path: root/src/SConscript
diff options
authorKorey Sewell <>2009-05-05 02:44:21 -0400
committerKorey Sewell <>2009-05-05 02:44:21 -0400
commitdb79945ad0fe6863dd05944b6d1d905aa55de3ef (patch)
treec1bf567e6e035f60835a2217ca283287f163e104 /src/SConscript
parent9f90291c54135acc42be0fcb8843ec4e67eab2fb (diff)
parentdc35d2f125de43fb2b2865e9211cccca8546b8cd (diff)
merge code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SConscript')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/SConscript b/src/SConscript
index 20d454f03..d36f5f244 100644
--- a/src/SConscript
+++ b/src/SConscript
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
# Authors: Nathan Binkert
import array
+import bisect
import imp
import marshal
import os
@@ -50,122 +51,144 @@ Export('env')
build_env = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in export_vars])
-def sort_list(_list):
- """return a sorted copy of '_list'"""
- if isinstance(_list, list):
- _list = _list[:]
- else:
- _list = list(_list)
- _list.sort()
- return _list
+# Code for adding source files of various types
+class SourceMeta(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(SourceMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ cls.all = []
+ def get(cls, **kwargs):
+ for src in cls.all:
+ for attr,value in kwargs.iteritems():
+ if getattr(src, attr) != value:
+ break
+ else:
+ yield src
+class SourceFile(object):
+ __metaclass__ = SourceMeta
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ tnode = source
+ if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
+ tnode = File(source)
-class PySourceFile(object):
+ self.tnode = tnode
+ self.snode = tnode.srcnode()
+ self.filename = str(tnode)
+ self.dirname = dirname(self.filename)
+ self.basename = basename(self.filename)
+ index = self.basename.rfind('.')
+ if index <= 0:
+ # dot files aren't extensions
+ self.extname = self.basename, None
+ else:
+ self.extname = self.basename[:index], self.basename[index+1:]
+ for base in type(self).__mro__:
+ if issubclass(base, SourceFile):
+ bisect.insort_right(base.all, self)
+ def __lt__(self, other): return self.filename < other.filename
+ def __le__(self, other): return self.filename <= other.filename
+ def __gt__(self, other): return self.filename > other.filename
+ def __ge__(self, other): return self.filename >= other.filename
+ def __eq__(self, other): return self.filename == other.filename
+ def __ne__(self, other): return self.filename != other.filename
+class Source(SourceFile):
+ '''Add a c/c++ source file to the build'''
+ def __init__(self, source, Werror=True, swig=False, bin_only=False,
+ skip_lib=False):
+ super(Source, self).__init__(source)
+ self.Werror = Werror
+ self.swig = swig
+ self.bin_only = bin_only
+ self.skip_lib = bin_only or skip_lib
+class PySource(SourceFile):
+ '''Add a python source file to the named package'''
invalid_sym_char = re.compile('[^A-z0-9_]')
- def __init__(self, package, tnode):
- snode = tnode.srcnode()
- filename = str(tnode)
- pyname = basename(filename)
- assert pyname.endswith('.py')
- name = pyname[:-3]
+ modules = {}
+ tnodes = {}
+ symnames = {}
+ def __init__(self, package, source):
+ super(PySource, self).__init__(source)
+ modname,ext = self.extname
+ assert ext == 'py'
if package:
path = package.split('.')
path = []
modpath = path[:]
- if name != '__init__':
- modpath += [name]
+ if modname != '__init__':
+ modpath += [ modname ]
modpath = '.'.join(modpath)
- arcpath = path + [ pyname ]
- arcname = joinpath(*arcpath)
- debugname = snode.abspath
+ arcpath = path + [ self.basename ]
+ debugname = self.snode.abspath
if not exists(debugname):
- debugname = tnode.abspath
+ debugname = self.tnode.abspath
- self.tnode = tnode
- self.snode = snode
- self.pyname = pyname
self.package = package
+ self.modname = modname
self.modpath = modpath
- self.arcname = arcname
+ self.arcname = joinpath(*arcpath)
self.debugname = debugname
- self.compiled = File(filename + 'c')
- self.assembly = File(filename + '.s')
- self.symname = "PyEMB_" + self.invalid_sym_char.sub('_', modpath)
+ self.compiled = File(self.filename + 'c')
+ self.assembly = File(self.filename + '.s')
+ self.symname = "PyEMB_" + PySource.invalid_sym_char.sub('_', modpath)
-# Code for adding source files of various types
-cc_lib_sources = []
-def Source(source):
- '''Add a source file to the libm5 build'''
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
+ PySource.modules[modpath] = self
+ PySource.tnodes[self.tnode] = self
+ PySource.symnames[self.symname] = self
- cc_lib_sources.append(source)
+class SimObject(PySource):
+ '''Add a SimObject python file as a python source object and add
+ it to a list of sim object modules'''
-cc_bin_sources = []
-def BinSource(source):
- '''Add a source file to the m5 binary build'''
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
+ fixed = False
+ modnames = []
- cc_bin_sources.append(source)
+ def __init__(self, source):
+ super(SimObject, self).__init__('m5.objects', source)
+ if self.fixed:
+ raise AttributeError, "Too late to call SimObject now."
