path: root/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst
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authorAndreas Sandberg <>2017-02-27 13:17:51 +0000
committerAndreas Sandberg <>2017-05-02 12:37:32 +0000
commitc79706ff4ce591df2151db5504d3c224f3c9965f (patch)
treeb56cd2bfe704a40575a71075e78194a4c516c98d /ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst
parent359cb08623324b62d7c34973ae54d5bc7f23f9fd (diff)
ext: Add pybind rev f4b81b3
Change-Id: I52e4fc9ebf2f59da57d8cf8f3e37cc79598c2f5f Signed-off-by: Andreas Sandberg <> Reviewed-by: Andreas Hansson <> Reviewed-by: Curtis Dunham <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Tony Gutierrez <> Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <> Reviewed-by: Pierre-Yves Péneau <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst b/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a423b578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/classes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+This section presents advanced binding code for classes and it is assumed
+that you are already familiar with the basics from :doc:`/classes`.
+.. _overriding_virtuals:
+Overriding virtual functions in Python
+Suppose that a C++ class or interface has a virtual function that we'd like to
+to override from within Python (we'll focus on the class ``Animal``; ``Dog`` is
+given as a specific example of how one would do this with traditional C++
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class Animal {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Animal() { }
+ virtual std::string go(int n_times) = 0;
+ };
+ class Dog : public Animal {
+ public:
+ std::string go(int n_times) override {
+ std::string result;
+ for (int i=0; i<n_times; ++i)
+ result += "woof! ";
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+Let's also suppose that we are given a plain function which calls the
+function ``go()`` on an arbitrary ``Animal`` instance.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ std::string call_go(Animal *animal) {
+ return animal->go(3);
+ }
+Normally, the binding code for these classes would look as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(example) {
+ py::module m("example", "pybind11 example plugin");
+ py::class_<Animal> animal(m, "Animal");
+ animal
+ .def("go", &Animal::go);
+ py::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog", animal)
+ .def(py::init<>());
+ m.def("call_go", &call_go);
+ return m.ptr();
+ }
+However, these bindings are impossible to extend: ``Animal`` is not
+constructible, and we clearly require some kind of "trampoline" that
+redirects virtual calls back to Python.
+Defining a new type of ``Animal`` from within Python is possible but requires a
+helper class that is defined as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class PyAnimal : public Animal {
+ public:
+ /* Inherit the constructors */
+ using Animal::Animal;
+ /* Trampoline (need one for each virtual function) */
+ std::string go(int n_times) override {
+ std::string, /* Return type */
+ Animal, /* Parent class */
+ go, /* Name of function */
+ n_times /* Argument(s) */
+ );
+ }
+ };
+The macro :func:`PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE` should be used for pure virtual
+functions, and :func:`PYBIND11_OVERLOAD` should be used for functions which have
+a default implementation. There are also two alternate macros
+take a string-valued name argument between the *Parent class* and *Name of the
+function* slots. This is useful when the C++ and Python versions of the
+function have different names, e.g. ``operator()`` vs ``__call__``.
+The binding code also needs a few minor adaptations (highlighted):
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ :emphasize-lines: 4,6,7
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(example) {
+ py::module m("example", "pybind11 example plugin");
+ py::class_<Animal, PyAnimal /* <--- trampoline*/> animal(m, "Animal");
+ animal
+ .def(py::init<>())
+ .def("go", &Animal::go);
+ py::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog", animal)
+ .def(py::init<>());
+ m.def("call_go", &call_go);
+ return m.ptr();
+ }
+Importantly, pybind11 is made aware of the trampoline helper class by
+specifying it as an extra template argument to :class:`class_`. (This can also
+be combined with other template arguments such as a custom holder type; the
+order of template types does not matter). Following this, we are able to
+define a constructor as usual.
+Note, however, that the above is sufficient for allowing python classes to
+extend ``Animal``, but not ``Dog``: see ref:`virtual_and_inheritance` for the
+necessary steps required to providing proper overload support for inherited
+The Python session below shows how to override ``Animal::go`` and invoke it via
+a virtual method call.
