a.DoA(6);
- a.DoA(7);
- a.DoA(8);
- a.DoA(9);
-TEST(ExpectationTest, AssignmentWorks) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e1;
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_THAT(e1, Ne(e2));
- e1 = e2;
- EXPECT_THAT(e1, Eq(e2));
- a.DoA(1);
-// Tests ExpectationSet.
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, MemberTypesAreCorrect) {
- ::testing::StaticAssertTypeEq<Expectation, ExpectationSet::value_type>();
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, ConstructorsWork) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e1;
- const Expectation e2;
- ExpectationSet es1; // Default ctor.
- ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1)); // Ctor from EXPECT_CALL.
- ExpectationSet es3 = e1; // Ctor from Expectation.
- ExpectationSet es4(e1); // Ctor from Expectation; alternative syntax.
- ExpectationSet es5 = e2; // Ctor from const Expectation.
- ExpectationSet es6(e2); // Ctor from const Expectation; alternative syntax.
- ExpectationSet es7 = es2; // Copy ctor.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, es1.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es2.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es3.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es4.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es5.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es6.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es7.size());
- EXPECT_THAT(es3, Ne(es2));
- EXPECT_THAT(es4, Eq(es3));
- EXPECT_THAT(es5, Eq(es4));
- EXPECT_THAT(es6, Eq(es5));
- EXPECT_THAT(es7, Eq(es2));
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, AssignmentWorks) {
- ExpectationSet es1;
- ExpectationSet es2 = Expectation();
- es1 = es2;
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es1.size());
- EXPECT_THAT(*(es1.begin()), Eq(Expectation()));
- EXPECT_THAT(es1, Eq(es2));
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, InsertionWorks) {
- ExpectationSet es1;
- Expectation e1;
- es1 += e1;
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es1.size());
- EXPECT_THAT(*(es1.begin()), Eq(e1));
- MockA a;
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- es1 += e2;
- EXPECT_EQ(2, es1.size());
- ExpectationSet::const_iterator it1 = es1.begin();
- ExpectationSet::const_iterator it2 = it1;
- ++it2;
- EXPECT_TRUE(*it1 == e1 || *it2 == e1); // e1 must be in the set.
- EXPECT_TRUE(*it1 == e2 || *it2 == e2); // e2 must be in the set too.
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, SizeWorks) {
- ExpectationSet es;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, es.size());
- es += Expectation();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, es.size());
- MockA a;
- es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, es.size());
- a.DoA(1);
-TEST(ExpectationSetTest, IsEnumerable) {
- ExpectationSet es;
- EXPECT_TRUE(es.begin() == es.end());
- es += Expectation();
- ExpectationSet::const_iterator it = es.begin();
- EXPECT_TRUE(it != es.end());
- EXPECT_THAT(*it, Eq(Expectation()));
- ++it;
- EXPECT_TRUE(it== es.end());
-// Tests the .After() clause.
-TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenPartialOrderIsSatisfied) {
- MockA a;
- ExpectationSet es;
- es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- es += EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(es);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(3);
-TEST(AfterTest, SucceedsWhenTotalOrderIsSatisfied) {
- MockA a;
- MockB b;
- // The following also verifies that const Expectation objects work
- // too. Do not remove the const modifiers.
- const Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- const Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .After(e1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).After(e2);
- a.DoA(1);
- b.DoB();
- b.DoB();
- a.DoA(2);
-// Calls must be in strict order when specified so using .After().
-TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo1) {
- MockA a;
- MockB b;
- // Define ordering:
- // a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() ==> a.DoA(2)
- Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .After(e1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e2);
- a.DoA(1);
- // May only be called after DoB().
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- b.DoB();
- a.DoA(2);
-// Calls must be in strict order when specified so using .After().
-TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustBeInStrictOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
- MockA a;
- MockB b;
- // Define ordering:
- // a.DoA(1) ==> b.DoB() * 2 ==> a.DoA(2)
- Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB())
- .Times(2)
- .After(e1);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2))
- .After(e2);
- a.DoA(1);
- b.DoB();
- // May only be called after the second DoB().
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- b.DoB();
- a.DoA(2);
-// Calls must satisfy the partial order when specified so.
-TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- // Define ordering:
- // a.DoA(1) ==>
- // a.DoA(2) ==> a.ReturnResult(3)
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .After(e, es);
- // May only be called last.
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.ReturnResult(3);
-// Calls must satisfy the partial order when specified so.
-TEST(AfterTest, CallsMustSatisfyPartialOrderWhenSpecifiedSo2) {
- MockA a;
- // Define ordering:
- // a.DoA(1) ==>
- // a.DoA(2) ==> a.DoA(3)
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- const ExpectationSet es = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(e, es);
- a.DoA(2);
- // May only be called last.
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(3);
-// .After() can be combined with .InSequence().
-TEST(AfterTest, CanBeUsedWithInSequence) {
- MockA a;
- Sequence s;
- Expectation e = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2)).InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .InSequence(s)
- .After(e);
- a.DoA(1);
- // May only be after DoA(2).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.DoA(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(3);
-// .After() can be called multiple times.
-TEST(AfterTest, CanBeCalledManyTimes) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4))
- .After(e1)
- .After(e2)
- .After(e3);
- a.DoA(3);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(4);
-// .After() accepts up to 5 arguments.
-TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsUpToFiveArguments) {
- MockA a;
- Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- Expectation e3 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3));
- ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(4));
- ExpectationSet es2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(6))
- .After(e1, e2, e3, es1, es2);
- a.DoA(5);
- a.DoA(2);
- a.DoA(4);
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(3);
- a.DoA(6);
-// .After() allows input to contain duplicated Expectations.
-TEST(AfterTest, AcceptsDuplicatedInput) {
- MockA a;
- ON_CALL(a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(Result()));
- // Define ordering:
- // DoA(1) ==>
- // DoA(2) ==> ReturnResult(3)
- Expectation e1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- ExpectationSet es;
- es += e1;
- es += e2;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, ReturnResult(3))
- .After(e1, e2, es, e1);
- a.DoA(1);
- // May only be after DoA(2).
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a.ReturnResult(3), "Unexpected mock function call");
- a.DoA(2);
- a.ReturnResult(3);
-// An Expectation added to an ExpectationSet after it has been used in
-// an .After() has no effect.
-TEST(AfterTest, ChangesToExpectationSetHaveNoEffectAfterwards) {
- MockA a;
- ExpectationSet es1 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- Expectation e2 = EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(3))
- .After(es1);
- es1 += e2;
- a.DoA(1);
- a.DoA(3);
- a.DoA(2);
-// Tests that Google Mock correctly handles calls to mock functions
-// after a mock object owning one of their pre-requisites has died.
-// Tests that calls that satisfy the original spec are successful.
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success1) {
- MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
- delete b1;
- // a's pre-requisite has died.
- EXPECT_TRUE(a->Binary(0, 1));
- delete b2;
- // a's successor has died.
- EXPECT_TRUE(a->Binary(1, 2));
- delete a;
-// Tests that calls that satisfy the original spec are successful.
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Success2) {
- MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- }
- delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b2->DoB(2));
- delete b1;
- delete b2;
-// Tests that it's OK to delete a mock object itself in its action.
-// Suppresses warning on unreferenced formal parameter in MSVC with
-// -W4.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4100)
-ACTION_P(Delete, ptr) { delete ptr; }
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# pragma warning(pop)
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningVoid) {
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillOnce(Delete(a));
- a->DoA(42); // This will cause a to be deleted.
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, CanDeleteSelfInActionReturningValue) {
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, ReturnResult(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Delete(a), Return(Result())));
- a->ReturnResult(42); // This will cause a to be deleted.