-py_sources = []
-def PySource(package, source):
- '''Add a python source file to the named package'''
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
+ bisect.insort_right(SimObject.modnames, self.modname)
- source = PySourceFile(package, source)
- py_sources.append(source)
+class SwigSource(SourceFile):
+ '''Add a swig file to build'''
-sim_objects_fixed = False
-sim_object_modfiles = set()
-def SimObject(source):
- '''Add a SimObject python file as a python source object and add
- it to a list of sim object modules'''
+ def __init__(self, package, source):
+ super(SwigSource, self).__init__(source)
- if sim_objects_fixed:
- raise AttributeError, "Too late to call SimObject now."
+ modname,ext = self.extname
+ assert ext == 'i'
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
+ self.module = modname
+ cc_file = joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '')
+ py_file = joinpath(self.dirname, modname + '.py')
- PySource('m5.objects', source)
- modfile = basename(str(source))
- assert modfile.endswith('.py')
- modname = modfile[:-3]
- sim_object_modfiles.add(modname)
-swig_sources = []
-def SwigSource(package, source):
- '''Add a swig file to build'''
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
- val = source,package
- swig_sources.append(val)
+ self.cc_source = Source(cc_file, swig=True)
+ self.py_source = PySource(package, py_file)
unit_tests = []
def UnitTest(target, sources):
if not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)):
sources = [ sources ]
- srcs = []
- for source in sources:
- if not isinstance(source, SCons.Node.FS.File):
- source = File(source)
- srcs.append(source)
- unit_tests.append((target, srcs))
+ sources = [ Source(src, skip_lib=True) for src in sources ]
+ unit_tests.append((target, sources))
# Children should have access
@@ -276,7 +299,8 @@ class DictImporter(object):
if fullname.startswith('m5.internal'):
return None
- if fullname in self.modules and exists(self.modules[fullname]):
+ source = self.modules.get(fullname, None)
+ if source is not None and exists(source.snode.abspath):
return self
return None
@@ -295,34 +319,28 @@ class DictImporter(object):
mod.__dict__['buildEnv'] = build_env
return mod
- srcfile = self.modules[fullname]
- if basename(srcfile) == '':
- mod.__path__ = fullname.split('.')
- mod.__file__ = srcfile
+ source = self.modules[fullname]
+ if source.modname == '__init__':
+ mod.__path__ = source.modpath
+ mod.__file__ = source.snode.abspath
- exec file(srcfile, 'r') in mod.__dict__
+ exec file(source.snode.abspath, 'r') in mod.__dict__
return mod
-py_modules = {}
-for source in py_sources:
