path: root/src/mem/slicc/symbols/
diff options
authorNathan Binkert <>2009-05-11 10:38:43 -0700
committerNathan Binkert <>2009-05-11 10:38:43 -0700
commit2f30950143cc70bc42a3c8a4111d7cf8198ec881 (patch)
tree708f6c22edb3c6feb31dd82866c26623a5329580 /src/mem/slicc/symbols/
parentc70241810d4e4f523f173c1646b008dc40faad8e (diff)
ruby: Import ruby and slicc from GEMS
We eventually plan to replace the m5 cache hierarchy with the GEMS hierarchy, but for now we will make both live alongside eachother.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem/slicc/symbols/')
1 files changed, 993 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/slicc/symbols/ b/src/mem/slicc/symbols/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4436870e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem/slicc/symbols/
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * */
+#include "StateMachine.hh"
+#include "fileio.hh"
+#include "html_gen.hh"
+#include "Action.hh"
+#include "Event.hh"
+#include "State.hh"
+#include "Transition.hh"
+#include "Var.hh"
+#include "SymbolTable.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "Vector.hh"
+StateMachine::StateMachine(string ident, const Location& location, const Map<string, string>& pairs)
+ : Symbol(ident, location, pairs)
+ m_table_built = false;
+ // FIXME
+ // assert(0);
+void StateMachine::addState(State* state_ptr)
+ assert(m_table_built == false);
+ m_state_map.add(state_ptr, m_states.size());
+ m_states.insertAtBottom(state_ptr);
+void StateMachine::addEvent(Event* event_ptr)
+ assert(m_table_built == false);
+ m_event_map.add(event_ptr, m_events.size());
+ m_events.insertAtBottom(event_ptr);
+void StateMachine::addAction(Action* action_ptr)
+ assert(m_table_built == false);
+ // Check for duplicate action
+ int size = m_actions.size();
+ for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ if (m_actions[i]->getIdent() == action_ptr->getIdent()) {
+ m_actions[i]->warning("Duplicate action definition: " + m_actions[i]->getIdent());
+ action_ptr->error("Duplicate action definition: " + action_ptr->getIdent());
+ }
+ if (m_actions[i]->getShorthand() == action_ptr->getShorthand()) {
+ m_actions[i]->warning("Duplicate action shorthand: " + m_actions[i]->getIdent());
+ m_actions[i]->warning(" shorthand = " + m_actions[i]->getShorthand());
+ action_ptr->warning("Duplicate action shorthand: " + action_ptr->getIdent());
+ action_ptr->error(" shorthand = " + action_ptr->getShorthand());
+ }
+ }
+ m_actions.insertAtBottom(action_ptr);
+void StateMachine::addTransition(Transition* trans_ptr)
+ assert(m_table_built == false);
+ trans_ptr->checkIdents(m_states, m_events, m_actions);
+ m_transitions.insertAtBottom(trans_ptr);
+void StateMachine::addFunc(Func* func_ptr)
+ // register func in the symbol table
+ g_sym_table.registerSym(func_ptr->toString(), func_ptr);
+ m_internal_func_vec.insertAtBottom(func_ptr);
+void StateMachine::buildTable()
+ assert(m_table_built == false);
+ int numStates = m_states.size();
+ int numEvents = m_events.size();
+ int numTransitions = m_transitions.size();
+ int stateIndex, eventIndex;
+ for(stateIndex=0; stateIndex < numStates; stateIndex++) {
+ m_table.insertAtBottom(Vector<Transition*>());
+ for(eventIndex=0; eventIndex < numEvents; eventIndex++) {
+ m_table[stateIndex].insertAtBottom(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<numTransitions; i++) {
+ Transition* trans_ptr = m_transitions[i];
+ // Track which actions we touch so we know if we use them all --
+ // really this should be done for all symbols as part of the
+ // symbol table, then only trigger it for Actions, States, Events,
+ // etc.
