path: root/src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh
diff options
authorKorey Sewell <>2009-05-11 19:44:34 -0400
committerKorey Sewell <>2009-05-11 19:44:34 -0400
commita63cc2ff5fbba0e42a7aa39bfce6b6e2310fd52a (patch)
tree0952c5678b449ffd8def645fec2b714c4960df9e /src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh
parenteea2b02b04a3076969dd607aca739b96d94b6155 (diff)
parentf21e80ec72cf68ad859f18a2886297004ea9f959 (diff)
Merge Ruby Stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh b/src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da218f177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem/ruby/common/Address.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999 by Mark Hill and David Wood for the Wisconsin
+ * Multifacet Project. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
+ *
+ * ##HEADER##
+ *
+ * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
+ * copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and the
+ * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any
+ * other copies thereof or any derivative works may not be provided or
+ * otherwise made available to any other persons. Title to and
+ * ownership of the software is retained by Mark Hill and David Wood.
+ * Any use of this software must include the above copyright notice.
+ *
+ * */
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#ifndef ADDRESS_H
+#define ADDRESS_H
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "mem/ruby/common/Global.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/config/RubyConfig.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/system/NodeID.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/system/MachineID.hh"
+const int ADDRESS_WIDTH = 64; // address width in bytes
+class Address;
+typedef Address PhysAddress;
+typedef Address VirtAddress;
+class Address {
+ // Constructors
+ Address() { m_address = 0; }
+ explicit Address(physical_address_t address) { m_address = address; }
+ Address(const Address& obj);
+ Address& operator=(const Address& obj);
+ // Destructor
+ // ~Address();
+ // Public Methods
+ void setAddress(physical_address_t address) { m_address = address; }
+ physical_address_t getAddress() const {return m_address;}
+ // selects bits inclusive
+ physical_address_t bitSelect(int small, int big) const;
+ physical_address_t maskLowOrderBits(int number) const;
+ physical_address_t maskHighOrderBits(int number) const;
+ physical_address_t shiftLowOrderBits(int number) const;
+ physical_address_t getLineAddress() const
+ { return bitSelect(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits(), ADDRESS_WIDTH); }
+ physical_address_t getOffset() const
+ { return bitSelect(0, RubyConfig::dataBlockBits()-1); }
+ void makeLineAddress() { m_address = maskLowOrderBits(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits()); }
+ // returns the next stride address based on line address
+ void makeNextStrideAddress( int stride) {
+ m_address = maskLowOrderBits(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits())
+ + RubyConfig::dataBlockBytes()*stride;
+ }
+ void makePageAddress() { m_address = maskLowOrderBits(RubyConfig::pageSizeBits()); }
+ int getBankSetNum() const;
+ int getBankSetDist() const;
+ Index memoryModuleIndex() const;
+ void print(ostream& out) const;
+ void output(ostream& out) const;
+ void input(istream& in);
+ void setOffset( int offset ){
+ // first, zero out the offset bits
+ makeLineAddress();
+ m_address |= (physical_address_t) offset;
+ }
+ // Private Methods
+ // Private copy constructor and assignment operator
+ // Address(const Address& obj);
+ // Address& operator=(const Address& obj);
+ // Data Members (m_ prefix)
+ physical_address_t m_address;
+Address line_address(const Address& addr) { Address temp(addr); temp.makeLineAddress(); return temp; }
+Address next_stride_address(const Address& addr, int stride) {
+ Address temp = addr;
+ temp.makeNextStrideAddress(stride);
+ temp.setAddress(temp.maskHighOrderBits(ADDRESS_WIDTH-RubyConfig::memorySizeBits())); // surpress wrap-around problem
