path: root/src/mem/protocol/
diff options
authorTony Gutierrez <>2016-01-19 14:28:22 -0500
committerTony Gutierrez <>2016-01-19 14:28:22 -0500
commit1a7d3f9fcb76a68540dd948f91413533a383bfde (patch)
tree867510a147cd095f19499d26b7c02d27de4cae9d /src/mem/protocol/
parent28e353e0403ea379d244a418e8dc8ee0b48187cf (diff)
gpu-compute: AMD's baseline GPU model
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem/protocol/')
1 files changed, 2672 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/protocol/ b/src/mem/protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f58d6ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem/protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,2672 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * For use for simulation and test purposes only
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Mithuna Thottethodi
+ */
+machine(MachineType:TCCdir, "AMD read-for-ownership directory for TCC (aka GPU L2)")
+: CacheMemory * directory;
+ // Convention: wire buffers are prefixed with "w_" for clarity
+ WireBuffer * w_reqToTCCDir;
+ WireBuffer * w_respToTCCDir;
+ WireBuffer * w_TCCUnblockToTCCDir;
+ WireBuffer * w_reqToTCC;
+ WireBuffer * w_probeToTCC;
+ WireBuffer * w_respToTCC;
+ int TCC_select_num_bits;
+ Cycles response_latency := 5;
+ Cycles directory_latency := 6;
+ Cycles issue_latency := 120;
+ // From the TCPs or SQCs
+ MessageBuffer * requestFromTCP, network="From", virtual_network="1", vnet_type="request";
+ MessageBuffer * responseFromTCP, network="From", virtual_network="3", vnet_type="response";
+ MessageBuffer * unblockFromTCP, network="From", virtual_network="5", vnet_type="unblock";
+ // To the Cores. TCC deals only with TCPs/SQCs. CP cores do not communicate directly with TCC.
+ MessageBuffer * probeToCore, network="To", virtual_network="1", vnet_type="request";
+ MessageBuffer * responseToCore, network="To", virtual_network="3", vnet_type="response";
+ // From the NB
+ MessageBuffer * probeFromNB, network="From", virtual_network="0", vnet_type="request";
+ MessageBuffer * responseFromNB, network="From", virtual_network="2", vnet_type="response";
+ // To the NB
+ MessageBuffer * requestToNB, network="To", virtual_network="0", vnet_type="request";
+ MessageBuffer * responseToNB, network="To", virtual_network="2", vnet_type="response";
+ MessageBuffer * unblockToNB, network="To", virtual_network="4", vnet_type="unblock";
+ MessageBuffer * triggerQueue, random="false";
+ state_declaration(State, desc="Directory states", default="TCCdir_State_I") {
+ // Base states
+ I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid";
+ S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Shared";
+ E, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Shared";
+ O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Owner";
+ M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Modified";
+ CP_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to invalid";
+ B_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, need not send data after acks are in, going to invalid";
+ CP_O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to owned";
+ CP_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to shared";
+ CP_OM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to O_M";
+ CP_SM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to S_M";
+ CP_ISM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to I_M";
+ CP_IOM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks are in, going to I_M";
+ CP_OSIW, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, must send data after acks+CancelWB are in, going to I_C";
+ // Transient states and busy states used for handling side (TCC-facing) interactions
+ BW_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, Awaiting TCC unblock";
+ BW_E, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, Awaiting TCC unblock";
+ BW_O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, Awaiting TCC unblock";
+ BW_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, Awaiting TCC unblock";
+ // Transient states and busy states used for handling upward (TCP-facing) interactions
+ I_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid, issued RdBlkM, have not seen response yet";
+ I_ES, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid, issued RdBlk, have not seen response yet";
+ I_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid, issued RdBlkS, have not seen response yet";
+ BBS_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from S to S";
+ BBO_O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from O to O";
+ BBM_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from M to M, waiting for data to forward";
+ BBM_O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from M to O, waiting for data to forward";
+ BB_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from M to M, waiting for unblock";
+ BB_O, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from M to O, waiting for unblock";
+ BB_OO, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from O to O (adding sharers), waiting for unblock";
+ BB_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going to S, waiting for (possible multiple) unblock(s)";
+ BBS_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from S or O to M";
+ BBO_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from S or O to M";
+ BBS_UM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from S or O to M via upgrade";
+ BBO_UM, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going from S or O to M via upgrade";
+ S_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Shared, issued CtoD, have not seen response yet";
+ O_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Shared, issued CtoD, have not seen response yet";
+ //
+ BBB_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going to S after core unblock";
+ BBB_M, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going to M after core unblock";
+ BBB_E, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Blocked, going to E after core unblock";
+ VES_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="TCC replacement, waiting for clean WB ack";
+ VM_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="TCC replacement, waiting for dirty WB ack";
+ VO_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="TCC replacement, waiting for dirty WB ack";
+ VO_S, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="TCC owner replacement, waiting for dirty WB ack";
+ ES_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="L1 replacement, waiting for clean WB ack";
+ MO_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="L1 replacement, waiting for dirty WB ack";
+ I_C, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid, waiting for WBAck from NB for canceled WB";
+ I_W, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Invalid, waiting for WBAck from NB; canceled WB raced with directory invalidation";
+ // Recall States
+ BRWD_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Recalling, waiting for WBAck and Probe Data responses";
+ BRW_I, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="Recalling, waiting for WBAck";
+ BRD_I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Recalling, waiting for Probe Data responses";
+ }
+ enumeration(RequestType, desc="To communicate stats from transitions to recordStats") {
+ DataArrayRead, desc="Read the data array";
+ DataArrayWrite, desc="Write the data array";
+ TagArrayRead, desc="Read the data array";
+ TagArrayWrite, desc="Write the data array";
+ }
+ enumeration(Event, desc="TCC Directory Events") {
+ // Upward facing events (TCCdir w.r.t. TCP/SQC and TCC behaves like NBdir behaves with TCP/SQC and L3
+ // Directory Recall
+ Recall, desc="directory cache is full";
+ // CPU requests
+ CPUWrite, desc="Initial req from core, sent to TCC";
+ NoCPUWrite, desc="Initial req from core, but non-exclusive clean data; can be discarded";
+ CPUWriteCancel, desc="Initial req from core, sent to TCC";
+ // Requests from the TCPs
+ RdBlk, desc="RdBlk event";
+ RdBlkM, desc="RdBlkM event";
+ RdBlkS, desc="RdBlkS event";
+ CtoD, desc="Change to Dirty request";
+ // TCC writebacks
+ VicDirty, desc="...";
+ VicDirtyLast, desc="...";
+ VicClean, desc="...";
+ NoVic, desc="...";
+ StaleVic, desc="...";
+ CancelWB, desc="TCC got invalidating probe, canceled WB";
+ // Probe Responses from TCP/SQCs
+ CPUPrbResp, desc="Probe response from TCP/SQC";
+ TCCPrbResp, desc="Probe response from TCC";
+ ProbeAcksComplete, desc="All acks received";
+ ProbeAcksCompleteReissue, desc="All acks received, changing CtoD to reissue";
+ CoreUnblock, desc="unblock from TCP/SQC";
+ LastCoreUnblock, desc="Last unblock from TCP/SQC";
+ TCCUnblock, desc="unblock from TCC (current owner)";
+ TCCUnblock_Sharer, desc="unblock from TCC (a sharer, not owner)";
+ TCCUnblock_NotValid,desc="unblock from TCC (not valid...caused by stale writebacks)";