+ Vector<Action*> actions = trans_ptr->getActions();
+ for(int actionIndex=0; actionIndex < actions.size(); actionIndex++) {
+ actions[actionIndex]->markUsed();
+ }
+ stateIndex = getStateIndex(trans_ptr->getStatePtr());
+ eventIndex = getEventIndex(trans_ptr->getEventPtr());
+ if (m_table[stateIndex][eventIndex] != NULL) {
+ m_table[stateIndex][eventIndex]->warning("Duplicate transition: " + m_table[stateIndex][eventIndex]->toString());
+ trans_ptr->error("Duplicate transition: " + trans_ptr->toString());
+ }
+ m_table[stateIndex][eventIndex] = trans_ptr;
+ }
+ // Look at all actions to make sure we used them all
+ for(int actionIndex=0; actionIndex < m_actions.size(); actionIndex++) {
+ Action* action_ptr = m_actions[actionIndex];
+ if (!action_ptr->wasUsed()) {
+ string error_msg = "Unused action: " + action_ptr->getIdent();
+ if (action_ptr->existPair("desc")) {
+ error_msg += ", " + action_ptr->getDescription();
+ }
+ action_ptr->warning(error_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ m_table_built = true;
+const Transition* StateMachine::getTransPtr(int stateIndex, int eventIndex) const
+ return m_table[stateIndex][eventIndex];
+// *********************** //
+// ******* C Files ******* //
+// *********************** //
+void StateMachine::writeCFiles(string path) const
+ string comp = getIdent();
+ string filename;
+ // Output switch statement for transition table
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printCSwitch(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "", sstr);
+ }
+ // Output the actions for performing the actions
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printControllerC(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "", sstr);
+ }
+ // Output the method declarations for the class declaration
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printControllerH(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "_Controller.hh", sstr);
+ }
+ // Output the wakeup loop for the events
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printCWakeup(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "", sstr);
+ }
+ // Profiling
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printProfilerC(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "", sstr);
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream sstr;
+ printProfilerH(sstr, comp);
+ conditionally_write_file(path + comp + "_Profiler.hh", sstr);
+ }
+ // Write internal func files
+ for(int i=0; i<m_internal_func_vec.size(); i++) {
+ m_internal_func_vec[i]->writeCFiles(path);
+ }
+void StateMachine::printControllerH(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "/** \\file " << getIdent() << ".hh" << endl;
+ out << " * " << endl;
+ out << " * Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << " * Created by slicc definition of Module \"" << getShorthand() << "\"" << endl;
+ out << " */" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#ifndef " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
+ out << "#define " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Global.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Consumer.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"TransitionResult.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Types.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Profiler.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ // for adding information to the protocol debug trace
+ out << "extern stringstream " << component << "_" << "transitionComment;" << endl;
+ out << "class " << component << "_Controller : public Consumer {" << endl;
+ /* the coherence checker needs to call isBlockExclusive() and isBlockShared()
+ making the Chip a friend class is an easy way to do this for now */
+ out << "#ifdef CHECK_COHERENCE" << endl;
+ out << " friend class Chip;" << endl;
+ out << "#endif /* CHECK_COHERENCE */" << endl;
+ out << "public:" << endl;
+ out << " " << component << "_Controller(Chip* chip_ptr, int version);" << endl;
+ out << " void print(ostream& out) const;" << endl;
+ out << " void wakeup();" << endl;
+ out << " static void dumpStats(ostream& out) { s_profiler.dumpStats(out); }" << endl;
+ out << " static void clearStats() { s_profiler.clearStats(); }" << endl;
+ out << "private:" << endl;
+ out << " TransitionResult doTransition(" << component << "_Event event, " << component
+ << "_State state, const Address& addr";
+ out << ", int priority";