-// Tests that calls that violate the original spec yield failures.
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure1) {
- MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(2));
- }
- delete a; // a is trivially satisfied.
- b2->DoB(2);
- }, "Unexpected mock function call");
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b1->DoB(1));
- delete b1;
- delete b2;
-// Tests that calls that violate the original spec yield failures.
-TEST(DeletingMockEarlyTest, Failure2) {
- MockB* const b1 = new MockB;
- MockA* const a = new MockA;
- MockB* const b2 = new MockB;
- {
- InSequence dummy;
- EXPECT_CALL(*b1, DoB(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, Binary(_, _))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*b2, DoB(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- }
- "Actual: never called");
- "Unexpected mock function call");
- "Unexpected mock function call");
- delete a;
- delete b2;
-class EvenNumberCardinality : public CardinalityInterface {
- public:
- // Returns true iff call_count calls will satisfy this cardinality.
- virtual bool IsSatisfiedByCallCount(int call_count) const {
- return call_count % 2 == 0;
- }
- // Returns true iff call_count calls will saturate this cardinality.
- virtual bool IsSaturatedByCallCount(int /* call_count */) const {
- return false;
- }
- // Describes self to an ostream.
- virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "called even number of times";
- }
-Cardinality EvenNumber() {
- return Cardinality(new EvenNumberCardinality);
- AllPrerequisitesAreSatisfiedWorksForNonMonotonicCardinality) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- Sequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(1))
- .Times(EvenNumber())
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(2))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(s);
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(3))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- a->DoA(3);
- a->DoA(1);
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(a->DoA(2), "Unexpected mock function call");
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete a, "to be called even number of times");
-// The following tests verify the message generated when a mock
-// function is called.
-struct Printable {
-inline void operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Printable&) {
- os << "Printable";
-struct Unprintable {
- Unprintable() : value(0) {}
- int value;
-class MockC {
- public:
- MockC() {}
- MOCK_METHOD6(VoidMethod, void(bool cond, int n, string s, void* p,
- const Printable& x, Unprintable y));
- MOCK_METHOD0(NonVoidMethod, int()); // NOLINT
- private:
-class VerboseFlagPreservingFixture : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- VerboseFlagPreservingFixture()
- : saved_verbose_flag_(GMOCK_FLAG(verbose)) {}
- ~VerboseFlagPreservingFixture() { GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = saved_verbose_flag_; }
- private:
- const string saved_verbose_flag_;
- GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(VerboseFlagPreservingFixture);
-// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
-// generates a warning without the stack trace when
-// --gmock_verbose=warning is specified.
- UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesNoStackTraceWhenVerboseWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
- NaggyMock<MockC> c;
- CaptureStdout();
- c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
- const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "GMOCK WARNING", output);
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsNotSubstring, "Stack trace:", output);
-// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
-// generates a warning containing the stack trace when
-// --gmock_verbose=info is specified.
- UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockGeneratesFyiWithStackTraceWhenVerboseInfo) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
- NaggyMock<MockC> c;
- CaptureStdout();
- c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
- const std::string output = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "GMOCK WARNING", output);
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "Stack trace:", output);
-# ifndef NDEBUG
- // We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
- // may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
- // Verifies that a void mock function's name appears in the stack
- // trace.
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "VoidMethod(", output);
- // Verifies that a non-void mock function's name appears in the
- // stack trace.
- CaptureStdout();
- c.NonVoidMethod();
- const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(IsSubstring, "NonVoidMethod(", output2);
-# endif // NDEBUG
-// Tests that an uninteresting mock function call on a naggy mock
-// causes the function arguments and return value to be printed.
- UninterestingCallOnNaggyMockPrintsArgumentsAndReturnValue) {
- // A non-void mock function.
- NaggyMock<MockB> b;
- CaptureStdout();
- b.DoB();
- const std::string output1 = GetCapturedStdout();
- IsSubstring,
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
- " Function call: DoB()\n"
- " Returns: 0\n", output1.c_str());
- // Makes sure the return value is printed.