+ // Downward facing events
+ // NB initiated
+ NB_AckS, desc="NB Ack to TCC Request";
+ NB_AckE, desc="NB Ack to TCC Request";
+ NB_AckM, desc="NB Ack to TCC Request";
+ NB_AckCtoD, desc="NB Ack to TCC Request";
+ NB_AckWB, desc="NB Ack for clean WB";
+ // Incoming Probes from NB
+ PrbInvData, desc="Invalidating probe, return dirty data";
+ PrbInv, desc="Invalidating probe, no need to return data";
+ PrbShrData, desc="Downgrading probe, return data";
+ }
+ // TYPES
+ // Entry for directory
+ structure(Entry, desc="...", interface='AbstractCacheEntry') {
+ State CacheState, desc="Cache state (Cache of directory entries)";
+ DataBlock DataBlk, desc="data for the block";
+ NetDest Sharers, desc="Sharers for this block";
+ NetDest Owner, desc="Owner of this block";
+ NetDest MergedSharers, desc="Read sharers who are merged on a request";
+ int WaitingUnblocks, desc="Number of acks we're waiting for";
+ }
+ structure(TBE, desc="...") {
+ State TBEState, desc="Transient state";
+ DataBlock DataBlk, desc="DataBlk";
+ bool Dirty, desc="Is the data dirty?";
+ MachineID Requestor, desc="requestor";
+ int NumPendingAcks, desc="num acks expected";
+ MachineID OriginalRequestor, desc="Original Requestor";
+ MachineID UntransferredOwner, desc = "Untransferred owner for an upgrade transaction";
+ bool UntransferredOwnerExists, desc = "1 if Untransferred owner exists for an upgrade transaction";
+ bool Cached, desc="data hit in Cache";
+ bool Shared, desc="victim hit by shared probe";
+ bool Upgrade, desc="An upgrade request in progress";
+ bool CtoD, desc="Saved sysack info";
+ CoherenceState CohState, desc="Saved sysack info";
+ MessageSizeType MessageSize, desc="Saved sysack info";
+ MachineID Sender, desc="sender";
+ }
+ structure(TBETable, external = "yes") {
+ TBE lookup(Addr);
+ void allocate(Addr);
+ void deallocate(Addr);
+ bool isPresent(Addr);
+ }
+ // ** OBJECTS **
+ TBETable TBEs, template="<TCCdir_TBE>", constructor="m_number_of_TBEs";
+ int TCC_select_low_bit, default="RubySystem::getBlockSizeBits()";
+ NetDest TCC_dir_subtree;
+ NetDest temp;
+ Tick clockEdge();
+ Tick cyclesToTicks(Cycles c);
+ void set_cache_entry(AbstractCacheEntry b);
+ void unset_cache_entry();
+ void set_tbe(TBE b);
+ void unset_tbe();
+ bool presentOrAvail(Addr addr) {
+ return directory.isTagPresent(addr) || directory.cacheAvail(addr);
+ }
+ Entry getCacheEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer="yes" {
+ return static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory.lookup(addr));
+ }
+ DataBlock getDataBlock(Addr addr), return_by_ref="yes" {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(addr);
+ if(is_valid(tbe)) {
+ return tbe.DataBlk;
+ } else {
+ assert(false);
+ return getCacheEntry(addr).DataBlk;
+ }
+ }
+ State getState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Addr addr) {
+ if(is_valid(tbe)) {
+ return tbe.TBEState;
+ } else if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
+ return cache_entry.CacheState;
+ }
+ return State:I;
+ }
+ void setAccessPermission(Entry cache_entry, Addr addr, State state) {
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
+ cache_entry.changePermission(TCCdir_State_to_permission(state));
+ }
+ }
+ AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Addr addr) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(addr);
+ if(is_valid(tbe)) {
+ return TCCdir_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState);
+ }
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(addr);
+ if(is_valid(cache_entry)) {
+ return TCCdir_State_to_permission(cache_entry.CacheState);
+ }
+ return AccessPermission:NotPresent;
+ }
+ void functionalRead(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(addr);
+ if(is_valid(tbe)) {
+ testAndRead(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt);
+ } else {
+ functionalMemoryRead(pkt);
+ }
+ }
+ int functionalWrite(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
+ int num_functional_writes := 0;
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(addr);
+ if(is_valid(tbe)) {
+ num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes +
+ testAndWrite(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt);
+ }
+ num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes + functionalMemoryWrite(pkt);
+ return num_functional_writes;
+ }
+ void setState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Addr addr, State state) {
+ if (is_valid(tbe)) {
+ tbe.TBEState := state;
+ }
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
+ cache_entry.CacheState := state;
+ if (state == State:S) {
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count() == 0);
+ }
+ if (state == State:O) {
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count() == 1);
+ assert(cache_entry.Sharers.isSuperset(cache_entry.Owner) == false);
+ }
+ if (state == State:M) {
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count() == 1);
+ assert(cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 0);
+ }
+ if (state == State:E) {
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count() == 0);
+ assert(cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void recordRequestType(RequestType request_type, Addr addr) {
+ if (request_type == RequestType:DataArrayRead) {
+ directory.recordRequestType(CacheRequestType:DataArrayRead, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:DataArrayWrite) {
+ directory.recordRequestType(CacheRequestType:DataArrayWrite, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:TagArrayRead) {
+ directory.recordRequestType(CacheRequestType:TagArrayRead, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:TagArrayWrite) {
+ directory.recordRequestType(CacheRequestType:TagArrayWrite, addr);
+ }
+ }
+ bool checkResourceAvailable(RequestType request_type, Addr addr) {
+ if (request_type == RequestType:DataArrayRead) {
+ return directory.checkResourceAvailable(CacheResourceType:DataArray, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:DataArrayWrite) {
+ return directory.checkResourceAvailable(CacheResourceType:DataArray, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:TagArrayRead) {
+ return directory.checkResourceAvailable(CacheResourceType:TagArray, addr);
+ } else if (request_type == RequestType:TagArrayWrite) {
+ return directory.checkResourceAvailable(CacheResourceType:TagArray, addr);
+ } else {
+ error("Invalid RequestType type in checkResourceAvailable");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // ** OUT_PORTS **
+ // Three classes of ports
+ // Class 1: downward facing network links to NB
+ out_port(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, requestToNB);
+ out_port(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, responseToNB);
+ out_port(unblockToNB_out, UnblockMsg, unblockToNB);
+ // Class 2: upward facing ports to GPU cores
+ out_port(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, probeToCore);
+ out_port(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, responseToCore);
+ // Class 3: sideward facing ports (on "wirebuffer" links) to TCC
+ out_port(w_requestTCC_out, CPURequestMsg, w_reqToTCC);
+ out_port(w_probeTCC_out, NBProbeRequestMsg, w_probeToTCC);
+ out_port(w_respTCC_out, ResponseMsg, w_respToTCC);
+ // local trigger port
+ out_port(triggerQueue_out, TriggerMsg, triggerQueue);
+ //
+ // request queue going to NB
+ //
+ // ** IN_PORTS **
+ // Trigger Queue
+ in_port(triggerQueue_in, TriggerMsg, triggerQueue, rank=8) {
+ if (triggerQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(triggerQueue_in, TriggerMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ assert(is_valid(tbe));
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if ((in_msg.Type == TriggerType:AcksComplete) && (tbe.Upgrade == false)) {
+ trigger(Event:ProbeAcksComplete, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if ((in_msg.Type == TriggerType:AcksComplete) && (tbe.Upgrade == true)) {
+ trigger(Event:ProbeAcksCompleteReissue, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unblock Networks (TCCdir can receive unblocks from TCC, TCPs)
+ // Port on first (of three) wire buffers from TCC
+ in_port(w_TCCUnblock_in, UnblockMsg, w_TCCUnblockToTCCDir, rank=7) {
+ if (w_TCCUnblock_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(w_TCCUnblock_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.currentOwner) {
+ trigger(Event:TCCUnblock, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.valid) {
+ trigger(Event:TCCUnblock_Sharer, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:TCCUnblock_NotValid, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ in_port(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg, unblockFromTCP, rank=6) {
+ if (unblockNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if(cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks == 1) {
+ trigger(Event:LastCoreUnblock, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ else {