- py_modules[source.modpath] = source.snode.abspath
# install the python importer so we can grab stuff from the source
# tree itself. We can't have SimObjects added after this point or
# else we won't know about them for the rest of the stuff.
-sim_objects_fixed = True
-importer = DictImporter(py_modules)
+SimObject.fixed = True
+importer = DictImporter(PySource.modules)
sys.meta_path[0:0] = [ importer ]
import m5
# import all sim objects so we can populate the all_objects list
# make sure that we're working with a list, then let's sort it
-sim_objects = list(sim_object_modfiles)
-for simobj in sim_objects:
- exec('from m5.objects import %s' % simobj)
+for modname in SimObject.modnames:
+ exec('from m5.objects import %s' % modname)
# we need to unload all of the currently imported modules so that they
# will be re-imported the next time the sconscript is run
@@ -333,7 +351,7 @@ sim_objects = m5.SimObject.allClasses
all_enums = m5.params.allEnums
all_params = {}
-for name,obj in sim_objects.iteritems():
+for name,obj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
for param in obj._params.local.values():
if not hasattr(param, 'swig_decl'):
@@ -346,7 +364,7 @@ for name,obj in sim_objects.iteritems():
# calculate extra dependencies
module_depends = ["m5", "m5.SimObject", "m5.params"]
-depends = [ File(py_modules[dep]) for dep in module_depends ]
+depends = [ PySource.modules[dep].tnode for dep in module_depends ]
@@ -392,7 +410,7 @@ def makeObjectsInitFile(target, source, env):
# Generate an file for the objects package
- [ Value(o) for o in sort_list(sim_object_modfiles) ],
+ map(Value, SimObject.modnames),
PySource('m5.objects', 'python/m5/objects/')
@@ -409,6 +427,7 @@ def createSimObjectParam(target, source, env):
obj = sim_objects[name]
print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl()
+ hh_file.close()
def createSwigParam(target, source, env):
assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
@@ -419,6 +438,7 @@ def createSwigParam(target, source, env):
for line in param.swig_decl():
print >>i_file, line
+ i_file.close()
def createEnumStrings(target, source, env):
assert len(target) == 1 and len(source) == 1
@@ -438,11 +458,13 @@ def createEnumParam(target, source, env):
obj = all_enums[name]
print >>hh_file, obj.cxx_decl()
+ hh_file.close()
# Generate all of the SimObject param struct header files
params_hh_files = []
-for name,simobj in sim_objects.iteritems():
- extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[simobj.__module__]) ]
+for name,simobj in sorted(sim_objects.iteritems()):
+ py_source = PySource.modules[simobj.__module__]
+ extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
hh_file = File('params/%s.hh' % name)
@@ -463,8 +485,9 @@ for name,param in all_params.iteritems():
env.Depends(i_file, depends)
# Generate all enum header files
-for name,enum in all_enums.iteritems():
- extra_deps = [ File(py_modules[enum.__module__]) ]
+for name,enum in sorted(all_enums.iteritems()):
+ py_source = PySource.modules[enum.__module__]
+ extra_deps = [ py_source.tnode ]
cc_file = File('enums/' % name)
env.Command(cc_file, Value(name), createEnumStrings)
@@ -576,32 +599,18 @@ def buildParams(target, source, env):
print >>out, '%%include "params/%s.hh"' % obj
params_file = File('params/params.i')
-names = sort_list(sim_objects.keys())
-env.Command(params_file, [ Value(v) for v in names ], buildParams)
+names = sorted(sim_objects.keys())
+env.Command(params_file, map(Value, names), buildParams)
env.Depends(params_file, params_hh_files + params_i_files + depends)
SwigSource('m5.objects', params_file)
# Build all swig modules
-swig_modules = []
-cc_swig_sources = []
-for source,package in swig_sources:
- filename = str(source)
- assert filename.endswith('.i')
- base = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
- module = basename(base)
- cc_file = base + ''
- py_file = base + '.py'
- env.Command([cc_file, py_file], source,
+for swig in SwigSource.all:
+ env.Command([swig.cc_source.tnode, swig.py_source.tnode], swig.tnode,
'$SWIG $SWIGFLAGS -outdir ${TARGETS[1].dir} '
'-o ${TARGETS[0]} $SOURCES')
- env.Depends(py_file, source)
- env.Depends(cc_file, source)
- swig_modules.append(Value(module))
- cc_swig_sources.append(File(cc_file))
- PySource(package, py_file)
+ env.Depends(swig.py_source.tnode, swig.tnode)
+ env.Depends(swig.cc_source.tnode, swig.tnode)
# Generate the main swig init file
def makeSwigInit(target, source, env):
@@ -616,7 +625,9 @@ def makeSwigInit(target, source, env):
print >>f, '}'
-env.Command('python/swig/', swig_modules, makeSwigInit)
+ map(Value, sorted(s.module for s in SwigSource.all)),
+ makeSwigInit)
# Generate
@@ -813,7 +824,7 @@ extern const Flags *compoundFlags[];
-flags = [ Value(f) for f in trace_flags.values() ]
+flags = map(Value, trace_flags.values())
env.Command('base/', flags, traceFlagsPy)
PySource('m5', 'base/')
@@ -827,10 +838,6 @@ Source('base/')
# byte code, compress it, and then generate an assembly file that
# inserts the result into the data section with symbols indicating the
# beginning, and end (and with the size at the end)
-py_sources_tnodes = {}
-for pysource in py_sources:
- py_sources_tnodes[pysource.tnode] = pysource
def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
'''Action function to compile a .py into a code object, marshal
it, compress it, and stick it into an asm file so the code appears
@@ -839,7 +846,7 @@ def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
src = file(str(source[0]), 'r').read()
dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- pysource = py_sources_tnodes[source[0]]
+ pysource = PySource.tnodes[source[0]]
compiled = compile(src, pysource.debugname, 'exec')
marshalled = marshal.dumps(compiled)
compressed = zlib.compress(marshalled)
@@ -864,7 +871,7 @@ def objectifyPyFile(target, source, env):
print >>dst, "%s_end:" % sym
print >>dst, ".long %d" % len(marshalled)
-for source in py_sources:
+for source in PySource.all:
env.Command(source.assembly, source.tnode, objectifyPyFile)
@@ -873,14 +880,11 @@ for source in py_sources:
