path: root/src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa
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authorGabe Black <>2007-06-19 14:18:25 +0000
committerGabe Black <>2007-06-19 14:18:25 +0000
commit6e286cddfaf6286f96e06c26266070f6fbbd7749 (patch)
treef318b62e376304d0b7f353a68794e4da160f5c8e /src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa
parent8caef7d25a6a150fa6369234bbdc8c14ef637df8 (diff)
Get rid of the immediate and displacement components of the EmulEnv struct and use them directly out of the instruction. The extra copies are conceptually realistic but are just innefficient as implemented. Also don't use the zeroeth microcode register for general storage since it's now the zero register, and implement a load and a store microops.
--HG-- extra : convert_revision : 0686296ca8b72940d961ecc6051063bfda1e932d
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa b/src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa
index 7e164fa82..38b690e6a 100644
--- a/src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa
+++ b/src/arch/x86/isa/microops/ldstop.isa
@@ -59,8 +59,14 @@
-def template MicroLdStOpDeclare {{
- class %(class_name)s : public X86MicroopBase
+// Load templates
+output header {{
+ /**
+ * Base class for load and store ops
+ */
+ class LdStOp : public X86MicroopBase
const uint8_t scale;
@@ -71,6 +77,195 @@ def template MicroLdStOpDeclare {{
const RegIndex data;
const uint8_t dataSize;
const uint8_t addressSize;
+ //Constructor
+ LdStOp(ExtMachInst _machInst,
+ const char * mnem, const char * _instMnem,
+ bool isMicro, bool isDelayed, bool isFirst, bool isLast,
+ uint8_t _scale, RegIndex _index, RegIndex _base,
+ uint64_t _disp, uint8_t _segment,
+ RegIndex _data,
+ uint8_t _dataSize, uint8_t _addressSize,
+ OpClass __opClass) :
+ X86MicroopBase(machInst, mnem, _instMnem,
+ isMicro, isDelayed, isFirst, isLast, __opClass),
+ scale(_scale), index(_index), base(_base),
+ disp(_disp), segment(_segment),
+ data(_data),
+ dataSize(_dataSize), addressSize(_addressSize)
+ {}
+ std::string generateDisassembly(Addr pc,
+ const SymbolTable *symtab) const;
+ };
+output decoder {{
+ std::string LdStOp::generateDisassembly(Addr pc,
+ const SymbolTable *symtab) const
+ {
+ std::stringstream response;
+ printMnemonic(response, instMnem, mnemonic);
+ printReg(response, data);
+ response << ", ";
+ printSegment(response, segment);
+ ccprintf(response, ":[%d*", scale);
+ printReg(response, index);
+ response << " + ";
+ printReg(response, base);
+ ccprintf(response, " + %#x]", disp);
+ return response.str();
+ }
+def template MicroLoadExecute {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
+ {
+ Fault fault = NoFault;
+ Addr EA;
+ %(op_decl)s;
+ %(op_rd)s;
+ %(ea_code)s;
+ DPRINTF(X86, "%s : %s: The address is %#x\n", instMnem, mnemonic, EA);
+ fault = xc->read(EA, (%(mem_acc_type)s%(mem_acc_size)s_t&)Mem, 0);
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ %(code)s;
+ }
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ %(op_wb)s;
+ }
+ return fault;
+ }
+def template MicroLoadInitiateAcc {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::initiateAcc(%(CPU_exec_context)s * xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord * traceData) const
+ {
+ Fault fault = NoFault;
+ Addr EA;
+ %(op_decl)s;
+ %(op_rd)s;
+ %(ea_code)s;
+ DPRINTF(X86, "%s : %s: The address is %#x\n", instMnem, mnemonic, EA);
+ fault = xc->read(EA, (%(mem_acc_type)s%(mem_acc_size)s_t&)Mem, 0);
+ return fault;
+ }
+def template MicroLoadCompleteAcc {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::completeAcc(PacketPtr pkt,
+ %(CPU_exec_context)s * xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord * traceData) const
+ {
+ Fault fault = NoFault;
+ %(op_decl)s;
+ %(op_rd)s;
+ Mem = pkt->get<typeof(Mem)>();
+ %(code)s;
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ %(op_wb)s;
+ }
+ return fault;
+ }
+// Store templates
+def template MicroStoreExecute {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::execute(%(CPU_exec_context)s * xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
+ {
+ Fault fault = NoFault;
+ Addr EA;
+ %(op_decl)s;
+ %(op_rd)s;
+ %(ea_code)s;
+ DPRINTF(X86, "%s : %s: The address is %#x\n", instMnem, mnemonic, EA);
+ %(code)s;
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ fault = xc->write((%(mem_acc_type)s%(mem_acc_size)s_t)Mem,
+ EA, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ %(op_wb)s;
+ }
+ return fault;
+ }
+def template MicroStoreInitiateAcc {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::initiateAcc(%(CPU_exec_context)s * xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord * traceData) const
+ {
+ Fault fault = NoFault;
+ Addr EA;
+ %(op_decl)s;
+ %(op_rd)s;
+ %(ea_code)s;
+ DPRINTF(X86, "%s : %s: The address is %#x\n", instMnem, mnemonic, EA);
+ %(code)s;
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ fault = xc->write((%(mem_acc_type)s%(mem_acc_size)s_t)Mem,