+ trigger(Event:CoreUnblock, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Responses from TCC, and Cores
+ // Port on second (of three) wire buffers from TCC
+ in_port(w_TCCResponse_in, ResponseMsg, w_respToTCCDir, rank=5) {
+ if (w_TCCResponse_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(w_TCCResponse_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp) {
+ trigger(Event:TCCPrbResp, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ in_port(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg, responseFromTCP, rank=4) {
+ if (responseNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp) {
+ trigger(Event:CPUPrbResp, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Port on third (of three) wire buffers from TCC
+ in_port(w_TCCRequest_in, CPURequestMsg, w_reqToTCCDir, rank=3) {
+ if(w_TCCRequest_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(w_TCCRequest_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:WrCancel) {
+ trigger(Event:CancelWB, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:VicDirty) {
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry) && cache_entry.Owner.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) {
+ // if modified, or owner with no other sharers
+ if ((cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) || (cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 0)) {
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count()==1);
+ trigger(Event:VicDirtyLast, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:VicDirty, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:StaleVic, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:VicClean) {
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry) && cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) {
+ if (cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 1) {
+ // Last copy, victimize to L3
+ trigger(Event:VicClean, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ // Either not the last copy or stall. No need to victimmize
+ // remove sharer from sharer list
+ assert(cache_entry.Sharers.count() > 1);
+ trigger(Event:NoVic, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:StaleVic, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ in_port(responseFromNB_in, ResponseMsg, responseFromNB, rank=2) {
+ if (responseFromNB_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(responseFromNB_in, ResponseMsg, block_on="addr") {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:NBSysResp) {
+ if (in_msg.State == CoherenceState:Modified) {
+ if (in_msg.CtoD) {
+ trigger(Event:NB_AckCtoD, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:NB_AckM, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else if (in_msg.State == CoherenceState:Shared) {
+ trigger(Event:NB_AckS, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.State == CoherenceState:Exclusive) {
+ trigger(Event:NB_AckE, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:NBSysWBAck) {
+ trigger(Event:NB_AckWB, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ error("Unexpected Response Message to Core");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally handling incoming requests (from TCP) and probes (from NB).
+ in_port(probeNetwork_in, NBProbeRequestMsg, probeFromNB, rank=1) {
+ if (probeNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(probeNetwork_in, NBProbeRequestMsg) {
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", in_msg);
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "machineID: %s\n", machineID);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ if (in_msg.Type == ProbeRequestType:PrbInv) {
+ if (in_msg.ReturnData) {
+ trigger(Event:PrbInvData, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:PrbInv, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade) {
+ assert(in_msg.ReturnData);
+ trigger(Event:PrbShrData, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ in_port(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg, requestFromTCP, rank=0) {
+ if (coreRequestNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ TBE tbe := TBEs.lookup(in_msg.addr);
+ Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
+ if (presentOrAvail(in_msg.addr)) {
+ if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:VicDirty) {
+ trigger(Event:CPUWrite, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:VicClean) {
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry) && cache_entry.Owner.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) {
+ trigger(Event:CPUWrite, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if(is_valid(cache_entry) && (cache_entry.Sharers.count() + cache_entry.Owner.count() ) >1) {
+ trigger(Event:NoCPUWrite, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else {
+ trigger(Event:CPUWrite, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:RdBlk) {
+ trigger(Event:RdBlk, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:RdBlkS) {
+ trigger(Event:RdBlkS, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:RdBlkM) {
+ trigger(Event:RdBlkM, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:WrCancel) {
+ trigger(Event:CPUWriteCancel, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // All requests require a directory entry
+ Addr victim := directory.cacheProbe(in_msg.addr);
+ trigger(Event:Recall, victim, getCacheEntry(victim), TBEs.lookup(victim));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Actions
+ //Downward facing actions
+ action(c_clearOwner, "c", desc="Clear the owner field") {
+ cache_entry.Owner.clear();
+ }
+ action(rS_removeRequesterFromSharers, "rS", desc="Remove unblocker from sharer list") {
+ peek(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.remove(in_msg.Sender);
+ }
+ }
+ action(rT_removeTCCFromSharers, "rT", desc="Remove TCC from sharer list") {
+ peek(w_TCCRequest_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ }
+ }
+ action(rO_removeOriginalRequestorFromSharers, "rO", desc="Remove replacing core from sharer list") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ }
+ }
+ action(rC_removeCoreFromSharers, "rC", desc="Remove replacing core from sharer list") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ }
+ }
+ action(rCo_removeCoreFromOwner, "rCo", desc="Remove replacing core from sharer list") {
+ // Note that under some cases this action will try to remove a stale owner
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Owner.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ }
+ }
+ action(rR_removeResponderFromSharers, "rR", desc="Remove responder from sharer list") {
+ peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.remove(in_msg.Sender);
+ }
+ }
+ action(nC_sendNullWBAckToCore, "nC", desc = "send a null WB Ack to release core") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysWBNack;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
+ out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC, "nT", desc = "send a null WB Ack to release TCC") {
+ peek(w_TCCRequest_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ enqueue(w_respTCC_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysWBAck;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
+ out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(eto_moveExSharerToOwner, "eto", desc="move the current exclusive sharer to owner") {
+ assert(cache_entry.Sharers.count() == 1);
+ assert(cache_entry.Owner.count() == 0);
+ cache_entry.Owner := cache_entry.Sharers;
+ cache_entry.Sharers.clear();
+ }
+ action(aT_addTCCToSharers, "aT", desc="Add TCC to sharer list") {
+ peek(w_TCCUnblock_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.add(in_msg.Sender);
+ }
+ }
+ action(as_addToSharers, "as", desc="Add unblocker to sharer list") {
+ peek(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.add(in_msg.Sender);
+ }
+ }
+ action(c_moveOwnerToSharer, "cc", desc="Move owner to sharers") {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.addNetDest(cache_entry.Owner);
+ cache_entry.Owner.clear();
+ }
+ action(cc_clearSharers, "\c", desc="Clear the sharers field") {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.clear();
+ }
+ action(e_ownerIsUnblocker, "e", desc="The owner is now the unblocker") {
+ peek(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Owner.clear();
+ cache_entry.Owner.add(in_msg.Sender);
+ APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(" tcp_ub owner ");
+ }
+ }
+ action(eT_ownerIsUnblocker, "eT", desc="TCC (unblocker) is now owner") {
+ peek(w_TCCUnblock_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Owner.clear();
+ cache_entry.Owner.add(in_msg.Sender);
+ APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(" tcc_ub owner ");
+ }
+ }
+ action(ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE, "ctr", desc="Copy TCC probe response data to TBE") {
+ peek(w_TCCResponse_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ // Overwrite data if tbe does not hold dirty data. Stop once it is dirty.