+ }
+ out << "); // in " << component << "" << endl;
+ out << " TransitionResult doTransitionWorker(" << component << "_Event event, " << component
+ << "_State state, " << component << "_State& next_state, const Address& addr";
+ out << ", int priority";
+ }
+ out << "); // in " << component << "" << endl;
+ out << " Chip* m_chip_ptr;" << endl;
+ out << " NodeID m_id;" << endl;
+ out << " NodeID m_version;" << endl;
+ out << " MachineID m_machineID;" << endl;
+ out << " static " << component << "_Profiler s_profiler;" << endl;
+ // internal function protypes
+ out << " // Internal functions" << endl;
+ for(int i=0; i<m_internal_func_vec.size(); i++) {
+ Func* func = m_internal_func_vec[i];
+ string proto;
+ func->funcPrototype(proto);
+ if (proto != "") {
+ out << " " << proto;
+ }
+ }
+ out << " // Actions" << endl;
+ for(int i=0; i < numActions(); i++) {
+ const Action& action = getAction(i);
+ out << "/** \\brief " << action.getDescription() << "*/" << endl;
+ out << " void " << action.getIdent() << "(const Address& addr);" << endl;
+ }
+ out << "};" << endl;
+ out << "#endif // " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
+void StateMachine::printControllerC(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "/** \\file " << getIdent() << ".cc" << endl;
+ out << " * " << endl;
+ out << " * Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << " * Created by slicc definition of Module \"" << getShorthand() << "\"" << endl;
+ out << " */" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Global.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"RubySlicc_includes.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Controller.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Types.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"System.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Chip.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ // for adding information to the protocol debug trace
+ out << "stringstream " << component << "_" << "transitionComment;" << endl;
+ out << "#define APPEND_TRANSITION_COMMENT(str) (" << component << "_" << "transitionComment << str)" << endl;
+ out << "/** \\brief static profiler defn */" << endl;
+ out << component << "_Profiler " << component << "_Controller::s_profiler;" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "/** \\brief constructor */" << endl;
+ out << component << "_Controller::" << component
+ << "_Controller(Chip* chip_ptr, int version)" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " m_chip_ptr = chip_ptr;" << endl;
+ out << " m_id = m_chip_ptr->getID();" << endl;
+ out << " m_version = version;" << endl;
+ out << " m_machineID.type = MachineType_" << component << ";" << endl;
+ out << " m_machineID.num = m_id*RubyConfig::numberOf"<< component << "PerChip()+m_version;" << endl;
+ // Set the queue consumers
+ for(int i=0; i < m_in_ports.size(); i++) {
+ const Var* port = m_in_ports[i];
+ out << " " << port->getCode() << ".setConsumer(this);" << endl;
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ // Set the queue descriptions
+ for(int i=0; i < m_in_ports.size(); i++) {
+ const Var* port = m_in_ports[i];
+ out << " " << port->getCode()
+ << ".setDescription(\"[Chip \" + int_to_string(m_chip_ptr->getID()) + \" \" + int_to_string(m_version) + \", "
+ << component << ", " << port->toString() << "]\");" << endl;
+ }
+ // Initialize the transition profiling
+ out << endl;
+ for(int i=0; i<numTransitions(); i++) {
+ const Transition& t = getTransition(i);
+ const Vector<Action*>& action_vec = t.getActions();
+ int numActions = action_vec.size();
+ // Figure out if we stall
+ bool stall = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) {
+ if(action_vec[i]->getIdent() == "z_stall") {
+ stall = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only possible if it is not a 'z' case
+ if (!stall) {
+ out << " s_profiler.possibleTransition(" << component << "_State_"
+ << t.getStatePtr()->getIdent() << ", " << component << "_Event_"
+ << t.getEventPtr()->getIdent() << ");" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "void " << component << "_Controller::print(ostream& out) const { out << \"[" << component
+ << "_Controller \" << m_chip_ptr->getID() << \" \" << m_version << \"]\"; }" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "// Actions" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ for(int i=0; i < numActions(); i++) {