+.. code-block:: pycon
+ >>> from example import *
+ >>> d = Dog()
+ >>> call_go(d)
+ u'woof! woof! woof! '
+ >>> class Cat(Animal):
+ ... def go(self, n_times):
+ ... return "meow! " * n_times
+ ...
+ >>> c = Cat()
+ >>> call_go(c)
+ u'meow! meow! meow! '
+Please take a look at the :ref:`macro_notes` before using this feature.
+.. note::
+ When the overridden type returns a reference or pointer to a type that
+ pybind11 converts from Python (for example, numeric values, std::string,
+ and other built-in value-converting types), there are some limitations to
+ be aware of:
+ - because in these cases there is no C++ variable to reference (the value
+ is stored in the referenced Python variable), pybind11 provides one in
+ the PYBIND11_OVERLOAD macros (when needed) with static storage duration.
+ Note that this means that invoking the overloaded method on *any*
+ instance will change the referenced value stored in *all* instances of
+ that type.
+ - Attempts to modify a non-const reference will not have the desired
+ effect: it will change only the static cache variable, but this change
+ will not propagate to underlying Python instance, and the change will be
+ replaced the next time the overload is invoked.
+.. seealso::
+ The file :file:`tests/test_virtual_functions.cpp` contains a complete
+ example that demonstrates how to override virtual functions using pybind11
+ in more detail.
+.. _virtual_and_inheritance:
+Combining virtual functions and inheritance
+When combining virtual methods with inheritance, you need to be sure to provide
+an override for each method for which you want to allow overrides from derived
+python classes. For example, suppose we extend the above ``Animal``/``Dog``
+example as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class Animal {
+ public:
+ virtual std::string go(int n_times) = 0;
+ virtual std::string name() { return "unknown"; }
+ };
+ class Dog : public class Animal {
+ public:
+ std::string go(int n_times) override {
+ std::string result;
+ for (int i=0; i<n_times; ++i)
+ result += bark() + " ";
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual std::string bark() { return "woof!"; }
+ };
+then the trampoline class for ``Animal`` must, as described in the previous
+section, override ``go()`` and ``name()``, but in order to allow python code to
+inherit properly from ``Dog``, we also need a trampoline class for ``Dog`` that
+overrides both the added ``bark()`` method *and* the ``go()`` and ``name()``
+methods inherited from ``Animal`` (even though ``Dog`` doesn't directly
+override the ``name()`` method):
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class PyAnimal : public Animal {
+ public:
+ using Animal::Animal; // Inherit constructors
+ std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE(std::string, Animal, go, n_times); }
+ std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, Animal, name, ); }
+ };
+ class PyDog : public Dog {
+ public:
+ using Dog::Dog; // Inherit constructors
+ std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE(std::string, Dog, go, n_times); }
+ std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, Dog, name, ); }
+ std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, Dog, bark, ); }
+ };
+A registered class derived from a pybind11-registered class with virtual
+methods requires a similar trampoline class, *even if* it doesn't explicitly
+declare or override any virtual methods itself:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class Husky : public Dog {};
+ class PyHusky : public Husky {
+ using Dog::Dog; // Inherit constructors
+ std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE(std::string, Husky, go, n_times); }
+ std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, Husky, name, ); }
+ std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, Husky, bark, ); }
+ };
+There is, however, a technique that can be used to avoid this duplication
+(which can be especially helpful for a base class with several virtual
+methods). The technique involves using template trampoline classes, as
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ template <class AnimalBase = Animal> class PyAnimal : public AnimalBase {
+ using AnimalBase::AnimalBase; // Inherit constructors
+ std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE(std::string, AnimalBase, go, n_times); }
+ std::string name() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, AnimalBase, name, ); }
+ };
+ template <class DogBase = Dog> class PyDog : public PyAnimal<DogBase> {
+ using PyAnimal<DogBase>::PyAnimal; // Inherit constructors
+ // Override PyAnimal's pure virtual go() with a non-pure one:
+ std::string go(int n_times) override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, DogBase, go, n_times); }
+ std::string bark() override { PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(std::string, DogBase, bark, ); }
+ };
+This technique has the advantage of requiring just one trampoline method to be
+declared per virtual method and pure virtual method override. It does,
+however, require the compiler to generate at least as many methods (and
+possibly more, if both pure virtual and overridden pure virtual methods are
+exposed, as above).