+ if(tbe.Dirty == false) {
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ tbe.Sender := in_msg.Sender;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (tbe.DataBlk));
+ }
+ }
+ action(ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE, "ccr", desc="Copy core probe response data to TBE") {
+ peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ // Overwrite data if tbe does not hold dirty data. Stop once it is dirty.
+ if(tbe.Dirty == false) {
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ if(tbe.Sender == machineID) {
+ tbe.Sender := in_msg.Sender;
+ }
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (tbe.DataBlk));
+ }
+ }
+ action(cd_clearDirtyBitTBE, "cd", desc="Clear Dirty bit in TBE") {
+ tbe.Dirty := false;
+ }
+ action(n_issueRdBlk, "n-", desc="Issue RdBlk") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:RdBlk;
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(nS_issueRdBlkS, "nS", desc="Issue RdBlkS") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:RdBlkS;
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(nM_issueRdBlkM, "nM", desc="Issue RdBlkM") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:RdBlkM;
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(rU_rememberUpgrade, "rU", desc="Remember that this was an upgrade") {
+ tbe.Upgrade := true;
+ }
+ action(ruo_rememberUntransferredOwner, "ruo", desc="Remember the untransferred owner") {
+ peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ if(in_msg.UntransferredOwner == true) {
+ tbe.UntransferredOwner := in_msg.Sender;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := true;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (in_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ action(ruoT_rememberUntransferredOwnerTCC, "ruoT", desc="Remember the untransferred owner") {
+ peek(w_TCCResponse_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ if(in_msg.UntransferredOwner == true) {
+ tbe.UntransferredOwner := in_msg.Sender;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := true;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (in_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ action(vd_victim, "vd", desc="Victimize M/O Data") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:VicDirty;
+ if (cache_entry.CacheState == State:O) {
+ out_msg.Shared := true;
+ } else {
+ out_msg.Shared := false;
+ }
+ out_msg.Dirty := true;
+ }
+ }
+ action(vc_victim, "vc", desc="Victimize E/S Data") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:VicClean;
+ if (cache_entry.CacheState == State:S) {
+ out_msg.Shared := true;
+ } else {
+ out_msg.Shared := false;
+ }
+ out_msg.Dirty := false;
+ }
+ }
+ action(sT_sendRequestToTCC, "sT", desc="send request to TCC") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ enqueue(w_requestTCC_out, CPURequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type;
+ out_msg.Requestor := in_msg.Requestor;
+ out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits));
+ out_msg.Shared := in_msg.Shared;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(sc_probeShrCoreData, "sc", desc="probe shared cores, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ temp := cache_entry.Sharers;
+ temp.addNetDest(cache_entry.Owner);
+ if (temp.isElement(tcc)) {
+ temp.remove(tcc);
+ }
+ if (temp.count() > 0) {
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination := temp;
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := temp.count();
+ if(cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) {
+ assert(tbe.NumPendingAcks == 1);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ls2_probeShrL2Data, "ls2", desc="local probe downgrade L2, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if ((cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(tcc)) || (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc))) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks + 1;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(s2_probeShrL2Data, "s2", desc="probe shared L2, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if ((cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(tcc)) || (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc))) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks + 1;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ldc_probeInvCoreData, "ldc", desc="local probe to inv cores, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ NetDest dest:= cache_entry.Sharers;
+ dest.addNetDest(cache_entry.Owner);
+ if(dest.isElement(tcc)){
+ dest.remove(tcc);
+ }
+ dest.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := dest.count();
+ if (dest.count()>0){
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(dest);
+ if(cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) {
+ assert(tbe.NumPendingAcks == 1);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ld2_probeInvL2Data, "ld2", desc="local probe inv L2, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if ((cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(tcc)) || (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc))) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks + 1;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(dc_probeInvCoreData, "dc", desc="probe inv cores + TCC, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(cache_entry.Sharers);
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(cache_entry.Owner);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := cache_entry.Sharers.count() + cache_entry.Owner.count();
+ if(cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) {
+ assert(tbe.NumPendingAcks == 1);
+ }
+ if (out_msg.Destination.isElement(tcc)) {
+ out_msg.Destination.remove(tcc);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks - 1;
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ action(d2_probeInvL2Data, "d2", desc="probe inv L2, return data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if ((cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(tcc)) || (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc))) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks + 1;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(lpc_probeInvCore, "lpc", desc="local probe inv cores, no data") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ TCC_dir_subtree.broadcast(MachineType:TCP);
+ TCC_dir_subtree.broadcast(MachineType:SQC);
+ temp := cache_entry.Sharers;
+ temp := temp.OR(cache_entry.Owner);
+ TCC_dir_subtree := TCC_dir_subtree.AND(temp);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := TCC_dir_subtree.count();
+ if(cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) {
+ assert(tbe.NumPendingAcks == 1);
+ }
+ if(TCC_dir_subtree.isElement(in_msg.Requestor)) {
+ TCC_dir_subtree.remove(in_msg.Requestor);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks - 1;
+ }
+ if(TCC_dir_subtree.count() > 0) {
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := false;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.localCtoD := true;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(TCC_dir_subtree);
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ipc_probeInvCore, "ipc", desc="probe inv cores, no data") {
+ TCC_dir_subtree.broadcast(MachineType:TCP);
+ TCC_dir_subtree.broadcast(MachineType:SQC);
+ temp := cache_entry.Sharers;
+ temp := temp.OR(cache_entry.Owner);
+ TCC_dir_subtree := TCC_dir_subtree.AND(temp);
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := TCC_dir_subtree.count();
+ if(TCC_dir_subtree.count() > 0) {
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := false;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(TCC_dir_subtree);
+ if(cache_entry.CacheState == State:M) {
+ assert(tbe.NumPendingAcks == 1);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(i2_probeInvL2, "i2", desc="probe inv L2, no data") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if ((cache_entry.Sharers.isElement(tcc)) || (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc))) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks + 1;
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbInv;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := false;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(pi_sendProbeResponseInv, "pi", desc="send probe ack inv, no data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp; // TCC, L3 respond in same way to probes
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.Dirty := false;
+ out_msg.Hit := false;
+ out_msg.Ntsl := true;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:NA;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(pim_sendProbeResponseInvMs, "pim", desc="send probe ack inv, no data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp; // L3 and TCC respond in same way to probes
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.Dirty := false;
+ out_msg.Ntsl := true;
+ out_msg.Hit := false;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:NA;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(prm_sendProbeResponseMiss, "prm", desc="send probe ack PrbShrData, no data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp; // L3 and TCC respond in same way to probes
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.Dirty := false; // only true if sending back data i think
+ out_msg.Hit := false;
+ out_msg.Ntsl := false;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:NA;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(pd_sendProbeResponseData, "pd", desc="send probe ack, with data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ assert(is_valid(cache_entry) || is_valid(tbe));