+ const Action& action = getAction(i);
+ if (action.existPair("c_code")) {
+ out << "/** \\brief " << action.getDescription() << "*/" << endl;
+ out << "void " << component << "_Controller::"
+ << action.getIdent() << "(const Address& addr)" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP, HighPrio,\"executing\");" << endl;
+ out << action.lookupPair("c_code");
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ }
+void StateMachine::printCWakeup(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << "// " << getIdent() << ": " << getShorthand() << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Global.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"RubySlicc_includes.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Controller.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Types.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"System.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Chip.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "void " << component << "_Controller::wakeup()" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ // out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,*this);" << endl;
+ // out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime());" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "int counter = 0;" << endl;
+ out << " while (true) {" << endl;
+ out << " // Some cases will put us into an infinite loop without this limit" << endl;
+ out << " assert(counter <= RubyConfig::" << getIdent() << "TransitionsPerCycle());" << endl;
+ out << " if (counter == RubyConfig::" << getIdent() << "TransitionsPerCycle()) {" << endl;
+ out << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->controllerBusy(m_machineID); // Count how often we're fully utilized" << endl;
+ out << " g_eventQueue_ptr->scheduleEvent(this, 1); // Wakeup in another cycle and try again" << endl;
+ out << " break;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ // InPorts
+ for(int i=0; i < m_in_ports.size(); i++) {
+ const Var* port = m_in_ports[i];
+ assert(port->existPair("c_code_in_port"));
+ out << " // "
+ << component << "InPort " << port->toString()
+ << endl;
+ out << port->lookupPair("c_code_in_port");
+ out << endl;
+ }
+ out << " break; // If we got this far, we have nothing left todo" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ // out << " g_eventQueue_ptr->scheduleEvent(this, 1);" << endl;
+ // out << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+void StateMachine::printCSwitch(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << "// " << getIdent() << ": " << getShorthand() << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Global.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Controller.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Types.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"System.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Chip.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#define HASH_FUN(state, event) ((int(state)*" << component
+ << "_Event_NUM)+int(event))" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#define GET_TRANSITION_COMMENT() (" << component << "_" << "transitionComment.str())" << endl;
+ out << "#define CLEAR_TRANSITION_COMMENT() (" << component << "_" << "transitionComment.str(\"\"))" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "TransitionResult " << component << "_Controller::doTransition("
+ << component << "_Event event, "
+ << component << "_State state, "
+ << "const Address& addr" << endl;
+ out << ", int priority";
+ }
+ out << ")" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " " << component << "_State next_state = state;" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,*this);" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime());" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,state);" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,event);" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio,addr);" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << " TransitionResult result = doTransitionWorker(event, state, next_state, addr";
+ out << ", priority";
+ }
+ out << ");" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << " if (result == TransitionResult_Valid) {" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_EXPR(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio, next_state);" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl;
