path: root/python/m5/
diff options
authorKevin Lim <>2005-03-14 15:40:51 -0500
committerKevin Lim <>2005-03-14 15:40:51 -0500
commit8f2a84cbe5a0cd26053d49fb0376ec18bcbeb8f4 (patch)
tree1b707750f5064ed9f89a4a1ecc2f2be4d3daddc0 /python/m5/
parentc12a665c3120b61ed4e09da5d8a52c57406763d5 (diff)
parent76e6dd01ae4a534adad1d34398fefc819771a781 (diff)
--HG-- extra : convert_revision : 22919164108afd74f30207606f59a38992991dae
Diffstat (limited to 'python/m5/')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3f34e4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# metric prefixes
+exa = 1.0e18
+peta = 1.0e15
+tera = 1.0e12
+giga = 1.0e9
+mega = 1.0e6
+kilo = 1.0e3
+milli = 1.0e-3
+micro = 1.0e-6
+nano = 1.0e-9
+pico = 1.0e-12
+femto = 1.0e-15
+atto = 1.0e-18
+# power of 2 prefixes
+kibi = 1024
+mebi = kibi * 1024
+gibi = mebi * 1024
+tebi = gibi * 1024
+pebi = tebi * 1024
+exbi = pebi * 1024
+# memory size configuration stuff
+def to_integer(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = int(value)
+ elif value.endswith('Ei'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * exbi
+ elif value.endswith('Pi'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('Ti'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('Gi'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('Mi'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('ki'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('E'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * exa
+ elif value.endswith('P'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * peta
+ elif value.endswith('T'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('G'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('M'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('k'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('m'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * milli
+ elif value.endswith('u'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * micro
+ elif value.endswith('n'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * nano
+ elif value.endswith('p'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * pico
+ elif value.endswith('f'):
+ result = int(value[:-1]) * femto
+ else:
+ result = int(value)
+ return result
+def to_bool(val):
+ t = type(val)
+ if t == bool:
+ return val
+ if t == None:
+ return False
+ if t == int or t == long:
+ return bool(val)
+ if t == str:
+ val = val.lower()
+ if val == "true" or val == "t" or val == "yes" or val == "y":
+ return True
+ elif val == "false" or val == "f" or val == "no" or val == "n":
+ return False
+ return to_integer(val) != 0
+def to_frequency(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = float(value)
+ elif value.endswith('THz'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('GHz'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('MHz'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('kHz'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('Hz'):
+ result = float(value[:-2])
+ else:
+ result = float(value)
+ return result
+def to_latency(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = float(value)
+ elif value.endswith('c'):
+ result = float(value[:-1])
+ elif value.endswith('ps'):
+ result = float(value[:-2]) * pico
+ elif value.endswith('ns'):
+ result = float(value[:-2]) * nano
+ elif value.endswith('us'):
+ result = float(value[:-2]) * micro
+ elif value.endswith('ms'):
+ result = float(value[:-2]) * milli
+ elif value.endswith('s'):
+ result = float(value[:-1])
+ else:
+ result = float(value)
+ return result;
+def to_network_bandwidth(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = float(value)
+ elif value.endswith('Tbps'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('Gbps'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('Mbps'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('kbps'):
+ result = float(value[:-3]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('bps'):
+ result = float(value[:-2])
+ else:
+ result = float(value)
+ return result
+def to_memory_bandwidth(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = int(value)
+ elif value.endswith('PB/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-4]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('TB/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-4]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('GB/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-4]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('MB/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-4]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('kB/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-4]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('B/s'):
+ result = int(value[:-3])
+ else:
+ result = int(value)
+ return result
+def to_memory_size(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ result = int(value)
+ elif value.endswith('PB'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('TB'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('GB'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('MB'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('kB'):
+ result = int(value[:-2]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('B'):
+ result = int(value[:-1])
+ else:
+ result = int(value)
+ return result