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.DataBlk := getDataBlock(address);
+ if (is_valid(tbe)) {
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ }
+ out_msg.Hit := true;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:NA;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
+ }
+ }
+ action(pdm_sendProbeResponseDataMs, "pdm", desc="send probe ack, with data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ assert(is_valid(cache_entry) || is_valid(tbe));
+ assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUPrbResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.DataBlk := getDataBlock(address);
+ if (is_valid(tbe)) {
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ }
+ out_msg.Hit := true;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:NA;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
+ }
+ }
+ action(mc_cancelWB, "mc", desc="send writeback cancel to NB directory") {
+ enqueue(requestToNB_out, CPURequestMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:WrCancel;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Request_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(sCS_sendCollectiveResponseS, "sCS", desc="send shared response to all merged TCP/SQC") {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := tbe.Sender;
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
+ out_msg.CtoD := false;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:Shared;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(cache_entry.MergedSharers);
+ out_msg.Shared := tbe.Shared;
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ action(sS_sendResponseS, "sS", desc="send shared response to TCP/SQC") {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := tbe.Sender;
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
+ out_msg.CtoD := false;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:Shared;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.OriginalRequestor);
+ out_msg.Shared := tbe.Shared;
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ action(sM_sendResponseM, "sM", desc="send response to TCP/SQC") {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := tbe.Sender;
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
+ out_msg.CtoD := false;
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:Modified;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.OriginalRequestor);
+ out_msg.Shared := tbe.Shared;
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ action(fw2_forwardWBAck, "fw2", desc="forward WBAck to TCC") {
+ peek(responseFromNB_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ if(tbe.OriginalRequestor != machineID) {
+ enqueue(w_respTCC_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysWBAck;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ //out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.OriginalRequestor);
+ out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(sa_saveSysAck, "sa", desc="Save SysAck ") {
+ peek(responseFromNB_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ if (tbe.Dirty == false) {
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ }
+ else {
+ tbe.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ }
+ tbe.CtoD := in_msg.CtoD;
+ tbe.CohState := in_msg.State;
+ tbe.Shared := in_msg.Shared;
+ tbe.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ }
+ }
+ action(fsa_forwardSavedAck, "fsa", desc="forward saved SysAck to TCP or SQC") {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ if (tbe.Dirty == false) {
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ }
+ else {
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ }
+ out_msg.CtoD := tbe.CtoD;
+ out_msg.State := tbe.CohState;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.OriginalRequestor);
+ out_msg.Shared := tbe.Shared;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := tbe.MessageSize;
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ out_msg.Sender := tbe.Sender;
+ }
+ }
+ action(fa_forwardSysAck, "fa", desc="forward SysAck to TCP or SQC") {
+ peek(responseFromNB_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ enqueue(responseToCore_out, ResponseMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:TDSysResp;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ if (tbe.Dirty == false) {
+ out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ tbe.Sender := machineID;
+ }
+ else {
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ }
+ out_msg.CtoD := in_msg.CtoD;
+ out_msg.State := in_msg.State;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.OriginalRequestor);
+ out_msg.Shared := in_msg.Shared;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize;
+ out_msg.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ out_msg.Sender := tbe.Sender;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", (out_msg.DataBlk));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(pso_probeSharedDataOwner, "pso", desc="probe shared data at owner") {
+ MachineID tcc := mapAddressToRange(address,MachineType:TCC,
+ TCC_select_low_bit, TCC_select_num_bits);
+ if (cache_entry.Owner.isElement(tcc)) {
+ enqueue(w_probeTCC_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(tcc);
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // i.e., owner is a core
+ enqueue(probeToCore_out, TDProbeRequestMsg, response_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := ProbeRequestType:PrbDowngrade;
+ out_msg.ReturnData := true;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
+ out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(cache_entry.Owner);
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := 1;
+ }
+ action(i_popIncomingRequestQueue, "i", desc="Pop incoming request queue") {
+ coreRequestNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(j_popIncomingUnblockQueue, "j", desc="Pop incoming unblock queue") {
+ unblockNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(pk_popResponseQueue, "pk", desc="Pop response queue") {
+ responseNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(pp_popProbeQueue, "pp", desc="Pop incoming probe queue") {
+ probeNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(pR_popResponseFromNBQueue, "pR", desc="Pop incoming Response queue From NB") {
+ responseFromNB_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(pt_popTriggerQueue, "pt", desc="pop trigger queue") {
+ triggerQueue_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(pl_popTCCRequestQueue, "pl", desc="pop TCC request queue") {
+ w_TCCRequest_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(plr_popTCCResponseQueue, "plr", desc="pop TCC response queue") {
+ w_TCCResponse_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(plu_popTCCUnblockQueue, "plu", desc="pop TCC unblock queue") {
+ w_TCCUnblock_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
+ }
+ action(m_addUnlockerToSharers, "m", desc="Add the unlocker to the sharer list") {
+ peek(unblockNetwork_in, UnblockMsg) {
+ cache_entry.Sharers.add(in_msg.Sender);
+ cache_entry.MergedSharers.remove(in_msg.Sender);
+ assert(cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks >= 0);
+ cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks := cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ action(q_addOutstandingMergedSharer, "q", desc="Increment outstanding requests") {
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ cache_entry.MergedSharers.add(in_msg.Requestor);
+ cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks := cache_entry.WaitingUnblocks + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ action(uu_sendUnblock, "uu", desc="state changed, unblock") {
+ enqueue(unblockToNB_out, UnblockMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Unblock_Control;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ action(zz_recycleRequest, "\z", desc="Recycle the request queue") {
+ coreRequestNetwork_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(yy_recycleTCCRequestQueue, "yy", desc="recycle yy request queue") {
+ w_TCCRequest_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(xz_recycleResponseQueue, "xz", desc="recycle response queue") {
+ responseNetwork_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(xx_recycleTCCResponseQueue, "xx", desc="recycle TCC response queue") {
+ w_TCCResponse_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(vv_recycleTCCUnblockQueue, "vv", desc="Recycle the probe request queue") {
+ w_TCCUnblock_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(xy_recycleUnblockQueue, "xy", desc="Recycle the probe request queue") {
+ w_TCCUnblock_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(ww_recycleProbeRequest, "ww", desc="Recycle the probe request queue") {
+ probeNetwork_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency));
+ }
+ action(x_decrementAcks, "x", desc="decrement Acks pending") {
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := tbe.NumPendingAcks - 1;
+ }
+ action(o_checkForAckCompletion, "o", desc="check for ack completion") {
+ if (tbe.NumPendingAcks == 0) {
+ enqueue(triggerQueue_out, TriggerMsg, 1) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := TriggerType:AcksComplete;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(tp_allocateTBE, "tp", desc="allocate TBE Entry for upward transactions") {
+ check_allocate(TBEs);
