path: root/src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa
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authorGabe Black <>2007-04-05 11:35:31 +0000
committerGabe Black <>2007-04-05 11:35:31 +0000
commit077183f7ece6aa7fcb009fb078e2e1a3370f9327 (patch)
tree3e9d50d4583a196f54b166ab1d92577f8f6cabaa /src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa
parent3d2a434e42b10ef30bbb590722e72ed104be669a (diff)
parentff7b89beeeabec340d5b84ed813466682a93f928 (diff)
into --HG-- extra : convert_revision : efdbf9787383dc1df544b7276f8120285e69bf69
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa b/src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa
index 711ebf667..b94b55aab 100644
--- a/src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa
+++ b/src/arch/x86/isa/microasm.isa
@@ -57,11 +57,153 @@
-// Code to "assemble" microcode sequences
+// Code to "specialize" a microcode sequence to use a particular
+// variety of operands
let {{
- class MicroOpStatement:
+ # This builds either a regular or macro op to implement the sequence of
+ # ops we give it.
+ def genInst(name, Name, ops):
+ # If we can implement this instruction with exactly one microop, just
+ # use that directly.
+ newStmnt = ''
+ if len(ops) == 1:
+ decode_block = "return (X86StaticInst *)(%s);" % \
+ ops[0].getAllocator()
+ return ('', '', decode_block, '')
+ else:
+ # Build a macroop to contain the sequence of microops we've
+ # been given.
+ return genMacroOp(name, Name, ops)
+let {{
+ # This code builds up a decode block which decodes based on switchval.
+ # vals is a dict which matches case values with what should be decoded to.
+ # builder is called on the exploded contents of "vals" values to generate
+ # whatever code should be used.
+ def doSplitDecode(name, Name, builder, switchVal, vals, default = None):
+ header_output = ''
+ decoder_output = ''
+ decode_block = 'switch(%s) {\n' % switchVal
+ exec_output = ''
+ for (val, todo) in vals.items():
+ (new_header_output,
+ new_decoder_output,
+ new_decode_block,
+ new_exec_output) = builder(name, Name, *todo)
+ header_output += new_header_output
+ decoder_output += new_decoder_output
+ decode_block += '\tcase %s: %s\n' % (val, new_decode_block)
+ exec_output += new_exec_output
+ if default:
+ (new_header_output,
+ new_decoder_output,
+ new_decode_block,
+ new_exec_output) = builder(name, Name, *default)
+ header_output += new_header_output
+ decoder_output += new_decoder_output
+ decode_block += '\tdefault: %s\n' % new_decode_block
+ exec_output += new_exec_output
+ decode_block += '}\n'
+ return (header_output, decoder_output, decode_block, exec_output)
+let {{
+ class OpType(object):
+ parser = re.compile(r"(?P<tag>[A-Z][A-Z]*)(?P<size>[a-z][a-z]*)|(r(?P<reg>[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]*))")
+ def __init__(self, opTypeString):
+ match =
+ if match == None:
+ raise Exception, "Problem parsing operand type %s" % opTypeString
+ self.reg ="reg")
+ self.tag ="tag")
+ self.size ="size")
+let {{
+ # This function specializes the given piece of code to use a particular
+ # set of argument types described by "opTypes". These are "implemented"
+ # in reverse order.
+ def specializeInst(name, Name, code, opTypes):
+ opNum = len(opTypes) - 1
+ while len(opTypes):
+ # print "Building a composite op with tags", opTypes
+ # print "And code", code
+ opNum = len(opTypes) - 1
+ # A regular expression to find the operand placeholders we're
+ # interested in.
+ opRe = re.compile("\\^(?P<operandNum>%d)(?=[^0-9]|$)" % opNum)
+ # Parse the operand type strign we're working with
+ opType = OpType(opTypes[opNum])
+ if opType.reg:
+ #Figure out what to do with fixed register operands
+ if opType.reg in ("Ax", "Bx", "Cx", "Dx"):
+ code = opRe.sub("%%{INTREG_R%s}" % opType.reg.upper(), code)
+ elif opType.reg == "Al":
+ # We need a way to specify register width
+ code = opRe.sub("%{INTREG_RAX}", code)
+ else:
+ print "Didn't know how to encode fixed register %s!" % opType.reg
+ elif opType.tag == None or opType.size == None:
+ raise Exception, "Problem parsing operand tag: %s" % opType.tag
+ elif opType.tag in ("C", "D", "G", "P", "S", "T", "V"):
+ # Use the "reg" field of the ModRM byte to select the register
+ code = opRe.sub("%{(uint8_t)MODRM_REG}", code)
+ elif opType.tag in ("E", "Q", "W"):
+ # This might refer to memory or to a register. We need to
+ # divide it up farther.
+ regCode = opRe.sub("%{(uint8_t)MODRM_RM}", code)
+ regTypes = copy.copy(opTypes)
+ regTypes.pop(-1)
+ # This needs to refer to memory, but we'll fill in the details
+ # later. It needs to take into account unaligned memory
+ # addresses.