+ out << " s_profiler.countTransition(state, event);" << endl;
+ out << " if (PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE) {" << endl
+ << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component
+ << "\", m_chip_ptr->getID(), m_version, addr, " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), GET_TRANSITION_COMMENT());" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ out << " CLEAR_TRANSITION_COMMENT();" << endl;
+ out << " " << component << "_setState(addr, next_state);" << endl;
+ out << " " << endl;
+ out << " } else if (result == TransitionResult_ResourceStall) {" << endl;
+ out << " if (PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE) {" << endl
+ << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component
+ << "\", m_chip_ptr->getID(), m_version, addr, " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), " << endl
+ << " \"Resource Stall\");" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ out << " } else if (result == TransitionResult_ProtocolStall) {" << endl;
+ out << " DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP,HighPrio,\"stalling\");" << endl
+ << " DEBUG_NEWLINE(GENERATED_COMP, MedPrio);" << endl;
+ out << " if (PROTOCOL_DEBUG_TRACE) {" << endl
+ << " g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition(\"" << component
+ << "\", m_chip_ptr->getID(), m_version, addr, " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(state), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_Event_to_string(event), " << endl
+ << " " << component << "_State_to_string(next_state), " << endl
+ << " \"Protocol Stall\");" << endl
+ << " }" << endl
+ << " }" << endl;
+ out << " return result;" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "TransitionResult " << component << "_Controller::doTransitionWorker("
+ << component << "_Event event, "
+ << component << "_State state, "
+ << component << "_State& next_state, "
+ << "const Address& addr" << endl;
+ out << ", int priority" << endl;
+ }
+ out << ")" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << "" << endl;
+ out << " switch(HASH_FUN(state, event)) {" << endl;
+ Map<string, Vector<string> > code_map; // This map will allow suppress generating duplicate code
+ Vector<string> code_vec;
+ for(int i=0; i<numTransitions(); i++) {
+ const Transition& t = getTransition(i);
+ string case_string = component + "_State_" + t.getStatePtr()->getIdent()
+ + ", " + component + "_Event_" + t.getEventPtr()->getIdent();
+ string code;
+ code += " {\n";
+ // Only set next_state if it changes
+ if (t.getStatePtr() != t.getNextStatePtr()) {
+ code += " next_state = " + component + "_State_" + t.getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() + ";\n";
+ }
+ const Vector<Action*>& action_vec = t.getActions();
+ int numActions = action_vec.size();
+ // Check for resources
+ Vector<string> code_sorter;
+ const Map<Var*, string>& res = t.getResources();
+ Vector<Var*> res_keys = res.keys();
+ for (int i=0; i<res_keys.size(); i++) {
+ string temp_code;
+ if (res_keys[i]->getType()->cIdent() == "DNUCAStopTable") {
+ temp_code += res.lookup(res_keys[i]);
+ } else {
+ temp_code += " if (!" + (res_keys[i]->getCode()) + ".areNSlotsAvailable(" + res.lookup(res_keys[i]) + ")) {\n";
+ // assert that the resource stall is for a resource of equal or greater priority
+ temp_code += " assert(priority >= "+ (res_keys[i]->getCode()) + ".getPriority());\n";
+ }
+ temp_code += " return TransitionResult_ResourceStall;\n";
+ temp_code += " }\n";
+ }
+ code_sorter.insertAtBottom(temp_code);
+ }
+ // Emit the code sequences in a sorted order. This makes the
+ // output deterministic (without this the output order can vary
+ // since Map's keys() on a vector of pointers is not deterministic
+ code_sorter.sortVector();
+ for (int i=0; i<code_sorter.size(); i++) {
+ code += code_sorter[i];
+ }
+ // Figure out if we stall
+ bool stall = false;
+ for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) {
+ if(action_vec[i]->getIdent() == "z_stall") {
+ stall = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (stall) {
+ code += " return TransitionResult_ProtocolStall;\n";
+ } else {
+ for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) {
+ code += " " + action_vec[i]->getIdent() + "(addr);\n";
+ }
+ code += " return TransitionResult_Valid;\n";
+ }
+ code += " }\n";
+ // Look to see if this transition code is unique.