+ peek(probeNetwork_in, NBProbeRequestMsg) {
+ TBEs.allocate(address);
+ set_tbe(TBEs.lookup(address));
+ tbe.Dirty := false;
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := 0;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := false;
+ }
+ }
+ action(tv_allocateTBE, "tv", desc="allocate TBE Entry for TCC transactions") {
+ check_allocate(TBEs);
+ peek(w_TCCRequest_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ TBEs.allocate(address);
+ set_tbe(TBEs.lookup(address));
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; // Data only for WBs
+ tbe.Dirty := false;
+ tbe.OriginalRequestor := in_msg.Requestor;
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := 0;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := false;
+ }
+ }
+ action(t_allocateTBE, "t", desc="allocate TBE Entry") {
+ check_allocate(TBEs);//check whether resources are full
+ peek(coreRequestNetwork_in, CPURequestMsg) {
+ TBEs.allocate(address);
+ set_tbe(TBEs.lookup(address));
+ tbe.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; // Data only for WBs
+ tbe.Dirty := false;
+ tbe.Upgrade := false;
+ tbe.OriginalRequestor := in_msg.Requestor;
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := 0;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := false;
+ tbe.Sender := machineID;
+ }
+ }
+ action(tr_allocateTBE, "tr", desc="allocate TBE Entry for recall") {
+ check_allocate(TBEs);//check whether resources are full
+ TBEs.allocate(address);
+ set_tbe(TBEs.lookup(address));
+ tbe.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk; // Data only for WBs
+ tbe.Dirty := false;
+ tbe.Upgrade := false;
+ tbe.OriginalRequestor := machineID; //Recall request, Self initiated
+ tbe.NumPendingAcks := 0;
+ tbe.UntransferredOwnerExists := false;
+ }
+ action(dt_deallocateTBE, "dt", desc="Deallocate TBE entry") {
+ TBEs.deallocate(address);
+ unset_tbe();
+ }
+ action(d_allocateDir, "d", desc="allocate Directory Cache") {
+ if (is_invalid(cache_entry)) {
+ set_cache_entry(directory.allocate(address, new Entry));
+ }
+ }
+ action(dd_deallocateDir, "dd", desc="deallocate Directory Cache") {
+ if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
+ directory.deallocate(address);
+ }
+ unset_cache_entry();
+ }
+ action(ss_sendStaleNotification, "ss", desc="stale data; nothing to writeback") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:StaleNotif;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
+ }
+ }
+ action(wb_data, "wb", desc="write back data") {
+ enqueue(responseToNB_out, ResponseMsg, issue_latency) {
+ out_msg.addr := address;
+ out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:CPUData;
+ out_msg.Sender := machineID;
+ out_msg.Destination.add(map_Address_to_Directory(address));
+ out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
+ out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
+ if (tbe.Shared) {
+ out_msg.NbReqShared := true;
+ } else {
+ out_msg.NbReqShared := false;
+ }
+ out_msg.State := CoherenceState:Shared; // faux info
+ out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
+ DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", out_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ action(sf_setSharedFlip, "sf", desc="hit by shared probe, status may be different") {
+ assert(is_valid(tbe));
+ tbe.Shared := true;
+ }
+ action(y_writeDataToTBE, "y", desc="write Probe Data to TBE") {
+ peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ if (!tbe.Dirty || in_msg.Dirty) {
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ }
+ if (in_msg.Hit) {
+ tbe.Cached := true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ty_writeTCCDataToTBE, "ty", desc="write TCC Probe Data to TBE") {
+ peek(w_TCCResponse_in, ResponseMsg) {
+ if (!tbe.Dirty || in_msg.Dirty) {
+ tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
+ tbe.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
+ }
+ if (in_msg.Hit) {
+ tbe.Cached := true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ action(ut_updateTag, "ut", desc="update Tag (i.e. set MRU)") {
+ directory.setMRU(address);
+ }
+ // Handling TCP/SQC requests (similar to how NB dir handles TCC events with some changes to account for stateful directory).
+ // transitions from base
+ transition(I, RdBlk, I_ES){TagArrayRead} {
+ d_allocateDir;
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ n_issueRdBlk;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I, RdBlkS, I_S){TagArrayRead} {
+ d_allocateDir;
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ nS_issueRdBlkS;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_S, NB_AckS, BBB_S) {
+ fa_forwardSysAck;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_ES, NB_AckS, BBB_S) {
+ fa_forwardSysAck;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_ES, NB_AckE, BBB_E) {
+ fa_forwardSysAck;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition({S_M, O_M}, {NB_AckCtoD,NB_AckM}, BBB_M) {
+ fa_forwardSysAck;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_M, NB_AckM, BBB_M) {
+ fa_forwardSysAck;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBB_M, CoreUnblock, M){TagArrayWrite} {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ e_ownerIsUnblocker;
+ uu_sendUnblock;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBB_S, CoreUnblock, S){TagArrayWrite} {
+ as_addToSharers;
+ uu_sendUnblock;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBB_E, CoreUnblock, E){TagArrayWrite} {
+ as_addToSharers;
+ uu_sendUnblock;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I, RdBlkM, I_M){TagArrayRead} {
+ d_allocateDir;
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ nM_issueRdBlkM;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ //
+ transition(S, {RdBlk, RdBlkS}, BBS_S){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ q_addOutstandingMergedSharer;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Merging of read sharing into a single request
+ transition(BBS_S, {RdBlk, RdBlkS}) {
+ q_addOutstandingMergedSharer;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Wait for probe acks to be complete
+ transition(BBS_S, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_S, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // Window for merging complete with this transition
+ // Send responses to all outstanding
+ transition(BBS_S, ProbeAcksComplete, BB_S) {
+ sCS_sendCollectiveResponseS;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_S, CoreUnblock, BB_S) {
+ m_addUnlockerToSharers;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_S, LastCoreUnblock, S) {
+ m_addUnlockerToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(O, {RdBlk, RdBlkS}, BBO_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ pso_probeSharedDataOwner;
+ q_addOutstandingMergedSharer;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Merging of read sharing into a single request
+ transition(BBO_O, {RdBlk, RdBlkS}) {
+ q_addOutstandingMergedSharer;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Wait for probe acks to be complete
+ transition(BBO_O, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_O, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // Window for merging complete with this transition
+ // Send responses to all outstanding
+ transition(BBO_O, ProbeAcksComplete, BB_OO) {
+ sCS_sendCollectiveResponseS;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_OO, CoreUnblock) {
+ m_addUnlockerToSharers;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_OO, LastCoreUnblock, O){TagArrayWrite} {
+ m_addUnlockerToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(S, CPUWrite, BW_S){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ sT_sendRequestToTCC;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(E, CPUWrite, BW_E){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ sT_sendRequestToTCC;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(O, CPUWrite, BW_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ rCo_removeCoreFromOwner;
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ sT_sendRequestToTCC;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(M, CPUWrite, BW_M){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ rCo_removeCoreFromOwner;
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ sT_sendRequestToTCC;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_S, TCCUnblock_Sharer, S){TagArrayWrite} {
+ aT_addTCCToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_S, TCCUnblock_NotValid, S){TagArrayWrite} {
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_E, TCCUnblock, E){TagArrayWrite} {
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ aT_addTCCToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_E, TCCUnblock_NotValid, E) {
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_M, TCCUnblock, M) {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ eT_ownerIsUnblocker;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_M, TCCUnblock_NotValid, M) {
+ // Note this transition should only be executed if we received a stale wb
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_O, TCCUnblock, O) {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ eT_ownerIsUnblocker;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BW_O, TCCUnblock_NotValid, O) {
+ // Note this transition should only be executed if we received a stale wb
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ // We lost the owner likely do to an invalidation racing with a 'O' wb