+ EA, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if(fault == NoFault)
+ {
+ %(op_wb)s;
+ }
+ return fault;
+ }
+def template MicroStoreCompleteAcc {{
+ Fault %(class_name)s::completeAcc(PacketPtr, %(CPU_exec_context)s * xc,
+ Trace::InstRecord * traceData) const
+ {
+ return NoFault;
+ }
+// Common templates
+//This delcares the initiateAcc function in memory operations
+def template InitiateAccDeclare {{
+ Fault initiateAcc(%(CPU_exec_context)s *, Trace::InstRecord *) const;
+//This declares the completeAcc function in memory operations
+def template CompleteAccDeclare {{
+ Fault completeAcc(PacketPtr, %(CPU_exec_context)s *, Trace::InstRecord *) const;
+def template MicroLdStOpDeclare {{
+ class %(class_name)s : public %(base_class)s
+ {
+ protected:
void buildMe();
@@ -90,6 +285,10 @@ def template MicroLdStOpDeclare {{
uint8_t _dataSize, uint8_t _addressSize);
+ %(InitiateAccDeclare)s
+ %(CompleteAccDeclare)s
@@ -107,11 +306,10 @@ def template MicroLdStOpConstructor {{
RegIndex _data,
uint8_t _dataSize, uint8_t _addressSize) :
%(base_class)s(machInst, "%(mnemonic)s", instMnem,
- false, false, false, false, %(op_class)s),
- scale(_scale), index(_index), base(_base),
- disp(_disp), segment(_segment),
- data(_data),
- dataSize(_dataSize), addressSize(_addressSize)
+ false, false, false, false,
+ _scale, _index, _base,
+ _disp, _segment, _data,
+ _dataSize, _addressSize, %(op_class)s)
@@ -120,17 +318,106 @@ def template MicroLdStOpConstructor {{
ExtMachInst machInst, const char * instMnem,
bool isMicro, bool isDelayed, bool isFirst, bool isLast,
uint8_t _scale, RegIndex _index, RegIndex _base,
- uint64_t _disp, uint8_t segment,
- RegIndex data,
- uint8_t dataSize, uint8_t addressSize) :
+ uint64_t _disp, uint8_t _segment,
+ RegIndex _data,
+ uint8_t _dataSize, uint8_t _addressSize) :
%(base_class)s(machInst, "%(mnemonic)s", instMnem,
- isMicro, isDelayed, isFirst, isLast, %(op_class)s),
- scale(_scale), index(_index), base(_base),
- disp(_disp), segment(_segment),
- data(_data),
- dataSize(_dataSize), addressSize(_addressSize)
+ isMicro, isDelayed, isFirst, isLast,
+ _scale, _index, _base,
+ _disp, _segment, _data,
+ _dataSize, _addressSize, %(op_class)s)
+let {{
+ class LdStOp(X86Microop):
+ def __init__(self, data, segment, addr, disp):
+ = data
+ [self.scale, self.index, self.base] = addr
+ self.disp = disp
+ self.segment = segment
+ self.dataSize = "env.dataSize"
+ self.addressSize = "env.addressSize"
+ def getAllocator(self, *microFlags):
+ allocator = '''new %(class_name)s(machInst, mnemonic
+ %(flags)s, %(scale)s, %(index)s, %(base)s,
+ %(disp)s, %(segment)s, %(data)s,
+ %(dataSize)s, %(addressSize)s)''' % {
+ "class_name" : self.className,
+ "flags" : self.microFlagsText(microFlags),
+ "scale" : self.scale, "index" : self.index,
+ "base" : self.base,
+ "disp" : self.disp,
+ "segment" : self.segment, "data" :,
+ "dataSize" : self.dataSize, "addressSize" : self.addressSize}
+ return allocator
+let {{
+ # Make these empty strings so that concatenating onto
+ # them will always work.
+ header_output = ""
+ decoder_output = ""
+ exec_output = ""
+ calculateEA = "EA = scale * Index + Base + disp;"
+ def defineMicroLoadOp(mnemonic, code):
+ global header_output
+ global decoder_output
+ global exec_output
+ global microopClasses
+ Name = mnemonic
+ name = mnemonic.lower()
+ # Build up the all register version of this micro op
+ iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'LdStOp',
+ {"code": code, "ea_code": calculateEA})
+ header_output += MicroLdStOpDeclare.subst(iop)
+ decoder_output += MicroLdStOpConstructor.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroLoadExecute.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroLoadInitiateAcc.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroLoadCompleteAcc.subst(iop)
+ class LoadOp(LdStOp):
+ def __init__(self, data, segment, addr, disp = 0):
+ super(LoadOp, self).__init__(data, segment, addr, disp)
+ self.className = Name
+ self.mnemonic = name
+ microopClasses[name] = LoadOp
+ defineMicroLoadOp('Ld', 'Data = merge(Data, Mem, dataSize);')
+ def defineMicroStoreOp(mnemonic, code):
+ global header_output
+ global decoder_output
+ global exec_output
+ global microopClasses
+ Name = mnemonic
+ name = mnemonic.lower()
+ # Build up the all register version of this micro op
+ iop = InstObjParams(name, Name, 'LdStOp',
+ {"code": code, "ea_code": calculateEA})
+ header_output += MicroLdStOpDeclare.subst(iop)
+ decoder_output += MicroLdStOpConstructor.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroStoreExecute.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroStoreInitiateAcc.subst(iop)
+ exec_output += MicroStoreCompleteAcc.subst(iop)
+ class StoreOp(LdStOp):
+ def __init__(self, data, addr, segment):
+ super(LoadOp, self).__init__(data, addr, segment)
+ self.className = Name
+ self.mnemonic = name
+ microopClasses[name] = StoreOp
+ defineMicroLoadOp('St', 'Mem = Data;')