+ if (code_map.exist(code)) {
+ code_map.lookup(code).insertAtBottom(case_string);
+ } else {
+ Vector<string> vec;
+ vec.insertAtBottom(case_string);
+ code_map.add(code, vec);
+ code_vec.insertAtBottom(code);
+ }
+ }
+ // Walk through all of the unique code blocks and spit out the
+ // corresponding case statement elements
+ for (int i=0; i<code_vec.size(); i++) {
+ string code = code_vec[i];
+ // Iterative over all the multiple transitions that share the same code
+ for (int case_num=0; case_num<code_map.lookup(code).size(); case_num++) {
+ string case_string = code_map.lookup(code)[case_num];
+ out << " case HASH_FUN(" << case_string << "):" << endl;
+ }
+ out << code;
+ }
+ out << " default:" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(m_id);" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(m_version);" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime());" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(addr);" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(event);" << endl;
+ out << " WARN_EXPR(state);" << endl;
+ out << " ERROR_MSG(\"Invalid transition\");" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " return TransitionResult_Valid;" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+void StateMachine::printProfilerH(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << "// " << getIdent() << ": " << getShorthand() << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#ifndef " << component << "_PROFILER_H" << endl;
+ out << "#define " << component << "_PROFILER_H" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"Global.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "class " << component << "_Profiler {" << endl;
+ out << "public:" << endl;
+ out << " " << component << "_Profiler();" << endl;
+ out << " void countTransition(" << component << "_State state, " << component << "_Event event);" << endl;
+ out << " void possibleTransition(" << component << "_State state, " << component << "_Event event);" << endl;
+ out << " void dumpStats(ostream& out) const;" << endl;
+ out << " void clearStats();" << endl;
+ out << "private:" << endl;
+ out << " int m_counters[" << component << "_State_NUM][" << component << "_Event_NUM];" << endl;
+ out << " int m_event_counters[" << component << "_Event_NUM];" << endl;
+ out << " bool m_possible[" << component << "_State_NUM][" << component << "_Event_NUM];" << endl;
+ out << "};" << endl;
+ out << "#endif // " << component << "_PROFILER_H" << endl;
+void StateMachine::printProfilerC(ostream& out, string component) const
+ out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
+ out << "// " << getIdent() << ": " << getShorthand() << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ out << "#include \"" << component << "_Profiler.hh\"" << endl;
+ out << endl;
+ // Constructor
+ out << component << "_Profiler::" << component << "_Profiler()" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " for (int state = 0; state < " << component << "_State_NUM; state++) {" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " m_possible[state][event] = false;" << endl;
+ out << " m_counters[state][event] = 0;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " m_event_counters[event] = 0;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ // Clearstats
+ out << "void " << component << "_Profiler::clearStats()" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " for (int state = 0; state < " << component << "_State_NUM; state++) {" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " m_counters[state][event] = 0;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " m_event_counters[event] = 0;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ // Count Transition
+ out << "void " << component << "_Profiler::countTransition(" << component << "_State state, " << component << "_Event event)" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " assert(m_possible[state][event]);" << endl;
+ out << " m_counters[state][event]++;" << endl;
+ out << " m_event_counters[event]++;" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ // Possible Transition
+ out << "void " << component << "_Profiler::possibleTransition(" << component << "_State state, " << component << "_Event event)" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " m_possible[state][event] = true;" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+ // dumpStats
+ out << "void " << component << "_Profiler::dumpStats(ostream& out) const" << endl;
+ out << "{" << endl;