+The classes are then registered with pybind11 using:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<Animal, PyAnimal<>> animal(m, "Animal");
+ py::class_<Dog, PyDog<>> dog(m, "Dog");
+ py::class_<Husky, PyDog<Husky>> husky(m, "Husky");
+ // ... add animal, dog, husky definitions
+Note that ``Husky`` did not require a dedicated trampoline template class at
+all, since it neither declares any new virtual methods nor provides any pure
+virtual method implementations.
+With either the repeated-virtuals or templated trampoline methods in place, you
+can now create a python class that inherits from ``Dog``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class ShihTzu(Dog):
+ def bark(self):
+ return "yip!"
+.. seealso::
+ See the file :file:`tests/test_virtual_functions.cpp` for complete examples
+ using both the duplication and templated trampoline approaches.
+Extended trampoline class functionality
+The trampoline classes described in the previous sections are, by default, only
+initialized when needed. More specifically, they are initialized when a python
+class actually inherits from a registered type (instead of merely creating an
+instance of the registered type), or when a registered constructor is only
+valid for the trampoline class but not the registered class. This is primarily
+for performance reasons: when the trampoline class is not needed for anything
+except virtual method dispatching, not initializing the trampoline class
+improves performance by avoiding needing to do a run-time check to see if the
+inheriting python instance has an overloaded method.
+Sometimes, however, it is useful to always initialize a trampoline class as an
+intermediate class that does more than just handle virtual method dispatching.
+For example, such a class might perform extra class initialization, extra
+destruction operations, and might define new members and methods to enable a
+more python-like interface to a class.
+In order to tell pybind11 that it should *always* initialize the trampoline
+class when creating new instances of a type, the class constructors should be
+declared using ``py::init_alias<Args, ...>()`` instead of the usual
+``py::init<Args, ...>()``. This forces construction via the trampoline class,
+ensuring member initialization and (eventual) destruction.
+.. seealso::
+ See the file :file:`tests/test_alias_initialization.cpp` for complete examples
+ showing both normal and forced trampoline instantiation.
+.. _custom_constructors:
+Custom constructors
+The syntax for binding constructors was previously introduced, but it only
+works when a constructor with the given parameters actually exists on the C++
+side. To extend this to more general cases, let's take a look at what actually
+happens under the hood: the following statement
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<Example>(m, "Example")
+ .def(py::init<int>());
+is short hand notation for
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<Example>(m, "Example")
+ .def("__init__",
+ [](Example &instance, int arg) {
+ new (&instance) Example(arg);
+ }
+ );
+In other words, :func:`init` creates an anonymous function that invokes an
+in-place constructor. Memory allocation etc. is already take care of beforehand
+within pybind11.
+.. _classes_with_non_public_destructors:
+Non-public destructors
+If a class has a private or protected destructor (as might e.g. be the case in
+a singleton pattern), a compile error will occur when creating bindings via
+pybind11. The underlying issue is that the ``std::unique_ptr`` holder type that
+is responsible for managing the lifetime of instances will reference the
+destructor even if no deallocations ever take place. In order to expose classes
+with private or protected destructors, it is possible to override the holder
+type via a holder type argument to ``class_``. Pybind11 provides a helper class
+``py::nodelete`` that disables any destructor invocations. In this case, it is
+crucial that instances are deallocated on the C++ side to avoid memory leaks.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ /* ... definition ... */
+ class MyClass {
+ private:
+ ~MyClass() { }
+ };
+ /* ... binding code ... */
+ py::class_<MyClass, std::unique_ptr<MyClass, py::nodelete>>(m, "MyClass")
+ .def(py::init<>)
+Implicit conversions
+Suppose that instances of two types ``A`` and ``B`` are used in a project, and
+that an ``A`` can easily be converted into an instance of type ``B`` (examples of this
+could be a fixed and an arbitrary precision number type).