+ return temp;
+Address page_address(const Address& addr) { Address temp(addr); temp.makePageAddress(); return temp; }
+// Output operator declaration
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Address& obj);
+// comparison operator declaration
+bool operator==(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2);
+bool operator!=(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2);
+bool operator<(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2);
+/* Address& operator=(const physical_address_t address); */
+bool operator<(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2)
+ return obj1.getAddress() < obj2.getAddress();
+// ******************* Definitions *******************
+// Output operator definition
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Address& obj)
+ obj.print(out);
+ out << flush;
+ return out;
+bool operator==(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2)
+ return (obj1.getAddress() == obj2.getAddress());
+bool operator!=(const Address& obj1, const Address& obj2)
+ return (obj1.getAddress() != obj2.getAddress());
+physical_address_t Address::bitSelect(int small, int big) const // rips bits inclusive
+ physical_address_t mask;
+ assert(big >= small);
+ if (big >= ADDRESS_WIDTH - 1) {
+ return (m_address >> small);
+ } else {
+ mask = ~((physical_address_t)~0 << (big + 1));
+ // FIXME - this is slow to manipulate a 64-bit number using 32-bits
+ physical_address_t partial = (m_address & mask);
+ return (partial >> small);
+ }
+physical_address_t Address::maskLowOrderBits(int number) const
+ physical_address_t mask;
+ if (number >= ADDRESS_WIDTH - 1) {
+ mask = ~0;
+ } else {
+ mask = (physical_address_t)~0 << number;
+ }
+ return (m_address & mask);
+physical_address_t Address::maskHighOrderBits(int number) const
+ physical_address_t mask;
+ if (number >= ADDRESS_WIDTH - 1) {
+ mask = ~0;
+ } else {
+ mask = (physical_address_t)~0 >> number;
+ }
+ return (m_address & mask);
+physical_address_t Address::shiftLowOrderBits(int number) const
+ return (m_address >> number);
+integer_t Address::memoryModuleIndex() const
+ integer_t index = bitSelect(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits()+RubyConfig::memoryBits(), ADDRESS_WIDTH);
+ assert (index >= 0);
+ if (index >= RubyConfig::memoryModuleBlocks()) {
+ cerr << " memoryBits: " << RubyConfig::memoryBits() << " memorySizeBits: " << RubyConfig::memorySizeBits()
+ << " Address: " << "[" << hex << "0x" << m_address << "," << " line 0x" << maskLowOrderBits(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits()) << dec << "]" << flush
+ << "error: limit exceeded. " <<
+ " dataBlockBits: " << RubyConfig::dataBlockBits() <<
+ " memoryModuleBlocks: " << RubyConfig::memoryModuleBlocks() <<
+ " index: " << index << endl;
+ }
+ assert (index < RubyConfig::memoryModuleBlocks());
+ return index;
+ // Index indexHighPortion = address.bitSelect(MEMORY_SIZE_BITS-1, PAGE_SIZE_BITS+NUMBER_OF_MEMORY_MODULE_BITS);
+ // Index indexLowPortion = address.bitSelect(DATA_BLOCK_BITS, PAGE_SIZE_BITS-1);
+ //Index index = indexLowPortion | (indexHighPortion << (PAGE_SIZE_BITS - DATA_BLOCK_BITS));
+ /*
+ Round-robin mapping of addresses, at page size granularity
+ | | | |
+ \ / \ / \ / \ / 0
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | unused |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |
+ | |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ indexHighPortion indexLowPortion
+ <------->
+ */
+void Address::print(ostream& out) const
+ out << "[" << hex << "0x" << m_address << "," << " line 0x" << maskLowOrderBits(RubyConfig::dataBlockBits()) << dec << "]" << flush;
+class Address;
+namespace __gnu_cxx {
+ template <> struct hash<Address>
+ {
+ size_t operator()(const Address &s) const { return (size_t) s.getAddress(); }
+ };
+namespace std {
+ template <> struct equal_to<Address>
+ {
+ bool operator()(const Address& s1, const Address& s2) const { return s1 == s2; }
+ };
+#endif //ADDRESS_H