+ out << " out << \" --- " << component << " ---\" << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " out << \" - Event Counts -\" << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " int count = m_event_counters[event];" << endl;
+ out << " out << (" << component << "_Event) event << \" \" << count << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " out << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " out << \" - Transitions -\" << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " for (int state = 0; state < " << component << "_State_NUM; state++) {" << endl;
+ out << " for (int event = 0; event < " << component << "_Event_NUM; event++) {" << endl;
+ out << " if (m_possible[state][event]) {" << endl;
+ out << " int count = m_counters[state][event];" << endl;
+ out << " out << (" << component << "_State) state << \" \" << (" << component << "_Event) event << \" \" << count;" << endl;
+ out << " if (count == 0) {" << endl;
+ out << " out << \" <-- \";" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " out << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << " out << endl;" << endl;
+ out << " }" << endl;
+ out << "}" << endl;
+// ************************** //
+// ******* HTML Files ******* //
+// ************************** //
+string frameRef(string click_href, string click_target, string over_href, string over_target_num, string text)
+ string temp;
+ temp += "<A href=\"" + click_href + "\" ";
+ temp += "target=\"" + click_target + "\" ";
+ string javascript = "if (parent.frames[" + over_target_num + "].location != parent.location + '" + over_href + "') { parent.frames[" + over_target_num + "].location='" + over_href + "' }";
+ // string javascript = "parent." + target + ".location='" + href + "'";
+ temp += "onMouseOver=\"" + javascript + "\" ";
+ temp += ">" + text + "</A>";
+ return temp;
+string frameRef(string href, string target, string target_num, string text)
+ return frameRef(href, target, href, target_num, text);
+void StateMachine::writeHTMLFiles(string path) const
+ string filename;
+ string component = getIdent();
+ /*
+ {
+ ostringstream out;
+ out << "<html>" << endl;
+ out << "<head>" << endl;
+ out << "<title>" << component << "</title>" << endl;
+ out << "</head>" << endl;
+ out << "<frameset rows=\"30,30,*\" frameborder=\"1\">" << endl;
+ out << " <frame name=\"Status\" src=\"empty.html\" marginheight=\"1\">" << endl;
+ out << " <frame name=\"Table\" src=\"" << component << "_table.html\" marginheight=\"1\">" << endl;
+ out << "</frameset>" << endl;
+ out << "</html>" << endl;
+ conditionally_write_file(path + component + ".html", out);
+ }
+ */
+ // Create table with no row hilighted
+ {
+ ostringstream out;
+ printHTMLTransitions(out, numStates()+1);
+ // -- Write file
+ filename = component + "_table.html";
+ conditionally_write_file(path + filename, out);
+ }
+ // Generate transition tables
+ for(int i=0; i<numStates(); i++) {
+ ostringstream out;
+ printHTMLTransitions(out, i);
+ // -- Write file
+ filename = component + "_table_" + getState(i).getIdent() + ".html";
+ conditionally_write_file(path + filename, out);
+ }
+ // Generate action descriptions
+ for(int i=0; i<numActions(); i++) {
+ ostringstream out;
+ createHTMLSymbol(getAction(i), "Action", out);
+ // -- Write file
+ filename = component + "_action_" + getAction(i).getIdent() + ".html";
+ conditionally_write_file(path + filename, out);
+ }
+ // Generate state descriptions
+ for(int i=0; i<numStates(); i++) {
+ ostringstream out;
+ createHTMLSymbol(getState(i), "State", out);
+ // -- Write file
+ filename = component + "_State_" + getState(i).getIdent() + ".html";
+ conditionally_write_file(path + filename, out);
+ }
+ // Generate event descriptions
+ for(int i=0; i<numEvents(); i++) {
+ ostringstream out;
+ createHTMLSymbol(getEvent(i), "Event", out);
+ // -- Write file
+ filename = component + "_Event_" + getEvent(i).getIdent() + ".html";
+ conditionally_write_file(path + filename, out);
+ }
+void StateMachine::printHTMLTransitions(ostream& out, int active_state) const
+ // -- Prolog
+ out << "<HTML><BODY link=\"blue\" vlink=\"blue\">" << endl;
+ // -- Header
+ out << "<H1 align=\"center\">" << formatHTMLShorthand(getShorthand()) << ": " << endl;
+ Vector<StateMachine*> machine_vec = g_sym_table.getStateMachines();
+ for (int i=0; i<machine_vec.size(); i++) {
+ StateMachine* type = machine_vec[i];
+ if (i != 0) {
+ out << " - ";
+ }
+ if (type == this) {
+ out << type->getIdent() << endl;
+ } else {