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<A>(m, "A")
+ /// ... members ...
+ py::class_<B>(m, "B")
+ .def(py::init<A>())
+ /// ... members ...
+ m.def("func",
+ [](const B &) { /* .... */ }
+ );
+To invoke the function ``func`` using a variable ``a`` containing an ``A``
+instance, we'd have to write ``func(B(a))`` in Python. On the other hand, C++
+will automatically apply an implicit type conversion, which makes it possible
+to directly write ``func(a)``.
+In this situation (i.e. where ``B`` has a constructor that converts from
+``A``), the following statement enables similar implicit conversions on the
+Python side:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::implicitly_convertible<A, B>();
+.. note::
+ Implicit conversions from ``A`` to ``B`` only work when ``B`` is a custom
+ data type that is exposed to Python via pybind11.
+.. _static_properties:
+Static properties
+The section on :ref:`properties` discussed the creation of instance properties
+that are implemented in terms of C++ getters and setters.
+Static properties can also be created in a similar way to expose getters and
+setters of static class attributes. It is important to note that the implicit
+``self`` argument also exists in this case and is used to pass the Python
+``type`` subclass instance. This parameter will often not be needed by the C++
+side, and the following example illustrates how to instantiate a lambda getter
+function that ignores it:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<Foo>(m, "Foo")
+ .def_property_readonly_static("foo", [](py::object /* self */) { return Foo(); });
+Operator overloading
+Suppose that we're given the following ``Vector2`` class with a vector addition
+and scalar multiplication operation, all implemented using overloaded operators
+in C++.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class Vector2 {
+ public:
+ Vector2(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) { }
+ Vector2 operator+(const Vector2 &v) const { return Vector2(x + v.x, y + v.y); }
+ Vector2 operator*(float value) const { return Vector2(x * value, y * value); }
+ Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2 &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; return *this; }
+ Vector2& operator*=(float v) { x *= v; y *= v; return *this; }
+ friend Vector2 operator*(float f, const Vector2 &v) {
+ return Vector2(f * v.x, f * v.y);
+ }
+ std::string toString() const {
+ return "[" + std::to_string(x) + ", " + std::to_string(y) + "]";
+ }
+ private:
+ float x, y;
+ };
+The following snippet shows how the above operators can be conveniently exposed
+to Python.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ #include <pybind11/operators.h>
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(example) {
+ py::module m("example", "pybind11 example plugin");
+ py::class_<Vector2>(m, "Vector2")
+ .def(py::init<float, float>())
+ .def(py::self + py::self)
+ .def(py::self += py::self)
+ .def(py::self *= float())
+ .def(float() * py::self)
+ .def("__repr__", &Vector2::toString);
+ return m.ptr();
+ }
+Note that a line like
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ .def(py::self * float())
+is really just short hand notation for
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ .def("__mul__", [](const Vector2 &a, float b) {
+ return a * b;
+ }, py::is_operator())
+This can be useful for exposing additional operators that don't exist on the
+C++ side, or to perform other types of customization. The ``py::is_operator``
+flag marker is needed to inform pybind11 that this is an operator, which
+returns ``NotImplemented`` when invoked with incompatible arguments rather than
+throwing a type error.
+.. note::
+ To use the more convenient ``py::self`` notation, the additional
+ header file :file:`pybind11/operators.h` must be included.
+.. seealso::
+ The file :file:`tests/test_operator_overloading.cpp` contains a
+ complete example that demonstrates how to work with overloaded operators in
+ more detail.
