path: root/src/mem/ruby/
diff options
authorNathan Binkert <>2009-07-06 15:49:47 -0700
committerNathan Binkert <>2009-07-06 15:49:47 -0700
commit92de70b69aaf3f399a855057b556ed198139e5d8 (patch)
treef8e7d0d494df8810cc960be4c52d8b555471f157 /src/mem/ruby/
parent05f6a4a6b92370162da17ef5cccb5a7e3ba508e5 (diff)
ruby: Import the latest ruby changes from gems.
This was done with an automated process, so there could be things that were done in this tree in the past that didn't make it. One known regression is that atomic memory operations do not seem to work properly anymore.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem/ruby/')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/ruby/ b/src/mem/ruby/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4083a888c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem/ruby/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "mem/ruby/libruby_internal.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/system/RubyPort.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/system/System.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/eventqueue/RubyEventQueue.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/system/MemoryVector.hh"
+#include "mem/ruby/common/Address.hh"
+string RubyRequestType_to_string(const RubyRequestType& obj)
+ switch(obj) {
+ case RubyRequestType_IFETCH:
+ return "IFETCH";
+ case RubyRequestType_LD:
+ return "LD";
+ case RubyRequestType_ST:
+ return "ST";
+ case RubyRequestType_RMW:
+ return "RMW";
+ case RubyRequestType_NULL:
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ return "";
+ }
+RubyRequestType string_to_RubyRequestType(std::string str)
+ if (str == "IFETCH")
+ return RubyRequestType_IFETCH;
+ else if (str == "LD")
+ return RubyRequestType_LD;
+ else if (str == "ST")
+ return RubyRequestType_ST;
+ else if (str == "RMW")
+ return RubyRequestType_RMW;
+ else
+ assert(0);
+ return RubyRequestType_NULL;
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const RubyRequestType& obj)
+ cerr << "in op" << endl;
+ out << RubyRequestType_to_string(obj);
+ cerr << "flushing" << endl;
+ out << flush;
+ cerr << "done" << endl;
+ return out;
+vector<string> tokenizeString(string str, string delims)
+ vector<string> tokens;
+ char* pch;
+ char* tmp;
+ const char* c_delims = delims.c_str();
+ tmp = new char[str.length()+1];
+ strcpy(tmp, str.c_str());
+ pch = strtok(tmp, c_delims);
+ while (pch != NULL) {
+ string tmp_str(pch);
+ if (tmp_str == "null") tmp_str = "";
+ tokens.push_back(tmp_str);
+ pch = strtok(NULL, c_delims);
+ }
+ delete [] tmp;
+ return tokens;
+void libruby_init(const char* cfg_filename)
+ stringstream cfg_output;
+ // first we execute the Ruby-lang configuration script
+ int fd[2];
+ int pid;
+ if (pipe(fd) == -1) {
+ perror("Error Creating Pipe");
+ }
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid == -1){
+ perror("Error forking");
+ }
+ if (!pid) {
+ // child
+ close(fd[0]); // close the read end of the pipe
+ // replace stdout with the write pipe
+ if (dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
+ perror("Error redirecting stdout");
+ }
+#define QUOTE_MACRO(x, y) QUOTE_TXT(x,y)
+#define QUOTE_TXT(x, y) #x y
+ if (execlp("ruby", "ruby", "-I", QUOTE_MACRO(GEMS_ROOT, "/ruby/config"), QUOTE_MACRO(GEMS_ROOT, "/ruby/config/print_cfg.rb"), "-r", cfg_filename, NULL)) {
+ perror("execlp");
+ }
+ } else {
+ close(fd[1]);
+ int child_status;
+ if (wait(&child_status) == -1) {
+ perror("wait");
+ }
+ if (child_status != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
+ }
+ char buf[100];
+ int bytes_read;
+ while( (bytes_read = read(fd[0], buf, 100)) > 0 ) {
+ for (int i=0;i<bytes_read;i++) {
+ // cout << buf[i];
+ cfg_output << buf[i];
+ }
+ }
+ assert(bytes_read == 0);
+ close(fd[0]);
+ }
+ vector<RubyObjConf> * sys_conf = new vector<RubyObjConf>;
+ string line;
+ getline(cfg_output, line) ;
+ while ( !cfg_output.eof() ) {
+ vector<string> tokens = tokenizeString(line, " ");
+ assert(tokens.size() >= 2);
+ vector<string> argv;
+ for (size_t i=2; i<tokens.size(); i++) {
+ std::replace(tokens[i].begin(), tokens[i].end(), '%', ' ');
+ std::replace(tokens[i].begin(), tokens[i].end(), '#', '\n');
+ argv.push_back(tokens[i]);
+ }
+ sys_conf->push_back(RubyObjConf(tokens[0], tokens[1], argv));
+ tokens.clear();
+ argv.clear();
+ getline(cfg_output, line);
+ }
+ RubySystem::create(*sys_conf);
+ delete sys_conf;
+RubyPortHandle libruby_get_port(const char* port_name, void (*hit_callback)(int64_t access_id))
+ return static_cast<RubyPortHandle>(RubySystem::getPort(port_name, hit_callback));
+RubyPortHandle libruby_get_port_by_name(const char* port_name)
+ return static_cast<RubyPortHandle>(RubySystem::getPortOnly(port_name));
+void libruby_write_ram(uint64_t paddr, uint8_t* data, int len)
+ RubySystem::getMemoryVector()->write(Address(paddr), data, len);
+void libruby_read_ram(uint64_t paddr, uint8_t* data, int len)
+ RubySystem::getMemoryVector()->read(Address(paddr), data, len);
+int64_t libruby_issue_request(RubyPortHandle p, struct RubyRequest request)
+ return static_cast<RubyPort*>(p)->makeRequest(request);
+int libruby_tick(int n)
+ RubySystem::getEventQueue()->triggerEvents(RubySystem::getEventQueue()->getTime() + n);
+ return 0;
+void libruby_destroy()
+const char* libruby_last_error()
+ return "";
+void libruby_print_config(std::ostream & out)
+ RubySystem::printConfig(out);
+void libruby_print_stats(std::ostream & out)
+ RubySystem::printStats(out);
+uint64_t libruby_get_time() {
+ return RubySystem::getCycleCount(0);