+ transition(BW_O, TCCUnblock_Sharer, S) {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ aT_addTCCToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ plu_popTCCUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BW_M, BW_S, BW_E, BW_O}, {PrbInv,PrbInvData,PrbShrData}) {
+ ww_recycleProbeRequest;
+ }
+ transition(BRWD_I, {PrbInvData, PrbInv, PrbShrData}) {
+ ww_recycleProbeRequest;
+ }
+ // Three step process: locally invalidate others, issue CtoD, wait for NB_AckCtoD
+ transition(S, CtoD, BBS_UM) {TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ lpc_probeInvCore;
+ i2_probeInvL2;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_UM, CPUPrbResp, BBS_UM) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_UM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_UM, ProbeAcksComplete, S_M) {
+ rU_rememberUpgrade;
+ nM_issueRdBlkM;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // Three step process: locally invalidate others, issue CtoD, wait for NB_AckCtoD
+ transition(O, CtoD, BBO_UM){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ lpc_probeInvCore;
+ i2_probeInvL2;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_UM, CPUPrbResp, BBO_UM) {
+ ruo_rememberUntransferredOwner;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_UM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ruoT_rememberUntransferredOwnerTCC;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_UM, ProbeAcksComplete, O_M) {
+ rU_rememberUpgrade;
+ nM_issueRdBlkM;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition({S,E}, RdBlkM, BBS_M){TagArrayWrite} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ ldc_probeInvCoreData;
+ ld2_probeInvL2Data;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_M, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ rR_removeResponderFromSharers;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_M, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBS_M, ProbeAcksComplete, S_M) {
+ nM_issueRdBlkM;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(O, RdBlkM, BBO_M){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ ldc_probeInvCoreData;
+ ld2_probeInvL2Data;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_M, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ rR_removeResponderFromSharers;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_M, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBO_M, ProbeAcksComplete, O_M) {
+ nM_issueRdBlkM;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ //
+ transition(M, RdBlkM, BBM_M){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ ldc_probeInvCoreData;
+ ld2_probeInvL2Data;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_M, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // TCP recalled block before receiving probe
+ transition({BBM_M, BBS_M, BBO_M}, {CPUWrite,NoCPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_M, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_M, ProbeAcksComplete, BB_M) {
+ sM_sendResponseM;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_M, CoreUnblock, M){TagArrayWrite} {
+ e_ownerIsUnblocker;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition(M, {RdBlkS, RdBlk}, BBM_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(E, {RdBlkS, RdBlk}, BBM_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ t_allocateTBE;
+ eto_moveExSharerToOwner;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_O, CPUPrbResp) {
+ ccr_copyCoreResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_O, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ctr_copyTCCResponseToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_O, ProbeAcksComplete, BB_O) {
+ sS_sendResponseS;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BB_O, CoreUnblock, O){TagArrayWrite} {
+ as_addToSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ j_popIncomingUnblockQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BBO_O, BBM_M, BBS_S, BBM_O, BB_M, BB_O, BB_S, BBO_UM, BBS_UM, BBS_M, BBO_M, BB_OO}, {PrbInvData, PrbInv,PrbShrData}) {
+ ww_recycleProbeRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBM_O, BBS_S, CP_S, CP_O, CP_SM, CP_OM, BBO_O}, {CPUWrite,NoCPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ // stale CtoD raced with external invalidation
+ transition({I, CP_I, B_I, CP_IOM, CP_ISM, CP_OSIW, BRWD_I, BRW_I, BRD_I}, CtoD) {
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // stale CtoD raced with internal RdBlkM
+ transition({BBM_M, BBS_M, BBO_M, BBB_M, BBS_UM, BBO_UM}, CtoD) {
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({E, M}, CtoD) {
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // TCC-directory has sent out (And potentially received acks for) probes.
+ // TCP/SQC replacement (known to be stale subsequent) are popped off.
+ transition({BBO_UM, BBS_UM}, {CPUWrite,NoCPUWrite}) {
+ nC_sendNullWBAckToCore;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(S_M, {NoCPUWrite, CPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition(O_M, {NoCPUWrite, CPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBM_M, BBS_M, BBO_M, BBO_UM, BBS_UM}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast, NoVic}) {
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({CP_S, CP_O, CP_OM, CP_SM}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast, CancelWB, NoVic}) {
+ yy_recycleTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // However, when TCCdir has sent out PrbSharedData, one cannot ignore.
+ transition({BBS_S, BBO_O, BBM_O, S_M, O_M, BBB_M, BBB_S, BBB_E}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast,CancelWB}) {
+ yy_recycleTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BW_S,BW_E,BW_O, BW_M}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast, NoVic}) {
+ yy_recycleTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BW_S,BW_E,BW_O, BW_M}, CancelWB) {
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ /// recycle if waiting for unblocks.
+ transition({BB_M,BB_O,BB_S,BB_OO}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast,NoVic,CancelWB}) {
+ yy_recycleTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BBS_S, BBO_O}, NoVic) {
+ rT_removeTCCFromSharers;
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // stale. Pop message and send dummy ack.
+ transition({I_S, I_ES, I_M}, {VicDirty, VicClean, VicDirtyLast, NoVic}) {
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(M, VicDirtyLast, VM_I){TagArrayRead} {
+ tv_allocateTBE;
+ vd_victim;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(E, VicDirty, VM_I){TagArrayRead} {
+ tv_allocateTBE;
+ vd_victim;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(O, VicDirty, VO_S){TagArrayRead} {
+ tv_allocateTBE;
+ vd_victim;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition(O, {VicDirtyLast, VicClean}, VO_I){TagArrayRead} {
+ tv_allocateTBE;
+ vd_victim;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({E, S}, VicClean, VES_I){TagArrayRead} {
+ tv_allocateTBE;
+ vc_victim;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({O, S}, NoVic){TagArrayRead} {
+ rT_removeTCCFromSharers;
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({O,S}, NoCPUWrite){TagArrayRead} {
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ nC_sendNullWBAckToCore;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({M,E}, NoCPUWrite){TagArrayRead} {
+ rC_removeCoreFromSharers;
+ nC_sendNullWBAckToCore;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // This can only happen if it is race. (TCCdir sent out probes which caused this cancel in the first place.)
+ transition({VM_I, VES_I, VO_I}, CancelWB) {
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({VM_I, VES_I, VO_I}, NB_AckWB, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ wb_data;
+ fw2_forwardWBAck;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(VO_S, NB_AckWB, S){TagArrayWrite} {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ wb_data;
+ fw2_forwardWBAck;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_C, NB_AckWB, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ ss_sendStaleNotification;
+ fw2_forwardWBAck;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(I_W, NB_AckWB, I) {
+ ss_sendStaleNotification;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ // Do not handle replacements, reads of any kind or writebacks from transients; recycle
+ transition({I_M, I_ES, I_S, MO_I, ES_I, S_M, O_M, VES_I, VO_I, VO_S, VM_I, I_C, I_W}, {RdBlkS,RdBlkM,RdBlk,CtoD}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition( VO_S, NoCPUWrite) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BW_M, BW_S, BW_O, BW_E}, {RdBlkS,RdBlkM,RdBlk,CtoD,NoCPUWrite, CPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBB_M, BBB_S, BBB_E, BB_O, BB_M, BB_S, BB_OO}, { RdBlk, RdBlkS, RdBlkM, CPUWrite, NoCPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBB_S, BBB_E, BB_O, BB_S, BB_OO}, { CtoD}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBS_UM, BBO_UM, BBM_M, BBM_O, BBS_M, BBO_M}, { RdBlk, RdBlkS, RdBlkM}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition(BBM_O, CtoD) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({BBS_S, BBO_O}, {RdBlkM, CtoD}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({B_I, CP_I, CP_S, CP_O, CP_OM, CP_SM, CP_IOM, CP_ISM, CP_OSIW, BRWD_I, BRW_I, BRD_I}, {RdBlk, RdBlkS, RdBlkM}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ transition({CP_O, CP_S, CP_OM}, CtoD) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ // Ignore replacement related messages after probe got in.
