path: root/src/arch/sparc/
diff options
authorKevin Lim <>2006-11-10 12:14:38 -0500
committerKevin Lim <>2006-11-10 12:14:38 -0500
commit73581bf80186d71e4f59f1c69b103074a90554f9 (patch)
tree531bd4ebad377664abad2a1b3e4d6635a47c4920 /src/arch/sparc/
parent6591ebb09839586b6849cd28b7c888a2757ba676 (diff)
parent9ef51f2dbaba88c10366d708f0ca872bb39064e4 (diff)
Merge ktlim@zizzer:/bk/newmem
into --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 56cb7fe3be5b63bd89b48ac6cb88b47d13b4c137
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arch/sparc/')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/arch/sparc/ b/src/arch/sparc/
index 952ac2deb..4e907f002 100644
--- a/src/arch/sparc/
+++ b/src/arch/sparc/
@@ -42,39 +42,46 @@
using namespace BigEndianGuest;
SparcSystem::SparcSystem(Params *p)
- : System(p), sysTick(0)
+ : System(p), sysTick(0),funcRomPort(p->name + "-fport")
resetSymtab = new SymbolTable;
hypervisorSymtab = new SymbolTable;
openbootSymtab = new SymbolTable;
+ Port *rom_port;
+ rom_port = params()->rom->getPort("functional");
+ funcRomPort.setPeer(rom_port);
+ rom_port->setPeer(&funcRomPort);
* Load the boot code, and hypervisor into memory.
// Read the reset binary
- reset = createObjectFile(params()->reset_bin);
+ reset = createObjectFile(params()->reset_bin, true);
if (reset == NULL)
fatal("Could not load reset binary %s", params()->reset_bin);
// Read the openboot binary
- openboot = createObjectFile(params()->openboot_bin);
+ openboot = createObjectFile(params()->openboot_bin, true);
if (openboot == NULL)
fatal("Could not load openboot bianry %s", params()->openboot_bin);
// Read the hypervisor binary
- hypervisor = createObjectFile(params()->hypervisor_bin);
+ hypervisor = createObjectFile(params()->hypervisor_bin, true);
if (hypervisor == NULL)
fatal("Could not load hypervisor binary %s", params()->hypervisor_bin);
// Load reset binary into memory
- reset->loadSections(&functionalPort, SparcISA::LoadAddrMask);
+ reset->setTextBase(params()->reset_addr);
+ reset->loadSections(&funcRomPort);
// Load the openboot binary
- openboot->loadSections(&functionalPort, SparcISA::LoadAddrMask);
+ openboot->setTextBase(params()->openboot_addr);
+ openboot->loadSections(&funcRomPort);
// Load the hypervisor binary
- hypervisor->loadSections(&functionalPort, SparcISA::LoadAddrMask);
+ hypervisor->setTextBase(params()->hypervisor_addr);
+ hypervisor->loadSections(&funcRomPort);
// load symbols
if (!reset->loadGlobalSymbols(resetSymtab))
@@ -141,8 +148,13 @@ SparcSystem::unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section)
SimObjectParam<PhysicalMemory *> physmem;
+ SimObjectParam<PhysicalMemory *> rom;
SimpleEnumParam<System::MemoryMode> mem_mode;
+ Param<Addr> reset_addr;
+ Param<Addr> hypervisor_addr;
+ Param<Addr> openboot_addr;
Param<std::string> kernel;
Param<std::string> reset_bin;
Param<std::string> hypervisor_bin;
@@ -150,8 +162,6 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SparcSystem)
Param<Tick> boot_cpu_frequency;
Param<std::string> boot_osflags;
- Param<uint64_t> system_type;
- Param<uint64_t> system_rev;
Param<std::string> readfile;
Param<unsigned int> init_param;
@@ -160,8 +170,14 @@ END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SparcSystem)
INIT_PARAM(physmem, "phsyical memory"),
+ INIT_PARAM(rom, "ROM for boot code"),
INIT_ENUM_PARAM(mem_mode, "Memory Mode, (1=atomic, 2=timing)",
+ INIT_PARAM(reset_addr, "Address that reset should be loaded at"),
+ INIT_PARAM(hypervisor_addr, "Address that hypervisor should be loaded at"),
+ INIT_PARAM(openboot_addr, "Address that openboot should be loaded at"),
INIT_PARAM(kernel, "file that contains the kernel code"),
INIT_PARAM(reset_bin, "file that contains the reset code"),
INIT_PARAM(hypervisor_bin, "file that contains the hypervisor code"),
@@ -169,8 +185,6 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(SparcSystem)
INIT_PARAM(boot_cpu_frequency, "Frequency of the boot CPU"),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(boot_osflags, "flags to pass to the kernel during boot",
- INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_type, "Type of system we are emulating", 34),
- INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_rev, "Revision of system we are emulating", 1<<10),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(readfile, "file to read startup script from", ""),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(init_param, "numerical value to pass into simulator", 0)
@@ -182,16 +196,18 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(SparcSystem)
p->name = getInstanceName();
p->boot_cpu_frequency = boot_cpu_frequency;
p->physmem = physmem;
+ p->rom = rom;
p->mem_mode = mem_mode;
p->kernel_path = kernel;
+ p->reset_addr = reset_addr;
+ p->hypervisor_addr = hypervisor_addr;
+ p->openboot_addr = openboot_addr;
p->reset_bin = reset_bin;
p->hypervisor_bin = hypervisor_bin;
p->openboot_bin = openboot_bin;
p->boot_osflags = boot_osflags;
p->init_param = init_param;
p->readfile = readfile;
- p->system_type = system_type;
- p->system_rev = system_rev;
return new SparcSystem(p);