path: root/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst
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authorAndreas Sandberg <>2017-05-09 19:22:53 +0100
committerAndreas Sandberg <>2017-05-22 17:15:09 +0000
commit6914a229a038206341ae1fea46393965a555ca9a (patch)
tree4a11cfaed46dabc827c5ee17cd976f42b5f53d49 /ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst
parentca1d18d599dcc620bf526fb22042af95b1b60b68 (diff)
ext: Upgrade PyBind11 to version 2.1.1
Change-Id: I16870dec402d661295f9d013dc23e362b2b2c169 Signed-off-by: Andreas Sandberg <> Reviewed-by: Curtis Dunham <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Jason Lowe-Power <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst b/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst
index 8b46b7c83..6bcc46719 100644
--- a/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst
+++ b/ext/pybind11/docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ completely avoid copy operations with Python expressions like
.. code-block:: cpp
- py::class_<Matrix>(m, "Matrix")
+ py::class_<Matrix>(m, "Matrix", py::buffer_protocol())
.def_buffer([](Matrix &m) -> py::buffer_info {
return py::buffer_info(, /* Pointer to buffer */
@@ -46,9 +46,12 @@ completely avoid copy operations with Python expressions like
-The snippet above binds a lambda function, which can create ``py::buffer_info``
-description records on demand describing a given matrix. The contents of
-``py::buffer_info`` mirror the Python buffer protocol specification.
+Supporting the buffer protocol in a new type involves specifying the special
+``py::buffer_protocol()`` tag in the ``py::class_`` constructor and calling the
+``def_buffer()`` method with a lambda function that creates a
+``py::buffer_info`` description record on demand describing a given matrix
+instance. The contents of ``py::buffer_info`` mirror the Python buffer protocol
.. code-block:: cpp
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ buffer objects (e.g. a NumPy matrix).
typedef Matrix::Scalar Scalar;
constexpr bool rowMajor = Matrix::Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit;
- py::class_<Matrix>(m, "Matrix")
+ py::class_<Matrix>(m, "Matrix", py::buffer_protocol())
.def("__init__", [](Matrix &m, py::buffer b) {
typedef Eigen::Stride<Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Strides;
@@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ NumPy array containing double precision values.
When it is invoked with a different type (e.g. an integer or a list of
integers), the binding code will attempt to cast the input into a NumPy array
of the requested type. Note that this feature requires the
-:file:``pybind11/numpy.h`` header to be included.
+:file:`pybind11/numpy.h` header to be included.
Data in NumPy arrays is not guaranteed to packed in a dense manner;
furthermore, entries can be separated by arbitrary column and row strides.
@@ -173,9 +176,10 @@ function overload.
Structured types
-In order for ``py::array_t`` to work with structured (record) types, we first need
-to register the memory layout of the type. This can be done via ``PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE``
-macro which expects the type followed by field names:
+In order for ``py::array_t`` to work with structured (record) types, we first
+need to register the memory layout of the type. This can be done via
+``PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE`` macro, called in the plugin definition code, which
+expects the type followed by field names:
.. code-block:: cpp
@@ -189,10 +193,14 @@ macro which expects the type followed by field names:
A a;
+ // ...
+ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(test) {
+ // ...
- /* now both A and B can be used as template arguments to py::array_t */
+ /* now both A and B can be used as template arguments to py::array_t */
+ }
Vectorizing functions
@@ -297,3 +305,75 @@ simply using ``vectorize``).
The file :file:`tests/test_numpy_vectorize.cpp` contains a complete
example that demonstrates using :func:`vectorize` in more detail.
+Direct access
+For performance reasons, particularly when dealing with very large arrays, it
+is often desirable to directly access array elements without internal checking
+of dimensions and bounds on every access when indices are known to be already
+valid. To avoid such checks, the ``array`` class and ``array_t<T>`` template
+class offer an unchecked proxy object that can be used for this unchecked
+access through the ``unchecked<N>`` and ``mutable_unchecked<N>`` methods,
+where ``N`` gives the required dimensionality of the array:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ m.def("sum_3d", [](py::array_t<double> x) {
+ auto r = x.unchecked<3>(); // x must have ndim = 3; can be non-writeable
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < r.shape(0); i++)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < r.shape(1); j++)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < r.shape(2); k++)
+ sum += r(i, j, k);
+ return sum;
+ });
+ m.def("increment_3d", [](py::array_t<double> x) {
+ auto r = x.mutable_unchecked<3>(); // Will throw if ndim != 3 or flags.writeable is false
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < r.shape(0); i++)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < r.shape(1); j++)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < r.shape(2); k++)
+ r(i, j, k) += 1.0;
+ }, py::arg().noconvert());
+To obtain the proxy from an ``array`` object, you must specify both the data
+type and number of dimensions as template arguments, such as ``auto r =
+myarray.mutable_unchecked<float, 2>()``.
+If the number of dimensions is not known at compile time, you can omit the
+dimensions template parameter (i.e. calling ``arr_t.unchecked()`` or
+``arr.unchecked<T>()``. This will give you a proxy object that works in the
+same way, but results in less optimizable code and thus a small efficiency
+loss in tight loops.
+Note that the returned proxy object directly references the array's data, and
+only reads its shape, strides, and writeable flag when constructed. You must
+take care to ensure that the referenced array is not destroyed or reshaped for
+the duration of the returned object, typically by limiting the scope of the
+returned instance.
+The returned proxy object supports some of the same methods as ``py::array`` so
+that it can be used as a drop-in replacement for some existing, index-checked
+uses of ``py::array``:
+- ``r.ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions
+- ``, 2, ...)`` and ``r.mutable_data(1, 2, ...)``` returns a pointer to
+ the ``const T`` or ``T`` data, respectively, at the given indices. The
+ latter is only available to proxies obtained via ``a.mutable_unchecked()``.
+- ``itemsize()`` returns the size of an item in bytes, i.e. ``sizeof(T)``.
+- ``ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions.
+- ``shape(n)`` returns the size of dimension ``n``
+- ``size()`` returns the total number of elements (i.e. the product of the shapes).
+- ``nbytes()`` returns the number of bytes used by the referenced elements
+ (i.e. ``itemsize()`` times ``size()``).
+.. seealso::
+ The file :file:`tests/test_numpy_array.cpp` contains additional examples
+ demonstrating the use of this feature.