+ out << "<A target=\"Table\"href=\"" + type->getIdent() + "_table.html\">" + type->getIdent() + "</A> " << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ out << "</H1>" << endl;
+ // -- Table header
+ out << "<TABLE border=1>" << endl;
+ // -- Column headers
+ out << "<TR>" << endl;
+ // -- First column header
+ out << " <TH> </TH>" << endl;
+ for(int event = 0; event < numEvents(); event++ ) {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=white>";
+ out << frameRef(getIdent() + "_Event_" + getEvent(event).getIdent() + ".html", "Status", "1", formatHTMLShorthand(getEvent(event).getShorthand()));
+ out << "</TH>" << endl;
+ }
+ out << "</TR>" << endl;
+ // -- Body of table
+ for(int state = 0; state < numStates(); state++ ) {
+ out << "<TR>" << endl;
+ // -- Each row
+ if (state == active_state) {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=yellow>";
+ } else {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=white>";
+ }
+ string click_href = getIdent() + "_table_" + getState(state).getIdent() + ".html";
+ string text = formatHTMLShorthand(getState(state).getShorthand());
+ out << frameRef(click_href, "Table", getIdent() + "_State_" + getState(state).getIdent() + ".html", "1", formatHTMLShorthand(getState(state).getShorthand()));
+ out << "</TH>" << endl;
+ // -- One column for each event
+ for(int event = 0; event < numEvents(); event++ ) {
+ const Transition* trans_ptr = getTransPtr(state, event);
+ if( trans_ptr != NULL ) {
+ bool stall_action = false;
+ string nextState;
+ string actions_str;
+ // -- Get the actions
+ // actions = trans_ptr->getActionShorthands();
+ const Vector<Action*> actions = trans_ptr->getActions();
+ for (int action=0; action < actions.size(); action++) {
+ if ((actions[action]->getIdent() == "z_stall") ||
+ (actions[action]->getIdent() == "zz_recycleMandatoryQueue")) {
+ stall_action = true;
+ }
+ actions_str += " ";
+ actions_str += frameRef(getIdent() + "_action_" + actions[action]->getIdent() + ".html", "Status", "1",
+ formatHTMLShorthand(actions[action]->getShorthand()));
+ actions_str += "\n";
+ }
+ // -- Get the next state
+ if (trans_ptr->getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() != getState(state).getIdent()) {
+ string click_href = getIdent() + "_table_" + trans_ptr->getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() + ".html";
+ nextState = frameRef(click_href, "Table", getIdent() + "_State_" + trans_ptr->getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() + ".html", "1",
+ formatHTMLShorthand(trans_ptr->getNextStateShorthand()));
+ } else {
+ nextState = "";
+ }
+ // -- Print out "actions/next-state"
+ if (stall_action) {
+ if (state == active_state) {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=#C0C000>";
+ } else {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=lightgrey>";
+ }
+ } else if (active_state < numStates() && (trans_ptr->getNextStatePtr()->getIdent() == getState(active_state).getIdent())) {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=aqua>";
+ } else if (state == active_state) {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=yellow>";
+ } else {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=white>";
+ }
+ out << actions_str;
+ if ((nextState.length() != 0) && (actions_str.length() != 0)) {
+ out << "/";
+ }
+ out << nextState;
+ out << "</TD>" << endl;
+ } else {
+ // This is the no transition case
+ if (state == active_state) {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=#C0C000>&nbsp;</TD>" << endl;
+ } else {
+ out << " <TD bgcolor=lightgrey>&nbsp;</TD>" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -- Each row
+ if (state == active_state) {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=yellow>";
+ } else {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=white>";
+ }
+ click_href = getIdent() + "_table_" + getState(state).getIdent() + ".html";
+ text = formatHTMLShorthand(getState(state).getShorthand());
+ out << frameRef(click_href, "Table", getIdent() + "_State_" + getState(state).getIdent() + ".html", "1", formatHTMLShorthand(getState(state).getShorthand()));
+ out << "</TH>" << endl;
+ out << "</TR>" << endl;
+ }
+ // -- Column footer
+ out << "<TR>" << endl;
+ out << " <TH> </TH>" << endl;
+ for(int i = 0; i < numEvents(); i++ ) {
+ out << " <TH bgcolor=white>";
+ out << frameRef(getIdent() + "_Event_" + getEvent(i).getIdent() + ".html", "Status", "1", formatHTMLShorthand(getEvent(i).getShorthand()));
+ out << "</TH>" << endl;
+ }
+ out << "</TR>" << endl;
+ // -- Epilog
+ out << "</TABLE>" << endl;
+ out << "</BODY></HTML>" << endl;