# contains information about the importer that python uses to get at
# the embedded files, and then there's a list of all of the rest that
# the importer uses to load the rest on demand.
-py_sources_symbols = {}
-for pysource in py_sources:
- py_sources_symbols[pysource.symname] = pysource
def pythonInit(target, source, env):
dst = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
def dump_mod(sym, endchar=','):
- pysource = py_sources_symbols[sym]
+ pysource = PySource.symnames[sym]
print >>dst, ' { "%s",' % pysource.arcname
print >>dst, ' "%s",' % pysource.modpath
print >>dst, ' %s_beg, %s_end,' % (sym, sym)
@@ -907,8 +911,10 @@ def pythonInit(target, source, env):
print >>dst, " { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }"
print >>dst, "};"
-symbols = [Value(s.symname) for s in py_sources]
-env.Command('sim/', symbols, pythonInit)
+ map(Value, (s.symname for s in PySource.all)),
+ pythonInit)
@@ -920,26 +926,7 @@ Source('sim/')
# List of constructed environments to pass back to SConstruct
envList = []
-# This function adds the specified sources to the given build
-# environment, and returns a list of all the corresponding SCons
-# Object nodes (including an extra one for We explicitly
-# add the Object nodes so we can set up special dependencies for
-def make_objs(sources, env, static):
- if static:
- XObject = env.StaticObject
- else:
- XObject = env.SharedObject
- objs = [ XObject(s) for s in sources ]
- # make depend on all other objects so it always gets
- # recompiled whenever anything else does
- date_obj = XObject('base/')
- env.Depends(date_obj, objs)
- objs.append(date_obj)
- return objs
+date_source = Source('base/', skip_lib=True)
# Function to create a new build environment as clone of current
# environment 'env' with modified object suffix and optional stripped
@@ -956,15 +943,45 @@ def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs):
swig_env = new_env.Clone()
+ swig_env.Append(CCFLAGS='-Werror')
if env['GCC']:
- static_objs = make_objs(cc_lib_sources, new_env, static=True)
- shared_objs = make_objs(cc_lib_sources, new_env, static=False)
- static_objs += [ swig_env.StaticObject(s) for s in cc_swig_sources ]
- shared_objs += [ swig_env.SharedObject(s) for s in cc_swig_sources ]
+ werror_env = new_env.Clone()
+ werror_env.Append(CCFLAGS='-Werror')
+ def make_obj(source, static, extra_deps = None):
+ '''This function adds the specified source to the correct
+ build environment, and returns the corresponding SCons Object
+ nodes'''
+ if source.swig:
+ env = swig_env
+ elif source.Werror:
+ env = werror_env
+ else:
+ env = new_env
+ if static:
+ obj = env.StaticObject(source.tnode)
+ else:
+ obj = env.SharedObject(source.tnode)
+ if extra_deps:
+ env.Depends(obj, extra_deps)
+ return obj
+ static_objs = [ make_obj(s, True) for s in Source.get(skip_lib=False)]
+ shared_objs = [ make_obj(s, False) for s in Source.get(skip_lib=False)]
+ static_date = make_obj(date_source, static=True, extra_deps=static_objs)
+ static_objs.append(static_date)
+ shared_date = make_obj(date_source, static=False, extra_deps=shared_objs)
+ shared_objs.append(static_date)
# First make a library of everything but main() so other programs can
# link against m5.
@@ -972,21 +989,23 @@ def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs):
shared_lib = new_env.SharedLibrary(libname, shared_objs)
for target, sources in unit_tests:
- objs = [ new_env.StaticObject(s) for s in sources ]
+ objs = [ make_obj(s, static=True) for s in sources ]
new_env.Program("unittest/%s.%s" % (target, label), objs + static_objs)
# Now link a stub with main() and the static library.
- objects = [new_env.Object(s) for s in cc_bin_sources] + static_objs
+ bin_objs = [make_obj(s, True) for s in Source.get(bin_only=True) ]
+ progname = exename
+ if strip:
+ progname += '.unstripped'
+ targets = new_env.Program(progname, bin_objs + static_objs)
if strip:
- unstripped_exe = exename + '.unstripped'
- new_env.Program(unstripped_exe, objects)
if sys.platform == 'sunos5':
cmd = 'cp $SOURCE $TARGET; strip $TARGET'
cmd = 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET'
- targets = new_env.Command(exename, unstripped_exe, cmd)
- else:
- targets = new_env.Program(exename, objects)
+ targets = new_env.Command(exename, progname, cmd)
new_env.M5Binary = targets[0]