+ transition({CP_I, B_I, CP_IOM, CP_ISM, CP_OSIW, BRWD_I, BRW_I, BRD_I}, {CPUWrite, NoCPUWrite}) {
+ zz_recycleRequest;
+ }
+ // Ignore replacement related messages after probes processed
+ transition({I, I_S, I_ES, I_M, I_C, I_W}, {CPUWrite,NoCPUWrite}) {
+ nC_sendNullWBAckToCore;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // cannot ignore cancel... otherwise TCP/SQC will be stuck in I_C
+ transition({I, I_S, I_ES, I_M, I_C, I_W, S_M, M, O, E, S}, CPUWriteCancel){TagArrayRead} {
+ nC_sendNullWBAckToCore;
+ i_popIncomingRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({CP_I, B_I, CP_IOM, CP_ISM, BRWD_I, BRW_I, BRD_I}, {NoVic, VicClean, VicDirty, VicDirtyLast}){
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Handling Probes from NB (General process: (1) propagate up, go to blocking state (2) process acks (3) on last ack downward.)
+ // step 1
+ transition({M, O, E, S}, PrbInvData, CP_I){TagArrayRead} {
+ tp_allocateTBE;
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2a
+ transition(CP_I, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_I, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_I, ProbeAcksComplete, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // step 1
+ transition({M, O, E, S}, PrbInv, B_I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ tp_allocateTBE;
+ ipc_probeInvCore;
+ i2_probeInvL2;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2
+ transition(B_I, CPUPrbResp) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(B_I, TCCPrbResp) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(B_I, ProbeAcksComplete, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ // send response down to NB
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // step 1
+ transition({M, O}, PrbShrData, CP_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ tp_allocateTBE;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition(E, PrbShrData, CP_O){TagArrayRead} {
+ tp_allocateTBE;
+ eto_moveExSharerToOwner;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2
+ transition(CP_O, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_O, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_O, ProbeAcksComplete, O){TagArrayWrite} {
+ // send response down to NB
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ //step 1
+ transition(S, PrbShrData, CP_S) {
+ tp_allocateTBE;
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2
+ transition(CP_S, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_S, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_S, ProbeAcksComplete, S) {
+ // send response down to NB
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // step 1
+ transition(O_M, PrbInvData, CP_IOM) {
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2a
+ transition(CP_IOM, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_IOM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_IOM, ProbeAcksComplete, I_M) {
+ pdm_sendProbeResponseDataMs;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ cd_clearDirtyBitTBE;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(CP_IOM, ProbeAcksCompleteReissue, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ pdm_sendProbeResponseDataMs;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // step 1
+ transition(S_M, PrbInvData, CP_ISM) {
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2a
+ transition(CP_ISM, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_ISM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_ISM, ProbeAcksComplete, I_M) {
+ pdm_sendProbeResponseDataMs;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ cd_clearDirtyBitTBE;
+ //dt_deallocateTBE;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(CP_ISM, ProbeAcksCompleteReissue, I){TagArrayWrite} {
+ pim_sendProbeResponseInvMs;
+ c_clearOwner;
+ cc_clearSharers;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // step 1
+ transition({S_M, O_M}, {PrbInv}, CP_ISM) {
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // next steps inherited from BS_ISM
+ // Simpler cases
+ transition({I_C, I_W}, {PrbInvData, PrbInv, PrbShrData}) {
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ //If the directory is certain that the block is not present, one can send an acknowledgement right away.
+ // No need for three step process.
+ transition(I, {PrbInv,PrbShrData,PrbInvData}){TagArrayRead} {
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition({I_M, I_ES, I_S}, {PrbInv, PrbInvData}) {
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition({I_M, I_ES, I_S}, PrbShrData) {
+ prm_sendProbeResponseMiss;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ //step 1
+ transition(S_M, PrbShrData, CP_SM) {
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2
+ transition(CP_SM, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_SM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_SM, {ProbeAcksComplete,ProbeAcksCompleteReissue}, S_M){DataArrayRead} {
+ // send response down to NB
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ //step 1
+ transition(O_M, PrbShrData, CP_OM) {
+ sc_probeShrCoreData;
+ s2_probeShrL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2
+ transition(CP_OM, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 2b
+ transition(CP_OM, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ // step 3
+ transition(CP_OM, {ProbeAcksComplete,ProbeAcksCompleteReissue}, O_M) {
+ // send response down to NB
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BRW_I, PrbInvData, I_W) {
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition({VM_I,VO_I}, PrbInvData, I_C) {
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition(VES_I, {PrbInvData,PrbInv}, I_C) {
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition({VM_I, VO_I, BRW_I}, PrbInv, I_W) {
+ pi_sendProbeResponseInv;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition({VM_I, VO_I, VO_S, VES_I, BRW_I}, PrbShrData) {
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ sf_setSharedFlip;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition(VO_S, PrbInvData, CP_OSIW) {
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ pp_popProbeQueue;
+ }
+ transition(CP_OSIW, TCCPrbResp) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(CP_OSIW, CPUPrbResp) {
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(CP_OSIW, ProbeAcksComplete, I_C) {
+ pd_sendProbeResponseData;
+ cd_clearDirtyBitTBE;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition({I, S, E, O, M, CP_O, CP_S, CP_OM, CP_SM, CP_OSIW, BW_S, BW_E, BW_O, BW_M, I_M, I_ES, I_S, BBS_S, BBO_O, BBM_M, BBM_O, BB_M, BB_O, BB_OO, BB_S, BBS_M, BBO_M, BBO_UM, BBS_UM, S_M, O_M, BBB_S, BBB_M, BBB_E, VES_I, VM_I, VO_I, VO_S, ES_I, MO_I, I_C, I_W}, StaleVic) {
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ transition({CP_I, B_I, CP_IOM, CP_ISM, BRWD_I, BRW_I, BRD_I}, StaleVic) {
+ nT_sendNullWBAckToTCC;
+ pl_popTCCRequestQueue;
+ }
+ // Recall Transistions
+ // transient states still require the directory state
+ transition({M, O}, Recall, BRWD_I) {
+ tr_allocateTBE;
+ vd_victim;
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ }
+ transition({E, S}, Recall, BRWD_I) {
+ tr_allocateTBE;
+ vc_victim;
+ dc_probeInvCoreData;
+ d2_probeInvL2Data;
+ }
+ transition(I, Recall) {
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ }
+ transition({BRWD_I, BRD_I}, CPUPrbResp) {
+ y_writeDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ pk_popResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition({BRWD_I, BRD_I}, TCCPrbResp) {
+ ty_writeTCCDataToTBE;
+ x_decrementAcks;
+ o_checkForAckCompletion;
+ plr_popTCCResponseQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BRWD_I, NB_AckWB, BRD_I) {
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BRWD_I, ProbeAcksComplete, BRW_I) {
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BRW_I, NB_AckWB, I) {
+ wb_data;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pR_popResponseFromNBQueue;
+ }
+ transition(BRD_I, ProbeAcksComplete, I) {
+ wb_data;
+ dt_deallocateTBE;
+ dd_deallocateDir;
+ pt_popTriggerQueue;
+ }
+ // wait for stable state for Recall
+ transition({BRWD_I,BRD_I,BRW_I,CP_O, CP_S, CP_OM, CP_SM, CP_OSIW, BW_S, BW_E, BW_O, BW_M, I_M, I_ES, I_S, BBS_S, BBO_O, BBM_M, BBM_O, BB_M, BB_O, BB_OO, BB_S, BBS_M, BBO_M, BBO_UM, BBS_UM, S_M, O_M, BBB_S, BBB_M, BBB_E, VES_I, VM_I, VO_I, VO_S, ES_I, MO_I, I_C, I_W, CP_I}, Recall) {
+ zz_recycleRequest; // stall and wait would be for the wrong address
+ ut_updateTag; // try to find an easier recall
+ }