- // A void mock function.
- NaggyMock<MockC> c;
- CaptureStdout();
- c.VoidMethod(false, 5, "Hi", NULL, Printable(), Unprintable());
- const std::string output2 = GetCapturedStdout();
- EXPECT_THAT(output2.c_str(),
- ContainsRegex(
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly\\.\n"
- " Function call: VoidMethod"
- "\\(false, 5, \"Hi\", NULL, @.+ "
- "Printable, 4-byte object <00-00 00-00>\\)"));
- // A void function has no return value to print.
-// Tests how the --gmock_verbose flag affects Google Mock's output.
-class GMockVerboseFlagTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
- public:
- // Verifies that the given Google Mock output is correct. (When
- // should_print is true, the output should match the given regex and
- // contain the given function name in the stack trace. When it's
- // false, the output should be empty.)
- void VerifyOutput(const std::string& output, bool should_print,
- const string& expected_substring,
- const string& function_name) {
- if (should_print) {
- EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(expected_substring));
-# ifndef NDEBUG
- // We check the stack trace content in dbg-mode only, as opt-mode
- // may inline the call we are interested in seeing.
- EXPECT_THAT(output.c_str(), HasSubstr(function_name));
-# else
- // Suppresses 'unused function parameter' warnings.
- static_cast<void>(function_name);
-# endif // NDEBUG
- } else {
- EXPECT_STREQ("", output.c_str());
- }
- }
- // Tests how the flag affects expected calls.
- void TestExpectedCall(bool should_print) {
- MockA a;
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- // A void-returning function.
- CaptureStdout();
- a.DoA(5);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(5))...\n"
- " Function call: DoA(5)\n"
- "Stack trace:\n",
- "DoA");
- // A non-void-returning function.
- CaptureStdout();
- a.Binary(2, 1);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, 1))...\n"
- " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
- " Returns: true\n"
- "Stack trace:\n",
- "Binary");
- }
- // Tests how the flag affects uninteresting calls on a naggy mock.
- void TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(bool should_print) {
- NaggyMock<MockA> a;
- const string note =
- "NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this "
- "call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding "
- "an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. "
- "See"
- "knowing-when-to-expect for details.";
- // A void-returning function.
- CaptureStdout();
- a.DoA(5);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.\n"
- " Function call: DoA(5)\n" +
- note,
- "DoA");
- // A non-void-returning function.
- CaptureStdout();
- a.Binary(2, 1);
- VerifyOutput(
- GetCapturedStdout(),
- should_print,
- "Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.\n"
- " Function call: Binary(2, 1)\n"
- " Returns: false\n" +
- note,
- "Binary");
- }
-// Tests that --gmock_verbose=info causes both expected and
-// uninteresting calls to be reported.
-TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Info) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kInfoVerbosity;
- TestExpectedCall(true);
- TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
-// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes uninteresting calls to be
-// reported.
-TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Warning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
- TestExpectedCall(false);
- TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
-// Tests that --gmock_verbose=warning causes neither expected nor
-// uninteresting calls to be reported.
-TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, Error) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
- TestExpectedCall(false);
- TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(false);
-// Tests that --gmock_verbose=SOME_INVALID_VALUE has the same effect
-// as --gmock_verbose=warning.
-TEST_F(GMockVerboseFlagTest, InvalidFlagIsTreatedAsWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = "invalid"; // Treated as "warning".
- TestExpectedCall(false);
- TestUninterestingCallOnNaggyMock(true);
-// A helper class that generates a failure when printed. We use it to
-// ensure that Google Mock doesn't print a value (even to an internal
-// buffer) when it is not supposed to do so.