+Pickling support
+Python's ``pickle`` module provides a powerful facility to serialize and
+de-serialize a Python object graph into a binary data stream. To pickle and
+unpickle C++ classes using pybind11, two additional functions must be provided.
+Suppose the class in question has the following signature:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ class Pickleable {
+ public:
+ Pickleable(const std::string &value) : m_value(value) { }
+ const std::string &value() const { return m_value; }
+ void setExtra(int extra) { m_extra = extra; }
+ int extra() const { return m_extra; }
+ private:
+ std::string m_value;
+ int m_extra = 0;
+ };
+The binding code including the requisite ``__setstate__`` and ``__getstate__`` methods [#f3]_
+looks as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<Pickleable>(m, "Pickleable")
+ .def(py::init<std::string>())
+ .def("value", &Pickleable::value)
+ .def("extra", &Pickleable::extra)
+ .def("setExtra", &Pickleable::setExtra)
+ .def("__getstate__", [](const Pickleable &p) {
+ /* Return a tuple that fully encodes the state of the object */
+ return py::make_tuple(p.value(), p.extra());
+ })
+ .def("__setstate__", [](Pickleable &p, py::tuple t) {
+ if (t.size() != 2)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid state!");
+ /* Invoke the in-place constructor. Note that this is needed even
+ when the object just has a trivial default constructor */
+ new (&p) Pickleable(t[0].cast<std::string>());
+ /* Assign any additional state */
+ p.setExtra(t[1].cast<int>());
+ });
+An instance can now be pickled as follows:
+.. code-block:: python
+ try:
+ import cPickle as pickle # Use cPickle on Python 2.7
+ except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+ p = Pickleable("test_value")
+ p.setExtra(15)
+ data = pickle.dumps(p, 2)
+Note that only the cPickle module is supported on Python 2.7. The second
+argument to ``dumps`` is also crucial: it selects the pickle protocol version
+2, since the older version 1 is not supported. Newer versions are also fine—for
+instance, specify ``-1`` to always use the latest available version. Beware:
+failure to follow these instructions will cause important pybind11 memory
+allocation routines to be skipped during unpickling, which will likely lead to
+memory corruption and/or segmentation faults.
+.. seealso::
+ The file :file:`tests/test_pickling.cpp` contains a complete example
+ that demonstrates how to pickle and unpickle types using pybind11 in more
+ detail.
+.. [#f3]
+Multiple Inheritance
+pybind11 can create bindings for types that derive from multiple base types
+(aka. *multiple inheritance*). To do so, specify all bases in the template
+arguments of the ``class_`` declaration:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<MyType, BaseType1, BaseType2, BaseType3>(m, "MyType")
+ ...
+The base types can be specified in arbitrary order, and they can even be
+interspersed with alias types and holder types (discussed earlier in this
+document)---pybind11 will automatically find out which is which. The only
+requirement is that the first template argument is the type to be declared.
+There are two caveats regarding the implementation of this feature:
+1. When only one base type is specified for a C++ type that actually has
+ multiple bases, pybind11 will assume that it does not participate in
+ multiple inheritance, which can lead to undefined behavior. In such cases,
+ add the tag ``multiple_inheritance``:
+ .. code-block:: cpp
+ py::class_<MyType, BaseType2>(m, "MyType", py::multiple_inheritance());
+ The tag is redundant and does not need to be specified when multiple base
+ types are listed.
+2. As was previously discussed in the section on :ref:`overriding_virtuals`, it
+ is easy to create Python types that derive from C++ classes. It is even
+ possible to make use of multiple inheritance to declare a Python class which
+ has e.g. a C++ and a Python class as bases. However, any attempt to create a
+ type that has *two or more* C++ classes in its hierarchy of base types will
+ fail with a fatal error message: ``TypeError: multiple bases have instance
+ lay-out conflict``. Core Python types that are implemented in C (e.g.
+ ``dict``, ``list``, ``Exception``, etc.) also fall under this combination
+ and cannot be combined with C++ types bound using pybind11 via multiple
+ inheritance.