+ memCode = opRe.sub("%0", code)
+ memTypes = copy.copy(opTypes)
+ memTypes.pop(-1)
+ return doSplitDecode(name, Name, specializeInst, "MODRM_MOD",
+ {"3" : (regCode, regTypes)}, (memCode, memTypes))
+ elif opType.tag in ("I", "J"):
+ # Immediates are already in the instruction, so don't leave in
+ # those parameters
+ code = opRe.sub("${IMMEDIATE}", code)
+ elif opType.tag == "M":
+ # This needs to refer to memory, but we'll fill in the details
+ # later. It needs to take into account unaligned memory
+ # addresses.
+ code = opRe.sub("%0", code)
+ elif opType.tag in ("PR", "R", "VR"):
+ # There should probably be a check here to verify that mod
+ # is equal to 11b
+ code = opRe.sub("%{(uint8_t)MODRM_RM}", code)
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "Unrecognized tag %s." % opType.tag
+ opTypes.pop(-1)
+ # At this point, we've built up "code" to have all the necessary extra
+ # instructions needed to implement whatever types of operands were
+ # specified. Now we'll assemble it it into a microOp sequence.
+ ops = assembleMicro(code)
+ # Build a macroop to contain the sequence of microops we've
+ # constructed. The decode block will be used to fill in our
+ # inner decode structure, and the rest will be concatenated and
+ # passed back.
+ return genInst(name, Name, ops)
+// The microcode assembler
+let {{
+ class MicroOpStatement(object):
def __init__(self):
self.className = ''
self.label = ''
@@ -80,16 +222,24 @@ let {{
def getAllocator(self, *microFlags):
args = ''
+ signature = "<"
+ emptySig = True
for arg in self.args:
- if arg.has_key("operandConst"):
- args += ", %s" % arg["operandConst"]
- elif arg.has_key("operandCode"):
- args += ", %s" % arg["operandCode"]
+ if not emptySig:
+ signature += ", "
+ emptySig = False
+ if arg.has_key("operandImm"):
+ args += ", %s" % arg["operandImm"]
+ signature += ImmOpType
+ elif arg.has_key("operandReg"):
+ args += ", %s" % arg["operandReg"]
+ signature += RegOpType
elif arg.has_key("operandLabel"):
raise Exception, "Found a label while creating allocator string."
raise Exception, "Unrecognized operand type."
- return 'new %s(machInst%s%s)' % (self.className, self.microFlagsText(microFlags), args)
+ signature += ">"
+ return 'new %s%s(machInst%s%s)' % (self.className, signature, self.microFlagsText(microFlags), args)
let {{
@@ -101,7 +251,9 @@ let {{
labels[op.label] = count
micropc += 1
return labels
def assembleMicro(code):
# This function takes in a block of microcode assembly and returns
# a python list of objects which describe it.
@@ -115,7 +267,7 @@ let {{
# time. Each expression expects the thing it's looking for to be at
# the beginning of the line, so the previous component is stripped
# before continuing.
- labelRe = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*(?P<label>[a-zA-Z_]\w*)[ \t]:')
+ labelRe = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*(?P<label>\w\w*)[ \t]:')
lineRe = re.compile(r'^(?P<line>[^\n][^\n]*)$')
classRe = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*(?P<className>[a-zA-Z_]\w*)')
# This recognizes three different flavors of operands:
@@ -126,7 +278,12 @@ let {{
# underscore, which is optionally followed by a sequence of
# capital or small letters, underscores, or digts between 0 and 9
opRe = re.compile( \
- r'^[ \t]*((?P<operandLabel>[a-zA-Z_]\w*)|(?P<operandConst>[0-9][0-9]*)|(\{(?P<operandCode>[^}]*)\}))')
+ r'^[ \t]*((\@(?P<operandLabel0>\w\w*))|' +
+ r'(\@\{(?P<operandLabel1>[^}]*)\})|' +
+ r'(\%(?P<operandReg0>\w\w*))|' +
+ r'(\%\{(?P<operandReg1>[^}]*)\})|' +
+ r'(\$(?P<operandImm0>\w\w*))|' +
+ r'(\$\{(?P<operandImm1>[^}]*)\}))')
lineMatch =
while lineMatch != None:
statement = MicroOpStatement()
@@ -165,9 +322,10 @@ let {{
# representations of operand values. Different forms might be
# needed in different places, for instance to replace a label
# with an offset.
- for opType in ("operandLabel", "operandConst", "operandCode"):
+ for opType in ("operandLabel0", "operandReg0", "operandImm0",
+ "operandLabel1", "operandReg1", "operandImm1"):
- statement.args[-1][opType] =
+ statement.args[-1][opType[:-1]] =
if len(statement.args[-1]) == 0:
print "Problem parsing operand in statement: %s" \
% orig_line
@@ -193,7 +351,7 @@ let {{
# This is assuming that intra microcode branches go to
# the next micropc + displacement, or
# micropc + 1 + displacement.
- arg["operandConst"] = labels[arg["operandLabel"]] - micropc - 1
+ arg["operandImm"] = labels[arg["operandLabel"]] - micropc - 1
micropc += 1
return statements