-class PrintMeNot {};
-void PrintTo(PrintMeNot /* dummy */, ::std::ostream* /* os */) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Google Mock is printing a value that shouldn't be "
- << "printed even to an internal buffer.";
-class LogTestHelper {
- public:
- LogTestHelper() {}
- MOCK_METHOD1(Foo, PrintMeNot(PrintMeNot));
- private:
-class GMockLogTest : public VerboseFlagPreservingFixture {
- protected:
- LogTestHelper helper_;
-TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsWarning) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kWarningVerbosity;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
- helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
-TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintGoodCallInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
- EXPECT_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(PrintMeNot()));
- helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This is an expected call.
-TEST_F(GMockLogTest, DoesNotPrintWarningInternallyIfVerbosityIsError) {
- GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = kErrorVerbosity;
- ON_CALL(helper_, Foo(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(PrintMeNot()));
- helper_.Foo(PrintMeNot()); // This should generate a warning.
-// Tests Mock::AllowLeak().
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, AllowsLeakingUnusedMockObject) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledBeforeOnCall) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
- ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
- a->DoA(0);
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledAfterOnCall) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledBeforeExpectCall) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_));
- a->DoA(0);
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, CanBeCalledAfterExpectCall) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
-TEST(AllowLeakTest, WorksWhenBothOnCallAndExpectCallArePresent) {
- MockA* a = new MockA;
- ON_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).WillByDefault(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(*a, DoA(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
- Mock::AllowLeak(a);
-// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
-// when none of its methods has expectations.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, NoMethodHasExpectations) {
- MockB b;
- ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
-// when some, but not all, of its methods have expectations *and* the
-// verification succeeds.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndSucceed) {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- b.DoB();
- ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
-// when some, but not all, of its methods have expectations *and* the
-// verification fails.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, SomeMethodsHaveExpectationsAndFail) {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- bool result = true;
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
- "Actual: never called");
- ASSERT_FALSE(result);
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
-// when all of its methods have expectations.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AllMethodsHaveExpectations) {
- MockB b;
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB();
- b.DoB(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b));
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can verify and clear a mock object's expectations
-// when a method has more than one expectation.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, AMethodHasManyExpectations) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB(1);
- bool result = true;
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b),
- "Actual: never called");
- ASSERT_FALSE(result);
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can call VerifyAndClearExpectations() on the same
-// mock object multiple times.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearExpectationsTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
- MockB b;
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB());
- b.DoB();
- Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- b.DoB(1);
- Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
- Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&b);
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when none
-// of its methods has default actions.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, NoMethodHasDefaultActions) {
- MockB b;
- // If this crashes or generates a failure, the test will catch it.
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
-// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when some,
-// but not all of its methods have default actions.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, SomeMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- // Verifies that the default action of int DoB() was removed.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
-// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when all of
-// its methods have default actions.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AllMethodsHaveDefaultActions) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- // Verifies that the default action of int DoB() was removed.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- // Verifies that the default action of int DoB(int) was removed.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(0));
-// Tests that we can clear a mock object's default actions when a
-// method has more than one ON_CALL() set on it.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, AMethodHasManyDefaultActions) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(0))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(2));
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- // Verifies that the default actions (there are two) of int DoB(int)
- // were removed.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(0));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can call VerifyAndClear() on a mock object multiple
-// times.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanCallManyTimes) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification succeeds.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Success) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(1))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB();
- b.DoB(1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b));
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the verification fails.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Failure) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB(1);
- bool result = true;
- EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(result = Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b),
- "Actual: never called");
- ASSERT_FALSE(result);
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that VerifyAndClear() works when the default actions and
-// expectations are set on a const mock object.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, Const) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(Const(b), DoB())
- .WillOnce(DoDefault())
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB();
- b.DoB();
- ASSERT_TRUE(Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b));
- // There should be no expectations on the methods now, so we can
- // freely call them.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that we can set default actions and expectations on a mock
-// object after VerifyAndClear() has been called on it.
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, CanSetDefaultActionsAndExpectationsAfterwards) {
- MockB b;
- ON_CALL(b, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- b.DoB(1);
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b);
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
- ON_CALL(b, DoB(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(4));
- EXPECT_EQ(3, b.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(4, b.DoB(1));
-// Tests that calling VerifyAndClear() on one mock object does not
-// affect other mock objects (either of the same type or not).
-TEST(VerifyAndClearTest, DoesNotAffectOtherMockObjects) {
- MockA a;
- MockB b1;
- MockB b2;
- ON_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, Binary(_, _))
- .WillOnce(DoDefault())
- .WillOnce(Return(false));
- ON_CALL(b1, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(b1, DoB(_))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- ON_CALL(b2, DoB())
- .WillByDefault(Return(3));
- EXPECT_CALL(b2, DoB(_));
- b2.DoB(0);
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&b2);
- // Verifies that the default actions and expectations of a and b1
- // are still in effect.
- EXPECT_TRUE(a.Binary(0, 0));
- EXPECT_FALSE(a.Binary(0, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, b1.DoB());
- EXPECT_EQ(2, b1.DoB(0));
- DestroyingChainedMocksDoesNotDeadlockThroughExpectations) {
- linked_ptr<MockA> a(new MockA);
- ReferenceHoldingMock test_mock;
- // EXPECT_CALL stores a reference to a inside test_mock.
- EXPECT_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_))
- .WillRepeatedly(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
- // Throw away the reference to the mock that we have in a. After this, the
- // only reference to it is stored by test_mock.
- a.reset();
- // When test_mock goes out of scope, it destroys the last remaining reference
- // to the mock object originally pointed to by a. This will cause the MockA
- // destructor to be called from inside the ReferenceHoldingMock destructor.
- // The state of all mocks is protected by a single global lock, but there
- // should be no deadlock.
- DestroyingChainedMocksDoesNotDeadlockThroughDefaultAction) {
- linked_ptr<MockA> a(new MockA);
- ReferenceHoldingMock test_mock;
- // ON_CALL stores a reference to a inside test_mock.
- ON_CALL(test_mock, AcceptReference(_))
- .WillByDefault(SetArgPointee<0>(a));
- // Throw away the reference to the mock that we have in a. After this, the
- // only reference to it is stored by test_mock.
- a.reset();
- // When test_mock goes out of scope, it destroys the last remaining reference
- // to the mock object originally pointed to by a. This will cause the MockA
- // destructor to be called from inside the ReferenceHoldingMock destructor.
- // The state of all mocks is protected by a single global lock, but there
- // should be no deadlock.
-// Tests that a mock function's action can call a mock function
-// (either the same function or a different one) either as an explicit
-// action or as a default action without causing a dead lock. It
-// verifies that the action is not performed inside the critical
-// section.
-TEST(SynchronizationTest, CanCallMockMethodInAction) {
- MockA a;
- MockC c;
- ON_CALL(a, DoA(_))
- .WillByDefault(IgnoreResult(InvokeWithoutArgs(&c,
- &MockC::NonVoidMethod)));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(a, DoA(1))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(&a, &MockA::DoA))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- EXPECT_CALL(c, NonVoidMethod());
- a.DoA(1);
- // This will match the second EXPECT_CALL() and trigger another a.DoA(1),
- // which will in turn match the first EXPECT_CALL() and trigger a call to
- // c.NonVoidMethod() that was specified by the ON_CALL() since the first
- // EXPECT_CALL() did not specify an action.
-} // namespace
-// Allows the user to define his own main and then invoke gmock_main
-// from it. This might be necessary on some platforms which require
-// specific setup and teardown.
-int gmock_main(int argc, char **argv) {
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
- // Ensures that the tests pass no matter what value of
- // --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks and --gmock_verbose the user specifies.
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) = true;
- testing::GMOCK_FLAG(verbose) = testing::internal::kWarningVerbosity;
- return RUN_ALL_TESTS();